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Sports dancing as a sport. Dancing to fiery Latin American rhythms

The development of dance culture gave rise to the emergence large quantity directions. If previously there was a limited number of rooms, today their number is constantly expanding. A fair question often arises: what is the difference between sports and ballroom dancing?

And this is a valid question, since the sports and ballroom direction is only a mixture between the presented types, although individually these options are different.

Ballroom dancing

They are represented by the Latin American and European programs and originated in England. At least in the form in which we are used to seeing them today. The people who made their technology standard and published the first books were born in this country. 1892 was marked by the release of the world's first dance teachers' association; an association was formed in Britain. A few years later, a whole ballroom dance society appeared. It is this event that can act as the start of a competitive direction. At first, dance acted exclusively as one of the art forms, while after a few years it spread throughout the West and became widespread.

What features are characteristic of ballroom dance?

As paired species a direction that has many features, this direction has existed for a long time. In the past, similar movements were used at balls and in rooms where the floor was made of parquet. In a couple of this direction there is always a man and a woman. The composition itself embodies elegance, emotionality and fiery movements. This dance is full of romance and passion, it turns on the viewer and creates a special charm in the hall. The list of ballroom dances includes such styles as waltz, tango, foxtrot, quickstep, rumba and other styles. The main features are such aspects as pair performance in the form of opposite-sex partners. It is also worth noting that the implementation of the program occurs through adherence to contact points. The costumes are not always relaxed; on the contrary, they emphasize the female figure and the courage of men.

Sports dancing features

Over time, when the decision was made to hold official competitions and championships, the features of the dances changed. The structural management aspect was more similar to sports organizations. Over time, people who performed such numbers decided that a sports focus was closer to them. They defended their own position for a long time and found many facts to firmly support it. And finally they achieved their goal. In 1997, the IOC (International Olympic Committee) announced that a new unit was being formed - the World Dance Sports Federation. Due to this ballroom dancing received the name of sports ballroom dancing. This process was preceded by long and painstaking work.

So are there any differences?

Yes, they exist and consist simultaneously in several important points:

  • Costumes have become more open and relaxed, although the severity in ball gowns preserved;
  • ballroom dances are performed for pleasure, while sports dances are done on a competitive basis;
  • ballroom dancing is akin to classics, and sports dancing is modern direction with more democratic demands;
  • The rhythm of ballroom dancing is slower, while that of sports is more dynamic and fast.

These are the main differences between the areas under consideration. In our dance studio you can learn to dance any of them.

Of all the possible types and directions of dance art, ballroom dancing is the most beautiful. The history of this dance style dates back decades and goes deep into history, in those days when balls were popular and ballroom dances were performed by gallant gentlemen and luxuriously dressed ladies in large parquet halls.

Having gone through the thorns of the years, ballroom dancing has changed noticeably, having formed by our time into a special, beautiful dance sport. Of the similarities with the historical past, the only thing that remains is that it is still couples dance, consisting of a beautifully dressed lady and gentleman.

Sports ballroom dancing is a very beautiful and spectacular direction, which has absorbed all the best from other dances, adding to them a fair amount of artistry and acting skills.
Dancers, performing these, tell a certain story, conveying a separate piece of art. Every movement and every gesture is of great importance: the entire body, including legs and arms, body and head, is responsible for transmitting information to the audience. The basis of the dancers’ movements is set by the music, emphasizing and completing the overall composition.

Ballroom dancing is a very intense direction, and the more complex the idea and the more emotional the plot, the more intense the movements are made during execution. The dancer’s task is to convey the story as clearly and understandably as possible to the audience, using their gestures and movements and falling exactly in time with the music. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is a whole science and it is better to master it from childhood. You can learn more about this direction for children at the Viva La Danza dance school At the same time, you can start ballroom dancing at any age and at any level of training, the main thing is effort and sincere interest in this beautiful and spectacular sport. It is important to pay close attention to the lessons and knowledge that teachers give in order to learn as productively as possible. dance art. The lessons will allow you to learn to feel the music and its rhythm, to move in complete harmony with rhythm and perform all dance moves flawlessly.

There are quite a lot of dances related to ballroom sports. Traditionally, they are divided into two programs: European and Latin American. Each of the dances in these programs keeps its own traditions and history, but they all have a specific goal: to convey emotions from the performer to the viewer. Some of them are full of passion and love, others, on the contrary, resemble a noisy and spectacular carnival, but all of them are filled with lightness and romance. Sports ballroom dancing is different from all others dance styles precisely by the complexity and subtlety of the information transmitted, for example, love can be presented as passion and as a force that destroys everything in its path, or as peace, tenderness and softness. All this is taught at the dance school; although it is not the simplest, but with due diligence it is quite effective. Wherein slow dancing more complex in their technique: in a fast one, you can miss some movement that is not well executed, or a completely incorrect one, but in a slow one, all movements must be clear and precise.

The main task of the dancer is to evoke sympathy among the audience and convey to them his idea. Ballroom dancing is comparable to watching a film or reading a book, and the maximum effect from it will be only when the audience understands the idea of ​​​​the performance and when it evokes sympathy.

In addition to the beautiful, artistic component important in ballroom dancing there is also a focus on sports. Training and performances involve intense physical activity therefore, in order to look impeccable throughout the dance and perform successfully in front of the audience, you need excellent physical shape and endurance, especially when we're talking about about high-speed elements and complex dance movements, as well as about competitions, during which you need to perform several dances in a row without losing effectiveness and sophistication. It is very important to pay attention to your physical fitness during classes and training, in order not only to harmoniously develop your body, but also to successfully and effectively perform dances in public.

Ballroom dancing, with all its apparent complexity, is accessible to everyone. You just need to show patience and perseverance in mastering this wonderful spectacular direction and stunning results will not keep you waiting!

On September 8, 1997, something happened in the world of dance sports significant event. On this day, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced full recognition of the International DanceSport Federation (IDSF) as a “Recognized Federation” and a full member of the IOC. This recognition throughout the world is considered as the main achievement of IDSF and dance sport in general. It was also the culmination long history development sports dances, six years of IDSF hard work, enormous efforts national federations and hundreds of thousands of dancers around the world.

Previously, dancing was considered a kind of art. Today it is common to view competitive ballroom dancing as an "artistic sport." Why can dance be considered a sport? Because it requires from the dancer such qualities that are characteristic of most “real” sports.

Physical strength. In terms of the intensity of the lifts and the complexity of performing the elements, ballroom dancing can be compared with ice dancing (many combinations came into ice dancing from ordinary dances).

Flexibility and coordination. These qualities are necessary for maneuvering on the floor and executing figures and lines. Similar qualities are characteristic of sports such as diving, sailing, surfing, basketball and even football, but it is closest to gymnastics.

Musicality. All competitive dance competitors must demonstrate an understanding of music and rhythm in the same manner as required in rhythmic gymnastics.

Endurance. Dance sport competitions are held in several rounds - from preliminary to semi-finals and finals. In each round, dancers must perform five two-minute dances. A 1996 study found that the degree of muscle tension and breathing rate of dancers performing one two-minute dance were similar to those of cyclists, swimmers and middle-distance runners (over the same period of time). The finalist of the World Championship in 10 dances performs 30 dances during the tournament!

Discipline and team spirit. Dance sport is a team sport. A team can be one pair. A team can consist of 16 members (8 pairs) in formation competitions. The discipline requirements of 16 people performing up to 13 changes of dance tempo, and at the same time constantly coordinating their position on the floor relative to other team members, are much higher compared to other sports.

Grace and style. Like ice dancing and rhythmic gymnastics, in sport dancing an important component of success is fluidity of movement and attractive appearance. appearance couples.

However, unlike most other sports, dancing has features that allow it to be considered not only a sport, but also an art.

The motto "Citius, Altius, Fortius" - "Faster, Higher, Stronger" - seems to express the spirit of the Olympic Games. However, it does not cover all aspects of the Games today, just as it did not cover them in the 4th-5th centuries. BC E. This motto truly reflects the ancient spirit of competition, but it cannot convey the full range of competitions included in the Games. Obviously, competition is characteristic feature modern society not only in the sports arena, but also in business and career. Therefore, the concepts of comparative and superior, good and best are familiar to everyone.

How applicable is the Olympic motto to the sport of dance today? Ten years ago, we witnessed the inclusion of dance sports in the Olympic family, just like rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming. Thus, these events were recognized as consistent with the Olympic ideas. At the highest level of performance, they involve unrivaled skill and understanding. Athletes top level in any sport they approach their work with complete self-denial. All these sports are competitive and require a level of training of participants that guarantees the status of tournaments as sporting events. However, none of these sports meet the criteria of "Faster, Higher, Stronger." Apparently, comparisons such as “more accurate”, “more graceful” or “more artistic” are more suitable for them.

Dance sport is not a hobby - it is a lifestyle. When doing serious work, your head is always busy dancing. It doesn’t matter whether you’re having lunch or riding the bus - the rhythm of the music is in your ears, you’re calculating movements, thinking about some new ones. interesting ideas. And it cannot be otherwise. After all, practice goes quickly - when you come to class, to training, you no longer have to think - you have to know and do.

Dancers usually have a very strict schedule, which includes training (lessons and practical lessons) and tournament schedule. Most classes dance clubs- every day, including weekends and holidays. The dancer himself decides how much he needs to train - with or without a teacher. High results are never given for nothing - for this you need to work a lot, and most importantly, think, look for new original solutions to problems.

It is equally important to constantly take part in regional, all-Russian and international tournaments. In order for the couple not to be forgotten by the judges, they simply need to “be visible”, take their place in the rankings, in the list of competition results. Fame has never hurt any athlete, especially in such a subjective sport as dancing. Judges evaluate couples based only on their dancing ideals and subjective perceptions. Therefore, first place is not given to large quantity turns or speed of movement.

All types of sports dances By famous program The scores are divided into three parts and include original, free and compulsory dance routines. IN compulsory program included various types of dances, the choice of which depends on the general focus competitive program competitions. Original dance also represents the use of arbitrary dance moves, which are combined with a set of required elements. Free dance program sports dances is developed mainly according to the personal preferences of the coach and partners, including the variety you can choose yourself musical accompaniment and dance.

Sports dancing is, first of all, the performance of a special set of movements that were selected in a certain sequence and to a specific musical accompaniment. Often, all types of sports dances involve performing figures in pairs, including all sorts of separations of partners during the performance of a dance composition. Various types of sports dances have won their audience and fans among young people; this hobby is now even a sport, so participation in various competitions and competitions among schools and even countries is implied.

Sports dancing concept

Sports dances are the performance of a set of movements, selected in a certain sequence for a specific musical accompaniment. Basically, all types of sports dances are intended for performing figures in pairs, including short-term separations of partners during a dance composition. Different kinds sports dances have become widespread among young people, moreover, in this moment This hobby is one of the sports, and therefore involves participation in various competitions and competitions among schools and countries of the world.

Any type of sports dance according to the existing assessment program consists of three parts and includes compulsory, original and free dance programs. Thus, the compulsory program includes various types of dances, depending on the focus of the competition program. The original dance is a free use of dance movements in combination with a mandatory set of elements. The free dance program is developed primarily according to the taste preferences of the partners and the coach, including the choice of dance variety and musical accompaniment.

Types of sports dances

Modern fusion different cultures forms all types of sports dances, of which there are a huge variety at the moment. All types of sports dances can be divided depending on the tempo of the musical accompaniment and the fundamental elements of movement, therefore each dance is symbolized by a unique set of movements that must be used during the program dance.

Gained great popularity Latin American dances, which are characterized by brightness, expressiveness of movements and outfits, as well as increased mobility of partners in harmony with each other. There are also types of sports dances of other peoples of the world, for example, Arabic dances, European program, Eastern dance etc. The most common types of sports dances are waltz (slow, Viennese), tango, quickstep, foxtrot, samba, rumba, paso doble, cha-cha-cha, go-go, jive, rock and roll, body ballet, etc. .

For today's youth, fashionable club dancing and new trends in sports dancing (break dancing, tectonics, strip dancing, etc.). Each student can rationally organize their leisure time with visible benefit and pleasure from classes. Each sports dancing lesson can be organized in one direction or, conversely, you can learn the basics of movements in each direction of sports dances, allowing you to get to know the cultures of different peoples better.

Types of sports dances They allow not only to enjoy the classes, but also to form the correct posture of the student, normalize the functioning of internal organs, and bring the physical build back to normal. People who dance, even at a non-professional level, acquire a more beautiful gait and gestures, which indicates high life priorities.

Elena Izmailova

Do you want your child to have good posture and correct gait? Do you want your child to feel the rhythm? You want your child to play sports, but for health reasons he cannot go to school sport sections? Then you can give it to the Sports Ballroom Dancing section.

Many parents try to captivate their child different types wrestling, football, hockey, gymnastics. But for some reason, few people think about what sports ballroom dance is. Yes, yes, it is sports, because currently it is a full-fledged sport in which categories are assigned, called classes in dance.
Sports ballroom dancing is a set of dances that includes two programs: European and Latin American. The European program includes: slow waltz, quickstep, tango, Viennese waltz, slow foxtrot; The Latin American program includes dances: cha-cha-cha, jive, rumba, samba and paso doble. Because Since ballroom dancing is a specific sport, dances are learned gradually, and each dance consists of a certain set of figures, the complexity of which also increases over time.
It is clear that not every child will become a good dancer right away. But the first skills acquired in this section will help even if not very much. capable person In the future, it’s good to dance at discos, control your body, have an idea of ​​grace, a sense of rhythm, tact.
During training, emphasis is placed on two aspects:
1. dance technique - a set of figures and technical elements, as well as their high-quality execution.
2. musicality of performance - starting from “getting” into the rhythm of the dance and ending with a sense of music, giving it certain meaning and moods.
Another one of the inseparable parts good dance- this is facial expressions, gestures and the nature of the execution of figures that convey an emotional manifestation to the dance.

What kind of dances are these for which such demands are made?
Standard program- denoted by St.
1. Slow waltz
Appeared at the end of the 18th century. The tempo of the Slow Waltz is 30 bars per minute, and the musical time signature is 3/4. This is a dance of tender relationship between a man and a woman.
2. Quickstep or fast foxtrot
The name comes from “Quickstep” - “quick step”.
Modern Quickstep, performed at a tempo of about 200 beats per minute (50-52 bars). It uses both the basic steps of the Slow Foxtrot and fast figures introduced from outside.
3. Tango
One of the names of this dance is “dance with a stop.”
It is performed at a tempo of 30 - 32 beats per minute.
4. Slow factrot
One of ancient names of this dance - one-step or two-step.
Faxtrot is considered one of the difficult dances and is studied in higher grades. Dancers are required to control every movement, balance and smoothly glide across the floor.
5. Viennese Waltz
It is performed in 3/4 musical time, and the tempo of performance at ballroom dance competitions, unlike slow waltz, is 60 cycles per minute.

Latin American program- denoted by La
1. Jive
The word “jive” possibly comes from “jev”, which means “dismissive talk”. There is a translation option from English word- “jibe”, i.e. "mockery")
Musical time signature Jive is 4/4 and the tempo is 40 to 46 beats per minute. Jive because pretty fast pace requires high endurance from dancers.
2. Cha-cha-cha
The name Cha-Cha-Cha may have originated from the Cuban dance "Guaracha".
The musical time signature in Cha-Cha-Cha is 4/4, and the tempo is 30 beats per minute.
3. Rumba
The name “Rumba” when translated from Spanish means “feast”, “raut”, but there may also be a comparison with the term “rumboso orquestra”, which means musicians performing dance tunes.
The musical size of the Rumba dance is 4/4, and the performance tempo is 25-27 beats per minute.
4. Samba
The musical size of Samba is 2/4, it is performed at a tempo of 50 - 52 bars per minute.
5. Paso Doble
The name "Paso Doble" means "double step" in Spanish and may be derived from "Paso a Dos", which means "dance for two".
Paso Doble is a dance that needs to be “beat”; therefore, the dancer must have an excellent sense of rhythm and composition. That's why this dance is performed in high schools.
The musical time signature of the Paso Doble is 2/4 and the tempo is 60 beats per minute.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that sports ballroom dancing is one of the most beautiful views a sport that is never too late to start playing.


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