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Project (senior group) on the topic: Educational project on theatrical activities for children of the senior group "Teremok". Theatrical activity project

City Kazan Republic of Tatarstan

Goal: Formation in children and their parents of interest in theater and modern theatrical activities development of children's artistic abilities.

  • To awaken interest in the theater in children;
  • To instill in children primary skills in the field theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voice, puppetry);
  • To interest parents in visiting the theater with children;
  • Give information to parents about ways to play at home with children;
  • Develop emotionality and expressiveness of speech in preschoolers

Problem significant for children, which the project aims to solve:

Unfortunately, today, our children are brought up not on fairy tales, but on modern cartoons. Most parents don't have time to sit down with their child and read a book. Child psychologists consider this a big omission of adults in raising their children.

Expected Result:

Parents and children get acquainted with the history of the theater, its types, ways of making and playing. There is a growing desire to visit the theater with the children. Relationships between parents and teachers are strengthened. Artistic abilities of children develop.

Project relevance:

With the help of theatrical activities, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds, and the questions posed make children think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. In the process of playing, listening, viewing works, the child's vocabulary is activated, the sound culture of speech and its intonational structure are improved, the child's creativity is manifested, and the experience of various experiences is accumulated. The artistic abilities of children develop from performance to performance. Theatrical activities contribute to the harmonious development of preschoolers. Their life in kindergarten becomes more interesting, more meaningful, filled with vivid impressions, the joy of creativity.

Implementation forms:

  • Reading fiction
  • Speech and breathing exercises
  • Entertainment
  • Conversations
  • Viewings of theatrical works for children, presentations
  • Working with parents
  • Role-playing games
  • Photo design - newspaper
  • Theater trips

Implementation stages:

Preparatory stage

  • Collection of literature
  • Conversations with children
  • Drawing up a work plan
  • Making attributes
  • Development of recommendations for parents
  • Selection of visual information

main stage

  • Watching children's performances
  • Making a stand recommendations for parents:

"Theater in the life of a child" ;

"Play with the kids" ;

"The role of fiction in the development of children's speech"

  • Role-playing games with children "Theatre"
  • Finger theater
  • Expression Games "Make a Face"
  • Reading folk tales
  • Games for the development of facial expressions
  • Theatre "Kem nәrsә yarata" , "Three Daughters"
  • Viewing slides about theaters and theatrical costume
  • rehearsals
  • Learning poems
  • Photo design - newspaper "We are artists"
  • Breathing exercises
  • Articulation gymnastics
  • Finger gymnastics
  • Exercises for the development of fine motor skills
  • Dramatization of poems

Project products for children:

Sculpting, drawing and applique "A hero from a favorite fairy tale, drawing characters from the fairy tale" Kem nerse yarata " , new knowledge and impressions, meaningful time spent with parents, children's books.

for teachers:

themed album design "Heroes of our favorite fairy tales" , card index of proverbs, sayings, riddles, multimedia presentations, finger theater, organization of an exhibition of children's works.

for parents:

The final stage (project presentation)

  • Photo - newspaper "We are artists"
  • Theatrical activities of children as part of the holiday
  • Showing a fairy tale "Three Daughters" parents for children

Relevance: The most popular and fascinating direction in preschool education is theatrical activity. From the point of view of pedagogical attractiveness, we can talk about the universality, playful nature and social orientation, as well as the correctional possibilities of the theater.

Exactly theatrical activity allows you to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of the child's speech, intellectual and artistic and aesthetic education. By participating in theatrical games, children becomeparticipants different events from the life of people, animals, plants, which gives them the opportunity to know more deeply the world. At the same time, a theatrical game instills in the child a steady interest in their native culture, literature, and theater.

Huge and educational value theatrical games. Children develop respect for each other. They learn the joy associated with overcoming the difficulties of communication, self-doubt. Children's enthusiasm for theatrical play, their inner comfort, looseness, easy, non-authoritarian communication between an adult and a child, the almost immediately disappearing “I can’t” complex - all this surprises and attracts.

Project relevance due to the fact that insufficient attention of parents and children to the theater; children's skills in "acting skills" are poorly formed; not enough theatrical costumes and masks in the group.

Objective of the project: Formation in children and parents of interest in the theater and joint theatrical activities; replenishment of the theater with inventory and props with the help of parents (costumes, masks, screen); enrichment of the developing environment.


1. Awaken the interest of children and parents in the theater;

2. To instill in children primary skills in the field of theatrical art (use of facial expressions, gestures, voices, puppetry);

3. To interest parents in enrichment, making different types of theater with their own hands and give information about how to play at home and by children;

4. Develop the ability to improvise, speech activity of children.

Project participants:

- employees of the preschool educational institution (educators)

- children of the middle group.

- parents

Dates and place of implementation
: February - March 2012.

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 21", Syktyvkar.

Project Implementation Plan:

Preparatory stage

1) Poll of parents “Do you play theater with your child at home?”

Implementation period: February

Responsible: Educators

Result: Visual information for parents: folder "Theater for all".

2) Study of children "Independent theatrical activities of children in kindergarten."

Implementation period: February

Responsible: Educators

Result: Definition of goals and objectives.

3) Project development in a group.

Implementation period: February

Responsible: Educators

Result: The Theater for All project.

4) Individual conversations, consultations with parentsand to identify their interest in replenishing the theater corner, their abilities in a particular area of ​​needlework and opportunities.

Implementation period: February

Responsible: Educators

Result: Competition "Mom's not simple, mom's hands are golden" (timed to coincide with March 8 Day).

main stage

1) Distribution of tasks between parents (sew costumes, knit masks, fill up the corner with various theaters: table, finger, puppet).

Implementation period: February

Result: Schemes, sketches. Master Class for manufacturing.

2) View music puppet show"By magic"

3) Viewing the performance based on the fairy tales of W. Disney .

Implementation period: March

Result: Encouragement of children's interest in theatrical activities.

4) Active use in joint activities with children of various types of theater.

5) Playing out sketches, nursery rhymes, fairy tales in individual and collective work.

Responsible: Educators, senior teacher.

6) Creation of a play environment for independent theatrical activities of children in kindergarten.

Implementation period: February – March

Responsible: Educators, senior teacher.

Result: Acquisition of skills by children in the use of theatrical attributes (tickets, masks, equipment)

7) Rehearsals of the play "Zayushkina hut" with children for further display in music hall for real viewers: children, parents, teachers.

Implementation period: March

Responsible: Educators.

Result: The acquisition of primary skills in the field of theatrical art by children.

8) Conducting an excursion to Theatre of Drama with a visit to the artist's dressing room, stage, hall, dressing room, lobby, warehouse, workshop, museum, etc.

Implementation period: March

Responsible: Educators, parents.

Result: Encouragement of children's interest in theatrical art through visualization and experiment.

The final stage

1) Review-competition of the works of parents.

Implementation period: March

Responsible: Administration of the preschool educational institution, educators.

Result: Formation of parents' interest in the theater and joint theatrical activities.

2) Showing the play "Zayushkina hut".

Implementation period: March

Responsible: Educators.

Result: Development of the ability to improvise, speech activity of children.

3) Updating the subject-developing environment, theatrical corner.

Implementation period: March

Responsible: Educators, parents.

Result: Acquisition of a screen, corner "Russian hut", folk costumes, various types of theaters and masks.

Expected Result:

1. Participation in the project of 80% of the families of the group;

2. Acquaintance of parents and children with the history of the theater, its types, methods of making and playing;

3. Acquisition and production of theaters by parents for further use;

4. Passionate use theater center children in a group in independent activities and good performance"acting skills" for children 4-5 years old;

5. Development of the emotional background and speech of PRESCHOOL CHILDREN.


MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 21", Syktyvkar

Syktyvkar, Russia

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Natalya Trofimova

Project "Playing in the theater"

Target: Creation of prerequisites for the creative development of the child's personality by means of theatrical activities


Development creativity

Development of communicative qualities

moral education

Formation of a sense of successful self-realization

Instilling cultural and aesthetic norms

Creation of conditions for joint activities of children and adults


Children, teachers of secondary and preparatory groups

Musical director

teacher additional education by activity.


Implementation timeline: September - November

Expected results: The staging of the fairy tale by E. Tilicheeva "Hares and the Fox" (collection " Music games, publishing house "Music", 1964) - with the participation of children of the middle and preparatory groups of preschool educational institutions.

As a result, children will increase the level of emotional responsiveness, organization, mobility. Theatrical activity will be a powerful stimulus for creative development child, it will have a beneficial effect on the formation of skills collective labor responsible attitude to their words and actions. Theatrical activities will promote cohesion children's team, reducing the "distance" between adults and children.

Implementation stages

1. Acquaintance with the theater

Watch videos and presentations about theater

Conversations about the culture of behavior in the theater

Acquaintance with theatrical professions

Visiting children's performances in the theaters of our city

Educators, teachers: selection didactic materials on the topic "Theater"

Working with parents:

Information stand "Our theaters"

Consultation "Theatrical culture"

Joint visits to children's theaters of the city

2. Acquaintance with a literary source

Work with children:

Reading fairy tales

Choosing a fairy tale to stage

Discussion of the characters of heroes / characters

Moral of the tale (instructive meaning)

Acquaintance with musical characteristics heroes (music material by E. Tilicheeva)

Drawing fairy tale characters, modeling

Production of posters, tickets, programs

Working with teachers, educators:

Scenario discussion

Work on a literary source (editing) in accordance with the program requirements for the development of preschoolers

Making a fairy tale layout

Working with parents:

Acquaintance with the work of E. Tilicheeva, the author of the fairy tale "Hares and the Fox"

A conversation about the importance of theatrical activities in the development of the personality of preschoolers

Consultation for parents' corners “How to instill in children an interest in the theater?

3. Work on the performance

Joint activities with children:

Preparatory studies, exercises

Distribution of roles

Learning the text - expressiveness of speech, diction, articulation, facial expressions,

Learning musical numbers

Work on the expressiveness of movements characteristic of this character

Construction of mise-en-scenes

Work on stage culture

Rehearsals individual, subgroup, united

Educators, teachers:

Preparation (manufacturing) of scenery, attributes, costumes

Selection of musical material

Construction of mise-en-scenes

Makeup discussion

Working with Parents:

Preparation / production of scenery, attributes, costumes

Conversations on the importance of systematic activities with children

4. Demonstration of the results of work

Plot - role-playing game"Theatre"

Showing a play for parents at the Autumn Festival

Showing a performance as part of the "Week of the Theater" for all pupils of the preschool educational institution (Appendix)

Educators, teachers:

Exhibition of children's works

Organizational issues related to the performance of children

Working with parents:

Consultation "The art of being a spectator"

Video / photography of a children's performance

Exhibition of photographs "Ladder of Success" - about participation in the children's play

5. Analysis of the results of the work

Educators, teachers:

Encouragement of children of participants in the performance

Discussion of the results of the project at the pedagogical council

Working with parents:

Questioning of parents based on the results of work

Collection of feedback


Theater Week

Fairy tale show day age groups DOW

Plot - role-playing game "We are going to the theater"

Children - spectators (accompanied by educators) go at the appointed time to watch the play "Hares and the Fox". Along the way, they look at the poster, drawings, the exhibition "Plasticine Fairy Tale" (a demonstration of children's work prepared with the participation of a teacher of additional education in art).

They approach the fake cash desk, where they are met by a child - a cashier (preparatory group):

Cashier: Hello guys!

Children and teacher: Hello! We want to buy theater tickets for tonight's performance!

Cashier: We do not sell tickets, they are given for guessing!

Educator: How is it "for a guess"?

Cashier: If you guess my riddles, then you get tickets to the theater!

Cashier reads riddles about fairy tales to children:

1. Near the forest, at the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a clue

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

2. Somehow the mouse is small

Dropped an egg on the floor.

The grandmother is crying, the grandfather is crying.

What a fairy tale, give an answer!

(Hen Ryaba)

3. In a fairy tale, a fox is a cheat

I deceived the bunny deftly,

But in trouble he helped

One brave cock.

(Zaikin's hut)

4. Dragged away by evil birds

Little sister's brother,

But sister, though small

Still saved the baby.

What kind of birds were in the fairy tale

And who did they serve?

(Geese swans and Baba Yaga)

5. He pounded and pounded on the plate with his nose -

Didn't swallow anything

And left with a nose.

(Fox and crane)

6. Walking briskly along the path,

They carry buckets of water.

(By pike command)

7. There is no river or pond.

Where to drink water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof.

(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

8. The mouse found a home for itself,

The mouse was kind

In the house that after all

There were many residents.


9. From flour, he was baked,

On sour cream was mixed.

On the window, he was chilling,

He rolled down the path. (Kolobok)

Cashier: Well done, kudos guys! All riddles solved.

Here are the tickets - ... get it! Come to the theater with us!

The cashier hands the children tickets that were prepared in advance by a group of children in a free activity.

Children: Thank you!

Cashier: Welcome to the fabulous show!

At the entrance to the "theater" hall, the audience is met by a child - the usher.

In the hall: theatrical bell sounds.

Musical director talks to children: Hello guys! I am glad to see you in our music hall! Today we will play "To the theater". Have any of you been to a real theatre? What was his name? What is "theater"? Do you know that we also have a THEATER in kindergarten? Where is he located? (In the music room). It is called " Wonderland". Everything here is like in a real theater! There is a stage, audience rows, scenery, backstage, dressing room, dressing room .... And even a theatrical call. Do you hear? (second bell sounds) And how many times does the bell ring in the theater? The first call you heard before I said hello to you. What does each call mean? (children answer). Correctly. Before the start of the performance, the audience is in the lobby of the theater, and with the first bell, the doors to the auditorium open and guests can take their seats in accordance with the purchased tickets. The second bell is more for the artists, it requires you to be ready to go on stage. The third call announces the beginning of the theatrical action.

How should you behave during a performance? (children's answers)

Children are shown a presentation "Rules of behavior in the theater", during which they memorize the "basics" of theater etiquette and answer questions in the form of "choose the right answer."

Musical director: Today we will see the fairy tale of Elena Tilicheeva - "Hares and the Fox". And her young actors from the middle and preparatory groups will play.

The third bell sounds: The bell rings, it fills up - our fairy tale begins!

Children watch the play "Hares and the Fox"

At the end of the performance, the Musical Director conducts a short conversation with the children on the topic “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows!”. Children tell what the fairy tale has taught them. The facilitator sums up the moral of the story:

1. You can’t let “strangers” into the house,

everyone should know this!

2. We cannot live without friends,

Friendship is to be treasured!

The project of organizing a theatrical game as a means of forming dialogue speech among older preschoolers.
Pedagogical project "Theater Thursday".

Planning theatrical classes for older preschoolers.

Melnikova Valentina Nikolaevna, teacher of the first qualification category, Moscow, CJSC, GBOU School No. 1238 with in-depth study of English language, preschool department.
Description: This material will be useful for teachers music workers, parents in order to involve children and adults in theatrical games, as well as in organizing events with older children preschool age.
Project relevance: To date, the concept of preschool education is aimed at developing the personality of the child, taking into account his individual characteristics in the mental, emotional and physical spheres. Every year the number of children who have problems with speech, pronunciation, pronunciation of sounds is growing. In this regard, the problem of finding effective ways to eliminate shortcomings in the development of speech, improve the health of pupils, prevent diseases and increase physical activity, as a strong factor in the intellectual and emotional development of children, becomes relevant. Educational:
to teach students dialogue speech (prepared and unprepared);
to form knowledge about the theater, theatrical culture, theatrical professions, the organization of the theater (auditorium, foyer, wardrobe);
introduce the following concepts into the children's active vocabulary: actor, make-up artist, costume designer, director, sound engineer, decorator, lighter, prompter, etc.
develop creative imagination, memory, thinking, communication skills of preschoolers through various types of theatrical activities;
develop the artistic skills of children;
develop the cognitive abilities of children;
promote the development of plastic expressiveness and correct articulation, diction.
awaken in the soul of every child a sense of beauty and instill a love for theatrical art;
to form the need for children to be spiritually enriched through theatrical activities;
to encourage in children the ability to vividly imagine what is happening, to ardently sympathize, empathize with the heroes.
Project participants: pupils of senior preschool age, educators, music director, parents.
Project type: cognitive and creative.
Project duration: long-term (9 months).
Resource support: multimedia Equipment, music Center, audio and video library, Russian folk and classical children's musical instruments; books with fairy tales, books - panoramas, fairy-tale coloring; didactic games; puzzles - on the theme of the theater and the heroes of fairy tales, art albums with illustrations of fairy tales; various types of theaters; masks, costumes.
Props: costumes, masks, decorations; photo - gallery "Our little artists", guest book, posters, invitation cards, theater programs, photo-album-archive.

Project hypothesis:

The study was based on the assumption that the design of a theatrical game as a means of forming the dialogue speech of older preschoolers can be effective. under the following conditions:
in preschool education, the creation of a communicative and interactive basis for the relationship of preschoolers with adults and peers;
creation of a single center for cooperation between teachers and parents of pupils based on an understanding of the essence of the problem, forms and methods for the effective formation of dialogue speech of preschoolers through a theatrical game;
organization of a developing object-spatial environment acting as a stimulator, a driving force in the holistic process of personality formation.

For the organization of theatrical activities, and the design of a developing subject-spatial environment with older preschoolers, the following principles:
the principle of psychological comfort, freedom and independence - the creation of conditions in which pupils feel "at home", an independent choice "to their liking";
the principle of flexible zoning and creativity (creativity) - the construction of non-overlapping areas of activity, which will allow children, in accordance with their desires, to freely engage in, without interfering with each other; gaining own experience creative activity,
the principle of a holistic view of the world - the formation of a holistic picture of the world and personal relationship the pupil to the acquired knowledge, as well as the ability to use them in their practical activities;
the principle of variability and novelty is the development of variative thinking among pupils, i.e. understanding of the possibility various options problem solving, the ability to find a way out of a difficult situation, overcoming the stereotype and monotony of the environment;
the principle of taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils and ensuring that they move forward, the teacher taking into account the individual characteristics of each pupil: their character, temperament, etc.

Expected Result:

development of dialogue speech;
development creativity, active, independent, emotionally responsive, socially competent and developing personality;
the formation of skills to express their understanding of the plot of the game and the nature of the character (in motion, game);
education of moral, communicative and volitional qualities (sociability, politeness, kindness);
development in children of initiative, ingenuity, independence;
the formation of a spiritually rich personality of the child, as an active participant in the project;
the formation of skills to come up with a plot of your story, to be able to tell a fairy tale, a fable; compose a dance, etc.
organization of pedagogical search through the implementation of innovative programs;
increasing the theoretical level of professionalism of teachers;
implementation innovative technologies, modern forms and new methods of work;
self-education and self-realization of educators.
getting the opportunity to observe their children, which makes it possible to better understand the development of the child;
the formation of a higher appreciation of the achievements of their children and pride in them;
developing a deeper understanding of the learning process of preschool children;
the emergence of trust in kindergarten teachers and educators.
The project was implemented in several stages (preparatory, main, final)

Preparatory stage:

Dates: September
The activity of the teacher:
study, analysis and generalization of methodological and fiction literature on the theme of the project "Theater Thursday";
level diagnostics speech development older preschoolers;
determination of the content of the activities of all project participants;
creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of dialogue speech among pupils on the basis of motor-game joint activity;
selection of literature for conversations with pupils, and music for composing dance compositions;
creation educational situation and gaming environment;
development of consultations and conversations for parents on the topic: "Theatrical activity - as a means of expressiveness of speech."

Main stage:

Dates: October - April
Joint activities of children and the teacher:

conducting a thematic conversation with children using visual material;
participation of pupils and teachers in city theater competitions;
organization and conduct of excursions in school museum"Puppet show";
reading fiction to children and looking at illustrations with Russian folk tales, listening to music;
dramatization of fairy tales "Turnip", "Fox with a rolling pin" for children of early, younger and middle preschool age;
winter fun for children of senior preschool age “Visiting Grandma Nastasya. Children walk in the winter Christmas time.
folklore entertainment: “Winter sports competitions. How Winter and Spring were measured against each other ”;
final entertainment for senior preschool age for Children's Day "Visiting the Hostess copper mountain»;
organization of thematic exhibitions, stands, folder screens, albums about various theaters; selection of musical accompaniment;
preparing children for the final theatrical entertainment (memorizing poems, songs, dances, their roles, etc.);
making puppets to show Russian folk tales;
conducting thematic conversations using visual material;
keeping a "Diary of achievements" of each pupil;
organization of direct educational activities using theatrical paraphernalia;
holding the final theatrical game entertainment.
Joint activities of children and parents:
joint participation in regional theater competitions;
joint production of costumes and attributes to create images of game characters;
participation of parents and children in the exhibition of drawings in Russian folk tales"Visiting a fairy tale";
assistance in decorating the hall for a game lesson;
competition for best name project;
watching various children's performances;
participation in the final theatrical entertainment.
Independent activities of children:
organization of theatrical games: toy theater, finger theater, on gapits, "Mitten", on magnets, theater of wooden figures, table theater, puppet theater, theater on cones and cylinders, on spoons, etc.;
fairy tales, poems, songs for self-staging;
independent choice of the necessary attributes and scenery for the future performance, the ability to distribute duties and roles among themselves;
in independent activities, use outdoor games of various content, with the use of masks, caps, etc .; as well as lotto, mosaic, dominoes, etc., the ability to independently organize games, play the role of a leader, coordinate their actions with the actions of the leader and other participants in the game; solve tasks independently.

The final stage:

Dates: May
"Parents' living room" awards, certificates, photo archive;
video clip (cut interesting moments speeches);
conducting final pedagogical diagnostics to identify speech skills and abilities;
multimedia presentation of the theatrical entertainment "Visiting the Mistress of the Copper Mountain", summing up the results of the pedagogical project.

The following tools were used in working with children:

Playing out poems, songs, nursery rhymes, mini-sketches, fairy tales, fables;
possession of a doll, a toy and all available types of theater;
work with a toy or picture, role-playing game;
sound recording, video materials.

When designing a subject-spatial environment that provides theatrical activities for children, the following were taken into account:
individual socio-psychological characteristics of the child;
features of his emotional and personal development;
individual interests, inclinations, preferences and needs;
curiosity, research interest and creativity;
age and sex-role features.

In our work, we relied on the following principles:
a unified approach of teachers and parents to the process of raising a child;
mutual trust in the relationship between teachers and parents;
differentiated approach to each family;
respect and goodwill towards each other;
openness preschool for parents;
equality and responsibility of parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions.
Apart from traditional forms family work, active innovative forms and methods of work were used:
"Round table";
thematic exhibitions;
questioning of parents, diagnostics, tests, survey on any topic;
family creative meetings;
open classes for parents to view;
"Parent's living room";
competition "Family Talents";
a portfolio of "Family Success" and keeping a "Diary of Achievements" of each pupil;
"Open Day";
group newspaper "Doshkolnik";
Internet group "Solnyshko";
website GBOU School No. 1238;

When organizing and designing a developing subject-spatial environment for theatrical activities, we relied on the following principles:
the principle of ensuring the right to play, a fundamental principle that allowed pupils to exercise their right to a theatrical game, to choose the theme, plot, place and time of theatrical games;
the principle of systematicity, the assimilation of the material was given to pupils in a certain order, system;
the principle of integration and flexible zoning, the living space of the group made it possible to build non-overlapping spheres of activity, this allowed the pupils to engage in theatrical activities, in accordance with their desires and interests, without interfering with each other;
the principle of activity, which stimulated the activity and cognitive activity of children, allowed them freedom of choice and action;
the principle of freedom and independence, which allowed pupils to independently determine their attitude to the environment: perceive, imitate, create; independently choose what he likes;
the principle of novelty, which made it possible to overcome the stereotype and monotony of the environment;
the principle of universality, which allowed changing the gaming environment, transforming it, simulating the development of the game, making it rich and mobile, etc.

To organize and equip the theatrical corner of the senior group, theatrical and gaming equipment was needed:
large and small screens, fences, simple decorations made by parents and children;
suit rack,
costumes, masks, wigs, attributes for staging fairy tales.
In theatrical activities, we used various types puppet theater : picture theatre, finger, glove, tabletop, shadow theater figures and masks, puppets, etc.
For theatrical and gaming activities technical means were used: audio recordings musical works, sound and noise effects recordings, video music libraries literary works, interactive board.

The structure of the Theater Thursday project includes the following sections:

1. "Culture and technique of speech";
2. "Fundamentals of theatrical culture";
3. "Fundamentals of puppetry";
4. "Fundamentals of Acting"

Additional sections:

5. "Conducting thematic theatrical holidays";
6. "Conducting thematic leisure and entertainment";
7. "Productive activities: modeling, applique, drawing, design"
The pedagogical project "Theatrical Thursday" ends with a performance of an entertainment dedicated to Children's Day, called "Visiting the Mistress of the Copper Mountain."
(see attachment+photo)

Forms of work:

Theatrical games.
Music lessons.
The educator's stories about the theater.
Organization of performances open classes for viewing by parents, showing performances for kids.
Production and repair of attributes and manuals for performances.
Reading children's literature.
Making an album about the theater.
Forms of the parent meeting "Round table", "Family creative meetings", "Parents' living room".
Thematic exhibitions, competitions.
Questioning, diagnostics, tests, survey on any topic.
Portfolio "Family success".
"Open Day".
Group newspaper "Doshkolyonok".

At the end of the theatrical project, pupils of the senior preschool group are able to:
interact in a coordinated manner, engaging in action simultaneously and sequentially;
remember the given poses;
memorize and describe the appearance of any child;
pronounce tongue twisters at different tempos, in a whisper and with different intonation and diction;
expressively read the dialogue poetic text, correctly and clearly pronouncing the words with the necessary intonations;
make sentences with given words;
compose etudes based on fairy tales; build a dialogue.
Thus, we came to the conclusion that the implemented project contributes to the formation of dialogue speech of pupils by means of theatrical activities; contributes to the improvement of relationships between parents, educators and children; educates children's interest in conducting joint theatrical and gaming activities, forms a desire to jointly participate in performances, productions, theatrical entertainment and leisure activities, improve children's health through exercises and gymnastics; we have achieved our goal, with the help of experimental work, namely, pedagogical project proved that the design of a theatrical game as a means of forming dialogue speech in older preschoolers is effective in:
creating a communicative and interactive basis for the relationship of preschoolers with adults and peers;
uniting teachers and parents based on understanding the essence of the problem, forms and methods of effective formation of the dialogue speech of preschoolers through a theatrical game;
organization of a developing object-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution, acting as a stimulator, a driving force in the holistic process of becoming a pupil's personality.

Application + photo 1. Section "Culture and technique of speech":
Topic 1. “Warming massage. Articulation gymnastics for lips. Exercise for the pronunciation of the vowels "I", "E", "A", "O".
Topic 2. “Warming massage. Exercise for the pronunciation of vowels and consonants "U", "Y", "P", "B".
Topic 3. “Warming massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. Exercise for the pronunciation of the vowels "K", "G", "T", "D".
Topic 4. “Warming massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. Exercise for the pronunciation of the vowels "T", "D".
Topic 5. “Warming massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. Exercise for the pronunciation of the vowels "L", "R", "N", "M".
Topic 6. “Warming massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. Exercise for the pronunciation of the vowels "C", "Z", "Sh", "Sch".
Topic 7. “Warming massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. Repetition of tongue twisters, tongue twisters. Speech game with the movement "Parsley".
Topic 8. “Warming massage. Articulatory gymnastics for lips and tongue. "Playing the Conductor"
2. Section "Fundamentals of theatrical culture":
Topic 1. "What is theater?". Types of theaters: desktop, magnetic, theater on gapits, cone theater, on cylinders, theater "Mitten", finger, etc.
Topic 2. "Theater - the magical realm of the game." Familiarization with various types arts: literature, painting, music, choreography.
Topic 3. "Tales from the grandmother's chest." The concept of theatrical professions: make-up artist, costume designer, actor.
Topic 4. “Quiet! There is a performance! Familiarization of children with the rules of conduct in the theater: in auditorium, foyer, wardrobe, buffet.
Topic 5. "All about the theater." Examination of illustrations about the theater. Manufacturing theater tickets.
3. Section "Fundamentals of puppetry":
Topic 1. « amazing world dolls!" Types of dolls: desktop, dolls with a "live hand". Demonstration of actions with puppets.
Topic 2. "A fairy tale on the table." Peculiarities table theater. Learning how to act.
Topic 3. "Puppets on the stage." The purpose and convenience of the theater screen. Screen possibilities.
Topic 4. "These funny little animals!". Acquaintance with the elements of acting: imitation and imitation of the movements of the heroes of a fairy tale.
Topic 5. "That's how I can do it!". Studies on the development of facial expressions and gestures. Articulation gymnastics.
Topic 6. "Theatrical warm-up." Workout speech apparatus, different muscle groups, respiration.
Topic 7. « Young actors". Dramatization of the fairy tale "Who said:" Meow?
4.Section "Fundamentals of Acting":
Theme 1. "Dreamers". The concepts of "gesture", "facial expressions", "intonation", "dialogue".
Topic 2. "At the zoo." Musical and figurative characteristics of animals, birds, plasticity of gestures.
Topic 3. "Journey to the world of animals." Imitation of animal habits. Figurative characteristic.
Topic 4. "Guess the mood." Acquaintance of children with pictograms: joy, sadness, resentment, fear, anger, surprise, etc.
Topic 5. “What we did, we won’t say, but what we did, we’ll show!”. Concept: stage costume. Intonation expressiveness of speech.
Topic 6. "Mini - scenes from a familiar book." Concept: director, decorator. Playing small scenes.
5. Section "Holding thematic theatrical holidays":
"Knowledge Day";
« gold autumn»;
"New Year's fireworks";
"March 8 - Mother's Day";
"Victory Day".
6. Section "Conducting thematic leisure and entertainment":
"The Tale of the Droplet";
"Wooden Spoon Festival";
"Road alphabet";
“Visiting grandmother Nastasya. Christmas Carols";
"Profession - postman";
“Winter sports competitions. How Spring and Winter were compared with a silushka ”;
The final theatrical entertainment "Visiting the Mistress of the Copper Mountain", dedicated to the Day Child protection.
7. Section "Productive activities: drawing, modeling, application, design
Design of art exhibitions: "Knowledge Day"; "Golden Autumn", "Winter Fireworks", "Visiting a Fairy Tale", etc.
Attributes for leisure according to the traffic rules "Road alphabet"; "Immersion in a fabulous situation", "Christmas festivities"; Pancake week".
Design of exhibitions: "Ata-bats were soldiers!", "March 8", "April Day", "Victory Day".

Project problem due to the fact that children at open events are very constrained, there is low self-esteem, insufficient attention of parents and children to the theater; children's skills in "acting skills" are poorly formed; not enough theatrical costumes and masks in the group. And for an in-depth study of this problem, I chose this activity as the basis for comprehensive development child.


· Learn to create images of living beings with the help of expressive plastic movements;

To acquaint with theatrical terminology, types of theatrical art;

Learn to use intonations that express basic feelings.

teach children to navigate in space, evenly placed on the site, develop coordination of movement, fine motor skills hands; develop the ability to voluntarily strain and relax individual muscle groups; learn to remember the given poses and figuratively convey them.

· learn to improvise dramatization games on the themes of familiar fairy tales.
form a clear and competent speech, build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic; memorize the words of the heroes of the performances; practice diction;

develop speech breathing and correct articulation;

develop children's imagination, imagination, memory, observation;

Develop the ability to sincerely believe in any imaginary situation. To achieve the creation of the image of animals with the help of expressive plastic movements.

relieve stiffness and stiffness, increase self-esteem;

· educate moral and ethical qualities, goodwill, contact relationship with peers, develop a sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other;

· educate the culture of behavior in the theatre.



Municipal educational institution

Kindergarten "Ryabinka"


"Child and theater"

Leonova Irina Alexandrovna

Creative project "Child and theater"

“Children should live in a world of beauty,
games, fantasies,

The most popular and fascinating direction in preschool education is theatrical activity.Children's creativity is one ofactual problemspreschool pedagogy and child psychology. Exactly theatrical activityallows you to solve many pedagogical problems related to the formation of the expressiveness of the child's speech, intellectual and artistic and aesthetic education. By participating in theatrical games, children become participants in various events from the life of people, animals, plants, which gives them the opportunity to better understand the world around them. At the same time, a theatrical game instills in the child a steady interest in their native culture, literature, and theater.

The educational value of theatrical games is also enormous. Children develop respect for each other. They learn the joy associated with overcoming the difficulties of communication, self-doubt. Children's enthusiasm for theatrical play, their inner comfort, looseness, easy communication between an adult and a child, the almost immediately disappearing “I can't” complex - all this surprises and attracts.

Performance game tasks in the images of animals and characters from fairy tales, it helps to better master one's body, to realize the plastic possibilities of movements. Theatrical games and performances allow children to immerse themselves in the world of fantasy with great interest and ease, teach them to notice and evaluate their own and other people's mistakes. Children become more liberated, sociable; they learn to clearly formulate their thoughts and express them publicly, to feel and cognize the world around them more subtly. Theatrical activities and frequent performances in front of the audience contribute to the realization of the creative forces and spiritual needs of the child, emancipation and self-esteem.

Project problemdue to the fact that children at open events are very constrained, there is low self-esteem, insufficient attention of parents and children to the theater; children's skills in "acting skills" are poorly formed; not enough theatrical costumes and masks in the group.And for an in-depth study of this problem, I chose this activity as the basis for the comprehensive development of the child.

Target: Development of creative abilities by means of theatrical and gaming activities.

  • Learn to create images of living beings with the help of expressive plastic movements;
  • to acquaint with theatrical terminology, types of theatrical art;
  • learn to use intonations that express basic feelings.
  • to teach children to navigate in space, to be evenly placed on the site, to develop coordination of movement, fine motor skills of the hands; develop the ability to voluntarily strain and relax individual muscle groups; learn to remember the given poses and figuratively convey them.
  • learn to improvise dramatization games on the themes of familiar fairy tales.
    form a clear and competent speech, build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic; memorize the words of the heroes of the performances; practice diction;
  • develop speech breathing and correct articulation;
  • develop children's imagination, imagination, memory, observation;
  • Develop the ability to sincerely believe in any imaginary situation. To achieve the creation of the image of animals with the help of expressive plastic movements.
  • relieve stiffness and stiffness, increase self-esteem;
  • to cultivate moral and ethical qualities, goodwill, contact with peers, develop a sense of collectivism, responsibility for each other;
  • to cultivate a culture of behavior in the theater.

Project participants:

Preschool staff (educators)

Children of the preparatory group


By the end of the project year, children should have developedskills, abilities, abilities:

  • the ability to master the skills of expressive speech, the rules of good taste, behavior, etiquette of communication with peers and adults;
  • ability to convey various feelings using facial expressions, gesture, intonation;
  • show interest, desire for theatrical art;
  • transfer images fairy tale characters characteristic movements;
  • interact collectively and in concert, showing their individuality;
  • the ability to consistently express their thoughts;
  • knowledge of five or six articulation exercises, one or two finger gymnastics;
  • expressively read a poetic text;
  • the ability to perform several plastic studies;
  • the ability to control their feelings, hold themselves confidently in front of an audience
  • be creative in role-playing

The direction of theatrical activity is to make the life of pupils interesting and meaningful, filled with vivid impressions, interesting things, the joy of creativity, to strive so that the skills acquired in theatrical games, children can apply in everyday life.

Project implementation period: 2013-2014 academic year.

The organization of work with pupils is built in three stages:

On the preparatory stage children get acquainted with theatrical terminology, types of theatrical art, with the functions of the theater, with its meaning, learn the meaning of such concepts as an actor, stage, makeup, etc. At the same stage, the direction of theatrical play is realized, where children form a desire to be a participant in the game, to be in the spotlight. The game liberates the child, relieves tightness, stiffness, increases self-esteem, which stimulates the child to participate in theatrical activities. We involve parents in the manufacture of costumes, various theaters.

1. Fundamentals of theatrical culture

  • Acquaintance with the terms of theatrical art: actor, theater, make-up;
  • viewing illustrations of fairy tales, heroes of fairy tales, portraits of famous actors;
  • a conversation about the culture of speech, the culture of the viewer, the peculiarities of theatrical art, the birth of the performance.

2. Theatrical game.

Theatrical play contributes to:

  1. The development of children's speech.
  2. Development of moral and communicative qualities of a person.
  3. Development of motor qualities and skills.
  4. Development of creative imagination and fantasy.
  5. The development of cognitive abilities.

Varieties theater games are:

1. Exercises for the development of emotions:

Ask the child: to frown like an autumn cloud, like an angry person, like an evil sorceress; smile like a cat in the sun, like Pinocchio, like a cunning fox;

2. The ability to convey feelings: fear, admiration, horror, joy ...;

3. Games aimed at getting to know the emotions of others: "Music and emotions." "I rejoice when ..."

4. Psycho-gymnastic exercises (study for the expression of anger, etude for the expression of disgust, etude for the expression of sadness...).

3.Manufacturing attributes

  • production of theaters: mitten, finger, pompom, cone, planar, shadow, flannelograph;
  • production of animal masks, vegetable masks;
  • selection of costumes for staging works: fox costume, hare costume, robot costume;
  • costumes for showing plastic sketches (parents);
  • production of attributes;
  • creating sketches of scenery and costumes for performances;

At the main stagechildren and I are working on speech, proper breathing, articulation, movements, body plasticity using specially selected exercises.

1. Stage speech.

  • Voice hygiene rules
  • Voice hardening methods: exercises: (“Explosion”, “Relaxing massage”, “Iron body”, “Humpty Dumpty”, etc.).
  • Breathing: (exercises "Ball", "Rubber Doll", "Ball", etc.).
  • Articulation gymnastics:Work on tongue twisters: learning simple tongue twisters with a gradual increase in tempo (“From the clatter of hooves”, “King-Eagle”, “Sasha walked”, “Yelah, “Forty forty in short term ate cheese”, “Good pie, curd inside”), etc.
  • Work on the text of the role.

2. Plastic.

Acquaintance of pupils with own body: with his anatomy, with his physical and psychophysical qualities, with his motor abilities, with his problems and limitations.

  • Warm up:
  • posture correction exercises, gait correction.
  • flexibility and strength exercises
  • stretching
  • plastic studies

Dance etudes "Cat's house";

Exercises to repeat the "movements" of plants "Rose", "Sprout", "Tree";

Exercises to repeat the movements of animals "Cat", "Fish";

Improvisation dances (to music to the imagination of children);

Plastic sketches for reading poems "Counting", "Butterfly";

Plastic studies based on nature "Brook", "Leaves and wind", "Flower bud";

The final stageproject is implemented on the preparation of miniatures, small thematic stage compositions that are part of any concert program at an open event for parents. The choice of material is based on the theme of the holiday. At this stage, children visit theatrical performances in kindergarten with the participation of educators. Once a month, various entertainments are held with the participation of fairy-tale heroes.

1. Staged work.

  • Scene "Three mothers", "Robot", "Mom" for Mother's Day
  • Musical miniatures: "Enka", "Fox and Hare" for the autumn holiday.
  • Plastic sketches based on nature: "Brook", "Rostok", "Butterfly", "Kitty", etc. - at the internship site.

2. Visit theatrical productions in kindergarten, group tours, group activities.

  • "Autumn Story" (performance by educators);
  • "Teremok" (performance on fire safety);
  • "Twelve months" (staging a fairy tale by educators);
  • "The Snow Queen" (performance);
  • Entertainment "What's in autumn's basket".

The plan of the "Child and Theater" project provides for visits to theatrical performances, both professional and children's. It also includes group activities aimed at improving the atmosphere in the group: Mother's Day; New Year's ball; Defender of the Fatherland Day; International Women's Day; celebration international day Theatre; "April Day" game program"Hello summer!", "Goodbye kindergarten!!!"

On the whole, the project "Child and Theatre", from my point of view, has a progressive character and will make it possible to realize all the tasks set. Based on this theoretical approach to theatrical activity, the following conclusion can be drawn: theatrical activity has a beneficial effect not only on different sides development of children, but also a great help in developing positive relationships between children. I believe that the work organized in this way will contribute to the fact that the theatrical game will become a means of self-expression and self-realization of the child in various types of creativity, self-affirmation in a peer group, increase the level of communication skills and reduce aggression. And the life of preschoolers in kindergarten will be enriched by the integration of the game and various types of art, which are embodied in theatrical and gaming activities.

List of used literature

  1. Anischenkova E.S. "Learn to speak correctly in 20 minutes a day." – M.: 2009.-159s.
  2. Vaksa Olga "Children's holidays in the family circle." - Yaroslavl: 2003.-192p.
  3. Generalova I.A. "Theatre". – M.: 2004.-48s.
  4. Goncharova O.V. "Theatrical palette". – M.: 2010.-128s.
  5. Davydova M.A. Musical education in kindergarten. – M.: 2007.-240s.
  6. Danilkov A.A. "Games for every day". - Novosibirsk: 2004.-144p.
  7. Kartushina M.Yu. "Scenarios of recreational activities for children aged 6-7 years". – M.: 2004.-128s.
  8. Kovalko V.I. "ABC of physical education minutes for preschoolers." – M.: 2006.-176s.
  9. Lapshina G.A. "Holidays in kindergarten". - Volgograd: 2004. - 239p.
  10. Nikitina V.V. "300 best games for children's holidays. – M.: 2007.-221s.
  11. Pole Lora "Theatre of fairy tales". - St. Petersburg: 2009.- 48s.
  12. Fateev S. "Theater at school, at home and in kindergarten." – M.: 2005.- 320s.
  13. Cherenkova E.F. "Original finger games". - M.: 2007.-186s.
  14. Shmakov S.A. "Games of a joke - games of a minute." – M.: 1993.-112p.
  15. Shchetkin A.V. Theatrical activity in kindergarten. For classes with children 5-6 years old. – M.: 2010. - 144s.

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