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A love story between Nikki Reed and Ian Somerhalder. Nikki Reed and Ian Somerhalder Make First Social Event Since Daughter's Birth Nikki Reed Biography

When Ian Somerhalder, star of The Vampire Diaries, began dating Nikki Reed, who played the vampire in the legendary Twilight, the couple joked that they were "connected by blood." However, later a short time it became clear that the star couple had much more in common than a glorious vampire cinematic past.

This mysterious Nikki Reed

Nikki Reed was born in Los Angeles. Her mother was a beautician, and her father was a decorator. An explosive, Indian-Italian-Jewish mixture of blood flows in the girl. When the girl was very young, her father left the family.

Mom worked hard to feed her daughter. The girl was left to herself. As a result, at the age of 13, Nikki began to smoke, use drugs and contacted bad company. At 14, after numerous scandals, the young rebel left home for a rented apartment.

Around the same time, Nikki's poor mother was hit by another blow: her two-year-old son, Nikki's younger brother, was diagnosed with autism. Stormy youth, full of experiences, prompted the girl to take up the pen.

She wrote the script for "Thirteen", in which she frankly described all the details of growing up. The script interested director Catherine Hardwicke, who directed Twilight much later.

And then, in 2003, she released the picture "Thirteen" with Nikki Reed in leading role. The film received recognition from the Academy, two of the actresses - Evan Rachel Wood and Holly Hunter were nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe, the film itself was nominated at the Sanders Film Festival as the best.

Nikki Reed did not plan to connect her life with the movie business. She returned to school, which she had abandoned at one time, but not for long. She received her secondary education homeschooling. With all this, the movie did not let her go. Before the release of the epic "Twilight" Reid managed to star in six films, playing both main and episodic roles.

In Twilight, Katherine Hardwicke originally planned another actress for the role of the beautiful vampire Rosalie, but Nikki got the role. On the set, she had to transform into a blonde, trying on a white wig. This role brought Nikki worldwide fame.

former relationship

During the same period, in 2011, she first married Paul PackDonald, a musician from American Idol. Marriage reminded creative union, they wrote songs, shot videos, performed. In 2014, the marriage broke up.

In Russia, among the "twilight" fans, another novel of the actress is much more famous- with an actor. In 2006, before the "Major" and before the "Twilight" era, Nikki Reed, in company with Robert Pattison and other American actors, came to Moscow to take courses at the Moscow Art Theater. At this time, she met Priluchny, who impressed her with his acting and unique masculine charm.

Priluchny later admitted that some American woman approached him and began to speak enthusiastically in English, but he did not understand a word. "Fankiw and goodbye," he said to the assertive girl.

However, the emancipated American did not even think of retreating. That same evening, she appeared on the threshold of the hostel. The only way to get rid of it was to reschedule the date for another day.

In Hollywood at that time, Nikki was already quite famous, and fans besieged her. The detachment of Priluchny hooked her, and she herself sought Pavel. During the week that the Americans spent in Moscow, Pavel and Nikki became very close. Persistent rumors about whirlwind romance actors is confirmed by a tattoo on the wrist of Nikki - "Priluchny". She also has another tattoo in Russian - "There must be something more." By the way, the actress does not have a tattoo "Priluchny" today.

Interesting Notes:

Nikki and Ian

Soon after the breakup, Nikki Reed began to be noticed in the company of the hero of another vampire story, Ian Somerhalder. Nikki and Ian have known each other for a long time, about 9 years. They were connected only by friendship, and nothing more. Ian Somerhalder unsuccessfully tried to build his happiness with different girls: with Kate Bosworth, sister of Paris Hilton; with actress Maggie Grace (colleague on the series "Lost"), with another "vampire" from "Twilight" Ashley Greene, as well as with partner in "The Vampire Diaries" Nina Dobrev.

Yen made an offer to start a family to almost all of her girls, give birth to a child and put a career on the back burner, but he was always refused. His desire for family life was shared only by Nikki Reed.

The couple dated for a year and got married on April 25, 2015. In the summer of 2017, the Reed-Somerhalders had a daughter, Bodie Soleil. In addition to the coincidence of life priorities, Nikki and Ian share a great love for animals.

“I don’t care about a girl’s sexuality if she doesn’t like animals,” Ian admits. Four dogs, three cats and two horses live in their house. One of the dogs was rescued from the lab where he was being tested. Nikki Reed helps Ian get his message out for animals, and Ian helps her with her charity work.

Nikki pays a lot of attention to the problem of autism among children. After all, her brother Joey, who was given this difficult diagnosis in childhood, successfully integrated into society. healthy people and often appears with her sister at official events.

Photo Nikki Reed and Ian Somerhalder

In May 2013, Nina's inner circle stated that it was she who left him because she did not want to get married. He seemed to want Nina back. In all interviews, the stars of The Vampire Diaries have claimed that they kept friendly relations and do not hold grudges against each other at all.

That is why the fans hoped that this was only a temporary spat, and the hottest couple from the serial world would reunite again. They were not even alerted by the fact that Ian is increasingly spending time with his girlfriend Nikki Reed, who divorced singer Paul MacDonald in May 2014. He knew the Twilight actress for a very long time, so many considered this only friendly support.

About the new relationship of Nina Dobrev.

Suddenly, in the summer of 2014, pictures of this couple began to appear on the Internet, in which they cannot look away from each other with a passionate look and open their arms. It was then that the fans began to suspect something was wrong. In mid-August, the couple appeared together at a charity event dedicated to the protection of animals.

And at the end of the same month, two events occurred that left no doubt about the true relationship of the couple. First, there was information from a close circle that Ian and Nikki had moved in and now live together. And then they were seen in a sex shop in Toronto, where they bought $860 worth of erotic toys. Eyewitnesses later said that the lovers constantly joked and kissed, while they reviewed almost the entire assortment of the store. As one of the witnesses joked:

"We thought he was cast in 50 Shades of Grey!

When the nature of the relationship between the two stars became clear, Nina Dobrev had already broken off a hastily twisted romance with her brother. best friend and was completely free. Therefore, the fans were extremely disappointed that Ian found a mate, albeit a year after the breakup.

Nikki began to poison on the Internet, write nasty things to her on Instagram and spoil her nerves in every possible way. Although Somerhalder has not yet officially announced that they are dating, he had to show his cards and stand up for his girlfriend:

“DO YOU HATE NICKIE REED SO MUCH? Are you seriously? Do you know her at all? I doubt it. Look at her instagram and twitter, and there you will see a beautiful human life. Please send your negative energy in a different direction. You're talking about a person you don't know at all."

Later, he specifically addressed his fans:

“Do you really appreciate me and care about me? Then be happy for me. Just try to get to know the person who annoys you so much right now. You will understand that this is a truly wonderful woman.”

The degree of heat dropped somewhat, and already in February 2015, the paparazzi caught a wonderful shot where Nikki and Ian are full of happiness, and an expensive ring flaunts on the girl's ring finger. It was clearly a matter of marriage. The stars showed everyone and everyone how happy they are, and without any hesitation.

The stars were seen in Paris, and they were absolutely absorbed in each other. At the same time, Nikki wrote:

"It's so wonderful, I'm glad that all this is happening to me."

Later they appeared in Verona, and Nikki again wrote enthusiastic remarks about her future husband on Twitter. Everyone who saw them said that they constantly hug or hold hands. The couple did not hide from the ubiquitous photographers and journalists, as if wanting to show off their happiness.

Interesting: About the relationship of Emma Roberts and Evan Peters.

Unexpected wedding

A little later, the couple announced that on April 26, 2015 they officially became spouses, celebrating this event in California in an extremely narrow circle of relatives and closest friends. At the same time, Ian and Nikki did not provide the public with any photos, saying only that the wedding was very simple, but the dress is an “absolute dream”. Nina Dobrev, who was not invited to the event, got off with routine phrases, saying that she is sure that everything went well, Ian remains her friend, and she ignores absolutely all the rumors.

In the meantime, Somerhalder has been actively posting photos from Mexico, where he and his wife spent their honeymoon, and in May posted congratulations to Nikki on her birthday on Instagram:

"Happy birthday my love! I and the whole world celebrate this day with you. May all dreams come true."

In the fall, the couple finally decided to show photos from their wedding, and everyone was convinced that the lovers were glowing with happiness. Yen says that family life"incredible." The couple wants to have children, jokingly saying that they already have cats, dogs and horses in common, so after training on the four-legged, they are ready to become real parents.

More joint photo See Jena and Nikki in the video below:

Ian and Nikki actively appear on the red carpet, for example, the couple showed off at the independent film festival in Santa Monica "Independent Spirit":

Following this, the star couple headed to the annual event hosted by Elton John, the 24th Annual Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Awards 2016":

On January 11, 2016, the stars shone at the Art Of Elysium Heaven Gala charity party, whose mission is to raise funds for the treatment of childhood diseases:

Here are Ian and Nikki at the after parties at the Golden Globes in Beverly Hills on January 8, 2017, where Nicki poses in a burgundy gown. It turns out that the actress is already pregnant, but her tummy is barely noticeable and does not attract the attention of the public.

Birth of a child

I must say that the couple actively hid the fact of expecting a child. They began to lead a closed lifestyle, stopped appearing at social events, and Nikki changed her style of clothing.

Fans learned about Nikki's pregnancy in May from Ian's instagram post, which posted a tender photo and warm words from her beloved.

Later, Ian told how they decided to get pregnant. Ian wanted a baby so much that he just threw away all of Nikki's birth control pills.

Leading an active secular lifestyle during pregnancy, Nikki went into a period of seclusion. The actress took the opportunity to take a break from filming and channeled her creative energy into creating Bayou with love clothing brand. Although this did not stop Nikki from starring in a photo shoot for the American magazine "Fit. Pregnancy and baby" already with a big belly.

Bodhi's daughter Soleil Somerhalder was born on July 25, 2017. After the birth of the child, the couple spent a month in silence, turning off all the phones and completely devoting themselves to the baby.

After the birth of the child, the couple began to go out after 2 months exclusively at events dedicated to social activities. The first appearance was the XQ Super school live event, a televised debate on the future of American schools.

Then the young parents attended the 27th annual EMA Awards, devoted to the protection environment. For Nikki and Ian who organized charitable foundation for the protection of animals is an important event. Nikki is wearing a dress by Tadashi Shoji.

The couple is a model of love and fidelity, the spouses exchange romantic confessions, they look restrained in public and at the same time communicate gently.

(Ian Somerhalder). Bodhi Soleil Reed Somerhalder was born in July 2017 in a Los Angeles clinic, after which the couple took a month of silence. In honor of the baby's birthday, we talk about how star parents spent this year in a new role.

Celebrities carefully prepared for the appearance of their first child, hiding both Nikki's pregnancy and the birth of a girl from prying eyes. Despite all the attempts of journalists, the information appeared only on their Instagram pages.

"It was a special time in our lives and we wanted to keep it as long as possible just between the three of us", Somerhalder signed the sensational photo.

Shortly after the news of Bodie's birth, the Vampire Diaries star published a touching letter in which he admired the maternal feat of his beloved wife. A few months later, Nikki and Ian were already back at work. The actor resumed filming, and Reed presented her collection jewelry. The couple also began to attend social events, visiting the award of one American publication, where everyone noted that the newly-made mother quickly returned to shape after giving birth.

But the fans did not see the girl's face. Lovers are in no hurry to show the baby. In February, the actress posted a photo on her profile, but only the legs of the young heiress are visible on it. "Happiness is a book and these Saturday night legs", - the star of the vampire saga "Twilight" signed the post.

In honor of Bodie's birthday famous father admitted to subscribers that being a parent - best role that he has ever played. Following him, Nikki posted a photo on her microblog. In the picture, she is last dates pregnancy. The celebrity told the followers that the expectation of the appearance of the baby was not an easy time for her, and shared that she still does not know which of all the tips was the most correct.

The personal life of a recognized handsome man is under the close attention of numerous fans who are trying not to miss a single detail from everything that happens in it. For a long time, Ian did not dare to go down the aisle with any of his stellar passions until he met his future wife. So how many novels did the Vampire Diaries star have while he was in the status of one of the most eligible suitors?

All Ian Somerhalder Girls

The actor himself, one of the most sexy men planet, does not really like to share the details of his personal life, but each of its ex girls remember with pleasure that she was once bound by the most tender feelings with one of the most desirable suitors on the planet.

Sarah Maleista

The first serious romance, which lasted about two years, happened to Ian Somerhalder with designer Sarah Maleista, for whom he had the warmest feelings, calling him his muse. For the sake of Sarah, the actor almost became a vegetarian, trying to yield to her in all her addictions. But then they were both too busy with their careers, which took up a lot of time, almost leaving him for communication, and the lovers decided to leave.

Kate Bosworth

Ian Somerhalder's next passion was actress Kate Bosworth, whom he had known before in the film Young Americans, but the romance between the actors broke out later, after Kate broke up with Orlando Bloom, and Ian broke up with Sarah Maleista.

The lovers had common interests - horse riding and charity, but this was not enough for a long-term relationship, and they lasted only a few months, leaving no serious mark on Ian Somerhalder's personal life.

Nikki Hilton

Almost as short was the romance of the Vampire Diaries star with the sister of the infamous socialite Paris Hilton Nikki. Then he was already quite famous and the paparazzi did not miss the opportunity to trace who Ian meets on this moment. Somerhalder parted with Hilton, then converged again, and, in the end, they parted completely.

Maggie Grace

On the set of the TV series Lost, Somerhalder met actress Maggie Grace, but the romance between them began only on the next project, LOST. The couple diligently concealed their relationship, explaining close communication as simply friendship, although it was clear to the naked eye that it was the most real love, which, however, did not last too long.

A few months later, Maggie said in an interview that she was still too young to think about starting a family, although she was delighted with her former lover.

Megan Old

For three years, Ian dated Megan Old, an assistant producer and TV director, whom he met in the winter of 2006. Six months into the relationship, at her brother Bob's wedding, Megan was introduced as future wife Ian Somerhalder, but then something went wrong between the lovers, and they broke up.

Ashley Green

It's hard to say whether what happened between Ian Somerhalder and the beauty Ashley Greene, who played Alice Cullen in Twilight, can be called a romance. The relationship was fleeting, but bright and left the most pleasant memories for both Ian and Ashley.

Beloved Ian Somerhalder Nina Dobrev was destined to become not only in the framework of the Vampire Diaries project, but also in real life.

The audience with bated breath followed the sensual and reverent relationship between Damon, whose role was played by Ian, and Elena Gilbert, the girl, whose image was embodied in the film by Nina Dobrev.

With every day spent together film set, the actors were increasingly attracted to each other, and they began to meet, but for almost a year they kept their romance a secret - only in 2011 did they first publicly admit that they were a couple.

Why did Nina Dobrev and Ian Somerhalder break up?

Ian adored his beloved, fulfilled any of her desires and saw his future only next to Nina, with whom he wanted to create a real family.

However, this was not included in the plans of Dobrev, who was much younger than Somerhalder - then her career was more important for her, she wanted to work hard, play, and was not going to have children yet.

Perhaps these disagreements were the reason that the couple, which was idolized by fans of the series "The Vampire Diaries", broke up.

The actors themselves did not give any comments about their breakup, so we can only guess about the more precise reasons, but we can say with confidence that it was not easy for both of them.

According to rumors, the break with Ian was one of the reasons that Nina Dobrev left the project in 2014. The fact is that after the actors ceased to be a couple, it became difficult for them to communicate on the set, besides, after some time, Somerhalder got another - actress Nikki Reed, known for another vampire saga "Twilight", which became often appear on set.

The situation escalated so much that the writers were forced to rewrite some scenes so that Nina and Ian crossed paths on the set as little as possible. Nina was hard to see next to former lover new girl, and she chose to leave the series, returning only in the final series, which made her many fans happy.

Later, Dobrev said that she was already calm about the fact that everything in Ian's life took place without her, and even supports a good relationship with him and his wife.

Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed

Following his rule, Somerhalder diligently concealed everything that happened in his personal life from others, so the seriousness of his romance with Nikki Reed could only be guessed at. Everything was resolved unexpectedly and good news that in the spring of 2015 they became spouses.

Love story

Before the beginning of their romance, Nikki and Ian had known each other for nine years - once they were introduced to each other by a mutual friend. All this time, young people were connected only by friendship - Reed, who is ten years younger than Somerhalder, could not even imagine that she could connect her fate with such an adult guy, although she liked Ian at first sight.

It's hard to say what started them. romantic relationship, but for the first time they started talking about the fact that Nikki Reed and Ian Somerhalder were a couple in the summer of 2014. Increasingly, they began to be seen together - sometimes jogging, then strolling in the park or along city streets.

There have been many lovers common interests, among which the most important are love for animals and charity - they take an active part in various projects aimed at helping families with sick children and protecting animals.

In the summer of that year, Ian and Nikki made their first trip together, going to the Sun Valley resort in Idaho to go skiing. Posting a photo from the holiday on the network, Somerhalder wrote that this is one of the happiest vacations in his life.

The first public event at which the couple appeared together was the Golden Globes, held in January 2015. By that time, they were already engaged, as evidenced by the ring shining on Nikki's finger - Reed became the first actor's girlfriend to agree to the proposal to become Ian Somerhalder's wife and give birth to his children.

Only for Nikki these events were more important than a career which was appreciated by Ian. By the way, for Reed, marriage to Ian is the second - before that, she was married to musician Paul McDonald for two and a half years.


The lovers did not postpone the wedding on the back burner and got married soon after the engagement. The celebration took place at the end of April 2015, and was surrounded by mystery, and only the personal photographer of the actors managed to take valuable pictures, and only some of them became available to the public.

Nikki Reed and Ian Somerhalder explained their mystery by not wanting to create unnecessary excitement around their wedding, which they dreamed of making quiet and modest, only for close relatives and friends. The celebration took place in the small California town of Topanga at the Tuscali Mountain Inn.

Among the guests were Ian's colleagues on the TV series "The Vampire Diaries" Paul Wesley and Phoebe Tonkin, Kat Graham and Matthew Davis.

Large white tables decorated with white balls were set on the hotel grounds directly under open sky, and specially invited musicians entertained guests and newlyweds.

Nikki and Ian warned the guests in advance not to give them any gifts, but instead donated to the Somerhalder Animal Rescue Fund.

After the wedding, the newlyweds went to Mexico, however, their honeymoon turned out to be very short - after a few days of rest, they went to Brazil to take part in a press conference dedicated to The Vampire Diaries.

Children of Ian Somerhalder and Nikki Reed

This replenishment married couple waited with particular impatience - both Nikki and Ian could not imagine their life without children, and on July 25 last year they first became the parents of a little daughter, who was given unusual name- Body Solely Reed-Somerhalder.

Parents decided not to find out until the birth, who will be born to them - a boy or a girl, in order to make the appearance of the baby a real surprise. It took Ian Somerhalder's wife just a few weeks to return to her previous shape, as can be seen from the photos taken while walking with a newborn baby.

The first month after the birth of their daughter, the young family, as they planned, spent in silence - they did not even talk to anyone on the phone, did not invite guests, did not give interviews. Ian and Nikki enjoyed a time they said they would never get back, because kids grow up so fast.

However, just a few months later, the couple re-entered public life, and the first event in it was the launch of a new line of jewelry by Nikki Reed.

A distinctive feature of these jewelry is that they are made using materials obtained after the processing of computer components.

And in the future they plan to create their own production company, especially since Nikki already has experience in this area - in 2009 she was the producer of the film Captured.

0 October 17, 2018, 12:45

Ian Somerhalder with daughter

The star of the series "The Vampire Diaries" 39-year-old Ian Somerhalder and the actress of the saga "Twilight" 30-year-old Nikki Reed first became on July 25, 2017. The other day, the paparazzi finally managed to capture their little daughter Bodie Soleli on the streets of Toronto. Fans of the couple were able to see the face of the baby for the first time.

Spouses do not like to advertise their relationship. A few weeks before the birth, Nikki gave an interview to Fit Pregnancy and Baby magazine, in which she admitted that in the first month of their baby's life, she and Ian would lead a very private life.

After the birth of a child, our family will take a month of silence. Only we - without guests, communication with journalists and with disconnected phones. These unique 30 days are non-refundable, so enjoy them to the fullest.

Nikki also spoke about the moment when she first found out that she was expecting a baby. According to her, she decided to do the test before going to bed.

I didn’t take glasses, I also didn’t have lenses, and without them I can’t see much. I began to squint hard, wondering, "Is there really more than one strip?" In the end, I had to shout out to Ian: "Get up! Urgent!" He ran to the bathroom, looked at the test and... We almost died of happiness! After that, we sat on the veranda, watched the sunset and thought: "Wow, we will have a baby!"

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