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Who died from the group Linkin Park. Lead singer Linkin Park died: musicians and friends named the reasons

“Live fast, die young” - this motto of rock and roll does not promise a long and happy life. It so happened that the most bright stars those who died early and tragically are recognized.

Compared with Kurt Cobain, who shot himself at age 27, 41-year-old vocalist of the group Linkin Park Chester Bennington- a real long-liver. But still, this age is far from advanced. But the musician failed to cope with his inner demons.

Alcohol, drugs and rock

Chester Bennington was born on March 20, 1976 in Phoenix, the son of a police officer and a nurse. He was 11 years old when his parents divorced and divided their children. Chester stayed with his father.

As a teenager, three things became his main hobbies: music, alcohol and drugs.

When, at the age of 17, Chester moved to his mother, she was horrified - a skinny teenager with a devilish gleam in his eyes appeared before her. To force her son to give up alcohol and drugs, his mother sometimes locked him at home. Chester himself admitted that this did not help much. If he gave up drugs for some time, he drank so much that by the age of 20 he turned, by his own admission, into a “complete chronic alcoholic.”

All this could have ended in a grave even then, if not for the music that kept him in this life.

Diner Talent

His first serious group was the Gray Daze team, which he created in 1993 together with drummer Sean Dowdell. The musicians became stars in Arizona, but were prevented from developing further internal conflicts and ever-increasing doses of alcohol and drugs. In 1997, the group broke up.

Gray Daze was a famous band, but not financially successful. Bennington earned his living by working at Burger King, remaining as poor as a church rat. To his first wife Samantha Chester could not even give an engagement ring, which is why the couple simply tattooed this symbol on their fingers.

His only wealth was his vocal abilities. In 1997, the Xero group, founded Mike Shinoda And Brad Delson, was looking for a new vocalist. It was impossible to find a suitable candidate until, through friends, Shinoda learned about a certain talent from Arizona. Bennington received a call on his birthday, March 20, asking for a tape of the recording.

Chester didn’t put the matter off for a long time - taking a break from the feast, he quickly recorded his vocals and let Shinoda and Delson listen to it over the phone.

They were so impressed that they asked Bennington to come over immediately. The next day the musicians were already rehearsing together in Los Angeles.

Linkin Park: Jump to Fame

They decided to give the team a new name. At first it sounded like Hybrid Theory, but there were problems with British group Hybrid, who accused her colleagues of plagiarism.

Then Bennington suggested the name Lincoln Park - as a child, he went to classes in a music studio through Lincoln Park. Shinoda and other members of the group liked the name, but the Internet domain with that name was taken. After some thought, we decided to call ourselves Linkin Park - with this name the rock and rollers came to world fame.

The first album Hybrid Theory, released in 2000, blew up the musical space. It sold over 30 million copies, and for the song “Crawling” the group received a Grammy in the category “ Best Performance in the style of hard rock."

Linkin Park's hits tore up the charts, and the "In the End" video, broadcast on MTV, received the award for best video clip of the year.

In just a few years, Linkin Park turned his style, which was considered alternative music, into one of the most popular and fashionable on the planet. From Seattle to Chelyabinsk, Bennington's vocals were heard everywhere, and fan craze and commercial success Even the main stars of world pop music could envy Linkin Park.

At the peak of popularity

Linkin Park became a symbol of the first decades XXI century, securely securing a place in the history of rock and roll. The group's songs became soundtracks for "Transformers" and were included in the soundtrack legendary game Need for Speed.

From a poor diner employee, Chester Bennington turned into a million-dollar star. But the habits he acquired in his youth did not let him go. Alcohol and drugs remained companions in life. It got to the point that Bennington had to go on tour separately from the other musicians so that his alcoholic psychoses would not bother his colleagues.

And yet it seemed that life was gradually getting better. After his first divorce, Bennington married a Playboy model in 2005. Talinda Bentley. They lived together for 12 years, having four of their own and two adopted children.

He managed to implement his solo project without leaving Linkin Park completely. He was noted for his episodic roles in cult films"Adrenaline" and "Adrenaline: High Voltage", played in "Saw 3D".

He who ended his life tragically is a true poet...

The seventh was released in May 2017 studio album Linkin Park "One More Light". Despite the fact that the fan craze was left behind, the group did not lose the love of its loyal fans. Is it true, gossips they insisted that Linkin Park had finally “sold out to pop,” for which Bennington promised to personally punch the critics in the face.

But what happened behind the outward appearance of Chester Bennington’s personal well-being is known only to those closest to him.

Chris Cornell. Chester and Chris were close friends, and Bennington was deeply affected by Cornell's death.

He took his fatal step on July 20, his friend’s birthday. Whether this was an accident or a conscious choice is still unknown.

As always happens in such cases, Linkin Park is waiting for a new explosion of popularity. But the price paid for this is too high.

The frontman of one of the world's most popular bands, Linkin Park, Chester Bennington, was found dead in his home in Los Angeles. He was 41 years old. According to the tabloids, the musician committed suicide. remembers Bennington and his team, which became a symbol of the 2000s generation.

“I’m shocked, heartbroken, but it’s true. An official statement will follow as soon as we have it,” Bennington’s colleague, rapper Linkin Park, wrote on Twitter.

By a strange coincidence, the death of the Linkin Park vocalist occurred on July 20 - the birthday of the frontman of Soundgarden and Audioslave, who committed suicide on May 18 of this year. Cornell and Bennington were friends.

Another grim statistic: this is the second Stone Temple Pilots vocalist to die in two years. Found in December 2015 dead ex frontman Scott Weiland. From 2013 to 2015, Bennington took his place in this distinguished team, which he admired since his youth.

Bennington had serious and long-standing problems with drugs, and Shinoda probably knows more than people on the outside. For fans of the group and those simply following the music, with all the number of deaths of musicians over the past year and a half, the departure of Bennington - a handsome man, a favorite of girls, a figure, albeit pathetic, but not tragic, was truly shocking.

Linkin Park was one of the most commercially successful groups 2000s - an era when alternative music became mainstream. They brought nu-metal to a state close to pop music. They had a lot of haters, but they still had many more rabidly devoted fans. For the generation of the 2000s, Linkin Park is a symbol, even if someone did not listen to them and did not like them. They were everywhere; there was nowhere to hide from the Numb song.

In the 2010s, passions around the team did not seethe so violently, but the group regularly released albums, and accusations were also regularly made that the musicians had worn themselves out, had become completely oppressed, and so on. In May, the group's last, seventh album, One More Light, was released. Discussing this work, the peace-loving Bennington lost his temper and threatened to “punch” critics and detractors.

Returning to the strange coincidences: the album was released the day after the death of Chris Cornell.

Chester Bennington was born on March 20, 1976 in Phoenix, Arizona, the son of a police detective. He was 11 years old when his parents divorced, and it affected him greatly. As a teenager, he began drinking and using every drug he could get his hands on.

At the age of 17, he began singing in the local group Sean Dowdell and His Friends, but the team was not doing well. Chester found another band, Gray Daze, and recorded three albums with them in the second half of the 1990s. He was not satisfied with the result, and he was already thinking about quitting music.

Photo: David Longendyke/Everett Collection/East News

But suddenly he was lucky: producer Jeff Blue, who worked with and, appreciated the Gray Daze vocalist and brought him together with the promising young Los Angeles band Xero. Bennington became friends with Mike Shinoda and other Xero members. After some time, the team renamed itself Linkin Park. Jeff Blue also helped with the contract: his debut album The group released it not just anywhere, but on the giant label Warner Bros.

It didn’t take long to convince listeners of his talent - the first record became multi-platinum in many countries and diamond certified (more than 10 million copies) in its homeland.

From an unemployed drug addict and Burger King employee, Chester Bennington at the age of 23 turned into a superstar and millionaire, owning the minds of millions of teenagers. But this successful and, according to some, “pop” man, the father of a large family, continued to live on the edge of the abyss, from which he could not be saved.


Soloist famous group Linkin Park was found dead in his home in Los Angeles. The cause of Chester Bennington's death is not entirely clear and leaves many questions for fans of his work.

Chester Charles Bennington was born on March 20, 1976 in Phoenix (Arizona, USA) in the family of a police officer and nurse, who divided their children after their divorce in 1987. The future famous frontman stayed with his father.

It is not known how old he was when he tried it, but before he turned seventeen, the young man tried all kinds narcotic drugs. When he came to his mother as an exhausted drug addict, she put the young man under House arrest. Drug addiction was replaced by another addiction - alcohol.

Another passion was the tattoos with which he “filled” his skin on his chest, back and arms. Among artistic images his zodiac sign (Pisces), the name of the group, their last wife initials and initials of all children.

First musical instrument which he managed to master - the piano. The guy happened to play different instruments, but what attracted me most was the vocals. The singer's track record in his youth included participation in local amateur groups, but fame came only in 1992 when he joined Gray Daze.

Performances with Gray Daze continued until the group disbanded, after which Bennington moved to the group Xero, which after two subsequent name changes became Linkin Park. The current name comes from a specific location on the map - Lincoln Park in Santa Monica. Together with this group, a total of seven albums were released, and after his death, a Live version of the latter, “One More Light,” was released.

On October 13, 2009, Chester Bennington’s solo album “Dead By Sunrise” was released to the world, work on which lasted for three years.

What did Chester die from?

On July 20, 2017, Linkin Park lead singer Chester Charles Bennington was found dead in his home. He committed suicide by hanging without leaving suicide note. A bottle of alcohol remained on the table. Doctors who examined the body of the deceased stated that there were no drugs in his blood.

It is noteworthy that Bennington died on the birthday of his friend, Chris Cornell, who also died by suicide two months earlier. After the death of the last one, lead singer of Linkin Park wrote a touching letter expressing grief for his departed friend. “I can’t imagine life without you,” he wrote in his message. There is a version that this is one of the reasons for the decision to voluntarily die.

The vocalist’s friends and musicians with whom he worked spoke about what could have pushed him to commit suicide. The first thing people mention is addiction to alcohol and drugs. The fight against addictions took place with varying degrees of success. For some time, due to alcohol, the frontman even traveled on his bus, separately from the other musicians.

He himself mentioned that he sometimes thought about killing himself, motivating such thoughts with childhood trauma: at a very young age, the guy was bullied by an adult.

There is also information that in Lately Chester Bennington was in a state of prolonged depression. According to his producer, the singer “gave too much to the public,” gave his best, and when the public demanded more, he simply broke down and could not withstand the pressure created.


Chester Bennington was married twice throughout his life. He met his first wife, Samantha, even before the advent of popularity. At that time, he worked at Burger King during the day and sang in a band in the evening, using a skateboard as a means of transportation, since there was no money even for a cheap car. This relationship lasted from 1996 to 2005. The marriage produced a son, who remained with his mother after the divorce.

The singer's two eldest children were born out of wedlock in a relationship with Elka Brand. He even adopted her youngest son.

His last marriage was in 2005 to Talinda Ann Bentley, a former men's model. Playboy magazine, who bore him three children (a son and two daughters).


After such terrible news, the group canceled their pre-planned tour, and a letter from the musicians to the deceased appeared on the social network, expressing grief and gratitude for the fact that he was present in the lives of each of them. Fans from all over the world expressed their support and condolences to friends and family.

When the legendary lead singer of the famous and popular band around the world died, hundreds of fans rushed to his house with flowers, photographs and candles in their hands to honor his memory. After him there was a voice, there was music that will live forever. His life story is the story of how he died talented person, having lost his war with reality.

Hello dear readers and friends. Ruslan Miftakhov is with you as always. You've probably heard about the bad news that on July 20, 2017, Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington was found dead in his home.

According to media reports, he was found hanged at 9 am; only half a bottle of alcohol was found in the house; no drugs were found in the house.

No one knows what pushed him to such suicide, but it is known that long years he abused alcohol and drugs. He was also married twice, had six children and was 41 years old.

In some sources you can find that as a child he became a victim of sexual violence and the thought of suicide had visited him more than once before.

Someone writes that the singer took the criticism of listeners and fans very close to heart and last album released in May 2017, it disappointed many.

Others find a connection that the day of Chester's suicide coincided with the birthday of his friend Chris Cornell, who hanged himself two months earlier. Chester dedicated this song from his last album to him.

Only God knows what was going on in his head when he put the noose around his neck. Why, why did he do this? It doesn’t matter anymore, the person no longer exists and nothing can be changed.

Why do I like Linkin Park?

I decided to write a post about this because I am not indifferent to their music and creations. What they created is just something, I don’t even know how to express it. This is one of the groups, in my opinion, where most of the compositions are Shedefre!

Usually, as it happens, one or two songs in an album are hits, and the rest are so-so. With Linkin Park it's the other way around. Below I will briefly describe Linkin Park, the history of the group and their endeavors.

I first learned about this group in 2004, I don’t remember exactly, I asked someone in a correspondence what you do, and in response I received a text message: - I listen to Linkin Park, if you haven’t heard of this group, listen, you’ll like it.

Then I didn't betray it great importance, but still asked a friend to bring the LP album, since the Internet at that time was poorly developed and simply downloading a song was a problem. Not like now, there are too many movies and music, I don’t want to download them.

After listening to Meteora's debut album, I immediately fell in love with their music. How could he know that I would like this music, but he was right. This is without a doubt the music of the 2000s generation.

Not only, I repeat, not only music has not touched me so much, even without understanding the words of what it is sung about, with the music of Linkin Park the energy is transmitted on an emotional level.

It’s like going through together those difficulties and sufferings of life that most people go through, when you feel broken and insignificant.

I’ve always been indifferent to rap and rock separately, but probably no one has ever managed to combine them together and get something like that. The ability to cross rock, rap and electronics into one whole is simply amazing.

And to this music I loved to race Need For Speed ​​Most Wanted, you probably know the most famous computer racing, which is translated as Need for Speed ​​- Most Wanted.

So in these races, my favorite car was a Mitsubishi Lancer 9 and I had no equal, it was simply useless for the police to chase me, and all this music helped.

Just listen to the drive, but in a real car in real life I don’t recommend turning on this music, you just want to press the gas and drive.

Have you noticed that the ending of one song Easier To Run and the beginning of the song Faint are the same, how would the continuation go?

Well, I’ll publish the last one, this one, and note that it’s all from one Meteora album, other albums are not almost worse, but even better in some ways. Total LP albums on this moment released 7.

A little history of Linkin Park

I'll tell you a little about the creation and composition of the LP. The group was created in 1996 and was first called Xero. The founders are Brad Delson - guitar, Rob Burdon - drums, Joe Hahn - DJ and Mike Shinoda - vocals, MC, keyboards, rhythm guitar. Vocal parts performed by Mark Wakefield.

Chester was not yet in the group and they could not achieve success without him. After vocalist Mark left, the remaining members of the group began to look for a new vocalist.

They constantly held castings, but to no avail, but somehow they were given the phone number of that same Chester. The guys contacted him and sent him a demo tape. On this day it was Chester's birthday and, having forgotten about it, he recorded vocals and played the recording to the guys on the phone.

What am I telling you here, watch the video if you are interested of course.

After the arrival of a new singer, the group changed its name to Hybrid Theory, but as it turned out, this name was already taken by another group and the copyright holder was already preparing to sue them.

Each group member was asked to come up with a new name. Chester suggested calling it, as it is now called, after Lincoln Park, through which the singer walked every day to rehearsals.

In 2000, their first album was released, which brought them world fame. They then released their next album in 2003. Competitors and envious people expected that their next album would be a failure, as with most people the first is the best, and then complete trash.

But no, they didn’t guess right either, the second album turned out to be simply superb. It shouldn’t be any other way, as the band members themselves say, they made several versions for each song, changed the words somewhere, replayed the guitar somewhere, until all their colleagues liked it thoroughly.

They worked on each album for 3-4 years. This is the success story of Linkin Park.

Chester Bennington in movies

By the way, did you know that the singer starred in the movie Adrenaline 1-2 and saw 3D in the movie? No, I only recently found out while watching videos on YouTube.

I watched both parts of the film Adrenaline a long time ago, but I didn’t suspect that this was the same vocalist from the LP group. It is said that Saw was his favorite film.

What will happen to the Linkin Park group?

A group that hasn’t changed its lineup for the last 17 years, I don’t think, can just change the vocalist like that. Moreover, a vocalist like Chester, who had a huge vocal range that allowed him to surprise his listeners, simply cannot be found. Although they say there are no irreplaceable people, apparently not always.

Here I think there are two options for the outcome of the group:

  1. The band remains as is with 5 members, vocals are taken by Mike Shinoda, but without Chester
  2. The group breaks up and fades into history. Linkin Park without Chester is no longer the same Linkin Park and probably this option will soon await them.

Let's wait and see what happens to the group. And what do you think?

On this note I will end the article, may he rest in peace.

P.S. For those who are fans of the band Linkin Park, you probably found an error in the article, write in the comments what the error is. Who is the most attentive?

Best regards, Ruslan Miftakhov

The lead singer of Linkin Park, the famous Chester Bennington, passed away on July 20, 2017. The musician's fans, of whom there are an incredible number all over the world, are perplexed - why could a talented, young man, father of six children, take his own life? After all, according to information from official sources, he committed suicide. In this article we’ll talk about the biography and personal life of Chester Bennington, and also try to figure out what caused his early death.

Tragic childhood

The musician was born in Arizona on March 20, 1976. Chester's family had four children. He has an older brother and two sisters. Initially, parents paid quite a lot of attention to their children. Often the whole family went on trips. But not everything was so rosy. Chester's mother and father often quarreled with each other, and this could not but affect the family as a whole.

Chester was a versatile child - he tried himself in sports and played the piano well. It soon became clear that the guy had a great voice. Therefore, he was often invited to become a soloist in musical groups. The boy liked to sing, and he remained faithful to this cause to the end.

Chester Bennington - singer

When Chester was 11 years old, his parents decided to separate. They divided the responsibilities of raising four children among themselves, so the boy remained under the tutelage of his strict father, a policeman.

Bennington recalled in an interview that he was bitter that his mother abandoned him. He was youngest child. And so his mother loved and spoiled him. Parting with her was a heavy blow for the boy.

The father devoted a lot of time to his work, but he did not have time to take care of his son. In essence, the child was left to his own devices. At age 11, he became addicted to drugs and alcohol. Smoked marijuana. This could not but affect my studies. Teachers constantly complained about the boy.

Due to his difficult relationship with his father, he often left home. Complicating the situation was the fact that early childhood Chester survived sexual assault by an older friend. He spoke about this more than once in interviews. This happened to him from the age of seven to thirteen. For many years he did not dare to tell anyone about the crazy nightmare in which the child was at the center. He was afraid that they would not believe him or would consider him a homosexual.

Chester's father was investigating similar crimes, but even the guy did not dare to open up to him.

Also Chester Bennington, personal life and whose biography causes such a stir, today he said that he did not try to somehow take revenge on his offender. He learned that he, too, had once been a victim of harassment and sympathized with him.

Charles Bennington and musical career

As a fragile, insecure teenager, he could not resist bullying. And as a result, the tragedies that the musician experienced in childhood significantly damaged his psyche.

At the age of 17, he voluntarily returned to his mother’s house, in a terrible state. The young guy was addicted to alcohol and drugs. Mom tried her best to rid him of destructive habits - for example, she locked him in the house. For a short time Chester even forgot about his passions. But gradually everything returned to normal. It will take him many more years to finally quit using illegal drugs.

Even in mature age the musician could not remember his childhood and youth without tears and inner trembling. Chester Bennington, whose biography and personal life is so interesting to fans, considers it unsurprising that in his teens he had to forget about alcohol and strong drugs. Try to escape from yourself, or maybe find a drop of warmth in numerous novels...

Even an adult man is scared to experience this, let alone the fragile psyche of a teenager. And it’s great that for some time he managed to break out of this vicious circle - to become legendary musician, husband and father.

Having given up drugs, Chester began working in a city coffee shop. I must say, he liked his first job. He spoke about him warmly in interviews. Then, as a result of working in public catering, he met his first wife.

Musician career

Bennington loved music since childhood and never stopped playing it. Success came to the young man in 1992, when he became the lead singer of Sean Dowdell and His Friends. During the day, the young man worked in a coffee shop, and in the evenings he went to rehearsals. Then with the money young musician it was very difficult. He even saved on public transport and got to the rehearsal space on a skateboard.

Lead singer Sean Dowdell and His Friends

Soon, the group in which Chester Bennington played, whose personal life we ​​are discussing today, was renamed Gray Daze. Together with this group, the young man recorded three albums, but his creativity and career development did not satisfy the guy’s ambitions.

Bennington recalled that often young musicians were not taken seriously and literally they were “driven” from everywhere. The guys literally had to defend their interests and beliefs with their fists. And Chester wanted real fame, success, full realization of himself as a vocalist. Because of this, he left the team in 1997. Moreover, he had tempting offers.

Linkin Park

In 1997, Bennington became the vocalist of the group "Xero", which at that time was looking for interesting soloist. The band's producer took a liking to the talented guy, and he invited Chester to audition. Before the meeting, Bennington was worried, but he couldn't miss a good chance for development.

To become the vocalist of Xero, Bennington had to participate in the casting. Then it became clear that the guy had no competitors. Many musicians who passed the selection, after listening to Chester, simply went home. Chester had an unusual voice and manner of performance. So he became the lead singer of the group, which brought him incredible popularity. Or maybe it was Chester who made the group famous.

The name of the group changed several times. At first it was renamed Hybrid Theory. After this event, the record company Warner Brothers Records offered young and talented musicians record the first album. They released it already as Linkin Park.

Chester released Linkin Park

The band's debut album was quite successful. It quickly sold out. Therefore, 10 million copies were produced. So, at the age of 23, Chester Bennington became truly popular. Received many awards. And his vocals were loved far beyond the borders of the United States. The group became the pioneer of a new direction in music - alternative.

The musician not only sang well, he sang amazingly. He was incredibly charismatic. Enthusiastic fans were drawn to him and he reciprocated. However, Bennington also took criticism seriously. He harshly criticized himself for every failure and worried about troubles.

The band's latest album was released quite recently, in May 2017. And until recently, Chester worked actively. And on the day of his death, he had to go to a photo shoot before the tour. There seemed to be no signs of trouble.

But despite the group's popularity, some fans last years talked about Bennington being in creative crisis. The musician reacted painfully to criticism. He assured that everything was fine in the group. And with music critics he is even ready to fight.

Chester always gave one hundred percent during performances. He always sang at the top of his lungs. Many tried to imitate his style, but he was the only one.

In 2009, the musician released solo album, although it was not a huge success. More than once the musician was invited to play in films. And, as a rule, yourself. Perhaps Chester would famous actor. But he chose a different path.

It is also known that after problems with alcohol and drugs in his youth, Chester was in rather poor health. Early in his career he was hospitalized several times. He also rode the bus separately from the rest of the group for some time. He was forced to take such measures because of his alcohol addiction so as not to break down.

Personal life of Chester Bennington

At twenty years old, Chester met his first wife, Samantha. Six years later the couple had a son. At that time, Chester was not yet wealthy and popular, so the couple had to overcome many difficulties together. Instead of wedding rings, the lovers made tattoos on their ring fingers as a sign eternal love. But despite such a promising start to the relationship, in 2005 this union broke up.

Chester and Samantha (singer's first wife)

Samantha and Chester remained friends, and the woman did not interfere with the musician’s relationship with their common son.

Immediately after breaking up with Samantha, Chester Benngton, whose personal life we ​​remember today, entered into a new official relationship with model Talinda Bentley. He met this girl at a party and realized that with her he could become truly happy. In an interview, the musician admitted that there were many warm moments in his relationship with his first wife, but something was felt wrong... There were many scandals, mutual insults...

Chester and Talinda (second wife)

With Talinda it was different. She gave Chester three more children - a son and two daughters. In addition, the couple had two adopted sons.

The family lived in Los Angeles for a long time, then in California. Chester, contrary to his "bad guy" image, was actually an exemplary family man. He tried to spend almost everything with his family free time. Perhaps he wanted to create a “safe haven” that he did not have as a child.

In 2006, Bennington and his family began to be stalked by an Internet maniac. He constantly wrote threats, said that he knew everything about the musician’s family, promised to harm his children... Chester’s life became a nightmare - he couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that someone dared to threaten his children, to hurt them. His childhood fears resurfaced in his thoughts.

It turned out that the “maniac” was an ordinary girl, who in this way entertained herself out of boredom at work. After this story, Chester and his wife began to pay more attention to social networks and even came up with complex passwords for their accounts. But this did not save the family from another scandal, which happened a few days after the death of the performer.

An unknown person hacked the Twitter account of the wife of a deceased performer and began writing that her husband was allegedly killed. And then - that Talinda allegedly cheated on Chester with another member of the group and never loved her husband.

Why it was necessary to mock the family of the deceased is unclear. After all, it was already difficult for loved ones. The musician's widow admitted that she thought nothing could break her heart anymore. But it was not so. Chester pulled the rug from under her feet by leaving.

In addition to music, the talented Chester was fond of tattoos. In 1995, he and a friend opened their own tattoo salon. It turned out to be quite profitable business. In addition, he tattooed on his body many drawings and the initials of people close to him - his children and his wife.

Cause of death of Linkin park leader Chester Benington

Despite the crowds of fans and their ardent love, despite big family and the presence of a beautiful wife, the musician admitted more than once in interviews that it was as if something was devouring him from the inside. He could not remain alone with his thoughts - it was as if something terrible was happening in his head. It turned out to be difficult for the man to survive what was happening to him. In addition, he often received cruel blows from fate.

So on May 20, 2017, Chester’s friend, actor and musician Chris Cornell, committed suicide. It was the day before the presentation of Chester's latest album. And months after the death of his friend, the musician could not write a single line.

And on July 20, 2017, on the day of his friend’s 53rd birthday, Chester was also found dead at home. It would seem that nothing foreshadowed trouble. The group is still loved and in demand. Career at its peak - an album was recently released, planned tour in the very near future. And yet, Chester dies.

Fans refuse to believe that the musician could have died voluntarily. They don’t believe that a man who was madly loved by fans, the father of a large family, could give up everything and commit suicide.

In addition, information appeared on the Internet that Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington, whose personal life is of interest, helped children who were sexually abused. Allegedly, they calculated influential people who were involved in similar crimes and were preparing to make this information public. Thus, the musicians’ departure from life could have been planned and organized by someone from outside.

One way or another, now the musician, who could have done and played a lot more, is no longer alive. Undoubtedly, he will remain a bright memory in the hearts of his fans. Having grown up listening to Linkin Park songs, they will not forget his voice, his smile, and large-scale concerts.

Chester passed away on the day it went online last clip groups. The day before, he returned home from Arizona, where he was spending time with his family. He promised his loved ones that he would leave them for a while.

On the day of Chester’s death, a photo shoot with his participation was supposed to take place. His friend even came to pick him up. But the plans fell through - the maid found the dead man in his room. She got scared and immediately called the police. Thus it became known that the legendary vocalist was no longer alive.

In a bitter irony, shortly after the musician’s death, this video was posted on the band’s official website. And the fans were discussing it, not yet knowing what happened. Now it’s clear that with this clip Chester seemed to say goodbye to everyone. He left when no one expected it.

The musicians of the group in which Bennington played expressed their gratitude and love to the man. They published a letter in which they regretted that Chester left. The musician’s relatives believe that he was taken by the “demons” that lived in his head. Those about which he wrote, spoke and sang. Those thanks to which his fans fell in love.

Chester himself said that the “demons” that had haunted him since childhood would take him away. No traces of drug use were found at the scene of the man's death. The impetus for Chester's death was something else.

It was like it was a terrible deal. The man ultimately paid for his talent with his life. Despite the fact that outwardly he had recognition, success, a job he loved and a family, inside he was a lonely man, still tormented by self-doubt.

There is another reason why the musician could commit suicide - the band’s last album was harshly criticized by both fans and professionals. And a couple of days before his death, information appeared on the Internet that Linkin Park lead singer Chester Bennington had passed away. And, of course, there were people who rejoiced in the comments at such a sad ending. Perhaps this pushed the musician to such a decision - it was another blow to his emotionally unstable psyche. Be that as it may, the person is no longer alive, and he cannot be brought back.

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