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How to draw a crocodile with a pencil or paints step by step (simple diagrams)? How to draw a crocodile with a pencil. Step-by-step drawing lesson for children Drawing a crocodile with a pencil for children

Drawing a crocodile

This is an average difficulty lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing a crocodile using this lesson for young children, but if you really want to, you can try. I also want to note the lesson “” - be sure to try it again if you still have time and desire to draw today.

What you will need

In order to draw a crocodile we may need:

  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

It is difficult to draw a crocodile - it is a representative of wild animals; not everyone can afford to draw from life professional artist. But still, you need to try to know as much as possible about this animal before drawing. You can read Wikipedia and study different photos, of which there are simply tons of them on the Internet.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

In this lesson, let's try to draw a crocodile together - the oldest and most dangerous animal on our planet. The drawing of a crocodile is actually quite simple, you just need to draw a huge predatory “toothy” mouth and it will already be clear that it is a crocodile. But, in order to draw a crocodile that looks like a real one, and not like the crocodile Gena, it is better to draw in stages, first with a simple pencil and then color with colored pencils. The crocodile is a very dangerous and predatory animal, and in order to convey its character in the picture, first of all you need to draw an open long mouth, widely spaced paws and a tail bent from tension. The crocodile seems to be preparing to jump from the picture and grab its prey.

1. Initial contours of the crocodile’s body

Start drawing a crocodile with a sketch of the body - an elongated oval. Draw a small circle for this oval - it will be a crocodile. Draw three legs for the crocodile, since the fourth is not visible, and, of course, a bent tail. You can draw the oval of the crocodile’s body a little thinner than in my drawing. It’s just that “my” crocodile has already had a good “bite”.

2. Head and tail of a crocodile

Perhaps this stage will be the most difficult. You need to draw the initial outlines of the shape of the crocodile’s tail, additionally mark the paws, and most importantly, draw the outline of the crocodile’s open mouth. The crocodile looks almost directly at the viewer and therefore the outline of the mouth should not be too long. Try to copy this element of the crocodile drawing exactly as in my drawing.

3. Open mouth of a crocodile

Now that you remove the extra ones contour lines from the crocodile's head and draw the inner line of the open mouth, the crocodile will immediately seem to come to life. At this stage of the drawing you still need to draw general outline paws and add a few folds near the crocodile's head.

4. Drawing of a crocodile in detail

Check that all the proportions of the crocodile picture are accurate, and if necessary, correct inaccurate details in your drawing. Now you need to draw the entire tail in the picture. This is quite easy to do; you just need to draw two more tapering lines parallel to the primary contour. You also need to draw the claws on the paws and head. The skin of a crocodile is covered on top with horny, pointed growths; don’t forget to draw them too. In the open mouth you need to draw fangs; you can’t call them teeth.

5. The final stage crocodile drawing

It is not necessary to color a drawing of a crocodile with a simple pencil. The crocodile will look much more impressive in the picture “in color”. Just keep in mind that green color only the crocodile Gena from the cartoon has skins. They are usually less cute. To make the drawing of a crocodile more realistic, draw it not on the river bank among the bushes. It is in such places that crocodiles live.

So you learned how to draw a crocodile, I hope it was interesting and informative. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Well, the buttons social networks It's not just like that =)

In this lesson, let's try it together draw a crocodile- the oldest and most dangerous animal on our planet. The drawing of a crocodile is actually quite simple, you just need to draw a huge predatory “toothy” mouth and it will already be clear that it is a crocodile. But, in order to draw a crocodile that looks like a real one, and not like the crocodile Gena from the cartoon, it is better to draw in stages, first with a simple pencil, and then color with colored pencils.
The crocodile is a very dangerous and predatory animal, and in order to convey its character in the picture, first of all you need to draw an open long mouth, widely spaced paws and a tail bent from tension. The crocodile seems to be preparing to jump from your picture and grab its prey.

1. Start drawing with simple outlines

Start drawing a crocodile with a simple sketch of the body - a slightly inclined line and four circles. Please note that there are two large ones in the center and small ones at the edges. And also that the line divides all the circles in half.

2. Outline of the head and body of a crocodile

Perhaps this stage will be the most difficult. You need to draw the outlines of the shape of the body and head, more precisely, the mouth of the crocodile, and also mark two additional small circles for the paws.

3. The crocodile drawing comes to life

Now, when you remove the extra contour lines from the head and body, and also draw the eye, you will see how easy it is to draw a crocodile. Without a tail and paws, however, the crocodile immediately seems to come to life.
At this stage of the drawing, you also need to draw the general outline of the paws (three) and add two more circles for the tail.

4. Head, tail and paws of a crocodile in detail

Check that all the proportions of the crocodile picture are accurate, and if necessary, correct inaccurate details in your drawing. Now you need to draw a complete crocodile tail in the picture. This is quite easy to do since we have a guide in the form of circles. Looking at my drawing, draw a tail.
You also need to draw the claws on the paws and continue the line of the mouth. If you draw a crocodile with an open mouth, then do not forget to draw fangs; they cannot be called teeth.

5. The final stage of the drawing

In this step you only need to delete everything preliminary contours(circles) and draw the eyes and paws in detail, and also draw a line demarcating the back and belly of the crocodile. After all, the skin of a crocodile is covered on top with horny, pointed growths; don’t forget to draw them too. And the belly looks more like snake skin.

6. Drawing of a crocodile with a simple pencil

Color with a simple pencil crocodile drawing not necessary. The crocodile will look much more impressive in the picture “in color”. Just keep in mind that only the crocodile Gena from the cartoon has a green skin color. In nature they are usually less attractive.
To make the drawing of a crocodile more realistic, draw it not on the river bank among the bushes. It is in such places that crocodiles live.

You always want to draw a picture of characters from a book you read about a frog traveler or how a frog turned into a princess. Drawing for children with a simple pencil is best done in stages, first outlining only the general contours.

Doesn't have a turtle external resemblance with a crocodile, but just like crocodiles, they are the most ancient animals on our planet. Drawing a turtle is a lot of fun, but it's not the easiest task.

The prey for some snakes are frogs. She seems to hypnotize her with her gaze. And the poor frog, numb with horror, resignedly awaits its fate. In fact, a snake cannot hypnotize. The topic of this lesson: “How to draw a snake,” or rather a cobra.

Elephants have no enemies, but a crocodile can sometimes attack him and grab him by the trunk. There is even a cartoon about how a crocodile grabbed a curious baby elephant by the trunk.

There is nothing in common between a crocodile and a giraffe, except that crocodiles also live in Africa. Giraffe drawing will not be for you a difficult lesson, if you have tried to draw a horse before. The body structure is almost the same, only the giraffe’s legs are slightly longer than those of the horse, and of course the neck is very long. But if you draw it step by step, first with a simple pencil, and then color it with colored pencils, the picture of the giraffe will look like a real one.

Pictures of dragons are definitely difficult to draw. In fact, a dragon is a symbiosis of a lizard and a bird, and in the drawing of a dragon it is necessary to reflect the plasticity of these two creatures. The dragon, like the crocodile, has sharp spines on its skin.

The topic of our next article is “How to draw a crocodile.” Of course, we have heard about caimans and alligators, but, friends, these animals are also varieties of crocodiles.

Crocodiles are one of the most ancient creatures on earth, their ancestors appeared approximately 250 million years ago. Oddly enough, their closest relatives are birds. The crocodile lives in water, all its species are predators. They can reach 5-6 meters in length, but, as a rule, they are still smaller. However, let's start drawing. Let's agree that he is well-fed today and communication with him does not threaten us in any way - we can turn him this way and that.

How can we draw a crocodile? There are not very many options: a crocodile crawls along the shore or swims in the water.

Let's say, first, let's figure out how to draw a crawling crocodile.

Drawing a crocodile - side view

For this drawing, I found an amazing prototype on the Internet - an albino crocodile:

First, draw a sketch with a pencil:

A fairly flat cylindrical body, a powerful, comb-like tail that is strongly curved - this crocodile can take photogenic poses:

The neck is also very powerful.

The hind legs are bent with the knees forward, the front legs with the elbows back. Notice how different the toes are on the hind and front paws:

The head is long and conical. Eyes and nostrils on the top. The line of the mouth is quite sinuous and very long - this is understandable - a crocodile can open its mouth surprisingly wide.

And here is our first drawing - Crocodile:

The second lesson is how to draw a crocodile crawling right at the viewer!

Drawing a crocodile from the front

Here's the picture I was inspired by:

As you can see, he is not crawling in a perfect straight line, what I mean is that children are very prone to drawing animals at attention. No, in nature animals behave freely.

So, having examined the prototype picture, I draw a sketch with a pencil.

Wow, that's a sketch - I scribbled a lot. But I’ll tell you what, if you’re just learning to draw, this is exactly what your sketches will look like. I immediately learned to draw a contour with absolutely confident, absolutely unambiguous lines, but for this I had to study for years and years and years and draw crossed-out sketches on which the diagram would be indicated internal structure animal, the proportions and all additional construction lines are indicated. Children, again, perceive this approach... with hostility. No need, let’s be patient.

Let's draw a long C-shaped line. This is the ridge and, so to speak, the axis of symmetry, relative to which we will check the correspondence of the right and left sides of the crocodile.

Let's outline the location of the paws. Although the animal’s paws are curved, they still grow from the body in pairs, with the right one opposite the left. It would seem that what to talk about here is self-explanatory, but in reality many try to place the paws according to the curves of the body, and not according to the actual structure of the reptile’s skeleton.

The paws were outlined, the sides were marked - our crocodile is well-fed, steep-sided. The tail is powerful, slightly flattened, like a fin.

The long pike-like mouth was also outlined.

The head has a large mouth dotted with sharp deadly teeth, the eyes are also located symmetrically - here again you need to be vigilant - place the eyes and nostrils correctly, they are located on the top of the head and protrude strongly, so that when sitting in ambush under water, the animal can look out for the victim and fully breathe. The skin of the animal is dotted with horny growths and ossified tuberous protrusions.

Let's color and draw a picture of crocodile skin:

Okay, today the crocodile is well-fed and complacent, but I strongly urge you: don’t put your finger in the crocodile’s mouth!

By the way! What is this mouth like? Let's look a crocodile in the mouth.

Let's draw the head of a crocodile in profile

When I decided to learn how to draw a crocodile’s mouth and began looking at profiles of the predator on the Internet, I was first of all surprised by the tortuosity and somehow bumpiness of the jaws. Sine waves, by God. But, looking closer, I saw that the lines of the upper and lower jaws clearly aligned. The mouth opens much further than the eye - almost to the neck. True, there are membranes there that prevent food from falling out of the gaping mouth. .

What You'll Be Creating

Although crocodiles are not the closest relatives of dinosaurs, they are not very different in appearance. Large, scaly, ferocious, with huge jaws full of sharp teeth - sounds a lot like the description of dragons, doesn't it? Let's look at four species of crocodiles (family crocodilians): the well-known crocodiles and alligators and less known species, such as caimans and gharials.

1. General anatomy of a crocodile


Let's take a look inside the crocodile to understand what its body looks like.

First of all, notice how huge his skull is compared to the rest of his body. This is completely unusual for modern vertebrates! In addition, the body is very long and located very close to the ground due to short limbs and a stretching gait. The tail is long, very large and forms a significant part of the body.

All these dice are hard to remember, but we don't have to. We can simplify as much as possible, it will be much more useful to remember only the important parts:

To create the correct posture of an animal, we need to know how it moves. As you may have noticed, crocodiles often “crawl” with their bellies almost on the ground. This is because of their "stretching" posture - their elbows and knees pointing outward (B) instead of being held at the sides of the body (A). However, unlike lizards, crocodiles are not limited to this movement; They can stand almost vertically, and their limbs rotate in the “correct” way. This allows them to move very quickly.

Another one important feature The thing to remember is that crocodiles drag their tails on the ground, which makes them different from dinosaurs.

To remember this pose, imagine that crocodiles are constantly doing push-ups

Body type

The crocodile's musculature is well hidden under thick skin, so we don't need to study individual muscles. Let's just look at how invisible muscles determine the visible silhouette:

2. Draw the head of a crocodile

Step 1

Start with a soft curved line. Attach to it big circle, then another one in the middle and one at the end.

Add a smaller circle to the last one (the tip of the “lips”) and an ellipse on top (the nose). Attach the circle to the largest one - this will be the back of the lower jaw.

Step 2

Use the circles and the spaces between them to determine the curve of the crocodile's smile.

Step 3

Add eyes to the top of the head.

Step 4

Base your final lines on the guide lines.

Step 5

Time for teeth! Crocodiles have both jaws of the same width, so all the teeth will be visible. Do you see the curves of the “lips”? The longest teeth are where the curve becomes most convex.

Step 6.

Draw the upper teeth according to this formula.

Step 7

Now, the lower teeth - find the convex parts...

Step 8

And draw the teeth.

Step 9

Use the same circles to create a top view. Be sure to draw them all in one row!

Step 10

Add eyes on top...

Step 11

The rest should be pretty simple. Note the V-shape!

Step 12

What's really interesting about a crocodile's head is that what you're actually seeing is a skull covered in skin - there's very little muscle in that area. There is just one big exception: the jaw muscles. Watch how they work to correctly draw the crocodile's open mouth:

Step 13

Alligators are very similar to crocodiles, but there are two features that make them easy to tell apart. Firstly, the alligator's lower jaw is narrower than its upper jaw, so the lower row of teeth is not visible from above.

Secondly, the alligator's head is much wider, U-shaped and less voluminous.

Step 14

Caimans, smaller relatives of true crocodiles, look like smaller crocodiles: the snout is shorter and the eyes appear larger and more prominent.

Step 15

Another member of the crocodile family, the gharial, has a truly distinctive head that is different from all others:

  • Very long snout with a characteristic protuberance at the end (only in males)
  • Even rows of teeth
  • Protruding eyes

3. Draw the eyes of a crocodile

Step 1

Start with an ellipse and draw the pupil inside. The eyes of crocodiles, just like cats, narrow in the light and widen in the dark.

Step 2

Add a border around it.

Step 3

Add simple lines to create scales.

Step 4

The crocodile's eyes protrude so that the animal can keep them above the water level when its body is completely submerged. Remember that when drawing an eye, it should not be “glued” to the flat wall of the skull, but should have a three-dimensional structure.

Step 5

The ear is right behind the eye, so let's add it.

Step 6.

Let's add scales.

Step 7

And let's finish.

4. Draw the feet of a crocodile

Crocodiles have five toes on their front feet and four toes on their back feet. The membranes depend on the specific species:

  • Alligators have webbed feet.
  • Caimans and gharials have only webbed hind legs.
  • True webbed crocodiles may have either hind legs or all legs unwebbed, depending on the species.
1-fore feet; 2-hind feet

Step 1

To draw the legs, start with a general design. The ellipse defines the "push" point.

Step 2

Let's add fingers.

Step 3

Add circles almost at the tip to determine the width of the fingers.

Step 4

Draw the outlines of the toes. Note that this outline is quite easy to draw even without any guide lines (baby hands), so you can skip the previous steps and start right here if you feel confident.

Step 5

Add claws. Please note that not all toes end in claws! (Use the diagram above for reference).

Step 6.

Now, if your species has membranes, add them.

Step 7

Polish the drawing.

5. Draw a pattern of crocodile scales

Although crocodile skin may look very complex, it is actually easier to draw than that of a snake or fish. Let's see how to bring all this chaos into order!

Step 1

Start with vertical stripes around the body.

Step 2

Cross them with horizontal lines as shown below. The first square scale should appear.

Step 3

The scales we just sketched are keel- they have a sharp tip or a slight thickening in the middle.

Step 4

Now add horizontal lines to the remaining square ones, but don't make keel scales. The scales should not be very even; It will be even better if they are a little random.

Step 5

The areas that remain are where the chaos begins. Very small, rounded scales with irregular rows are found here. Create the following lines:

Step 6.

Then trim these lines with short horizontal lines.

Step 7

Some of the smaller scales are also slightly pointed, although they make this part of the body look more like a hump. These scales will appear larger and thicker among others.

Step 8

Place two large keeled scales behind the eyes and two plates on top.

Step 9

When it comes to the head, there is virtually no scale at all - it's more like cracked skin, so it has the same pattern as dried mud.

Step 10

If you follow all the guide lines you should now have a scaly crocodile. It's definitely a lot of work! In the practical part of this tutorial, I'll show you how to avoid this problem, at least partially.

6. Introduction to crocodile species

We've already mentioned some crocodiles, so let's get to know them better. Please note: colors may vary depending on the specific species.


"True crocodiles" belong to the largest family. They are usually olive green, with darker spots that can create streaks. The underside is brighter, yellowish or creamy white.

Nile crocodile


As I said, alligators have wider snouts and only the top row of teeth is visible when the mouth is closed. Their head is also smoother. They are darker than crocodiles, with a whitish underside.

American alligator


Caiman, such as the snake caiman, look like smaller crocodiles with large heads. To highlight the difference between them and their larger cousins, you can use Brown color as the main one.

Spectacled caiman

Gharial (Gharial)

Gharials are the easiest to draw and their faces cannot be confused with any other crocodile. As for the colors, they can be black, dark brown and even bright green.


7. Practical lesson. Draw a crocodile step by step.

Now we're going to take all this dry information and use it for something practical. Remember, I'm only showing you how to use it, so don't copy me step by step, rather do the same as me using my tips from the previous steps in your own way.

Step 1

Start by creating an idea straight from your head. You should have a simplified skeleton, but it shouldn't be visible.

Step 2

Identify the body parts. If you're having trouble here, remember: we're talking about not about drawing crocodiles. This means that you should work on your and/or before attempting to draw something specific, such as animals.

Step 3

Draw the head according to the instructions.

Step 4

Draw the outlines of the head.

Step 5

Add teeth.

Step 6.

Connect the head to the rest of the body by adding a neck. Larger crocodiles and alligators have a "flattened" neck that flattens out like a large sandbag when the animal is on the ground.

Step 7

Now we will work on the scales. I promised to show you unusual way draw it, so let's see what we can do. Start by defining your base lighting. It's the light that creates the detail so we don't have to paint it in the shadows.

Step 8

Step by step, draw guide lines for the scales, only in the lighting area and on its borders.

Step 9

Then draw the scales: highlighted in the highlight area and less noticeable in the transition area.

Step 10

If it's just a sketch, you can also add simple grids in the shadows, similar to simplified scales.

Step 11

Finish the painting the way you want!


Now you can draw your own ferocious crocodiles! Feel free to use this information to create your own species, including dragons and other fantasy animals. If you like this tutorial, be sure to check out the others in this series. Thanks for spending some time with me and see you next time!

In this step-by-step drawing lesson, we will learn how to draw a crocodile. Some fun facts about crocodiles before we start step-by-step drawing!

The lifespan of a Crocodile is about 40 years.

A total of 23 various types crocodiles live on earth.

  • Nile crocodile
  • Cuban crocodile
  • Colombian crocodile
  • Central American crocodile
  • Philippine crocodile
  • Siamese crocodile
  • New Guinea crocodile
  • West African dwarf crocodile
  • Saltwater crocodile
  • Eastern or Indian crocodile
  • African long-nosed crocodile
  • American crocodile
  • Australian Johnson's crocodile

Alligators are part of the crocodile family.

Before we learn how to learn how to draw a cartoon crocodile, let's look at the anatomical drawing of this large, fierce animal. The crocodile has a powerful jaw (3), a long and thick tail (1) and hard skin that looks like a shell and consists of scutes and spines (2). The crocodile also has four strong legs that allow it to walk, swim and catch prey in a split second.

Let's start drawing a crocodile step by step, using the basic shapes to draw the body of this animal. The body of a crocodile consists of long rectangles and triangles. The neck and head are also very thick. Keep this in mind when drawing a crocodile. Just like the rest of the body, the four legs are drawn in large rectangles to show the strength and power of this reptile.

In this example, we will draw a crocodile from a cartoon. He is friendlier than real crocodiles. The first diagram is a circle for the head and a rectangle for the jaw. Then, make another rectangle for the body and a circle for the belly. Continue drawing the crocodile and add the tail and part of the left paw to this diagram. Next draw the eyes, mouth and teeth. If you want, you can add color to make your crocodile drawing more pleasing.

Drawing this animal can be a great way to get creative. You can try to draw the crocodile more realistic (2). Or draw this reptile using mostly squares or rectangles (4)? Keep drawing even if you find this drawing lesson too difficult. Good luck!

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