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There is a place in the architectural university. The best architectural universities in the world

The Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy) trains professionals in architecture, urban planning and design of the architectural environment. Graduates receive broad professional training with specializations in the field of architecture of residential, public and industrial buildings and structures, the organization of rural areas and urban structures, natural and urban landscapes, reconstruction, restoration and theory of architecture and design, temple architecture.

The Moscow Architectural Institute is one of the leading universities in Russia with a long history of educational activities. Currently, it is the leading educational institution in the Russian Federation in the field of architecture.

One of the most important components of the activity of the university is scientific research. The range of scientific activities of MARHI includes fundamental and priority applied research, as well as design and experimental development. They are carried out in the fields of architecture, urban planning, design of the architectural environment and engineering sciences, developing in interconnection and interaction.

The institute includes the following research laboratories:

  • Laboratory for the Development of Architectural Education;
  • Interdepartmental Laboratory of Compositional Problems;
  • Laboratory of metal and composite structures;
  • Urban Research Laboratory;
  • Laboratory of computer technologies;
  • Photo lab.

The Institute carries out international cooperation at the regional and global levels with universities and educational centers of a number of foreign countries. The main goal of the work on international cooperation is the integration of the institute into the world educational space. It means:

  • ensuring the recognition of the institute as an active participant in the global scientific and educational process;
  • increasing the international prestige of the MARCHI diploma;
  • internationalization of the educational process through the development of international academic mobility.

The main foreign partners of MARCHI:

  • Kingston University (London);
  • Technical University of Munich (Munich);
  • Academy of Fine Arts NABA (Milan);
  • Venice University (Venice);
  • Higher Technical School of Architecture of Madrid (Madrid);
  • Beijing Jiao Tong University (Beijing);
  • Warsaw Polytechnic Institute (Warsaw);
  • Columbia University (New York);
  • Royal Institute of Technology - ABE School of Architecture (Stockholm);
  • Shibaur Institute of Technology (Tokyo) and many others.

MARCHI has a rich and varied material and technical base. The institute has several types of project audiences adapted for educational project activities in different courses, diploma audiences. We use modern equipment for 3-D modeling, professional lighting equipment, special equipment in the photo lab.

The sports base of the institute is represented by several sports halls, equipped with a variety of sports disciplines, the institute also provides students with the opportunity to practice in the Chaika pool.

The Moscow Architectural Institute's library has an extensive fund, especially rich in publications on avant-garde architecture, internationalism, and materials on the history of architecture and art.

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Architectural and construction universities in Moscow

An architect, if he wants to keep up with life, must know and be able to apply not only architectural forms, ornaments and various decorative elements, he must know progressive materials, reinforced concrete structures and details, and, above all, he must be well versed in issues of construction economics.

N.S. Khrushchev

Take a look around - in all cities, both large and small, large-scale uninterrupted construction is underway. These include residential complexes and grandiose sports venues - the Olympics in Sochi, the Universiade in Kazan, industrial enterprises, factories and warehouses, schools and hospitals, airports and power plants ... Private construction is also actively carried out - country houses, dachas, cottages, baths. All this is being built by thousands of specialists: architects, designers, builders. These professions are in demand at all times, because construction always follows the needs of people in housing and other infrastructure. As the saying goes: "Housing is being built everywhere with us, lagging behind the growth of the population."

The architectural and construction industry is rapidly developing in the field of new construction technologies and the use of the latest materials, which requires a constant influx of young promising specialists. There are 21 state architectural and construction universities in Russia, three of which are located in Moscow with branches in the Moscow region and regions, the rest in the regional cities of almost every region. All universities can be proud of their glorious long history and high standards of education.

An architect-urban planner is called upon to create the best conditions for the life of not only contemporaries, but also future generations.

Ivan Zholtovsky

For admission to the Faculty of Architecture, in addition to the main results of core subjects in the Unified State Examination, it is required to pass a creative test. As a rule, people with artistic abilities come here, those who worked in design studios, participated in competitions in construction projects. As in all state universities, in architecture and construction there are budget places, the number of which does not decrease over time.

The work of architects and builders in recent decades has become more creative and interesting. If in Soviet times, mostly faceless standard boxes were built, now all kinds of architectural styles are used even in the construction of small country houses. And modern technologies and materials contribute to the rapid construction of the most durable, tall, beautiful buildings that can withstand various natural influences: low sub-zero temperatures, strong winds, seismic activity.

The profession of an architect is divided into several specializations:

  • urban planning;
  • landscape;
  • design;
  • restoration.
  • Builders also, depending on the type of activity, have several specializations:
  • civil engineer;
  • design engineers of various systems (water supply, electric lighting, heating);
  • engineer estimator;
  • foreman

The construction industry is cutting-edge, it always goes ahead of all industries. First, an object is built, and only then production or other life activity arises in it. Therefore, the professions of an architect and builder will always be honorable and in demand.

Design competition

About profile

The higher education program "Environmental Design" is aimed at training specialists who are able to design private and public interiors, create expositions and design objects, and work in the field of urban improvement.

Profile graduates are in demand in leading architectural and design bureaus, construction companies and firms producing furniture and equipment, they create own design studios.

Training program

The curriculum includes:

Professional disciplines: "Design", as well as disciplines: "Design graphics", "Academic sculpture and plastic modeling", "Color science", "Landscape design", "Modern interior styles", "Ergonomics", "Materials science", "Construction drawing", "Light in Environmental Design", "Design and Arts and Crafts in Environmental Design", "Exhibition Design"

Study of computer programs and professional technologies: "Adobe Indesign", "Adobe Photoshop", "Graphisoft ArchiCAD", "Autodesk 3ds Max"

General education disciplines that form the cultural level: "History of Art", "Fundamentals of Industrial Excellence", "Culturology", "Foreign Language", "Economics"

You can see the work of our students on our channels Instagram, Pinterest , YouTube .

Department and teachers

The department provides training in the field of environmental design for programs of all levels: , undergraduate, and .

Many years of experience, integration of the department into a professional environment, a practical approach to teaching - all this allows students to gain relevant knowledge from the first year of study. As term papers and theses, they develop real projects for: "Interiors of the Mikron factory" , Embankment of the Admiralteyskaya Sloboda and many others.

All teachers have academic degrees and titles. 75% of the design disciplines are conducted by the heads and employees of architectural and design bureaus, who are proficient in modern methods of both individual and group work with students. Many teachers are the authors of unique courses and methods.


Lecturer of disciplines: "Construction in design", "Materials and workflows", "Production technologies", associate professor.


Interior decorator, art critic, head and art director of interior decoration workshop "Décor-Studio", member of the International Union of Designers IIDA (Chicago), member of the association "Union of Designers" IDASS, member of the association of art historians AIS.


Studying proccess

Classes are held in modern classrooms and design workshops. The resource support of the institute enables students to create large-scale objects, products and installations.

An important part of the educational process are lectures, master classes by famous architects and designers, as well as on-site practical classes. In addition, students actively participate in professional architectural and design competitions, exhibitions, festivals: ARCH Moscow, Architecture, Art-Eco.

The institute has a large co-working area where students can work on their projects, consult with teachers, communicate and exchange ideas.

For more information about events, open lectures and viewings - in our social networks Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram.



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My acquaintance with the institute began in 2016, when I first came to the Open Day. Many teachers at the school gave advice on how to choose the right university, direction of activity, status of teachers, but the most practical advice, in my opinion, sounded like this: “Lyuba, you should feel ...


Now I am a 1st year student and, having studied for six months, I want to say that the institute gives me everything that I wanted so much. All the people who work here are very interesting and responsive. We ended the semester with a big exhibition in which our works were presented. It was very interesting to feel...


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For a long time I chose among the universities of Moscow an institute that I really like. As a result, she chose the Institute of Business and Design (B&D). In 2013, I entered the preparatory courses here. I really liked the atmosphere of the institute: pleasant administration and teachers, interesting...


Learning from professionals who really live their work and burn with it, willy-nilly, you become infected with desire and love for the creative process. During my studies at B&D, I was able to take part in various competitions, interact with students from different universities and countries, demo...


First of all, I want to say a big thank you! To everyone who created that unique learning environment in which we have been for four years. Thanks to the institute for teachers - professionals of the highest level, who with great diligence passed on to us their deepest knowledge. With full regards...


The Institute of Business and Design is indeed developing very quickly! If we compare it, then from 2013 to 2017 the institute has changed and it has its own individuality. Special thanks to the institute for organizing events with professionals from various fields, both architecture and graphic...


Graduated from university this summer, very sad to leave these walls. Anyone who wants to plunge into a friendly atmosphere not only with the guys, but also with teachers who will guide you to your goal. During the years of study, there was a great upsurge in the development of the university. When I first came to this...


The Institute is developing, not standing still. Students achieve good results under the strict guidance of experts in their field. Thanks to good results, we regularly participate in professional exhibitions and competitions, receiving awards. Thanks for the opportunity!

Open Day

On April 21 at 12:00 the Department of Architectural Environment and Design invites you to the Open Day!

You will be able to communicate with leading teachers, find out the details of the curriculum, ask all your questions and consult about the level of your creative work.

Required for the event. See the full schedule at.


Upon successful completion of the training program and passing all the tests of the final certification, the graduate receives Bachelor's degree in the field of "Design"

What subjects do you need to take for an architect? This question interests many graduates of Russian schools. After all, this profession is prestigious, highly paid and interesting, because it is directly related to creativity. If you feel strong and confident in yourself, then be sure to try your luck in this specialty. Good architects are piece goods in today's labor market. So you are guaranteed to find the job of your dreams.

Profession - architect

By profession, architects are closely related to builders. Therefore, the answers to the question of what subjects need to be taken for an architect and a builder often coincide. Indeed, in order to build a quality building, one cannot do without competent design. You also need a planning project and interesting interior solutions. All these questions can be solved by the architect. This is one of the oldest highly skilled professions, which is already tens of centuries old.

Even thousands of years ago, the architect of buildings and palaces, bridges and churches was a welcome guest in every educated city. We can observe the best examples of ancient architecture today.

How did you become an architect?

In past centuries, in order to become an architect, sometimes one had to spend more than one decade. First, it was necessary to pass difficult exams, then master the art of mastering the basic skills of preparing mixtures and paints, and knowing the basics of architecture. It took many years, but in the end, first-class specialists were obtained.

But he still had to work for several years as an apprentice architect. After all, there was no well-established transfer of information, so the features of the profession were taught already during work. As a result, a very small number of people actually became professionals.

In the modern world, the requirements for the skills of specialists have changed significantly. After all, not only methods, but also means for the construction of buildings and structures have become new. Today you need to enter the Faculty of Architecture, and in five or six years you will receive a diploma of a qualified specialist.

Only the goal of the architect remains unchanged - to build a first-class building. At the same time, it is necessary to use its area as efficiently as possible, and original design ideas should not affect the characteristics.

Architects are different.

As in most professions, architects are divided into specialties and areas. At present, several main ones can be distinguished.

Architect-restorer - whose duties include work on the restoration of cultural heritage. A landscape architect specializes in the design of garden plots, parks and squares.

A special profession is a designer-architect. He is responsible not so much for the design, but for the interior and directly the appearance of the building. An architect-urban planner prepares exceptionally large and large-scale projects, as a rule, these are industrial buildings and structures, residential areas of high-rise buildings.

The chief architect directs the construction work.

Personal qualities of an architect

A prerequisite for students who dream of getting into the Faculty of Architecture is a creative approach to work. Creativity is indispensable in this profession. It is also important to be able to clearly formulate your idea and convey it to others.

The obligatory ability of a professional architect is a developed spatial thinking. Only in this case it will be easy to carry out projects, and work will begin to bring pleasure.

You can't do without creativity. An original and non-standard approach to solving a problem is welcome in this work. It is also important to properly organize the space around you. After all, in addition to the creative component, it is important to meet the deadlines and not miss the deadlines for fulfilling orders.

Success in this profession will provide you with a sense of taste and style.

Compulsory Exams

In order to understand what subjects you need to take for an architect, you need to finally decide on a specific specialty. Today, the most popular are the faculties "Architecture" and "General Design".

In the first case, your future profession will be closely related to construction, in the second, more attention will be paid to cultural and aesthetic aspects in design.

If you choose an architectural university with a degree in interior or landscape architecture, then in the entrance exams you will be required to pass the Russian language, Russian history, literature and pass a creative competition. The last subject is given the most attention when accepting applicants. The creative competition for this specialty includes drawing, composition and drawing.

In order to master the specialty of a restorer, generalist or reenactor, you will need to pass a slightly different list of items. In addition to the already familiar history of Russia and the Russian language, it will be mathematics. This subject in this specialty is considered profile. The creative competition will include drawing, composition and drafting.

After graduation, you can expect to immediately get a position as an assistant architect. This will give you a good starting position in order to fully master the features of this profession. True, there is a chance to immediately get an independent project to work. There is no age limit in this area and often the employer makes his choice based not on experience, but on your portfolio.

How to build a career?

The specialty "architect" gives almost unlimited opportunities for the formation of one's own career. Starting with the work of an assistant, after six or seven years, with due diligence and diligence, you can take the post of chief architect. In this profession, vertical career lifts are extremely developed.

Moreover, often project managers are specialists who do not have a specialized education. For example, engineers or technologists. These are related specialties, so that, having completed additional advanced training courses, they may well take up the post of architect.

This profession is also beneficial financially. As a rule, architects receive enough to provide for themselves and their loved ones. The specific amounts, of course, depend on the region in which you have to work, as well as the specific specialization.

Architectural universities

To become a first-class specialist, it is important to choose a prestigious architectural university. One of the leading in the country is the Moscow Architectural Institute. He has been on the education market since 1933.

This is one of the few Russian universities accredited by many foreign architectural and art higher educational institutions. For example, the British Academy of Architects. MARHI students are about one and a half thousand future specialists.

Here you can get not only higher education, but also to enter graduate school. The scientific council of the university awards the degree of candidate of architecture.

Architects from the city on the Neva

St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering also provides high-class education. The Faculty of Architecture has been working here since 1830. He is one of the oldest in Russia.

Architecture and construction are two specialties that are closely interconnected, it is from this university that the best workers in these areas come out.

Much attention is paid to modern computer programs related to architecture. When the question arises of where to study as an architect, many choose a St. Petersburg university.

More than a thousand students study at this faculty alone, including not only Russians, but also Chinese, Vietnamese, residents of African states - Morocco, Tunisia and Mali. Special training workshops, drawing classes, and lithography classrooms are equipped here.

Here you can master such interesting areas as architecture and construction, get a job in the field of reconstruction of public buildings, design of the urban environment, operation of engineering infrastructure.

Surikov Institute

Another faculty of architecture, producing first-class specialists, works at the Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after Surikov.

What subjects do you need to take for an architect in this university? Their list is practically the same. This is the Russian language, history, mathematics and creative competition. The university is especially famous for the release of creative specialists who conquer future customers with their original projects.

Top 7 architecture universities according to QS World University Rankings in 2017

Analytical company QS annually provides a ranking of the best universities in terms of the level of teaching in specific specialties, taking into account the academic reputation of the educational institution, the demand for graduates among employers and the contribution of students and teachers to the development of world science and culture. The content and relevance of educational programs and the development of international relations of the university are also taken into account.

So, in 2017, the list of the world's leading universities teaching architecture included:

  1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA
  2. Officially, the best university in the world opens the ranking of architectural universities. The MIT School of Architecture, the oldest in the United States, was founded in 1865. The main areas of study: architectural design, urban planning, building technology, media art, real estate. The institute is known for innovative approaches to work and research in the field of architectural technologies, which are conducted on the basis of 10 laboratories of the university

  3. The Bartlett School of Architecture (University College London), UK
  4. The oldest architectural faculty in Great Britain, opened in 1841. Every summer an exhibition of students' works is held, which is traditionally considered one of the brightest events for the professional community: the number of visitors reaches 10 thousand. The school is located in the center of London, where the offices of the largest architectural companies in the UK are located. The university is equipped with the latest technology: students work in computer laboratories, use a 3D printer, a day and night light emulator, which allows them to understand how the designed building will look in real conditions.

  5. Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
  6. The top three architectural universities are closed by a Dutch university. “For the Netherlands, the right use of limited space has always been a priority,” says Faculty Dean Peter Russell. “We at Delft University of Technology are wondering how to do it better?” The main direction of the university is architectural design, and it is with it that the key research of the university is connected, which are carried out at the intersection of architecture and the humanities, social and technical sciences.

  7. University of California, Berkeley (UCB), USA
  8. At UC Berkeley, architecture is seen as part of the creation of the environment and is closely linked to the landscape. When designing buildings, students learn to take into account the socio-political and cultural contexts. The faculty has a huge library, a 4.3-hectare garden for landscaping, one of the largest archives of architectural projects in the United States, a computer lab, and two research centers.

  9. ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Switzerland
  10. ETH Zurich has a large architecture faculty with 2,000 students annually. Main directions: history and theory of architecture, research and preservation of architectural heritage, technologies in architecture, urban environment and landscape design. The university cooperates with the world's leading architectural universities, including Harvard University and Delft University of Technology. Thanks to cooperation, students can take part of their studies at a partner university in order to expand their professional horizons.

  11. Manchester School of Architecture, UK
  12. One of the strongest British schools of architecture was formed in 1996 as a result of the merger of two universities - Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and The University of Manchester (UoM). Students study areas such as urban design, environmental and landscape design, conservation and maintenance of historic sites, architectural history and urban planning.

  13. Harvard University, USA
  14. Architecture, urban design, real estate and landscape design are studied at the Harvard Graduate School of Design. The teaching of architecture at this university is based on a balance of tradition and innovation, the development of knowledge and the maintenance of creative enthusiasm. At Harvard, students are prepared to participate in global projects and are taught to take into account such problems as environmental degradation, rapid urbanization, resource scarcity, and social stratification when creating them.

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