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Russian romance in our time. Singer Yulia Ziganshina on why romance is the most difficult genre

It is believed that the romance originally appeared in Spain, in the XV-XVI centuries. Then the Spaniards called a romance any poem written in a Romance "non-Latin" language. The poem was not necessarily lyrical, it could talk about historical events and military exploits of heroes. In countries neighboring Spain, such poems were called ballads. From them, musical works called "romances" were born. Set to music, they turned into small songs - usually with a four-line stanza without a refrain.

In the XVIII century, the romance reached France and Germany, and then to Russia. In our country, "romance" meant a small musical composition, but already exclusively of lyrical content, performed by a voice and an accompanying instrument. The greatest influence on the development of romance in Europe was exerted by the work of poets Johann Wolfgang Goethe and Heinrich Heine, composers Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Jules Massenet and Charles Gounod.

The genre of the Russian romance developed in early XIX century on the wave of overwhelming domestic music world romanticism. Most famous romances of that period belonged to Alexander Varlamov. Then the romance took its rightful place in the work of the most famous Russian composers -,.

Many of the most popular romances of our time were written at the beginning of the 20th century. They are classified as urban, gypsy, " cruel romance". Then romances were written by amateur composers such as Boris Fomin, Boris Prozorovsky, Marie Poiret. And it is this period that can be called the golden age of Russian romance: full halls collected speeches by Nadezhda Plevitskaya, Anastasia Vyaltseva, Vera Panina.

AT post-revolutionary years romance was persecuted as bourgeois relic disintegrating the proletariat and the peasantry. But even in this difficult period for the romance, Isabella Yuryeva, Alexander Vertinsky, Tamara Tsereteli continued to perform it with success. Many of these musicians emigrated to Europe, taking with them the Russian romance, which was able to conquer even an audience that did not understand the Russian language. For example, the romance of Boris Fomin “Dear long” “taken out” by Alexander Vertinsky was so fond of the Europeans that a new one appeared to the music of Fomin, English text, and the British are still sure that the song was written on the shores of foggy Albion.

Years later, Alla Bayanova, Alexander Vertinsky, Isabella Yuryeva returned to Russia and incredible success continued their career in our country. Romance has forever remained one of the most beloved in Russia. musical genres both listeners and performers.

What is romance, history of romance

AT musical art exists chamber genre, which can rightfully be considered unique - its name is "romance". This vocal miniature from the moment of its appearance was very popular and reflected all the significant processes taking place in the life of society. In our country, romance is very difficult fate- he was banned, but he again triumphantly returned to the concert stages. At the present time, the romance continues to delight listeners with its melody, sincerity and cordiality.

What is romance?

A romance is a work of usually lyrical content, belonging to the chamber-vocal genre, it is written for a voice and an accompanying vocal part of an accompanying instrument.

A romance is similar to a song, but there are some differences that make it a romance.

  • The romance is more melodious and its melodic line is very expressive.
  • In a romance, everything matters. The content of the poetic text should be melodic, touching or sometimes even tragic. beautiful and sensual vocal part always closely related to the text. The romance accompaniment is a full member of the ensemble.
  • The form of the romance, like that of the song, is strophic, that is, couplet, however, various kinds of extensions are possible here, and this suggests that musical periods romances can be both with even and with an odd number cycles.
  • In a romance, there is usually no chorus.

Popular romances

"Nightingale"- music by A. Alyabyev, lyrics by A. Delvig. The romance, which belongs to the masterpieces of the chamber vocal genre, was written by Alexander Alyabyev while in prison on a false charge of murder in 1825. Thanks to the soulful and surprisingly expressive melody, this vocal miniature has gained extraordinary popularity all over the world. There are no virtuoso vocal passages in the musical original of the romance; they were subsequently added by the performers.

Nightingale - listen

"I remember wonderful moment» - music M. Glinka, words by A. Pushkin. This pearl, which is classic pattern Russian romance, Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka dedicated to Ekaterina Kern, to whom he nurtured deep feelings. In its turn,Catherine's mother, Anna Kern, inspired the creation of the magnificent poetic basis of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's romance. The melody of the romance is elegant, soulful and melodious, it expressively reveals the romantic feelings of the lyrical hero.

"I remember a wonderful moment" - listen

"In the midst of a noisy ball" music P.I. Tchaikovsky, lyrics by A.K. Tolstoy. Written in the waltz genre, this vocal composition by the brilliant Russian composer immediately gained great popularity. The romance, which has a beautiful melodic line, is very expressive and lyrical, but most importantly, it is written so conveniently that it can be easily performed in home music.

"Among the noisy ball" - listen

"Burn, burn, my star…"- music by P. Bulakhov, lyrics by V. Chuevsky. The world-famous Russian romance, which has a large number of arrangements, both pop and "academic". Despite the fact that the composition was composed in the middle of the century before last, after the revolution it was banned, as it was very popular with the White Guard officers.

"Burn, burn, my star ..." - listen

"Black eyes" music by F. Herman, lyrics by E. Grebenka. This world-famous romance has been translated into many languages. The popularity of the composition is due to the fact that it is about passionate love driving people crazy. It is useless to resist it, since such love is inexplicable, and it is stronger than death.

"Black eyes" - listen

Romance history

The history of romance originates in the distant Middle Ages. Approximately in the 13th, and maybe in the 14th century, poets wandered along the roads of sunny Spain, who composed and sang songs that differed significantly from the church hymns generally accepted at that time, performed in Latin. Firstly, the Spanish troubadours composed their texts on topics filled with love-lyrical content, for example, they told about exploits brave knights in the name of sublime love for beautiful ladies. Secondly, these songs were performed in "romance", as the Spanish language was then called, and, thirdly, they were distinguished by a special melodiousness. Gradually, such melodic verses to music became widespread in the countries neighboring Spain. There, the troubadours also composed the so-called "secular" poems - ballads telling about important historical events, about exploits folk heroes, and, undoubtedly, among their poetic creations, an important place was occupied by love lyrics. All this minstrels in the Spanish style began to decorate with elegant melodies and sing along musical accompaniment any instrument, calling their songs romances. More than one century has passed, and the term "romance" is firmly rooted in different countries, denoting both a melodious poem of a lyrical nature, and a work that characterizes the genre of vocal music.

The prosperity of the romance fell on the second half of XVIII century, when such great poets as I. Goethe, G. Heine, F. Schiller worked. Their works, full of lyricism, reflecting deep feelings and spiritual impulses, many composers willingly used as literary basis for his chamber vocal compositions. For example, outstanding Austrian composer Franz Schubert, laid the foundation musical romanticism, wrote 60 of his vocal works to the words of Goethe and 40 to the words of Schiller. Schubert passed the baton to others composers of the XIX centuries and romance schools were formed in Europe prominent representatives which in Austria and Germany were I. Brahms, R. Schumann, and H. Wolf, and in France - G. Berlioz, J. Bizet, Ch. Gounod and J. Massenet. Romantic composers in their work clearly preferred the romance genre, since it was in it that they could turn to inner world person, reflect his emotional experiences. In addition, to expand means of expression in description storyline and poetic images the authors combined their vocal miniatures into cycles, since this made it possible to give a more detailed description of the main characters. Among the most popular combined vocal compositions, such cycles as “To a Distant Beloved” should be especially noted. L.V. Beethoven, « beautiful miller" and " winter path”F. Schubert, “The Love of a Poet” and “The Love and Life of a Woman” by R. Schumann.

It is important to note that in the 19th century the romance genre was intensively developed in Russia, and in the second half of the century in such countries as Poland, the Czech Republic, Norway and Finland. He was vividly represented in the work of B. Smetana, A. Dvorak, K. Shimanovsky, J. Sibelius, E. Griga.

In the 20th century, such remarkable Western European composers as C. Debussy, A. Schoenberg, M. Ravel, M. de Falla, F. Poulenc, D. Millau.

Romance in Russia

No one can now answer the question of when “romance” came to Russia, but art critics suggest that this happened in the second half of the 18th century. However, the fact that he arrived in our country from France is reliably known, since initially the term "romance" was used to refer to a vocal work of lyrical content, written on a poetic text on French. It should be noted that at that time Russian composers wrote quite a lot of vocal miniatures specifically to verses. French authors. True, similar works were composed in Russian, but they were called "Russian song."

Having taken root on fertile soil, “romance” began to quickly merge with Russian culture, and soon lyrical, sensual, love songs began to be called this word, and created not only by composers, but simply by amateur musicians. In those days, there was a significant manifestation of interest in amateur music-making and song writing everywhere. Representatives of the nobility and people of different ranks considered it mandatory among household items to have some kind of musical instrument: violin, guitar, harp or piano. At the same time, romantic moods dominated European and, accordingly, Russian art. In such favorable conditions, in the first half of the 19th century, the genre of Russian romance was formed, essential role in the development of which amazing Russian poetry played, represented by the work of such brilliant poets as V. Zhukovsky, E. Baratynsky, A. Delvig, K. Batyushkov, N. Yazykov, A. Pushkin, and then M. Lermontov and F. Tyutchev. The composers A. Alyabyev, A. Varlamov, A. Gurilev and P. Bulakhov are rightfully considered the founders of the Russian romance. They are followed by talented masters of the chamber-vocal genre, who, with their creativity, raised the vocal miniature to the height of true classical art, among them M. Glinka, A. Borodin, A. Dargomyzhsky, M. Mussorgsky, N. Rimsky-Korsakov, P. Tchaikovsky, S. Taneev, S. Rachmaninov. Further, the traditions of the great composers continued R. Glier, Yu. Shaporin, H. Myaskovsky, and in Soviet time D. Shostakovich, S. Prokofiev, G. Sviridov.

Interview with Svetlana Mirgorodskaya. Modern Romance Theater

I don't know about you, but it seems to me that in recent times music life stopped in Russia. No new birth bright stars, with individual music, with smart lyrics, with unique images. Pop music did its job - the music turned into kitsch for the needs of the day. And suddenly we learn that work has begun in Moscow on the creation of a theater ... of modern romance. And that its founder - the author and performer of modern romances - Svetlana Mirgorodskaya, who will become our interlocutor today.

- Is it not scary to compete with the young heroes of the stage?

CM. No. Because there is no rivalry and cannot be. As there can be no rivalry between hens and swallows, feathered, appropriate in their habitat. I'm not going to fight for a place in the chicken coop. And the heavens - they are so huge that there is enough room for everyone.

- Why were you fascinated by the old-fashioned romance, and not the "trend" chanson?

It may sound strange, but I don't see much difference between "romance" and "chanson", which is essentially nothing but "French cabaret pop song". For me, chansonniers like Charles Aznavour or Edith Piaf will remain style icons until the end of my days. The tendency to call "chanson" songs from the gateway, built on three chords and poor rhyme, in our country is associated with the dominance of marginal "Great Russians" - the small descendants of poorly educated, cowardly majors. Fortunately, the majority of Russian people are spiritual and mentally extraordinary. Therefore, romance is close to him, the songs of Aznavour, Piaf, Vertinsky, Utyosov are close ... - We will not hide it, but you have achieved a lot in your years: you successful business associated with the world of fragrances and beauty. Several of your books have been published. Everything that you undertake becomes in demand and popular. Are you going to bring your romances to the status of a "cult"?

I am afraid that any business is doomed to success if you are passionate about it, sparing no time and effort. I devoted 20 years of my life to fragrances. The romances are still a year old, although poems from time to time jumped out of me onto paper, as far as I can remember. I don't believe in spontaneous success, I don't believe in Cinderella. But I believe in Tsiolkovsky and Korolev - their perseverance, their work and dreams, turned into ideas, have done the impossible: people can now fly. I know it won't be easy, it will be interesting. And, perhaps, one day the well-deserved success will come. - Why the theater of romance? Wouldn't it be easier to gather a few musicians with you at the head?

You know, some ideas are so bright and festive that next to them, other options seem to be poor freaks ... Therefore, when I was lucky enough to meet talented person- the poet, writer, producer Sergei Kharin - and with his characteristic fireworks of imagination, he proposed creating the "Modern Romance Theater", I realized that this is the only thing I really want. I don't want to lead, I want artistic ecstasy.

-Have you already recruited a troupe?

We are working on it. Fortunately, we have a lot of young, talented, artistic singers, there are plenty to choose from. I would like to create a troupe with a shining ergregor, so that all the actors emphasize the magical radiance of their colleagues with their brilliance ... Like Pink Floyd: "ShineOnYouCrazyDiamond!"

- Modern romance and primordially Russian romance - what are their similarities and differences?

I'm afraid, in the degree of loneliness. Modern man no one needs with their problems and wanderings about the meaning of life. Losers are despised these days. Society honors "personal growth", success, victory at any cost. Therefore, for all of us, the phrase “Coachman, don’t drive the horses, I have nowhere else to hurry” sounds like nonsense. It's gross, wrong, and even embarrassing. “How is it that I, the king of nature, was not needed along with my love? No, you’re lying, you attacked the wrong person, which means that the object of unfortunate passion was to blame for everything, he was a greedy scoundrel and a lustful reptile. Only such a "solitaire" of fate converges with us. We are too afraid to look pathetic, we are afraid to appear in public without makeup, we are afraid to see the naked truth, we are afraid to admit even to ourselves that we are no less guilty of our chronic loneliness than our opponents. That's why modern romance not as naked as the old one, the thought must be revealed very gently, gradually, so that the viewer is not frightened and does not run away.

Who is your viewer? Philharmonic regular with a concert subscription? Do you believe that the circle of your viewers will not be limited to lovers of the classical direction in music?

You know, my audience is the best thing in our country. This is what turns us all away from emigration. This is a subtle, thinking, compassionate person with a troubled heart and a vulnerable soul. He may attend the Philharmonic, or he may be a fan of rock festivals, this is not the main thing. The main thing is that he stubbornly asks the same question: “Why do I live?” - What or who inspires you to create romances?

Life and people. Life with its complex somersaults, unsettling you to bloody sparks from your eyes. People - their thoughts, actions, stories. But most of all my inspiration resonates with the music of the composer Anatoly Zubkov. She ignites in the imagination such bright pictures that they themselves ask for paper, folding into rhymes and metaphors.

- Now most music lovers are in the Internet. How will you promote your creativity among them? Is there a friendship between the world wide web and romance?

To be honest, it seems to me that nothing human is alien to the world wide web. I am absolutely sure that my listeners are modern users of all the benefits and "bads" of civilization, and not Old Believers meditating by a torch.

- And if suddenly the listener does not want to fall in love with your creations? You know yourself - our people are capricious. Get upset?

Yes. But I won't kill myself. If the hut turned towards the forest in front, go to the forest.

-And finally, some quatrain (either not yet found its melody, or impromptu)

"To the sound of marches, the rattling of medals,

Applause stormy crackling dry,

Under the hellish gnashing of brake pedals

Love becomes silent.

culture art music music interview Svetlana Mirgorodskaya Contemporary Romance Theater

In music, there are many genres, forms and varieties of vocal and instrumental pieces. Only a professional in this field is obliged to know the features of each musical element, however, it is desirable for everyone to understand what the most common of them are. Therefore, in this article we will consider what a romance is, how long ago it was born and in what area of ​​\u200b\u200bcreativity it can be found.

Origin of the term

The word "romance" itself has Spanish roots and means a song performed by a voice accompanied by one or more instruments. In this country in the past this genre more like the serenades that men in love sang under the windows of their lovers. In the Middle Ages, when the romance had just settled in the world of art as an independent genre, it had a pronounced text, was drawn out, its meaning concerned exclusively love topics. It was also characteristic that plays of this content were performed only to the national Spanish instrument - the guitar.

What is romance in terms of music

It is believed that this vocal-instrumental genre is the most harmonious among all its counterparts. This is due to the fact that in a romance every word, every syllable sung is underlined by the corresponding note. That's why professional musician can immediately distinguish whether a simple chant sounds or whether the words, as a rule, are placed above musical notation, and as a result, they can be sung or played on some instrument, and then both processes can be combined.

What is romance in the broadest sense of the word

These works gained their wide popularity in the second half of the 18th century, and by the 19th century entire schools of romances had already formed. It happened so because, firstly, just the end of the 18th century is the Golden period in Russian literature, and no less significant period of time in the history of development European art. In those years, such authors as Lermontov, Pushkin, Goethe, Fet and many others wrote their masterpieces. Their poems were so melodic that they became the text for musical works.

Secondly, the romance gradually ceased to be considered an exclusively Spanish love song and acquired a wider, secular meaning. Russian romances appeared, written by such composers as Sviridov, Mussorgsky, Varlamov and so on. Along with them, German, French, Italian vocal and instrumental pieces arose, which were performed at social events and receptions.

Modern romances

It is rare these days to hear such a melody at any event, and even performed by a talented singer (or female singer). However, every child who studies in music school. Children who are gifted by nature with a beautiful voice and can perform in front of the public always perform such works. As a rule, they have to choose from the classics, so students sing compositions written by Prokofiev, Glinka, Rimsky-Korsakov, Tchaikovsky, based on poems by no less famous geniuses of the pen.

Romance is called vocal composition necessarily lyrical content. In fact, it is a chamber musical composition for voice in instrumental accompaniment. Romances are performed by one performer to the accompaniment of usually one instrument.

The emergence of romance in Russia

For the first time this genre arose in Spain in the XIII-XIV centuries. The first performers of such songs were wandering poets who performed their works in chant. These works were written in Romance, hence, respectively, the name "romance".

Romance came to Russia from France in the 18th century. Due to the fact that it was at this time that the Russian poetic creativity, new vocal genre took root and quickly spread, absorbing the features of Russian culture. At first, romances were written exclusively in French. Vocal works with instrumental accompaniment in Russian for a long time were called Russian songs. In fact, it was folklore. Each performer supplemented such songs in my own words, changed the music in his own way.

Russian romance

The very concept of "Russian romance" appeared much later, when professional composers began to pay attention to the romance. They saw in Russian songs a source of inspiration and creativity, which is why Russian romances are so saturated with the Russian spirit. The creators of Russian romances were such composers as Glinka, Mussorgsky, Alyabyev, Dargomyzhsky, Gurilev, Varlamov, Balakirev, Tchaikovsky, and Rachmaninov.

Thanks to the work of composers, at the beginning of the 19th century, a gypsy romance arose. Subsequently, the gypsies themselves bring their own zest to it and bring it to high level, thanks to the unique style of execution.

Varieties of Russian romances

  • Urban romance. He appeared in late XIX century and existed as folklore. From the point of view of poetry, urban romance is distinguished by specificity in images, as well as a stepped composition. Main character seems experienced, and the object of love - unattainable. From the point of view of music, the harmonic minor and characteristic sequences are inherent in the urban romance.
  • Gypsy romance. The main theme of such romances is a passionate love experience. From a musical point of view, gypsy romances have a professional origin, complemented by the manner of performing the gypsies themselves. Later under the influence gypsy romance Russian chanson developed.
  • Cruel romance. In such a romance, the features of a ballad, a romance and lyric song. It clearly distinguishes the main plots, and all of them are tragic and end with the death of the hero, murder or grief.
  • Cossack romance. Such vocal creativity developed on the Don in the 19th century. In such a romance, the features of Cossack life and love are conveyed.

Many modern well-known romances were written in the 20-30s of the last century. The composers who wrote them were later banned, since in Soviet times the romance was recited petty-bourgeois genre. These are Boris Fomin, Boris Prozorovsky, Julius Khait. Their works were named old romances and forgotten. But they were performed abroad, returning to Russia only in the 80s.

Now the Internet has come to the aid of lovers of romances. Lyrics on allows you to download your favorite music, lyrics in mp3 format.

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