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The most cruel demon. Demonology - types of demons from various sources

Dark forces are represented by different demons, and each entity has its own functions, so one is responsible for fear, and the other for drunkenness. From time immemorial, people have used various amulets to protect themselves from them. There is a list of the main "villains" who distinguished themselves in history.

What is demonology?

The paranormal science that deals with the study of demons is called demonology. With its help, you can not only find out the history of the existence of one or another representative of the dark forces, but also understand how you can get in touch with them using a ritual and control. Christian demonology is not a fairy tale, and its study must be approached as responsibly as possible. It is not recommended to contact with dark forces for people who have mental problems.

Who are demons?

There are different definitions of demons, for example, they are considered intermediary spirits between the earth and other world. The Slavs also call them demons, and Christian demonology - fallen angels, who are a barrier between people and God. Many will be surprised by the fact that they can be both good (zudemons) and bad (cacodemons). The word "demon" means "full of wisdom." In Jewish demonology, dark forces are divided into certain classes. Adherents summon demons to give them support and help them make their wish come true.

Demonology - all about demons

Even in ancient times, people were not too lazy and created a certain classification. Christian specialists in the distribution were guided by the existing hierarchy in hell, which made it possible to additionally focus on their duties. The most important fallen demon is Satan, who is the head of the demonic army. It is worth saying that a demonologist, an occultist who knows everything about demons and evil spirits, is engaged in the study of dark forces.

Gluttony Demon

Immoderation and greed in food, which destroys a person, is commonly called gluttony. The demon Behemoth is responsible for this vice.

  1. There are references to him in the Bible, where God demonstrates him, along with Leviathan, to the righteous Job to prove his power.
  2. The translation of the name of this demon means "animals", which directly indicates the size of this demon.
  3. In Jewish tradition, Behemoth is called the king of beasts.
  4. Demonology believes that this demon can take the form of any large animal.
  5. Behemoth considers it his duty to evoke animal inclinations in a person, prompting a desire to blaspheme and swear.
  6. He is depicted with the head of an elephant and a huge belly. He is also represented with an additional face on his chest. This is explained by the legend that the Behemoth originated from Indian creatures.

Demon Behemoth

Drinking Demon

The demonic essence of the lower plane, which joins a person when his own desires (vices) begin to destroy energy, is a larva. After some time, she gets stronger, and the person weakens, and then she can easily control him.

  1. Many believe that the larva is the demon of drunkenness, but it can also control other addictions of people, exacerbating the situation.
  2. Having attached itself to a person, the essence begins to push a person to vicious dependence. At the same time, he will feel euphoria from drinking alcohol and other vices.
  3. Over time, the larva penetrates the physical body of its victim, which causes many diseases.
  4. There are special rites that allow you to expel the essence, but without a great desire of a person it is impossible to cope with it.

Demon Larva

Demon of fear

One of the most powerful demons, which personifies the power of destruction and horror, is Abaddon. Some modern Jewish sources consider him an angel, and demonic characteristics are attributed to him only because of his tough nature.

  1. The name of this demon from the Hebrew language is translated as death.
  2. Most scholars claim that Abaddon is a demon who originally performed the functions of a destroyer while in Divine service. The love of killing was the reason for his expulsion from heaven to Hell, where he is the main commander.
  3. The Revelation of John describes how Abaddon leads a horde of locusts against humanity, by which they mean special demons.

Demon Abbadon

Envy Demon

One of the deadly vices of mankind is controlled by the monster Leviathan. References to it can be found in Old Testament and other religious sources. The description of demons is different for different demonologists, and the patron of envy is considered a demon, an infernal prince, and even a supreme deity.

  1. Leviathan is a sea animal that has great strength and size.
  2. The book of Job explains in detail God's plan to create this creature.
  3. They represent him as a huge beast, which has two jaws, is covered with scales and breathes fire, thanks to which it evaporates the seas.
  4. Scientists believe that in the Middle Ages it was often associated with large sea animals, such as a whale or a sperm whale.

Demon Leviathan

Demon of lies

The most important among demons is Satan, who controls all the vices of man, forcing him to deceive, commit sinful acts and anger the Lord. It is believed that he was originally the main assistant of God, and then, for his sinful deeds, God threw him into Hell.

  1. The demon Satan is traditionally represented by a black man huge growth. Some sources describe his ability to be a werewolf and his favorite appearance is a serpent, which made Eve sin.
  2. Christians believe that Satan is the head of Hell, which accepts sinners, inventing punishments for them.
  3. AT Christian books many negative events are attributed to him, for example, the first people sinned because of him, he persuaded Cain to kill his brother, and he also attempted to spoil the ark by running a mouse into it that gnawed at the bottom of the ship. He also created all diseases.
  4. In demonology, suicide is also considered a devilish obsession.

Demon Satan

Greed Demon

In the modern world, wealth and luxury are increasingly causing a person to commit sinful acts. It is believed that the demon Mamon patronizes this. In fact, ideas about him are not always correct.

  1. If a person considers financial well-being to be the main thing in his life, then they say that he is possessed by the spirit of Mammon. At the same time, some ministers claim that the essence can help to cope with poverty.
  2. According to legend, the Devil was the one who slipped people a demon as a god of material happiness, so you can find references that the ancestors sacrificed their children to him so that he would give them wealth.

Demon Mammon

Fornication Demon

In the hellish hierarchy, one of the first positions is occupied by the demon Asmodeus. It is believed that he is one of the four demons closest to Lucifer.

  1. The demon Asmodeus has three faces: bull, human and donkey. He has goose membranes on his feet, and he rides on a dragon.
  2. His main purpose is the destruction of families, for which he pushes men and women to betray.
  3. He is considered the patron saint of warriors, as he controls the element of destruction.
  4. Asmodeus is credited with power over gambling, therefore he is the manager of the gambling establishments of Hell.
  5. The world of demons is filled with various conflicting statements, for example, there is a version that Asmodeus was never a fallen angel and he is a descendant of the relationship between Adam and Lilith.

Demon Asmodeus

Demon of Despair

One of the most frequently mentioned rulers of the Underworld is the demon Astaroth. Special attention Kabbalah gives him, where he is included in the list of ten archdevils.

  1. The demon Astaroth has great powers, so the secret secrets of all people on earth are revealed to him. His knowledge is immeasurable, for example, he knows real reasons why each of the fallen angels betrayed God. This is directly reflected in his images, where the demon is represented with a book in his hands.
  2. He is considered one of the most loyal demons. They represent him as the patron of people who are engaged in the search for truth.
  3. In some sources, Astaroth is described as a member of the Knightly Order of the Fly.
  4. The expulsion of Astaroth was a forced measure and a protest against social injustice.
  5. The main opponent from good forces demon is Saint Bartholomew.
  6. There are several versions concerning the description of its appearance. There is an option that he moves on a dragon and his appearance is ugly. Demon breath has an incredible stench. Another demonologist believes that Astaroth was a beautiful young man who had angel wings behind his back.
  7. To protect yourself from the demon, you must use a special magic ring, which should be kept near the face.

Demon Astaroth

The demon of despondency

Many people are familiar with the state of depression and apathy that can lead to serious problems. The powerful demon Belphegor controls despondency. They also call him Baal-Pegor, Belfegor and Vaalfegor.

Each mythology has its own list of the most powerful creations, both representing the forces of light and the forces of darkness.

In some religions they are more structured, in others less so. In Christianity, which has had a considerable influence on occult views on, there are several conflicting views on demons, their essence, image, power and hierarchy.

However, it is possible to isolate the most powerful demons, which undoubtedly occupy key places in the hierarchy of hell.

Demon names and power

According to various sources, the number the most powerful demons there are different numbers of them. Here, those of them that are considered the strongest according to the majority of the religious teachings of Christianity and religions close to it will be highlighted.

And also, according to most mystics and occultists. The most powerful are:

Devil, Satan, Lucifer- the most powerful demon of the fiery hyena, the lord of hell, the concentration of universal evil. He has a huge number of names and appearances. Moreover, in different Abrahamic religions and in different eras there are differences in its description. It is designated as fallen angel rebelling against the Lord. At the same time, also in the Middle Ages, the devil was correlated with Beelzibub, although this demon is also an independent being.

It is possible that Satan is a broader concept than just a name or title and includes collective image higher demons. But this claim is debatable.

Right Hand of the Lord of Hell

The last giant sea monster, which is considered by some versions of the highest demons, according to others one of the incarnations of Satan. The position of Lilith is very ambiguous.

But she definitely occupies a high position and has great power.

According to a number of divisions, the four supreme, and therefore the most powerful demons are Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial.

Other positions

A separate division is proposed by Satanists with a clearer structure. But it lends itself to criticism, both by the church and by occultists.

The mystics and occultists themselves also do not have a common opinion on the power of demons.

There are times when representatives different directions argue about the meaning and power of individual demons.

A completely different look at the power of demons is a statement that seldom leaves the circle of some mystics, that all hell demons divided according to species.

And representatives of the same species, being inextricably linked, have equal power. Thus, a completely different hierarchy emerges.

The details, however, are unknown. Since supporters of this classification of demons practically do not share this information.

She is on everyone's lips. Let's say demons. Realists, though they laugh, but still know what it is. And in the darkness of the night, when unnecessary thoughts climb into my head, willy-nilly, I will also think: maybe they really exist? Finding a list of the demons of hell with a photo, of course, will not work - and it will not prove anything, but still it is sometimes very useful to ask.

Demonology - the cultural heritage of the peoples of the world

Of course, this is all lyrics, and besides, everyone's personal business. But such stories and myths, legends passed down from generation to generation, scary tales are often similar in some interpretations. They all come down to one name - demonology. The myths of demonology are very ancient. Some of the names of the demons that can be gleaned from it have turned into others - have provided inspiration for the characters of literature, visual arts and theater.

Mysticism in general has always inspired creators. This is a huge layer in which the old can be shown in a new light as much as you like and surprise each time.

In addition, demonology in its usual sense can be considered a heritage of culture to the same extent as other myths.

Demonology, among other things, includes a list of hell demons. Names are usually arranged in alphabetical order or demonic hierarchy.

Christian demonology

Christianity presents demons as fallen angels. The first, and most important of them, of course, is Lucifer - a former angel, the most beautiful of them, who dared to imagine himself as God himself. Further, Christian demonology is divided into two branches: the first tells that Lucifer is responsible for the creation of other evil spirits, the second denies the Devil's ability to create, leaving this process only to God, which means that other demons are also fallen angels, only of a lower rank, those who bowed before Lucifer themselves.

In general, Lucifer is the most famous and most controversial image in demonology. The names of the Devil and Satan are also attributed to him, he is also the Ruler of Hell, although at the same time it is indicated that he is locked in his kingdom, and his servants inflame the heat in which he burns. In any case, if we consider the list of demons of Hell, whose names are arranged in a hierarchy, Lucifer will be in the first place.

Evil spirits or soulless beings?

An interesting dilemma about the presence of a soul in demons: according to Christian demonology, the name itself indisputably indicates that, of course, there is. Other sources differ somewhat on this issue.

So, for example, there is a theory that fallen angels are the highest rank of demons, the most important and most powerful of them. The rest are the souls of people who went to hell and turned into evil spirits. According to this theory, it turns out that demons still have a soul.

Another theory comes from the fact that a demon is a demon because he is soulless. Therefore, they have black eyes - nothing reflecting the mirror of the soul. The theory's explanation is that demons can't feel. As a result of all this, a person who has gone to hell for his sinfulness suffers there forever, and it is not possible for him to get out even in the form of a demon.

Demons of Hell: List of Names

As you can see, there are many questions about demonology. Almost all of them have mixed answers. Is there anything definite in this pseudoscience? Oddly enough, these are names. So, the demons of hell are famous, the list of names of which was compiled by demonologists: among them there are those that are known from literature even to those who are generally far from mysticism in their lives, there are those that are directly related to biblical events, and there are those , which can quite surprise with their unusualness and at the same time detailed history. Below is a hierarchical list of demons in demonology.

  1. Lucifer (Heb. לוציפר; lat. Lucifer) (light-bearing) - Ruler of Hell. After Lucifer was cast down from heaven, his appearance changed from beautiful angelic to ugly: red skin, horns and dark hair. Behind his shoulders are huge wings, and each finger is crowned with a pointed claw. The power of the devil is enormous, everything in Hell is subject to him, and everything in it worships him. Such characteristics as freedom (rebellion), pride and knowledge are associated with the image of Lucifer. After falling from heaven, he acquired the name of Satan. The sins of this demon are primarily attributed to an attempt to get God's throne, but also the fact that it was Lucifer who gave people knowledge. In Christian demonology, the Devil is also his name.
  2. Kasikandriera is the wife of Lucifer. Ruler of Hell. Mentioned in a small number of sources.
  3. Astaroth (lat. Astaroth; Heb. עשתרות) - the first in Hell after the Devil. He is one of those fallen angels who followed Lucifer and therefore were cast down from heaven with him. Possesses extraordinary strength. Very talented, smart and charming. He is handsome, and it is not difficult for him to arouse love for himself with the help of his charm. However, there is as much beauty in it as cruelty. Astaroth more often than other demons is depicted in human form. In the grimoires, on the contrary, he is ugly, but no source detracts from his power. The popularization of the image of this demon is reduced to its use in literature and other art. The famous Woland, for example, is in many ways similar to Astaroth. To the characteristics right hand Satan himself is credited with the ability to make a person invisible, to give power over snakes, and also to answer any question.
  4. Astarte (Hebrew עשתורת) is the wife of Astaroth. In some sources, the images of the demonic husband and wife merge into one fallen angel under the name Astarte. The Hebrew spellings of both names are identical. The ancient Phoenicians called war and motherhood.
  5. Beelzebub (Heb. בעל זבוב‏‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ Beelzebub's name is also not unknown: it is sometimes also referred to as another name for the Devil. This demon is extremely powerful and is considered the co-ruler of Lucifer. Beelzebub is sometimes identified with the sin of gluttony, confusing it with another demon - Behemoth. Perhaps this is because the forms taken by the Lord of the Flies are diverse: from a three-headed demon to a huge white fly. This nickname, in turn, has two possible stories: it is believed that Beelzebub sent a plague to Canaan with flies, and the reason may be that flies are associated with dead flesh.
  6. Bufovirt is the wife of Beelzebub.
  7. Lilith (Hebrew לילית‏‎‎‎, Lat. Lamia) is the first wife of Adam. Legends about her are different: she is also called the first woman before Eve, who was created after Lilith, according to her appearance, but with a submissive disposition. According to this theory, Lilith was created from fire and therefore was freedom-loving, obstinate. Another legend calls the first demoness a snake, who was also in alliance with Adam and, being jealous of him for Eve, seduced her with the Forbidden Fruit. Lilith was called the Spirit of the night, and she could appear either in the form of an angel or a demon. In some sources, this demoness is the wife of Satan, she is respected and honored by many demons. Lilith would start the list of female names.
  8. Abbadon (Hebrew אבאדון; lat. Abaddon) (death) is another name for Apollyon. Lord of the Abyss. Demon of death and destruction. His name is also sometimes used as another name for the Devil. A fallen angel that destroys everything around him.

The main demons are listed, occupying the highest positions in Hell and often taking on a human form. Most of them are fallen angels. These are very powerful demons. The list of names in Latin is duplicated by Russian and Hebrew (in Hebrew) names.

Demon Creatures

In addition to the fallen angels, there are also demons of animal form. The main ones are Behemoth and Leviathan - huge monsters created by God. According to legend, in the end they must fight in a fight and kill each other.

  1. Behemoth (lat. Behemoth; Heb. בהמות‏‎‎) is a demon of animal form, able to take the form of all large animals, as well as a fox, wolf, dog, cat. In Jewish traditions, the Behemoth is magnified. It symbolizes carnal sins - gluttony and gluttony. In addition to them, this demon causes in people their worst features, inclines them to animal behavior and appearance. The hippopotamus is very cruel and incredibly strong - his very appearance reflects this fact, but he can also influence a person indirectly, not by direct violence - awakening in him a passion for sinfulness. In Hell he is the Watchman in the Night. The image of the demon was used in literature: the most famous example This is Bulgakov's cat Begemot. Woland's favorite jester from The Master and Margarita contains more characteristics from the author than from legends, and nevertheless bears his name. Bulgakov's cat also has the property of a werewolf.
  2. Leviathan (Hebrew לִוְיָתָן) is a huge monster about which there are many legends. In some sources, Leviathan is a demon, one of the angels, cast down from heaven along with Lucifer. In others, Leviathan is called the same biblical tempting serpent, he is accused of being the one who gave Eve the idea to taste the forbidden fruit. Still others argue that Leviathan is not an angel or a demon, but a completely different creature, a monstrous creation of God, created earlier than all life on Earth and in Heaven. All these sources agree on one thing, calling the monster a huge snake. This makes it possible to question the first theory about the fallen angel. A multi-headed snake whose name translates as "wriggling beast" is mentioned in the Old Testament. It is assumed that God's creation was such in the name of the personification of all the forces of evil, and that the Creator himself destroyed Leviathan back in prehistoric times. However, there is another tradition, already mentioned above: about Leviathan and Behemoth, whose fight and death is yet to come.

Behemoth and Leviathan are creatures that are more often called monsters than demons, and which are proof of the incomprehensibility of God's creations.

Seven deadly sins

A little earlier, the main demons were presented: a list of names and a description. For some of them, associations with mortal sins were indicated. However, there is a more detailed classification of this phenomenon:

  • Lucifer - Pride (lat. Superbia). Proud of himself, Lucifer tried to take the place of God, for which he was expelled from Heaven.
  • Beelzebub - Gluttony (lat. Gula).
  • Leviathan - Envy (lat. Invidia). An interesting parallel with the serpentine form of Leviathan and in green Envy.
  • Asmodeus - Lust (lat. Luxuria). Latin name this sin is similar to the English word luxury - luxury.
  • Mammon - Greed (lat. Avaritia).
  • Belphegor - Laziness (lat. Acedia).
  • Satan - Anger (lat. Ira).

The division is of great interest: it turns out that Lucifer and Satan are not the same thing. Why is that?

Devil, Satan, Lucifer - different names for the same evil?

Are they different demons of hell? The list, like the Russians, does not fully answer this question, although it does give a little background. Let's dive into it.

The Devil in Latin sounds like Satan and means "enemy", Satan - Diaboli, whose meaning is "slanderer", therefore, the Devil and Satan are synonymous with respect to each other. The devil's image is the opposite of God's. It is assumed that Satan is the creator and master of the forces of evil, which contradicts the point of view that the Lord created everything in the world. Therefore, another legend arises - about the Devil as about Lucifer.

Tradition has already been described here - the expulsion of a beautiful angel and the reason for his fall from heaven. The translation of the name Lucifer comes from the Latin roots lux - "light" and fero - "carry". After being imprisoned in Hell, he took on a different name. And Satan appeared to the world.

In Hebrew, Satan is translated as Zabulus, from which the opinion began that Beelzebub (Beelzebub) can be interpreted as Baal - the devil, and this is another name for the Lord of Hell. But this is the most unpopular theory - as there are many legends about the Lord of the Flies as an independent character. At the same time, in the Jewish environment, this demon has greater power than in traditional demonology.

What about Lucifer and the Devil? Despite the fact that there is an exact causal relationship and an explanation of two (or even three) names at once, there is still a different interpretation, where these are different demons, and different properties are attributed to them.

Samael - the riddle of demonology

In addition to the previous question, it is worth mentioning Samael. When the demons, list and description were presented, he did not enter it. This is because it has not yet been decided exactly whether Samael is an angel or a demon.

By the usual definition, Samael is described as the angel of death. In fact, these creatures do not belong to either good or evil, just as death itself does not belong to these concepts. This is a natural process, and therefore shinigami, as the Japanese call them, just make sure that everything goes on as usual. But Samael is not such an unambiguous person, otherwise he would not raise questions.

The name Samael is often confused with the main Archangel of God. Or they are called among the seven archangels. They also say that Samael is the Demiurge, that is, the creator of all living things, which means God.

Interestingly, along with this, he is often ranked among the demons of Hell - moreover, according to some statements, Samael is the true name of the Devil, angelic, before the fall from heaven. True, in this situation it is not clear what Lucifer is.

The legend of the snake-tempter of Eve also got to the riddle of demonology - there are sources that this was Samael.

The most popular description has already been given: Samael is the angel of death, with only one clarification: the same angel of death that came for Moses.


It is a mistake to confuse with the Devil and the Antichrist. The key to unraveling this person lies in his name: Antichrist is the enemy of Christ, his antipode. He, in turn, as you know, was the son of God, not his prototype. The name of the Antichrist is sometimes called anyone who does not confess Jesus Christ, but in reality this is not entirely true. "Anti" means "against" . The Antichrist must be exactly the enemy of Jesus, go against him, be equal to him in strength.

Incubus and succubus

Speaking of demons, it is worth mentioning the smaller servants, who nevertheless became quite famous in the human ranks. These, of course, are demons-tempters of carnal pleasures, lust and passion.

The female demonic hypostasis of debauchery is a succubus (otherwise a succubus), contrary to the ideas of a beautiful devil, an ugly monster. Inferior demon who appears in dreams known content with a much more attractive appearance, devours vitality man, devastating him. Succubi, of course, specialize in men.

An equally unpleasant essence and male hypostasis is an incubus, whose goal is women. He acts in the same way as his "colleague". Succubi and incubi prey on sinners, their attack zone is the mind and subconscious.


The article lists only the most famous and influential demons. The list, in which images illustrate evil spirits, can be supplemented with such names:

  • Alastor is a demon herald.
  • Azazel is a standard-bearing demon whose name is known to Bulgakov's admirers.
  • Asmodeus is the demon of divorce.
  • Barbas is the demon of dreams.
  • Belizar is a demon of lies.
  • Mammon is the demon of wealth.
  • Marbas is the demon of disease.
  • Mephistopheles is a famous demon who served Faust for 24 years.
  • Olivier is a demon of cruelty.

If you go into the details of each mythology and religion, then the list may contain more than a thousand names and is not limited to this. As you can see from the article, some names set more questions than they give answers: different faiths interpret them differently, sometimes it’s even difficult to understand whether this is an angel or a demon, on whose side he is. There are many ambiguities with the description of the Prince of Darkness himself, his name, his possessions, his abilities.

There are legends according to which even the demons themselves are not evil spirits, but intermediate states between people and gods, neither good nor evil. Demonology holds many secrets. Do we want to reveal them?

Essences that terrify people exist, perhaps, in the myths and legends of different peoples. Their appearance goes back to the origins of folklore. As a rule, a variety of terrible supernatural monsters brought evil, death, or were an instrument of punishment from higher powers. In our review, the most terrible and terrible entities from different cultures.

1. Pishachi

Pishachas are one of the most feared carnivorous demons in Hindu myths. They were depicted with dark faces, bulging veins and bulging red eyes. Pishachas have always hungered for human flesh.

2. Vetaly

Vetals are ghostly creatures from Hindu mythology. They are spirits that inhabit corpses, after which they cease to decompose and gain the ability to move around like zombies. However, vetals can also leave a corpse at will.

3. Ronow

In demonology, Ronove is considered a marquis and a great count of hell, who commands twenty legions of demons. He is most often depicted as a kind of monster with vague outlines, who holds a staff in his hand. It is also believed that he collects the souls of people and animals that die.

4. Rakshasa

These demonic spirits originate from Hindu myths, but can also be found in other religions such as Buddhism. They are known as cannibals, and devour their victims while still alive. According to Hindu traditions, they were so overwhelmed with bloodlust that when they were created, they tried to devour their creator, the god Brahma.

5. Preta

Preta spirits, also known as "hungry ghosts", can be found in some Indian religions. They are doomed to wander and suffer from terrible hunger and thirst, which they cannot satisfy in any way. According to these religions, people who were greedy, corrupt, jealous and greedy in life become preta in death.

6. Lemurs

In ancient Roman religion, lemurs were evil, restless spirits of the dead who were known for their terrifying appearance. They were also thought to be related to the Greek monster Lamia, after whom they were named.

7. Yorogumo

According to ancient Japanese myths, the Yorogumo is a bloodthirsty monster. In most tales, he is described as a huge spider that takes the form of a very attractive woman who seduces men, lures them into her lair and devours them.

8. Hundun

Hundun is a faceless evil, which in Chinese mythology and cosmogony is considered a source of catastrophes and chaos. The strangest thing about this demon is how ancient it is. According to Chinese beliefs, it existed before heaven and earth were separated, that is, before the Big Bang.

9. Eligos

Edigos is the Great Duke of Hell who rules over sixty legions of demons. He discovers hidden things and knows the future of wars. Usually, Eligos is depicted as a pious knight, carrying a spear, a banner, and a serpent.

10. Genie

Jinn are supernatural beings in Arabic as well as Islamic late mythology and theology. The Qur'an states that the jinn are made up of smokeless and "burning fire", but they are also physically capable of interacting with people and objects.

11. Barbatos

Barbatos in demonology is the Duke of Hell, who rules over thirty legions of demons. He has four kings as companions who help him command the legions. It is believed that he can lead people to treasures that were hidden by the magic of wizards, but for this he asks a very high price - souls.

12. Barakiel

Barakiel is the ninth watcher of the twenty leaders of the two hundred fallen angels that are mentioned in the book of Enoch. His name means "lightning of God", which is not surprising since Barakiel is believed to have taught the people of astrology before his fall.

13. Azi Dahaka

Azi Dahaka is a storm demon from Iranian mythology and religion. It was alleged that he steals livestock and attacks people. This is a snake-like monster with three heads and six eyes, which also represents the oppression of Iran during the time of Babylon.

14. Agares

Agares is the Duke of Hell, who owns its eastern part and commands thirty-one legions of demons. He appears riding a crocodile with a hawk on his arm. It was believed that Agares could bring back deserters and put enemies to flight. He can also exalt people, teach all languages ​​and cause an earthquake.

15. Abaddon

In the book of Revelation, an angel named Abaddon, who looks like Satan, is described as the king of the locust army. He holds a trident, has frightening wings, a snake tail and an evil face with cruel eyes. His name in ancient Greek means "destroyer".

16. Asag

In the ancient Sumerian religion, Asag was a grotesque demon who looked so scary that fish in the rivers died from his presence. His name translates as "causing disease."

17. Dybbuk

In Jewish mythology, a dybbuk is an evil spirit that inhabits a person and lives in him until his death. This malevolent creature leaves the host's body only after it has fulfilled its nefarious purpose.

18. Abizu

In the myths of the Middle East and Europe, Abizu is a female demon. She is accused of miscarriages and infant mortality, as Abizu allegedly envies people, being barren.

19. Ghoul (ghoul)

The ghoul is one of the most famous creatures in the ancient Arab religion and was first mentioned in the Thousand and One Nights. He is described as an undead creature that can also take the form of an intangible spirit. As a rule, ghouls live in cemeteries and feed on carrion.

20. Succubus

Those who think that only men commit rape are deeply mistaken. A succubus is a demon who, in medieval legends, invaded the dreams of men and boys in the form attractive women and then seduced or raped them.

21. Xin Tian

Xin Tian is an evil divine giant in Chinese mythology who fought against the heavenly emperor Huang Di. Even after he was defeated and beheaded, Xin Tian continued to fight, creating a face on his torso: eyes from his nipples and a mouth from his navel. At the same time, he was armed with an ax in one hand and a shield in the other.

22. Buer

Buer is a demon who was first described in demonological literature of the sixteenth century, where he is described as the great president of hell, commanding fifty legions of demons. Buer was described as having the head of a lion and five goat legs surrounding his body so that Buer could move in any direction.

23. Azazel

According to the book of Enoch (an apocryphal book in the Jewish religious tradition), Azazel was one of the leaders of a group of fallen angels who took human women as wives and taught people a lot. After he was cast into hell, unable to kill (the archangels were sent to "eliminate" the fallen angel), Azazel became the most mysterious supernatural being in sacred literature.

24. Belphegor

In Western demonology, Belphegor is a demon who was originally an ancient Semitic god and later became one of the seven princes of hell. The sixth of ten archdemons offers people ingenious inventions that can make them rich in exchange for souls.

25. Nephilim

According to ancient biblical texts, the word Nephilim means "giants". They were known as great warriors, born of "sons of God" who were divine beings and "daughters of Adam" who were mortal. God condemned his sons for rebellion and connection with people, and that is why their offspring were called "nephilim" or fallen ones.


SATAN - (Hebrew) adversary, enemy, accuser, Lord of fire, Hell, South.
LUCIFER - (lat.) carrier of light, enlightenment, morning Star, Lord of the Air and the East.
BELIAL - (Hebrew) without a master, the foundation of the earth. independence, Lord of the North.
LEVIATHAN - (Hebrew) serpent from the depths, Lord of the sea and the West

Devil Names:

Abaddon (Abaddon, Abaddon) - (Hebrew) destroyer

Adramelech (Adramelech) - Sumerian devil

Apuch (Apukh) - the Mayan devil

Ahriman (Ahriman) - the Mazdakean devil

Amon (Amon) - Egyptian god of life and reproduction with a ram's head

Arolllyon (Apollyon) - Greek synonym for Satan, archdevil

Asmodeus (Asmodeus) - the Jewish god of sensuality and luxury, originally - "judging being"

Astaroth (Astarte) - the Phoenician goddess of voluptuousness and lust, the equivalent of the Babylonian Ishtar

Azazel (Azazel) - (Hebrew) gunsmith, inventor of cosmetics

Baalberith (Baalberit) - Kanaan Lord of consent, later turned into a devil

Balaam (Valaam) - the Jewish devil of greed and greed

Baphomet (Baphomet) - the Templars worshiped him as the incarnation of Satan

Bast (Bast) - Egyptian goddess of pleasure, represented in the form of a cat

Beelzebub (Beelzebub) - (Hebrew) Lord of the Flies, taken from the symbolism of the scarab

Behemoth (Behemoth) - the Jewish personification of Satan in the form of an elephant

Beherith (Begerit) - Syriac name of Satan

Bile (Vil) - Celtic God of Hell

Chemosh (Chemosh) - the national god of the Moabites, later - the devil

Cimeries (Kimmeris) - sits on a black horse and rules over Africa

Coyote (Coyote) - Devil of the American Indians

Dagon (Dagon) - Philistine vengeful god of the sea

Damballa (Damballa) - the snake god of voodooism

Demogorgon (Demogorgon) - Greek name devil, should not be known to mortals

Diabolus (Devil) - (Greek) "flowing down"

Dracula (Dracula) - Romanian name for the devil

Emma-O (Emma-O) - Japanese ruler of Hell

Euronymous (Euronymus) - Greek prince of death

Fenriz (Fenritz), Fenrir - the son of Loki, depicted as a wolf

Gorge (Gorgon) - decrease. from Demogorgon, the Greek name for the devil

Haborym (Haborim) - Hebrew synonym for Satan

Hecate (Hecate) - Greek goddess underworld and witchcraft

Ishtar (Ishtar) - Babylonian goddess of fertility

Kali (Kali) - (Hindi) daughter of Shiva, high priestess tuggiev

Lilith (Lilith) - Jewish devil, the first wife of Adam

Loki (Loki) - Teutonic devil

Mammon (Mammon) - Aramaic god of wealth and profit

Mania (Mania) - the goddess of Hell among the Etruscans

Mantus (Mantu) - the god of Hell among the Etruscans

Marduk (Marduk) - God of the City of Babylon

Mastema (Mastema) - a Jewish synonym for Satan

Meiek Taus (Melok Taus) - Yezidi devil

Mephistopheies (Mephistopheles) - (rpech.) who avoids light, see also Goethe's Faust

Metztli (Metztli) - Aztec goddess of the night

Mictian (Miktian) - Aztec god of death

Midgard (Midgard) - the son of Loki, depicted as a snake

Milcom (Milcom) - ammonite devil

Moloch (Moloch) - Phoenician and Canaanite devil

Mormo (Mormo) - (Greek) King of Vampires, husband of Hecate

Naamah (Naama) - Jewish she-devil of seduction

Nergal (Nergal) - Babylonian god of Hades

Nihasa (Nihaza) - Devil of the American Indians

Nija (Nidza) - Polish god of the underworld

O-Yama (O-Yama) - the Japanese name for Satan

Pan (Pan) - the Greek god of lust, later placed in the devil's retinue

Pluto (Pluto) - Greek god of the underworld

Proserpine (Proserpine) - Greek queen underworld

Pwcca (Pakka) - Welsh name for Satan

Rimmon (Rimmon) - Syrian devil worshiped in Damascus

Sabazios (Shavasius) - Phrygian origin, identified with Dionysus, snake worship

Saitan (Saitan) - Enochian equivalent of Satan

Sammael (Sammael) - (Hebrew) "God's malice"

Samnu (Samnu) - the devil of the peoples of Central Asia

Sedit (Sedit) - the devil of the American Indians

Sekhmet (Sekhmet) - Egyptian goddess of revenge

Set (Set) - Egyptian devil

Shaitan (Shaitan) - Arabic name of Satan

Shiva (Shiva) - (Hindi) destroyer

Supay (Supai) - Indian god of the underworld

T "an-mo (Tian-mo) - the Chinese counterpart of the devil, the god of greed and passion

Tchort (Damn) - Russian name for Satan, "black god"

Tezcatlipoca (Tezcatlipoca) - Aztec God of Hell

Thamuz (Tamuz) - Sumerian god, later attributed to the retinue of the Devil

Thoth (Thoth) - Egyptian god of magic

Tunrida (Tunrida) - Scandinavian devil

Typhon (Typhoon) - Greek personification of Satan

Yaotzin (Yaotsin) - Aztec God of Hell

Yen-lo-Wang (Yen-lo-Wang) - Chinese ruler of Hell

- a terrible demon from Aztec mythology, which is a cross between a woman and a butterfly. It is depicted in a very unusual way even for mythological demons: stone knives are attached to the ends of its wings, and instead of a tongue, there is also a knife. Itzpapalotl also has a special magical cloak, with which he can easily turn into a completely harmless butterfly.

- a whole group of demonic beings. These are the demons that inhabit the forests of Australia.
Yara-ma is a small creature with bare red or green skin and suction cups on its arms and legs.
Yara-ma hides on the branches of trees, waiting for prey. When the victim approaches, he jumps on it, digs into the body and sucks out the blood.
The yara-ma has such a large mouth that it can easily swallow a whole person. In some cases, if Yarama-ma falls asleep immediately after eating, his victims manage to escape and escape.

- South American ferocious demon from the mythology of the Mayan people. Zotz is a malevolent, dog-headed, winged entity. This demon lives in hell and drinks the blood of anyone in its territory that catches his eye.

Xipe Totec
- an evil Mexican demon, which is a character in the mythology of the Mayan people of the era of pre-Christian Central America. In the views of the Maya, this demon could bring terrible disasters and suffering to people, destroy cities and send deadly epidemics. Therefore, it was necessary to constantly appease him so as not to disturb the evil spirit.
In the Aztec and Mayan tradition, human sacrifice was a common practice. Xipe-Totec also demanded human blood, while sacrifices had to be made at intervals of several months. This story resonates with similar stories from other nations. Suffice it to recall the tribute that the Athenians had to pay to the Knossos king Minos, annually sending young men and women to his palace as a sacrifice to the Minotaur, who lived in the labyrinths of the palace. In Slavic mythology, such a plot is associated with the sacrifice of girls to the Serpent Gorynych.
Researchers of mythology suggest that such a plot similarity originates in the prehistoric tradition of human sacrifices of that period of the existence of civilization, when there was no division of people into races, but there was a single community of people who spoke the same language (which, by the way, is reflected in the legend of the Tower of Babel) .
After its disintegration into independent ethno-national and cultural-original units, the plot spread throughout the world along with the people who settled and was filled with special details, different in each case.

Brimbston Demons
look like very old and decrepit people and are neither alive nor dead. Their bodies look withered and twisted, in some places holes are visible that appeared from smoldering and decomposition of the flesh. The faces of the demons are also terrible - a naked terrible skull with a grin of long blackened teeth, dirty yellow eyes with thin streams of blood oozing from them. These creatures feed exclusively human flesh and fresh blood.

It is customary to call the entities that inhabit the four elements - Earth, Water, Fire and Air. They can be attributed to the spirits of wildlife, which are in the service of sorcerers, magicians and other evil spirits, and the souls of dead people reincarnated by the devil can use the help of elementals.
In ancient and modern legends elementals are commonly referred to as "peers, devas, genies, sylvans, satyrs, fauns, elves, gnomes, trolls, norns, nisses, kobolds, browns, nicks, stromcarls, undines, mermaids, salamanders, goblins, ponks, banshees, kelpies, pixies, flywheels" and many others.

ANCIENT MEXICAN BELIEFS tell that there were cloisters for demons and spirits, which were divided into certain categories. In the initial monastery, the spirits of innocent children lived, waiting for further distribution, in the next monastery there were the souls of the righteous and heroes, and the souls of sinners lived in dark terrible caves. And they were active in real life by contacting living people who can see them.

Kali ma
- Indian goddess of destruction and plague, bringing grief and sowing death. In one hand she holds the head of Raktevira, the king of demons. Kalima entered into a mortal battle with him, won and drank all his blood. One of the most common depictions shows her squatting by the body of a dead Shiva, consuming his sexual organ with her reproductive organ while she devours his intestines with her mouth.
This scene should be taken not literally, but metaphorically. It is believed that the goddess takes the seed of Shiva into her womb in order to conceive him again in her eternal womb. In the same way, she devours and destroys all life around her in order to recreate it all anew.
Kali ma has black skin and an ugly, ugly face with bloody fangs. She has a third eye on her forehead. Kali ma has four hands with long claws on thin fingers. The body of Kalima is adorned with garlands of babies, snakes, the heads of her sons, and the belt is made from the hands of demons. On her neck is a necklace of human skulls, on which Sanskrit letters are engraved, which in India are considered sacred mantras, with the help of which Kalima created, connecting various natural elements.

- a gloomy and very cruel goddess of the snowy and cold North.
Scandinavia, by the way, was once called Skadin-auya, which means “Land of Skadi”.
In Norse myths, Skadi appears as the beautiful daughter of the giant Tjazzi. After the murder of his father by Thor (one of the main gods in Scandinavian mythology) Skadi came to the gates of Asgard and challenged the gods. Trying to pacify her righteous anger, the god Loki (the son of the god Thor) took the goat and went outside the gate to greet her and make a sacrifice to her.
However, the victim, according to the legend, was by no means a goat. Loki tied one end of the rope to a goat, and the other to his genitals. The goat pulled the rope one way and Loki the other until his genitals were torn out of his body. Bleeding, Loki fell at the feet of the cruel goddess Skadi. She considered it punishment enough for her father's death.
With the help of magic, Loki regained his lost genitals and continued to pursue other female goddesses.

Another demon - a representative of Scandinavian mythology - is the goddess Hel, known in ancient German mythology under the name of Holda or Bertha.
Hel was the patroness of various reservoirs (except the sea, which had its own patron god), the goddess of the hearth, spinning and growing flax.
According to ancient legend, Hel traveled across the sky with Odin on his wild hunt, which, apparently, was associated with the Valkyries. Hel was the mistress of the dead and the queen of the underworld, called Niflhelm in Scandinavian-Germanic myths. It was considered the world of the elements - freezing cold and volcanic fire. The first part was inhabited by the righteous and the gods, and the souls of sinners burned in the volcanic fire. Hel received this kingdom as a gift from Odin.
Hel was born from Loki and the female giant Angrboda. The sight of the goddess was terrible, because one half of her body was healthy, and the other was sick, with traces of decay.
In the struggle of the gods and chthonic monsters, Hel took the side of the first, accepting into her kingdom all the dead, except for those who died in battle.

Shri Lakshmi
- one of central characters ancient Indian mythology. This goddess, beloved of the god Vishnu, was usually depicted with a lotus in her hands or sitting on a lotus with a casket and money falling from her palm.
Legends say that she appeared from the foam of the milky ocean, that is, just like the Greek Aphrodite, she came out of the sea foam.
Lakshmi accompanies Vishnu in each of his reincarnations, always being reborn with him. She accompanied Vishnu in his most important rebirth: when he became Rama, Lakshmi became Sita. When he became Krishna, she became a cowherd girl named Radha.
Since Lakshmi is considered the goddess of luck, the Indians believe that she has a rather capricious, absurd character, because luck usually leaves a person quite suddenly.

is a creature from Scottish mythology. This demon appears in the form of a horse.
There is a well-known belief that a person who met Kelpie on the bank of the river and swam across it to the other side would never be able to return. The kelpie always drowns its prey before consuming it.

General concept of demonology and 13 Archdemons of the Hell Dimension

I think it makes no sense to explain in detail what kind of magic this is. But for beginners, I will briefly explain that this is a summoning of demons and everything connected with it. Moreover, this means work not only with hellish demons (as some may think), but also with demons of other Dark worlds, such as Lang, Tartarus, Duat and others. Here also short definition the words "demon": "A demon is an energy being of a destructive (destructive) type, located in another dimension, but capable of manifesting itself in our three-dimensional world and performing various actions in it." As you can see from the definition, Hell is absolutely optional here.
And, nevertheless, we will start with the demons of the Hell dimension, subordinate to the Dark God Lucifer, since this will be the most understandable for beginners in black magic. First of all, I want to clarify that Lucifer is not a Fallen Angel at all, and the demons of Hell are not former Angels at all. These are completely different creatures serving the Dark God Lucifer and, for the most part, created by him! However, they are mentioned in Christian and other books, and Satanists probably know their names. The most famous are 13 Archdemons, the strongest assistants of Lucifer. All of them are described in detail (with illustrations) in the book "Goetia". For those unfamiliar with this book, I will give a brief description of these 13 here.

1. Beelzebub - the supreme general of Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness and demons, and, in addition, his younger brother. Christian and some other sources often confuse him with the Lord of Hell himself, believing that "Beelzebub" is one of the names of the Luminous Lord of the Night. However, this is not the case, although they are indeed the closest relatives. It is almost impossible to summon Beelzebub, since it requires the most complex ritual and 666,000 human sacrifices, which was extremely difficult even in ancient times. Beelzebub commands 666 legions of 6666 demons each.
2. Belial (Veliar, Belial) - Duke of Hell. General Manager of Hell. It is this demon that keeps order in Hell, directs all the younger demons working there, invents new tortures for the souls who find themselves there, etc. He commands 366 legions of Hell with 6666 demons each (6666 demons in general in all legions). The call requires 111,000 human victims, not to mention the complexity of the ritual.
3. Andromellekh - Chancellor of Hell. Keeps all the records, the chief bureaucrat, so to speak. This demon directs the distribution of souls entering Hell, as well as the entire management of hellish positions (unless there is a direct order from higher ones). Andromellech has 166 legions. The call requires 6666 human casualties.
4. Azrael (Azrael) - Muslims are most afraid of this demon, however, not quite understanding its essence. In fact, Azrael is the Lord of Lies (this title is often erroneously attributed to Lucifer himself). This demon presides over the buying of souls, deceiving and seducing mortals in many worlds. He also develops most of Hell's other plans in other worlds and manages the diplomatic department, that is, almost all of Hell's external contacts. Commands 66 legions. It takes 6,000 victims to summon.
5. Astaroth (Astarte) - the demon of violence. It is the influence of subordinates, and in rare cases, of this demon himself, that our world owes to the majority of maniacs and simply insane, senseless murders. Summoning the demons of his legions is extremely easy - just kill someone in a rage and pronounce the name of Astaroth. However, it is very difficult to control his servants. It is more likely that madness will consume you than you will control it. This demon has 46 legions. For a personal call (that is, Astaroth himself, regardless of his will), 1111 human victims are required.
6.Zafael - the demon of Death. The most interesting of all the demons of Hell for me personally and other necromancers. He is the Deathbringer. The demons of his legions kill and simply take the souls of those whose hour has come. In addition, he is the Executioner of Hell, the personal killer of Lucifer. killing gods, angels and other Higher Beings by order of the Lightbringer. And, oddly enough, it is Zaphael who is the intermediary between the Hell and Paradise Dimensions, and the bright god Sabaoth very rarely resorts to his services as a killer. In submission 16 legions. The call requires 999 human casualties.
7. Raab (Leviathan) - Lord of the Ocean. This demon is the progenitor of sea serpents (including all kinds of "Nessie"), controlling storms and tsunamis. In particular, the 2004 tsunami that hit Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, etc. - his handiwork. Raab - perhaps the best in Hell takes on a material form, although in last time Bishop Vicar met this form in 1676 during his voyage. As far as I know, this is the last case of a real meeting with sea ​​monster Leviathan. Commands 9 legions (mostly made up of sea demons). The call requires 766 human casualties or 33 whales killed.
8. Lanita (Lilith, Empusa) - the strongest of the demons of Hell. She rules over monsters and succubi, sexy vampires. However, this Archdemon should not be confused with the biblical Lilith, the wife of the fallen angel Samael. Lanita (or rather her servants) are called upon in some love affairs and to destroy rivals in the same affairs. Leads 6 legions. For a personal call, 666 human victims or an orgy involving 66,666 people are needed.
9. Bacchael (Bacchus, Dionysus) - the fallen god (not to be confused with the Fallen Angel). Once this demon was the Greek god of wine, fun and nature. Now it is the Lord of the Vampires and the ruler of infernal orgies. Of course, Vakhael controls only those vampires that swore allegiance to Hell or simply consider themselves to be the servants of Satan. In fact, vampires have many gods. Also, this demon is called upon during violent orgies, sinful sin and bloody feasts. It is already easier to call him, it takes only 111 victims (and not necessarily at the same time). Subordinate 1 legion.
10. Sadragiel - the demon of Fear and Madness. Unlike Astaroth, he does not breed maniacs (with rare exceptions), but induces all sorts of phobias, ranging from claustrophobia to vaginophobia. It is the appearance of this demon (or its closest servants) that the so-called "plants" are obliged to - patients of mental hospitals who are not even able to go to the toilet and eat food on their own. For black magicians, however, it is very useful. Commands 3 legions and demands 366 sacrifices for a personal apparition (against his will). As you can see, Sadragiel has higher requirements, and more subordinates than Vakhael, but since he former god, then he has more power and therefore he occupies a higher degree in Hell than Sadragiel.
11. Nambrot - the demon of war. With its relative weakness, it is this demon that leads the legions of Hell into battle. He is the main strategist and tactician. Of course, this demon is far from Mars (Ares), but still some part of the wars on Earth still occurs through his fault. He and his subordinates are often called upon by Satanist warriors. Commands 1 legion (personal guard). Requires only 66 human casualties to summon.
12. Aham - the demon of diseases. Great Lord Plague. Also very interesting for necromancers. A significant part of the terrible epidemics that mowed down half the population of the Middle Ages on his conscience. He does not have legions, although he controls about 3000 disease demons. It takes 30 victims to summon.
13. Belet (Belet) - the demon of lust and carnal love. The last and weakest of the Archdemons. Most black magicians, who at least once used love magic (love spells), turned to him. Of course, this demon is not capable of creating "pure" love. But everything that concerns carnal lust is in his competence. Controls incubi and 1000 demons of debauchery. He is also responsible for most what in our world are called "perversions". It only takes 10 human sacrifices or an orgy of 66 people for his personal summoning.

Well, that's all 13 Archdemons of Hell. Of course, calling them personally is very difficult. However, it is relatively easy to summon their servants and the warriors of their legions.

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