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Moles, birthmarks and chakras. The connection between chakras and moles

SIGNIFICANCE OF MOLES ON THE BODY Different peoples have their own interpretation of the location of moles and usually the focus is on the face, on which there are many zones and confirmations of the happy meaning of moles. Some experts argue that moles are no less important in the fate of a person than the lines on the hands in palmistry. Moreover, moles or birthmarks can appear, increase or disappear. And all this is not accidental. It reflects our actions, experiences in the same way as the lines on the palm, gray hair or wrinkles. You can try to follow through life for all the moles on the human body, disappearing or appearing. And that would explain the causes and effects of many events. * A mole on the right eyebrow portends an early and happy marriage, on the left eyebrow it is interpreted, respectively, vice versa. * A mole on the lips is a sign of the goddess Venus. It personifies sensuality, love of luxury, but also some frivolity, and dislike for responsibility. A mole on the lip is also a sign of a cheerful character. A speck on the upper lip is found in extremely feminine and flirtatious persons, a mole under the lips - in love you take more than you give. * Finding a mole on your right cheek, get ready for stormy love experiences. Moles on the left cheek mean that a lot of troubles will await you on the path to success. * A mole on the nose is a very good sign. Whatever you undertake, you are guaranteed success everywhere. * Mole on the right side of the chest, you often rush from one extreme to another. Your life is a swing, then rise, then fall. A speck on the chest on the left side indicates the generous and slightly frivolous nature of its owner. * On the ankle, a mole is worn by people of an independent, energetic nature, who, with the help of their diligence, achieve great success. * A mole on the shoulder accompanies lucky people. It is especially worth noting that a mole on the left shoulder often leads to financial difficulties. * Moles on the hand can mean that you have a gift that will bring the owner of a mole on the palm of happiness in his personal life, wealth and an exciting career. Of course, people tend to see something mysterious in unusual birthmarks. It is still not clear how and why they appear and are so diverse in form. For example, spots or moles in the form of the contours of a continent, a peninsula or a lake can mean upcoming long journeys. But karmic meanings can change. It depends on what actions we do. There are spots that symbolize protection. As a rule, they do not change their appearance or meaning. Here are some interpretations of the location of moles: * A MOLE ON THE FOREHEAD, or even better a spot, means that its owner can, under certain circumstances, become a great person and control crowds of people. These are people with a huge supply of energy, but the main thing for them is not to overdo it and not waste it on trifles. * A MORNEL OVER THE BRACE OF THE BRACE in the area of ​​​​the eyebrows means that perhaps there is an undeveloped talent of clairvoyance in a person, or its owner can foresee the future - in palmistry such a person can be identified by the presence of a medium line on his hand. Such moles are possessed by sacred deities in Buddhist temples and rare lucky ones among people. It is believed that such people are born in a "shirt", and have protection from above. From an esoteric point of view and many other teachings, this place is called the place of the "third eye". This person in a past life, to a greater extent than others, managed to improve his karma. A mole at the top of the forehead speaks of the excellent organizational skills of the owner. * A MOLE UNDER THE EYES speaks of the inherent tenderness and kindness of the owner. This is a mark of noble origin and a penchant for self-sacrifice. * MORNEL ON THE CHEEKS - a mark of very determined people who are able to devote their whole lives to the struggle for an idea - they have organizational skills and very eloquent speakers. * A MOLE ON THE HEAD has the meaning of innate theorists, perhaps great thinkers or scientists. It also speaks of the secrecy of nature. It is also believed that a person with a mole on his head in one of his past lives could have committed a serious crime - however, the interpretation of this mole depends on its type. * A MOLE ON THE RIGHT TEMPLE means the presence of subtle perception and good intuition - perhaps the gift of foresight, a bright personality. It is believed that such a mole must be hidden from prying eyes. * MORALS ON THE EARS. Their owners tend to be extremely boastful. These qualities work as self-defense. But these people may not keep their word, able to cheat or steal. If the mole is hidden in the ear, this may indicate a disease of the nervous system. * MORNELS ON THE LANGUAGE. People with such rare marks talk a lot and almost do not know how to listen, they are distinguished by intemperance in statements and suffer from this. * A MOLE ON THE NECK of a man speaks of his high intellectual and spiritual development, but it is difficult for him to realize his data. They will certainly be outstripped by a more dodgy and successful competitor. A woman with a mole on her neck can be very changeable. She often repeats the fate of her mother. For example, if the mother had one marriage, most likely the daughter will also have one marriage. The same applies to having children. A child with such a mole is everyone's favorite. * MORALS ON THE SHOULDERS - this can be said to be a negative sign in most cases, a direct sign of karma if it is of poor shape. The owners of such moles will be crushed in life by a certain load of problems unresolved in the past. However, these are patient and strong natures, but they clearly lack determination. They do not recognize authorities. * MORALS ON THE BREAST of a woman on the left side, promises constant disappointments in love - this is how these marks were interpreted in past times. And if the mole is on the right breast, it has a completely different meaning and characterizes the owner as a faithful wife and a good mother. In a man, such a mole speaks of his pure intentions. It is better to get rid of moles on the nipples. They predict various diseases or an accident. * A MOLE ON THE CHEEK in a man speaks, first of all, of the liveliness of character, liveliness, eccentricity, often indicates variability if it is located on the right. Such a mole is impossible not to notice. Women with a mole on their cheek enjoy the attention of the opposite sex more often than others. A mole on the left cheek indicates a great talent that manifests itself in a person from childhood. This may be the talent of an artist, writer, composer, astrologer. Such people have a phenomenal memory. And also - the talent of communicating with people. The great Marilyn Monroe had a similar mole. Needless to say, how many men she charmed thanks to her mole! * Moles on the eyelids also sometimes happens, means a very receptive and sensitive person, whose feelings almost always control the mind. This is usually a very dreamy person, able to change their views and beliefs several times a day - they say for them (that they have seven Fridays a week). * A MOLE ABOVE THE UPPER LIP on a woman on the right side always speaks of hidden deceit, cruelty of her mistress, which allows them to make a good career and succeed - usually through the use of men. * MOLE ON THE NOSE means the light airy nature of a person, and the presence of a developed sense of humor. A mole in this place in women is an external sign of frivolity. * MORNEL AT THE BASE OF THE NOSE ON THE CHEEK this sign means that a person loves to give advice and is usually true. Such natures know how to keep secrets, they can be trusted, they are able to come to the rescue in difficult times. A mole in this place helps to perceive more subtle energies, which will undoubtedly be reflected in good presentiment and insight, these people can correctly interpret dreams. * A MOLE ON THE CHIN endows its owner with a strong will and the ability to complete any business. A mole on the chin on the right in men speaks of one-sidedness, inertia and greed. On the left - about purposefulness, the desire to move forward, self-improvement. In women, on the contrary, a mole on the chin on the right is a happy positive sign that gives her faith in her own strength, optimism, generosity. Such a woman will always be distinguished by the ability to listen, wisdom, tact. * A MOLE ON THE BACK speaks of increased demands on oneself and others. According to Slavic beliefs, such moles are a sign of possible betrayal by other people. It is possible that in a past life the owner of a mole suffered severely from the deceit and betrayal of a loved one. He should now be more careful and especially not to trust. * MORNELS ON THE HANDS. Moles on the inside of the wrists are very vulnerable persons, and if there are two spots or more - this indicates hypersensitivity to any manifestations of rudeness and inattention. Women with moles on their hands are usually very happy in marriage. If there is a mole on the outside of the forearm, the woman gives her beloved maximum comfort. A man with a mole on his right hand also has good energy. He does not have to be physically strong, have pumped up muscles - things and people already obey his will. Such men are optimistic about life, able to earn money and be very independent. You can also say that two moles on the right hand are a sign of fidelity. * MOTHERLINES ON THE ELBOWS characterize a person unsuitable for life. In general, moles on the elbows and knees should be treated very carefully - do not touch them once again and do not injure them. They attract negative energy from the environment. It can be negative emotions splashed out by other people, someone's resentment or evil thoughts. The most interesting thing is that people with moles on their elbows themselves are not able to convey their negative emotions to someone, they take everything upon themselves. * MORALS ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE FINGERS. If there is such a sign on the ring finger of the right hand, at the base, there will be disappointments in a person’s personal life. It is advisable for a person with such a sign when entering into marriage to cover the mole with a wedding ring and try never to take it off. It is recommended for unmarried and unmarried people to wear a ring in place of the mole so as not to be left alone forever. People with moles on their fingers are subject to the evil eye, the effects of negative energy. There is also a positive side to this sign. As a rule, such people are great artisans in embroidery and knitting. Magicians and illusionists have similar spots. The owner of such a mole is the famous magician David Copperfield. * MORALS ON THE PALM are very rare. A person who has a mole in the palm of his hand can, by an effort of will or by his aspirations, change his life, direct his natural abilities towards self-improvement, overcoming circumstances. People with moles on their palms often lead a hermitic lifestyle, they fundamentally deny generally accepted principles. * MORALS ON HIPS. The owner of such a mole, doing something important, is often distracted by insignificant details. A person with a mole on his thigh often has incomprehensible dreams with unthinkable plots. This may be a sign of the influence of heavy karma. The owner of such a mole must learn to recognize signs of fatigue or nervous tension and immediately give rest to his body. Of great importance is communication with nature, and familiarization with art. Sometimes such people can drop a phrase that will later come true with amazing accuracy. If such a person is not engaged in the occult sciences, he will make a wonderful surgeon, teacher, priest. * MORNELS ON THE KNEES happen to extremely impatient people. If there are spots on both knees, then this quality is enhanced even more. They have a fast gait, they are always in a hurry, even if a slow walk is necessary. Starting a business, they already imagine the end result and are not too attentive to the very process of completing the task. If they have a thoughtful and attentive partner next to them, their affairs will go with brilliance. Most likely, in a past life, such a person was in constant fear, was forced to hide from someone. If a person who has a mole on his knee is able to rise above circumstances, overcome his vices, consciously improve intellectually and achieve his goal, he will certainly become a famous person. * MORNELS ON THE FEET. There are already a great many important energy points on the feet. Moles in these places, and in particular on the heel, testify to the vitality of a person. Such a mole is able to attract energy that warms a person. The lines on the left foot speak of past events. On the right - carry information about the present and the future.

How to cleanse the chakras You can do this exercise just before going to bed. Turn off the lights, then stretch out your arms and legs without crossing them. Close your eyes. Feel your entire body. Mentally walk through the entire body, while relaxing it, from the heels to the top of the head. Now imagine that seven rays pass through your body. The colors of these rays should correspond to the colors of the seven main chakras. Chakras are energy centers in the human body. As a rule, a person's chakras get polluted from time to time, and this is largely due to the way of life, actions and thoughts of a person. As a result of such pollution of the chakras, diseases, depressions, chronic fatigue, lethargy, etc. appear. Cleansing the chakras helps to heal the body, and has a beneficial effect not only on the physical, but also on the emotional and spiritual plane. Start with the lower root chakra - Muladhara. From the bottom up through the area of ​​this chakra, mentally draw a bright red beam. Move to the abdomen, three fingers below the navel - this is the area of ​​​​the sacral chakra of Svadhisthana. Swipe an orange beam up through it. Do the same with the other chakras. Draw a yellow ray from the solar plexus area - the Manipura chakra. Green ray - from the region of the heart - Anahata. Blue - from the throat area, Vishuddha chakra. Direct the indigo beam from the area of ​​the third eye - Ajna. And finally, from the area just above the top of the head - Sahasrara - draw a violet ray. Thus, you lie as if pierced by seven rays of different colors, chained to the ground by them. Listen to your feelings. This state should be very comfortable for you. And then mentally ask Mother Earth to take away from you all the accumulated negativity, all the bad that has accumulated during this day, and send it all down into the earth through the rays. At the same time, you can feel how something starts to spill out of your body through these rays, as if it were sand in a sundial. After a few moments, you will feel the complete emptiness of the body, as if it is an empty vessel. And again turn to the earth: “Mother Earth, fill me with your earthly power!” Mentally observe how through all seven multi-colored rays the hollow space of your body, each of its sections and corners, is filled with energy, as if with a golden, sparkling clot. The energy flows freely and overflows through your body, endowing it with its strength and warmth. Stay in this state for a while. Then make one more appeal - to the Universe, to the Cosmos. Mentally ask them to fill you with cosmic, universal energy. The energy that will fill you will already be blue or bluish-silver in color, and will sparkle and shimmer in the same way. When you feel full enough, start mixing these two energies (golden, warm, and bluish-silver, cool) in your body. It is possible that by this time you will already fall asleep. Your sleep will be deep and at the same time very beneficial. Waking up in the morning will be much easier and your body will be filled with strength and energy.

MEDITATION FOR BUSY PEOPLE Step 1: The main character trait. It's very simple. Watch your mind for a few days and notice where most of your energy goes: envy? for the lust for power? on ego? Just watch where your energy goes the most and you will find your core personality trait. She is your number one enemy; and you always thought it was your best friend. Someone will find greed, someone will find anger, someone will probably find repressed sexuality, someone will find an inferiority complex or megalomania. It doesn't matter what it is. When you find it, you will already be halfway to victory. But only you can find it. Just write in your diary for seven days, noting every day what took you the most time, what you dreamed about the most, where your energy most willingly moved. Just by observing for seven days, noting in your notebook, you can find your core character trait...and finding it is half the battle. Knowing your enemy will give you great power. Step 2: When the enemy attacks... The second part is very simple: now be aware of it. When the enemy attacks, don't react. When he comes, stay calm. Just watch him as if something is flashing on the screen, but this does not apply to you. If it doesn't affect you, if it doesn't have any effect on you, suddenly there will be released a huge amount of energy that your enemy had, that you gave to this enemy every day. You watered it, you took care of it. If someone pointed it out to you, it made you very angry; you protected him in every possible way. You have given all sorts of explanations for it. Now you are just watching. All this energy is just released. You will feel rejuvenated. Your whole being will suddenly become new. Step 3: Destroy them all! Then keep looking for enemy number two, number three, because you need to finish all the enemies. On the day when you do not have a single enemy in your head, you will feel harmony, beauty, amazing energy that will bloom in a thousand colors.

How to love yourself.. 1. Stop criticizing. Criticism never changes anyone. Refuse to criticize yourself. Accept yourself exactly as you are. When you criticize yourself, your change is negative. When you approve of yourself, you change positively. 2. Stop bullying yourself, terrorizing yourself with your own thoughts. It's a terrible way of life. Find for yourself an image that is pleasant to you (for me it is a yellow rose), and immediately switch from thoughts that scare you to pleasant ones. 3. Be generous, kind and patient. Be generous to yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be patient as you learn a new way of thinking. Treat yourself like you would a true loved one. 4. Be kind to your mind. To hate yourself is to hate your thoughts. You shouldn't do this. Better change them. 5. Praise yourself. Criticism destroys the inner spirit. Praise strengthens him. Praise yourself as much as possible. Tell yourself how well you do every little thing. 6. Support yourself. Find ways to support yourself, reach out to your friends and let them help you. It is natural to ask for help when you need it. 7. Treat your imperfections with love. Realize that you yourself created them to satisfy some of your needs. Now you are looking for new positive ways to meet your needs. So, gently get rid of the old negative stereotypes of behavior. 8. Take care of your body. Learn to eat right. What food does your body need to maintain optimal energy and vitality? Learn physical exercises. Which of them give you pleasure? Love tenderly and respect the temple in which you live. 9. Work with a mirror. Look into your eyes more often. Show your feelings of growing love for yourself. Looking in the mirror, forgive yourself. Looking in the mirror, talk to your parents and forgive them. Say to yourself at least once a day, “I love you. I really love you". 10. Do it right now. Don't wait until things get better, you lose weight, you get a new job, or you make new connections. Start right now and do your best. ~ Louise Hay

Astrology divides the human body into twelve zones, each of which corresponds to a Zodiac Sign. Moles, birthmarks or the so-called "marks" are more important if the zodiacal area of ​​\u200b\u200bits location corresponds to the Zodiac Sign of their owner. Such metas reveal additional information about personality, karma and destiny, indicate the energy structure of a person, what nourishes it, or, conversely, depletes it.


Moles on the head and face are of decisive importance for Aries. The presence of moles on the nose indicates the difficulties that Aries will have to endure at a young age, and a mole on the bridge of the nose is an unfavorable sign of fate. The negative location of moles on the scalp, for example, on the crown of the head, is evidence of a very unseemly act in the past incarnation, which can lead to retribution in real life.

A mole in the eye area, especially on the eyelids, can make a rather creepy impression. Such a person should control his thoughts and wishes, even with a careless word he can "jinx" both the other person and himself. A mole "under the eye", closer to the bridge of the nose, happens to fatal women and seems to signal: "Beware. I'm dangerous in love."
Moles of luck are moles above the upper lip and on the chin, in addition, they speak of determination, willpower and the inner core of the Aries character. Moles on the ears only reinforce Aries's tendency to show off and bravado, impulsiveness and inconsistency.

Moles on the forehead deserve special attention. This is a sign of not only stubbornness, but the determination of Aries. The closer the mole is to the center of the forehead, the better. If the mole falls into the area between the eyebrows, then this is a mystical sign. Such marks can be seen on the images of deities in Buddhist temples ("third eye"). For Aries, this fateful mole can be both happy and fatal, but there is always the opportunity to go far beyond your capabilities and improve your karma.

In addition to the marks on the face and head, the correct, harmonious shape of the skull is important for Aries, which indicates the health of the body and spirit of Aries, and the symmetry of the face reflects mental health. Bumps and depressions on the skull, visible asymmetry of the face and all kinds of curvature, such as the nose, are an alarming sign of deviations and oddities.


The second Sign of the Zodiac corresponds to the zone of the ears, throat, neck and collarbones. The meaning of moles on the neck of men and women is not the same. If a Taurus man has a mole on the right side, then this almost always indicates difficulties with self-realization. But for a woman, it means variability with all the apparent conservatism that is usually inherent in Taurus. The owner of such a mole not only easily changes her interests and passions, but also her life credo, which helps to make adjustments in her life and simply adapt to difficult life circumstances.

A Taurus woman with a mole on her neck on the left side often repeats the fate of her mother. Therefore, if the maternal female share cannot be called successful, then it is recommended not to follow in her footsteps. For example, choosing a similar profession, getting married or having children at about the same age, etc.

Any marks on the neck (right, left and back) are also codes for the material well-being of Taurus. The further they are located from the front of the neck, the less they promise material benefits, the more likely problems are in the field of finance and career. A mole in the center of the neck is a symbol of monetary luck, and in general, it is easier for a person to attract luxury and well-being.

The location of moles and spots in the place of the jugular cavity (a cavity not in the neck, under the throat) is the happiest sign for Taurus. This position corresponds to the throat chakra (Vishudha), which is responsible for internal impulses, thought and creative processes. This is the creative center of a person, therefore marks in this area often bestow talents, artistic, musical, etc.


The sign of Gemini corresponds to the area of ​​​​the body - shoulders, arms and hands. This does not take into account the palms belonging to the 13th Sign - Ophiuchus.
The existence of moles on the shoulders is associated with karmic and energetic reasons, literally meaning a load of unresolved problems stretching from the past, and which can be passed on from generation to generation. Gemini with moles on their shoulders should make more balanced decisions, every act and action invariably intertwines a causal chain.

Moles on the inside of the hands enhance the psychological sensitivity and imagination of Gemini, and moles on the outside - increase intelligence, thinking and quick wits. In general, the more moles on the hands, the better. The more cases the Gemini is able to handle, the more tasks they are able to solve on their own. An unpleasant exception is a mole on the elbow and elbow, symbolizing the inability to live and the danger of blows of fate as a result of fatal mistakes.

A mole on the ring finger suggests that in the personal life of Gemini there may be a series of disappointments, a person with such a sign should choose a love partner and life partner very carefully. Moles on the rest of the fingers, especially on the outside, are a symbol of the sleight of hand of an illusionist magician, the ability to attract material luck when the expression "money sticks like that" becomes relevant. But it can also mean a tendency to deception, speculation and the desire to appropriate other people's goods. The legendary Odessa woman Manka-Bond had a mole on the little finger of her left hand.
Regardless of location, it is beneficial if a mole on the left side of a Gemini's body has an identically located mole on the right side. Such a sign fully reflects the duality of Gemini, indicating impermanence, and yet is happy.


The sign of Cancer corresponds to the chest. For the representative of the Sign Cancer, the location of moles in this particular part of the body is updated. Cancer is ruled by the Moon (symbol of the feminine passive) and corresponds to the left side of the body. The breast is also a female symbol, especially the nipples and mammary glands. The location of moles on the left side of the chest of Cancer is favorable.

Under the area of ​​​​interpretation of moles on the chest, mainly personal and family spheres, relationships with relatives, lovers and cordial affections in general fall (a mole in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe location of the heart promises great love). Accordingly, disappointments in this area promise moles on the chest on the right. Often there are so many moles on the chest of Cancer that, like a map, one can judge the state of his personal life and even the number of loves and love defeats.

In a Cancer woman, a mole on the left mammary gland enhances not only amorousness, but also maternal instinct, the ability to take care of loved ones, take care of her beloved, etc. But a mole right under the right breast worsens the female character, indicates resentment, revenge, deceit and the ability to weave intrigues because of love.
A Cancer man with a mole, the location of which is not far from the nipple, makes his character more sensitive and romantic, sometimes restless. In the old days, it was a sign of a navigator, traveler, or just a person prone to wandering, spiritual quests and changing places.

a lion

The sign of Leo corresponds to the region of the body - the back. The closer the moles on Leo's back are to the shoulders, the more noble, generous and demanding of himself he is, and the farther and lower, the more his requests to the outside world and the people around him, and the more he is selfish.

But according to Slavic beliefs, a mole on the back is a sign of enemies and betrayal by other people, although it probably exists in the events of a past life. To a greater extent, this is a warning, and not a statement of fate. For men, moles on the back can also mean violent and fatal wounds from past lives, that is, places where knives, arrows and bullets fell in past lives. The more moles on the back of Leo, the stronger he is in spirit, the more difficulties and obstacles he is able to overcome; This is the mark of a warrior.

In general, if for representatives of most of the Zodiac Signs, moles on the back indicate life's difficulties, then for Leo they are a sign of strength, along the way warning against sharp, rash acts and actions that Leo is ready to take to satisfy his own ambitions. Only warts and birthmarks in the region of the spine, the size of which exceeds the size of the former 5-kopeck coin, have a negative value.


The Virgo zone is the upper abdomen (the area of ​​the body from the solar plexus to the navel). The place under the diaphragm or the area of ​​the solar plexus corresponds to the manipura chakra, the energy center of vitality and activity. No wonder this chakra plays an important role in martial arts and meditative practices. The closer to the center of this chakra are the moles on the body of the Virgin, the more energy she is endowed with from birth. Such a Virgo can control not only herself, but also manage other people and events, and also has the makings of paranormal abilities. A mole in the umbilical cavity is also a favorable sign.

The farther from the center of the abdomen is the mole, the more the function of Manipura is distorted. So, for example, a mole on the costal side or at the waist enhances not only the instinct of self-preservation, but also the fear of losing some benefits, often indicates greed, stinginess and greed. At the same time, the shift to the right side of the birthmark on the waist in men increases the level of aggression and conflict, reduces the level of compassion and responsiveness, and in women, the shift to the left indicates suspiciousness, susceptibility to various kinds of phobias and hysteria.


The lower back is the area ruled by the sign of Libra. The prints on the lower back encoded the codes of human interaction with people, colleagues and partners. In this case, the side of the body is taken into account: the left, receptive perceiving - for women, and the dominant right - for men. A good sign is the location of the mole on the favorable side. It guarantees the absence of unwanted confrontations with people and the outside world in general.

The further the mole on the lower back of Libra "deviates" from "its" side, the greater the likelihood of troubles associated with communication due to personal ambitions and snobbery, and the more obvious the difficulties in relations with the opposite sex. Such people are not recommended to impose their principles on others, interfere in someone else's fate and influence other people's actions. A large black mole or wart on the lower part of the spine is interpreted in the worst way, indicating a lack of vital energy, and, as a result, energy vampirism.

A mole at the back on the right, just below the waist, is also not the best sign for Libra ladies. It indicates a decrease in intelligence and, at the same time, increased requirements and claims, especially to a life partner. However, the region of the dimples of the lower back, which are usually found in women, has a separate interpretation. Traditionally, such dimples are considered aesthetic, and any beauty is the influence of Venus, the ruler of the Libra sign. Birthmarks in these places (both on the right and on the left side) are very favorable.

A mole on the lips - a sign of the goddess Venus, is a happy sign for Libra women. Regardless of location, moles and birthmarks are the color of Venus: pale pinkish.


The area of ​​Scorpio is the lower abdomen and genitals. The location of moles in the center of the lower abdomen is beneficial. The center of the abdomen is the navel, a symbol of the core of a person and his inner “I”, this is the projection point of the Manipura energy chakra, located in the solar plexus area. The closer the mole is to the navel and the umbilical cavity, the more favorable it is for Scorpio, although it indicates that a large vital energy can be transformed into sexual energy, enhancing voluptuousness. Indulging their base desires and passions, be it sex, food, the thirst for money, etc., Scorpio can become their slave. In everything he should observe harmony and a sense of proportion.

Next, intimate moles. Moles in the perineum enhance the erotic magnetism and sexual temperament of Scorpio. A mole on the male penis speaks of the loving nature of its owner, but it is not necessarily about lust and promiscuity. Perhaps a man is well versed in female psychology and female nature, so it is easier for him to make connections with representatives of the opposite sex. Moles on the external female genital organs indicate hypersensitivity. The mistress of such a native sign cannot live without male attention and affection; on the one hand, this is a sign of sexual emancipation, on the other hand, hidden erotic fantasies, which can be very unusual and perverted.

Moles in the anal area indicate the difficulties of self-control of Scorpio, reinforcing all the negative traits inherent in people of this sign, for example, vindictiveness and cruelty. It is necessary to be able to forgive, forget about insults and direct your mental energy in the right direction.


The 13th, the hidden sign of the solar zodiac, is projected onto places such as the palms, armpits, sacrum, coccyx, and popliteal region. However, for the people of this Sign, it is important to consider any marks, since Ophiuchus most of all activates the karmic program of a person, and if karma is overloaded with negative influences, then birthmarks that have a bad meaning, the so-called signatures or devilish marks, the popular term - “tagged” (“God marks the rogue”). Bluish, purple or red moles and birthmarks of Ophiuchus are considered especially detrimental. Their negative meaning is not suppressed even by the location on the "favorable" half of the body (right for men and left for women).

In addition to the above, colored moles and spots located in the following areas deserve special attention: crown, forehead, face (face), throat, solar plexus, navel, genitals and feet. As you can see, the main part of these parts of the bodies corresponds to important energy centers - chakras.
The owner of moles in these places sows changes and metamorphoses around him, spreads negative energy associated with chaos and destruction. In the case of unsatisfied ambitions and vanity, he can ruthlessly sacrifice anything and anyone. However, if Ophiuchus is able to curb his energy and learn to control it, for example, by doing spiritual practices, then these marks can be interpreted as the “seal of the Magician”.

And finally, the palms. Here, moles and spots have the following meaning (although they are rare): a mole under the thumb indicates an intense personal life, a mole under the index finger is a symbol of power and the opportunity to come to power, a mole under the middle finger is an unexpected twist of fate, fate, fate, under the middle finger - life success and luck, under the little finger - creative and intellectual talents. The closer the moles are to the center of the palm, the more chances there are to change your life by willpower, to direct your natural abilities towards self-improvement, to overcome difficulties and limitations. Such an Ophiuchus internally feels a certain chosenness or his dissimilarity to others, and those around him face his selfishness and coldness.


The sign of Sagittarius corresponds to the buttocks and upper thighs. The further the moles move from the outer side of the thigh to the inner side, the more vulnerable Sagittarius is, both in terms of health and psyche. The owner of a mole on the inside of the thigh is prone to stress, easily out of balance, any external stimuli can depress him. He should be extra careful, especially on the road and travel.
Sagittarius with moles on the back of the thighs has mystical intuition or the gift of foresight. Sometimes he can drop a phrase, which subsequently comes true with amazing accuracy.

For many Sagittarians, the topic of expanding boundaries is relevant, whether it be travel, craving for other countries and cultures, moving, etc. So, if the mole is on the outside of the thigh and on “its” side (for women - the left, for men - the right), then it portends success associated with travel, moving, activities in other cities and outside the Motherland. And on the "foreign" side - promises difficulties associated with the same actions, in addition, difficulties with survival in a foreign land are obvious.

The marks on the “fifth point” are interpreted as follows: the left buttock symbolizes the given, the past and limitations, and the right buttock symbolizes the future, additional opportunities, hopes and dreams. Moles on the upper part of the buttocks enhance the energy, passion and courage of Sagittarius, and on the lower part - laziness, superficiality, a tendency to avoid everything serious, the search for easy ways. Birthmarks hidden in the crease between the buttocks indicate any hidden talents that need to be developed.


Capricorn area - lower thighs and knees. Capricorns with moles on their knees lose some of their solid qualities that Saturn endows them with, become more restless and impatient. The more moles in this part of the body, the more caution and observation should be exercised so as not to make mistakes, so as not to “stumble” and not “fall on your knees” under the influence of any oppressive circumstances. Moles on the legs (on the lower part of the thighs) have a similar meaning: having failed to cope with obstacles and problems, Capricorn can “collapse” like a colossus on clay feet.

However, with age, the negative value of moles on the legs of Capricorn softens. This is only a symbol of overcoming the difficulties that are likely in his youth and youth. But moles in the center of both knees, combined with one or more moles under the knees, mean fatality of fate in the best sense of the word.


The sign of Aquarius corresponds to the legs, calves and ankles, and the more unusual the color and shape of Aquarius's moles, the more uncommon and artistic his nature.
Aquarius with a mole on his lower leg is easy to climb, his chances of conquering the peaks that he has outlined for himself increase. His personal efforts and initiative, as a rule, are not in vain.

For the successful career of Aquarius, it is especially significant if the mole is located in the front of the lower leg of the right leg.
Birthmarks on the calves have a similar positive meaning, only in the sphere of personal life, love and marriage.
However, the lower the above moles are located, the more their positive influence is weakened.


The anatomical zone of Pisces is the feet. The feet can be divided into three parts: the top of the foot, the sole and the heel. Birthmarks in the first part of the foot symbolize everything secret, hidden from others. Their owner may have a craving for everything unknown, good intuition, sometimes pronounced mystical abilities.

Moles in the area of ​​​​the instep of the foot, where the sole is least in contact with the ground when walking, symbolizes both patrons and secret enemies. But given that there are a large number of important human energy points on the soles of the feet, marks on the soles in general have a negative meaning. In addition, the feet are not the most harmless place for moles, among all others, in terms of health.

A mole or birthmark on the heel, especially the left one, is considered the most unfavorable sign. It symbolizes energy vulnerability and hidden diseases, as well as susceptibility to serious vices and weaknesses. In particular, it is very important for Pisces to realize what exactly they are vulnerable to, what their “Achilles heel” is ... Otherwise, under the influence of any external factors, blows of fate are likely, from which it will be very difficult to recover

Markings on the outside of the foot and toes, as well as between the toes, are not so dangerous. Favorable is the birthmark on the big toe, as well as on the second, fourth fingers and little finger.
It should be added that all birthmarks on the left foot are less favorable than on the right foot. If right means plus, positive, then left is associated with something negative. In the context of the left foot, this means the possibility of mistakes, the possibility of going astray, going the wrong way, (“walking to the left”). Accordingly, for lefties, this interpretation is no longer relevant.

Moles, birthmarks and chakras

Let's talk about the features of morphoscopic interpretations in the Eastern tradition. Morphoscopy, that is, reading the fate of a person by moles, spots on the skin and other “marks of fate”, perhaps originated primarily in the East. A feature of almost all Eastern esoteric schools (and by no means only Hinduism and Buddhism, as some believe) is also known - adherence to the concept of universal vital energy, which has its own distribution channels in the human body. In addition to distribution channels, there are energy centers - points of maximum energy activity, which, according to a long-established tradition, are called chakras.

From what has been said, it should be clear that in the Eastern tradition, great importance is attached to the coincidence of the anatomical location of a mole or birthmark with any chakra. Especially when you consider that many schools generally consider moles to be structures of energy origin.

To tell further what interpretations, meanings, and finally, direct predictions are linked when a mole coincides with one or another energy center, we will briefly consider here the concept of chakras and the characteristics of each of them (again, energy). This is necessary because, as will be shown later, certain moles in the Eastern tradition are considered a sign of either the opening of the corresponding chakra, or a powerful factor in its activation. Thus, it is necessary not only to have at least basic information about the chakras, but also to know certain terminology in order to independently understand the meaning of moles located at points of maximum energy activity.

The concept of chakras

The movement of energy in the human body occurs according to strictly defined laws, and the stagnation or stoppage of its current can give rise to both bodily and spiritual diseases or disorders.

Structured energy layers contain all forms that exist in the physical body, and, in addition, those forms that are not in the physical body. So, in the spinal cord there is a vertical pulsation of the energy of the field, the aura of the human body. This pulsating flow exits the spinal canal below the coccyx and above the head (central canal). In addition, there are structures in the field that resemble conical funnels, which, in fact, are called chakras.

Each person has seven energy centers called chakras. Chakras are centers that store and distribute physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies. Subtle energies are also concentrated in the chakras, having the greatest intensity here.

In essence, chakras are not only energy centers, but also a kind of biological control organs through astral and subtle energies. Through them, the biological organism forms its dynamic stability in subtle spheres, that is, in the space of complete biological integrity. In humans, the chakras form a stable connection with those subtle worlds in which people strive to gain stability. You can also think of them as an energy pillar located along the line of the spine, but this is an overly simplistic view.

Description of the chakras. The main functions of the chakras

There are seven main chakras located along the line of the spinal column, as well as many minor ones. The seven major chakras are:

1. MULADHARA - corresponds to the perineum, is located at the bottom of the spine.

2. SVADHISTANA - corresponds to the 5th lumbar vertebra.

3. MANIPURA - corresponds to the 12th thoracic vertebra.

4.AN AHAT A - corresponds to the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae.

5. VISHUDDHA - corresponds to the 1st thoracic and 7th cervical vertebrae.

6. AJNA - corresponds to the epiphysis and is located on the continuation of the line of the spine in the head, at the level of the point between the eyebrows

7. SAHASRARA - corresponds to the cerebral cortex and the hypothalamus-pituitary complex.

When considering any kind of system, it is first of all important to understand its main structural component, so let's take a closer look at these seven main chakras. In the description of the chakras, we will move from the bottom up - to the head, as is unambiguously accepted in the Indian sacred tradition.
- MULADHARA. It is located in the final segment of the spine, anatomically corresponding to the location of the sacral nerve plexus. This chakra is responsible for sexual functions. The potency, healthy state or underdevelopment of the human genital organs, their normal functioning or the occurrence of all kinds of diseases depends on how it is filled with energy or weakened.
- SWADHISTANA. Anatomically located at the base of the genital organs, practically corresponding to the location of the prostatic nerve plexus. Svadhisthana is associated with emotions, sexuality, the will of a person. Its energy potential gives a person the opportunity to consciously control the elements of the functions listed above, and not follow their lead. The state of this chakra affects the functioning of the bladder, genital organs, and is also responsible for the condition of the lower extremities.
- MANIPURA. This chakra is located just above the navel and physically corresponds to the solar plexus. In psychological terms, this chakra is usually considered as a kind of "core" of a person, the focus of his inner essence and general energy strength. In some teachings, the center of this chakra is considered not the solar plexus, but the navel.
- ANAHATA. Chakra located in the region of the heart (middle of the chest, between the nipples at the level of the heart). Corresponds to the cardiac plexus. She is responsible for the circulatory system, and also (in spiritual terms) is responsible for the good feelings of a person - love, tenderness, warmth of the heart.
- VISHUDTHA. It is located in the throat area (its localization on the physical plane is the neck area under the pharynx, the thyroid gland) and corresponds to the anatomical location of the pharyngeal plexus. It is responsible for the state of the relevant organs, and psychologically, the most important function of the Vishuddha chakra is the effect it has on a person's ability to communicate.
- AJNA. The chakra is located in the forehead area - just above the point between the eyebrows, it is very often called the "third eye" of a person. However, in accordance with classical Indian concepts, the chakra at the anatomical level is localized inside the head, approximately at the level of the center of the forehead - that is, it corresponds to the location of the spongy nerve plexus. Ajna has a huge impact on our will, mind, consciousness, creative abilities.
- SAHASRARA. Located at the top of the skull. Anatomical localization - top of the head, parietal region (cerebral cortex). This chakra has a very common name - "crown", "crown chakra". Sahasrara is responsible for the coordination of all life processes and for the connection of a person with the most subtle energies - the Higher Forces, the Cosmos and so on.

In each chakra, in addition to accumulation, energy transformation is also carried out. The frequency of its vibrations in the chakras increases from the lower chakra to the upper one.

The first five types of energy, corresponding to the first five chakras, are usually denoted by the names of the elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether.

Chakras pass through all seven subtle bodies of a person. Accordingly, each subtle body of a person can influence each of the chakras.

The value of moles when the anatomical location coincides with the chakra

Mole + chakra: energy level

The energy corresponding to the lower chakra (and the elements of the Earth) is the coarsest, with the longest wavelength. The color of this chakra and energy is red. On this energy, a person performs rough physical work, monotonous, monotonous, not requiring the work of the brain. In the Svadhisthana chakra, energy with a shorter wave than in the Muladhara chakra. Svadhisthana is sexual energy, the color is orange. In the Manipura chakra, the energy necessary to control the involuntary functions of the body is generated. Yellow color. Anahata is the creative energy on which people of art work. The frequency of this energy is on the lower border of the frequencies of the invisible plane of existence, the so-called astral plane. The energy color is green.

If the three lower chakras work in the material plane (at the level of the physical and etheric bodies), then the upper chakras (starting from Vishuddha) work at the level of the astral body and its corresponding energy field.

Anahata is the heart chakra, and in it the connection of two planes is carried out. The main energy flow of the human body moves along a trajectory in the form of a figure eight, one of the halves of which lies in the material, and the other in the astral plane. Anahata is located at the intersection point of the streams, on the border of the two halves of the figure eight. Working on the energy of the heart chakra, a person can draw strength from the flow of energies in the astral plane and transfer them to the material level of being.

Astral space can be represented as a fixed point where time and space merge; in it one can see both the shape of an object and what is inside it. For a person, this point is located in the Sahasrara chakra; upon reaching the perfection of this chakra, a person acquires great knowledge. The energy corresponding to the Vishuddha chakra creates sensually colored images (they are created when people communicate in the form of energy clots colored with love, fear, benevolence or envy, etc.). The color of the energy of the chakra itself is blue.

The energy of the Ajna chakra is also the essence of the energy of images, but without sensual coloring. The color of energy is blue.

The energy of the Sahasrara chakra is purple. This is the energy of abstract thinking at the highest level.

From all that has been said above, it can be seen that the Muladhara, Svadhisthana and Manipur chakras determine the vital activity of a person and correspond to physical karma. Chakras Anahata and Vishuddha are susceptible to acoustic vibrations, that is, their role in communication between people is important; they are also the link between the upper and lower chakras. Finally, the Ajna and Sahasrara chakras correspond to the highest, mental karma.

A mole on the anatomical point of the chakra will strengthen the “subtle” energy in the corresponding area, which this chakra determines based on the above functions of each energy center.

Mole + chakra: psycho-emotional level

Psychic energy is perceived not by the senses, but by the chakras. Subjectively strong energy flows can be experienced in any way, due to the fact that such an impact occurs indirectly through the senses and thinking. However, one must always remember: any kind of impact on our psyche from the outside is clearly a flow of psychic energy of a certain type. In this case, the flows of psychic energy always carry certain information - therefore, it would be more correct to speak of information-energy flows. Because information flows in the usual sense of the word also certainly carry psychic energy. Its deficiency can be experienced as boredom, and its excess as excitement; this is explained by the fact that in the first case, a person's attention is drawn to time inward, and in the second case, it is forced (due to redundancy) to dissipate. For a person with a poorly trained psyche, it is precisely such information-energy flows that are best absorbed in which the ratio of information and energy is well balanced; however, one must still strive to be able to easily distinguish between the two components of each stream in order to give due attention to the more important of them.

The coincidence of a mole with a certain chakra changes a lot, if you remember that a mole, as an energy formation, activates the functions of the chakra.
1) Muladhara (between the genitals and the anus (the base of the spine). It communicates with the Earth and is responsible for human offspring.

2) Svadhisthana (between the base of the genital organs and the navel). Responsible for the sexual sphere. This chakra is actively involved in the relationship of the sexes.

3) Manipura (solar plexus level). Responsible for vital energy, the energy force of a person.

4) Anahata (between the shoulder blades at the level of the heart). Responsible for sensitivity and cordial relationships with people.

5) Vishuddha (base of the throat). Property of the chakra: responsible for the information, abilities and skills of a person. Participates in the exchange of information between people. The organs nourished by Vishuddha are the trachea, throat, thyroid, mouth, nose and ears.

6) Ajna (third eye, between the eyebrows). Responsible for will and vision. Participates in the relationship of people where it comes to the will and the transfer of his vision of the situation, events, etc., as well as the perception of such from another person.

7) Sahasrara (occipito-parietal region). Responsible for the connection of man with space. A similar effect occurs at the physiological level.

Mole + chakra: physiological level

The general structure of the human energy-informational field is formed by the interaction of seven types of subtle energies, each of which is characterized by the characteristics of the corresponding subtle body. In the Indian tradition, it is considered essential to emphasize such types of energies as physical, sexual, psycho-emotional, as well as the energy of faith (that is, spiritual energy). Psycho-emotional energy belongs to the mental sphere and is a transient-conductive for the energy of faith, which determines the connection with the Higher forces. It is believed that it is possible to replenish the reserves of one type of energy at the expense of another. So, the energy of a lower level, accumulating, is able to pass into the energy of a higher level.

Chakras carry out energy supply of the corresponding organs of the human body (kidneys, liver, etc.). With the anatomical coincidence of a mole with a chakra, the functions corresponding to it are activated at the physiological level.
- Muladhara - energizes the rectum and musculoskeletal system.
- Svadhisthana - nourishes the intestines, kidneys and genitourinary system. The organs of the physical body that depend on it are the kidneys and the entire genitourinary system in both women and men.
- Manipura - nourishes the liver, spleen and organs of the digestive system. From Manipura depend: the entire gastrointestinal tract, liver, spleen, pancreas and skin.
- Anahata - nourishes the cardiovascular system, chest, spine, arms.
- Vishuddha - nourishes the respiratory organs, throat, hearing organs, skin. The organs dependent on the chakra are the heart, lungs, and partly the bronchi.
- Ajna - nourishes the organs of the head and is associated with the meridians of the bladder and intestines. The organs dependent on the chakra are the brain and the eyes.
- Sahasrara - nourishes the secretory glands and nervous tissue of the brain.

Moles and the opening of the chakras

Opening a chakra is traditionally understood as creating a flow of energy between this and the underlying chakra. In this case, the flow of energy comes from the lower chakra, respectively, and is perceived by the upper one. The opening of the chakras, redistributing the movement of energy in the body, allows a person to accelerate his development - both on the physical and spiritual levels.

What gives a person the ability to activate or open one or another chakra at will? It:
* makes the human body more viable, since an actively working chakra has a beneficial effect on the organs of the physical body adjacent to it, harmonizing their activity;

* raises the spiritual level of a person. At the same time, the higher the chakra is located, the higher the level of development a person is able to achieve with its help;

* reveals extrasensory abilities (their type and form of manifestation depend on the presence of energy flows between certain chakras).

However, the conscious opening of the chakras is a very complex process, requiring many months of training in special methods (yogic techniques are generally recognized as the best).

But when the anatomical location of the mole and the chakra coincide, either spontaneous opening of the corresponding chakra occurs, or the possibility of its conscious opening by a person is significantly facilitated.

Each chakra can be in a more or less open state, passing a correspondingly larger or smaller flow of energy. As a person evolves, all chakras gradually open up. But any person sometimes has special states when some of the chakras are open to a much greater extent than usual. These are moments of falling in love, creative upsurge, selflessness, enlightenment, etc. At such moments a person is capable of great accomplishments. Which ones - depends on which chakras are involved.

This shows what a huge role moles can play (again, if we consider them as energy structures) in relation to the channels and points of circulation of vital and cosmic energies.

After all, as is clear from the above, the chakras cover all spheres of human life without exception. Therefore, the state of the chakras can be considered a significant indicator of the general state of affairs of a person, as well as success or failure in the corresponding field of activity. The presence of an "activator" - a mole - can radically change the whole fate of a person - especially when he is aware of this and can consciously use the advantage given to him, as a rule, from birth.

All about moles: their meaning on the human body.

Back in the 17th century, there was even a dictionary of moles - a special language of sexual attractiveness, when men and women, using a table, pasted "flies" in certain places on their faces. Cavaliers and ladies, in accordance with their desires, constantly changed and reworked their "portraits". Unfortunately, such a “fly” did not carry truthful information.

However, in Russia, the production of "flies" was kept as a fashion only for a short time, and even then in high society, as you understand. And the signs spoke about the meaning of moles, which nature itself put (I quote from the Kulmatovs' book on folk signs):

“A birthmark on the head - the master will be many, if from a noble family, and from a bad one, he himself will serve; between the eyebrows - he marries a pious one; on the chin - to move from place to place; on the stomach - he will be a drunkard and a glutton; on the hand - there will be many children; over the heart - that industrialist will be; on the chest - he will be miserable. If a baby has a birthmark on its body, then this is a sign that the baby's mother stole something during pregnancy.

Moles in the form of numbers

Sometimes moles can resemble some numbers. Probably, everyone remembers from the films that on the head of the newborn Antichrist there was a sign of moles, forming the number 666. By the way, we owe the birth of ancient numerology to the same Pythagoras, whose theorems were memorized in childhood (“Pythagorean pants are equal in all directions”). He associated the meaning of numbers with different aspects of life. Physiognomists transferred the meaning of numbers to moles.

It is believed that the unit formed by moles speaks of a person's aggressiveness, ambition, lack of self-control, irascibility, and a tendency to cruelty. Such people can commit both good deeds, requiring a bold decision and fearlessness, and criminal offenses. A mole only shows that a person is not afraid to cross the line of prudence. And whether he is prone to violence, it shows the whole face in the complex. After all, a mole in the form of a unit has another interpretation: boundless courage, iron will, unshakable confidence in one's rightness.

A birthmark in the form of a deuce shows inconsistency in thoughts and actions. Such a person can say one thing in the morning and another in the evening, promise to do something specific, but instead do everything exactly the opposite. The thoughts of such a person are confused, he himself often does not understand what is better and what is worse. People with such a mole are prone to betrayal both in business and in love relationships. But they are rewarded with artistry and eloquence.

A mole in the form of a triple is a triangle. It is important that in the triangle all moles are of the same color, size, bulge. Otherwise, it’s just three moles that are nearby, and not a sign 3. The three speaks of a person’s good adaptation, the ability to adapt to changing relationships or environmental conditions. Those who have such a mark are people of an easy nature, they like to relax and socialize, they usually choose creative professions.

Moles in the form of numbers on the face

People with a mole in the form of a four (square) are reliable and firmly on their feet. They will withstand any test and will not break. Women with a square-shaped mole become good wives and mothers, and men love their children and take care of the family.

If there is a mole that forms the number five, then this indicates a person’s inclination to take risks. He is an adventurer by nature, loves to travel, usually endowed with a bright appearance, a beautiful voice. Such people have great success with the opposite sex.

A mole resembling a six gives a sharp mind, insight, a penchant for humor and reliability. Such people are great friends, they are talented, they hold good positions, they are excellent organizers. They are leaders by nature. Therefore, family relationships develop better with people who need to be protected and protected.

A mole in the form of a seven speaks of a highly developed intuition, logical thinking, eloquence and persuasiveness. Such people perfectly understand their interlocutors, they are able to penetrate deeply into human nature, therefore they often become doctors, psychologists. Some of them have the gift of divination, and since they are inclined to abstract thinking, they are often fascinated by philosophy.

A mole in the form of a figure eight is rare. It is believed that the number eight symbolizes incredible stability in any "situation. Often, at birth, such people receive a significant fortune, and they do not even have to think about the initial capital. These are the lucky ones to whom fate itself gives an advantage.

A mole in the form of a nine indicates the likelihood of a huge success. Since the nine is a three squared, it turns the instability of the three into a striving for a chosen goal. People marked with this sign know both great victories and great defeats. Everything in their life is ambiguous. But they can even achieve worldwide fame.

Birthmarks in the form of geometric shapes

The mole may be in the shape of a cross (this is a common shape). Most often, the presence of a cross indicates that some part of life, events, qualities is burdened. Such a cross in the head area shows that a person will not be understood by others, as a result of this he will suffer, make many enemies and envious people. If the cross is on the chest, especially above the heart, then unrequited love is likely, sometimes for life. If the cross on the back is a sign of betrayal: moreover, the closest people will betray, from whom such an act is not expected. The cross on the stomach is a sign of danger, it is a tendency to get into accidents, to attract misfortunes. If there is a cross on the lower leg, then the person will be forced to flee (either he will have high-ranking enemies, or he will face imprisonment, but he will often have to run and hide from the law and ill-wishers). Crosses on the hands mean the possibility of a wrong choice: on the right - the profession, on the left - the spouse.

A mole that looks like some kind of sign on a geographical map (island, peninsula, mainland, etc.) usually speaks of originality and strength of feelings, but also of vindictiveness and rancor, extreme resentment and suspicion, and in women - also hysteria. In the East, children marked with such signs were considered unwanted.

If a mole resembles a flame or a torch, this portends a very difficult, not always happy life. Such a mole speaks of a person’s high emotionality, irascibility, anger, inability to coordinate their actions with reason. Often, out of anger, a person will get into a bad relationship with the law. Such a person is by nature bold and decisive, but the lack of self-control puts him in difficult situations. He needs a deterrent - either another person whom he respects, or the presence of some obligations that cannot be violated.

Sometimes moles resemble lunar or solar signs. They look like a circle, crescent or sickle. A circle with rays is a sign of the sun. It shows that a person has an active temperament, a lot of energy, a cheerful character. By nature, they are day people, they like to work during daylight hours, they tolerate heat well, they do not tolerate cold. Often such people are endowed with various talents (the sign of the sun gives a penchant for the arts). Such people resolve all conflicts peacefully, they treat scandals with misunderstanding. In the family, they have an ideal relationship. Moon signs are worse. If a mole looks like a sickle or a crescent with rays, then the person is more open to the negative, he is vulnerable, timid, has no willpower, it is difficult for him to communicate, prone to depression and even mental illness. When the same speck of rays does not have, it reveals good lunar qualities - intuition, the gift of foresight, insight. The thinner the sickle, the more intuition is developed. It is believed that a sickle on the forearm or even the hand gives the ability to medicine or parapsychology. Such a person can relieve pain with just a touch of the hand. And if the sickle is decreasing, then the person has developed abilities for analytical thinking. He can become a good investigator, lawyer or financier.


If the mole looks like a circle, then this is a special sign, very rare. It happens only to people who are prone to secret sciences. Those marked with this sign have a gift for witchcraft and divination. But the sign should be in a special place: on the thigh, 20-30 cm above the popliteal joint. Fate, having given a person such a talent, does not guarantee him a comfortable existence, on the contrary, he can go through the most difficult trials. Usually in society such people are not liked. Because they are very different from others. They are very talented. All sciences are given to them effortlessly. And, of course, the less talented feel envy and dislike towards such people. Their life is difficult, they often remain lonely. In the Middle Ages, such a sign was also considered a distinctive symbol by which witches were identified. For a mole on the thigh, many women were sent to the stake.

If moles form a triangle, this means an important purpose, a special mission, the disclosure of secrets. The triangle pointing up is a symbol of growth, development, it is considered good. On the positive side, he promises the acquisition of good experience, the multiplication of achievements, on the negative side, a person will gain the same experience, but for this he will go through suffering. And if the top is directed down, then the sign warns of losses even on the positive side. Sometimes the tip of the triangle is shifted to the right or to the left - this is a signal that a person dumps his problems on others or acts on the orders of others.

If several moles (more than three) are located on the same line, the sign is called a chain and symbolizes a bridge, a road, a path. It is always a sign associated with a person's goal, with the result of achieving the goal. If such a chain goes vertically, then fate itself will force him to achieve the goal, if it goes horizontally, then he can choose: go to this goal or choose another one.

If the path consists of five, six, eight moles, a bit like lightning, forms a zigzag or wave sign - on the good side, such a zigzag is considered a symbol of change, surprise, freedom and independence, on the bad side - also changes, but for the worse, and also destruction and violence.

Moles in the form of animals

A birthmark in the shape of a bird is a good sign. It is believed that a person will have wings, that is, he will be able to achieve everything on his own, he will have enough mind and will for this. Most often, such a mole shows that he will go towards his goal and never give up. Often a bird on the chest speaks of some kind of gift, usually a musical talent; talent of an artist or performer.

If a mole resembles a cat, this indicates a person’s secrecy, unwillingness to share his secrets (he is like a cat that always walks by itself). In The Hammer of the Witches, a birthmark resembling a cat determined the fate of the unfortunate “women” at once: they were sent to the stake. It was believed that a person with such a sign from birth is given to evil spirits, he is a conductor between Satan and people. In fact, of course, such people do not serve any Satan. They are just much more reserved, more touchy than others. But they are talented and can become outstanding lawyers or artists.

If the mole resembles an elephant in outline, then the person is reliable and stable by nature. No blows of fate can shake him. And he will probably have a lot of them. He can overcome the bad traits of his character, as well as obstacles. The main feature of such a person is the ability to maintain composure in any situation.

Moles in the form of objects

Sometimes a mole looks like a sketchy face, a human profile. Usually people with such a mark are very rational, like to delve into themselves, are ashamed to do something that is not too right, and hesitate for a very long time before making a decision. They need help. Any advice from those whom this person trusts can push him to the right decision. Usually they follow advice willingly, because they deny themselves the ability to make decisions. A particularly bad sign if the birthmark is located on the chest, thighs or abdomen. Such a spot on the chest shows an unhappy personal life, on the hips - problems with sexual partners, on the stomach - the possibility of an accident or serious illness. The mark on the buttocks is more harmless: it is a sign of ridicule on the part of society. And if the mole is on the shoulder or head - it's not so scary. A speck on the head shows the contemplation of nature; a philosopher can grow out of such a person. A speck on the shoulder says that in some situation a person will be helped and will take on part of the problem. The mark on the back is not terrible either. This is a sign that a person will face difficulties, intrigues, hostility, but will still emerge victorious. A mole on the face or neck is a sign of recklessness. However, if a person has reliable friends, they will help him not to do stupid things.

Sometimes a mole looks like a kiss mark. They say about such marks: fate kissed. A kiss of fate on the face, neck or head shows that a person is naturally given a deep and original mind. It is he who will suddenly discover the most correct solutions, it is he who will be able to come up with something new. This mark, among other things, shows both the enormous stability of the psyche (such a person does not know depression, does not lose his head) and a sense of humor, which allows you to always look at yourself from the outside and see events in a funny light. With society, people with the kiss of fate develop the most favorable relationships. They are loved. After all, they never do anyone harm.

Moles on forehead

If the mole is located at the bridge of the nose or above the eyebrows, this is a sign of high intelligence and insight. A mole in men above the right eyebrow indicates the possibility of occupying a high position in the state. This mole also shows that the person has determination and leadership qualities.

If the mole is located in the upper part of the forehead, almost at the edge of the hair, on the right, then the person has excellent organizational skills, he can become a popular politician or revolutionary. The main thing is that people will respect and love him, and they will follow him, even if the ideas are too new and unexpected. Women with a similar mole will always win in any dispute.

Moles on cheeks

Birthmarks located on the cheeks indicate tenderness and softness of character. Moreover, in women, such a mole (near the eye from the outside, on the cheek or at the temple) speaks of sexuality and the most fully expressed “feminine” character traits - humility, cheerful disposition, housekeeping. And in men, a mole under the eye also speaks of femininity. But either this is a subtle organization of the soul, inherent in poets, or non-traditional sexual orientation. In any case, such a man is endowed with a weak will, fearful, cautious and often shy. A mole located near the ear on the left cheek (only for women!), Speaks of limitless self-sacrifice for the sake of a loved one.

A birthmark on the right cheek in men shows a cheerful disposition, lively character, originality. Often a mole on the left cheek happens to talented people (musicians, artists, writers). They are able to create magnificent works due to their natural sense of beauty. And women with such moles are very popular with the opposite sex. They have a slightly unbalanced character, a tendency to decline in mood, even hysteria. They are also talented, but, as a rule, they rarely use their talent, more often they marry early and have children.

If the mole is located closer to the base of the nose (usually almost at the very wings), then this is an indicator of a person’s reasonableness and his sound mind. Such people perfectly see the way out of the most confusing and difficult situation, they rarely make mistakes in the assessments of other people. They are fair and straightforward, they know how to keep secrets (their own and others), they know how to express their thoughts beautifully and accurately, therefore they succeed in professions where you need to work for the public. If such a mole is located on the left side of a man, then it also gives insight, excellent intuition, extrasensory abilities.

Moles on the eyelid, on the nose and on the cheekbones

Often, moles mark the eyelids. This is not a very favorable sign, both in Eastern and European physiognomy. It is believed that a mole on the right eyelid takes away a person's vitality, makes him weak, vulnerable, often painful. He often experiences severe stress (and gets out of them badly), he is very cowardly by nature, he tries not to resist force and obeys the most ridiculous demand. And birthmarks on the left eyelid are typical for overly emotional people who are unable to control their feelings. Such people often live not in reality, but in dreams, and in dreams they are very fickle, they have, as the proverb says, "seven Fridays in a week." Often such birthmarks speak of the inconstancy of feelings. Women with similar markings have many partners and quickly part with everyone.

According to European physiognomy, moles on the nose indicate an open sociable character. These are easy people. It is pleasant to talk with them, they can joke in time, it is easy to dispel a bad mood. Especially if such a mole is located at the very tip of the nose. Such people are very restless, changeable, fickle, frivolous, but they have such a “golden” character that others rarely get angry for their constant mistakes. They tend not to do one thing for a long time, so they often change jobs, in the same way they are easy-going and often move from place to place. But according to Eastern physiognomy, a mole at the end of the nose is an unfavorable sign. It is believed that a person with such a mole is a big loser.

On the cheekbones, moles are found in people who are determined and strong. A mole on the right cheekbone speaks especially of outstanding organizational qualities and a heightened sense of justice. Often this is a clearly visible, large mole, the only one on the face. Many defenders of the disadvantaged, revolutionaries, fighters for the people's happiness had such moles. Almost always, these people know how to "ignite" the crowd. They are excellent speakers, able to capture the beauty of their ideas, the power of washing, the nobility of the goal.

Moles under the hair, on the temples and on the ears

There are often moles on the head that can only be seen by shaving off the hair. Many people do not even suspect what secrets their skull holds. Especially if it is a flat and small mole. Larger, raised moles are usually easily palpable with the fingers. So, a mole on the crown of the head usually speaks of a high level of thinking. And a mole on the back of the head is about secrecy, often also about some dark secrets in the past that a person tries to hide from others.

Moles on the temples

This is a mole on the hairless part of the head, but usually people intuitively hide it under the hair. She speaks of an unstable temperament, a tendency to sentimental expression of feelings, women with such a mole react to the slightest insult with tears, and men tend to overestimate the object of their passion and sculpt an ideal out of it (which they then painfully repent of). In people with such moles, not everything is in order with cerebral circulation, they are prone to early sclerosis and mental disorders. In addition, they often see "prophetic dreams", which are very vivid, voluminous, and memorable. Often such a mole is found in people who have the gift of foresight and are endowed with insight.

Moles on the ears

In a positive sense, moles on the ears give a person originality, make him different from others. In the negative, such people are prone to deceit, boasting, idle talk and kleptomania. Although they often seem weak or unsure of their abilities, they are quite firm in their goal, using if not strength, then cunning.

Moles on lips and tongue

It is believed that a mole located on the lips indicates a person’s weak will. About his susceptibility to someone else's influence. Such people prefer that their problems be resolved by themselves or someone else solves them for them. They are prone to various bad habits - drinking, smoking, drug addiction, etc. Large and noticeable moles on the lips are found in people with mental or sexual disabilities. Only here you need to consider that the mole should be on the lips themselves, and not under or above the lips.

If the mole is located above the upper lip, then they look at which side it is on. For a woman, it is a bad sign to have a mole above the right side of her lips: her owner is insidious, deceitful and powerful to the point of cruelty. No less bad is the triad of moles on the right side (cheek, nose, above the upper lip). A woman with such a mark has a domineering nature and tends to suppress men, in addition, her whims torment any normal person, indifference to children or dislike for children is unlikely to characterize her as a mother from the best side. These women are not meant to create a family, but to achieve a high position in society. These are a kind of "iron ladies" capable of making a career in business or politics.

Sometimes moles are found not only on the lips, but also on the tongue. As a rule, people themselves do not even know about it. But this is reflected in the character. Such people are subject to frequent mood swings, it is difficult for them to coherently build a story about some event, they may have mental deviations, and due to the increased instability of the psyche and emotions, they are unrestrained, hysterical, noisy. In addition, they are often and seriously ill.

Moles on the chin and on the neck

The chin is a symbol of will, so moles on the chin speak of a person’s strong will and dominance. Sometimes not even about lust for power, but a tendency to despotism. As a rule, such people have a cold logical mind and a completely one-sided perception of the world. If a man's mole is located on the right, then he is also conservative and greedy, and on the left - purposeful, assertive, decisive. In women, a mole on the right indicates a cheerful character, optimism, self-confidence, generosity and generosity. Due to her natural qualities, such a woman often becomes a favorite in society, and over the years, when she gains experience, people go to her for advice. A mole on the right side says otherwise. A woman is capricious, selfish, pessimistic, weak-willed and sexually promiscuous. If the mole is located exactly in the center of the chin, then this is a decisive and domineering nature, not interested in other people's opinions, with the features of a dictator. In a family, a man or a woman with such a mole will make life an absolute hell, and at work, a boss with a mole in the center of his chin will exploit his subordinates to the fullest and still remain dissatisfied.

Much can be said from the moles on the neck. Although we usually do not include the neck in reading the character by the face, our eyes still stop at the sight of moles on the neck. Intuitively, we feel that this is a very important area. I can immediately say that when choosing a life partner, I would first look at his neck. If moles are found there, then this is an indicator (even with all other positive forms of facial details) that a person is deprived of will, unbalanced and, most likely, he has bad habits. He may be a wonderfully intelligent and subtle person, with remarkably intelligent and subtle thoughts and feelings, but his deeds will always diverge from his words. He can promise paradise, and in a year you will find yourself in a communal apartment with a broken phone. A woman with moles on her neck, despite her exaltation and variability (up to cheating on her husband), will still remain a straight and noble person, she will not hide her mistakes, and in general she shows all her feelings in full: to love - so love, hate so hate. Fortunately, the manifestation of negative feelings does not involve a direct confrontation, but an avoidance of the situation (which often leads to betrayal).

Astrology divides the human body into twelve zones, each of which corresponds to a Zodiac Sign. Moles, birthmarks or the so-called "marks" are more important if the zodiacal area of ​​\u200b\u200bits location corresponds to the Zodiac Sign of their owner. Such metas reveal additional information about personality, karma and destiny, indicate the energy structure of a person, what nourishes it, or, conversely, depletes it.


Moles on the head and face are of decisive importance for Aries. The presence of moles on the nose indicates the difficulties that Aries will have to endure at a young age, and a mole on the bridge of the nose is an unfavorable sign of fate. The negative location of moles on the scalp, for example, on the crown of the head, is evidence of a very unseemly act in the past incarnation, which can lead to retribution in real life.

A mole in the eye area, especially on the eyelids, can make a rather creepy impression. Such a person should control his thoughts and wishes, even with a careless word he can "jinx" both the other person and himself. A mole "under the eye", closer to the bridge of the nose, happens to fatal women and seems to signal: "Beware. I'm dangerous in love."
Moles of luck are moles above the upper lip and on the chin, in addition, they speak of determination, willpower and the inner core of the Aries character. Moles on the ears only reinforce Aries's tendency to show off and bravado, impulsiveness and inconsistency.

Moles on the forehead deserve special attention. This is a sign of not only stubbornness, but the determination of Aries. The closer the mole is to the center of the forehead, the better. If the mole falls into the area between the eyebrows, then this is a mystical sign. Such marks can be seen on the images of deities in Buddhist temples ("third eye"). For Aries, this fateful mole can be both happy and fatal, but there is always the opportunity to go far beyond your capabilities and improve your karma.

In addition to the marks on the face and head, the correct, harmonious shape of the skull is important for Aries, which indicates the health of the body and spirit of Aries, and the symmetry of the face reflects mental health. Bumps and depressions on the skull, visible asymmetry of the face and all kinds of curvature, such as the nose, are an alarming sign of deviations and oddities.


The second Sign of the Zodiac corresponds to the zone of the ears, throat, neck and collarbones. The meaning of moles on the neck of men and women is not the same. If a Taurus man has a mole on the right side, then this almost always indicates difficulties with self-realization. But for a woman, it means variability with all the apparent conservatism that is usually inherent in Taurus. The owner of such a mole not only easily changes her interests and passions, but also her life credo, which helps to make adjustments in her life and simply adapt to difficult life circumstances.

A Taurus woman with a mole on her neck on the left side often repeats the fate of her mother. Therefore, if the maternal female share cannot be called successful, then it is recommended not to follow in her footsteps. For example, choosing a similar profession, getting married or having children at about the same age, etc.

Any marks on the neck (right, left and back) are also codes for the material well-being of Taurus. The further they are located from the front of the neck, the less they promise material benefits, the more likely problems are in the field of finance and career. A mole in the center of the neck is a symbol of monetary luck, and in general, it is easier for a person to attract luxury and well-being.

The location of moles and spots in the place of the jugular cavity (a cavity not in the neck, under the throat) is the happiest sign for Taurus. This position corresponds to the throat chakra (Vishudha), which is responsible for internal impulses, thought and creative processes. This is the creative center of a person, therefore marks in this area often bestow talents, artistic, musical, etc.


The sign of Gemini corresponds to the area of ​​​​the body - shoulders, arms and hands. This does not take into account the palms belonging to the 13th Sign - Ophiuchus.
The existence of moles on the shoulders is associated with karmic and energetic reasons, literally meaning a load of unresolved problems stretching from the past, and which can be passed on from generation to generation. Gemini with moles on their shoulders should make more balanced decisions, every act and action invariably intertwines a causal chain.

Moles on the inside of the hands enhance the psychological sensitivity and imagination of Gemini, and moles on the outside - increase intelligence, thinking and quick wits. In general, the more moles on the hands, the better. The more cases the Gemini is able to handle, the more tasks they are able to solve on their own. An unpleasant exception is a mole on the elbow and elbow, symbolizing the inability to live and the danger of blows of fate as a result of fatal mistakes.

A mole on the ring finger suggests that in the personal life of Gemini there may be a series of disappointments, a person with such a sign should choose a love partner and life partner very carefully. Moles on the rest of the fingers, especially on the outside, are a symbol of the sleight of hand of an illusionist magician, the ability to attract material luck when the expression "money sticks like that" becomes relevant. But it can also mean a tendency to deception, speculation and the desire to appropriate other people's goods. The legendary Odessa woman Manka-Bond had a mole on the little finger of her left hand.
Regardless of location, it is beneficial if a mole on the left side of a Gemini's body has an identically located mole on the right side. Such a sign fully reflects the duality of Gemini, indicating impermanence, and yet is happy.


The sign of Cancer corresponds to the chest. For the representative of the Sign Cancer, the location of moles in this particular part of the body is updated. Cancer is ruled by the Moon (symbol of the feminine passive) and corresponds to the left side of the body. The breast is also a female symbol, especially the nipples and mammary glands. The location of moles on the left side of the chest of Cancer is favorable.

Under the area of ​​​​interpretation of moles on the chest, mainly personal and family spheres, relationships with relatives, lovers and cordial affections in general fall (a mole in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe location of the heart promises great love). Accordingly, disappointments in this area promise moles on the chest on the right. Often there are so many moles on the chest of Cancer that, like a map, one can judge the state of his personal life and even the number of loves and love defeats.

In a Cancer woman, a mole on the left mammary gland enhances not only amorousness, but also maternal instinct, the ability to take care of loved ones, take care of her beloved, etc. But a mole right under the right breast worsens the female character, indicates resentment, revenge, deceit and the ability to weave intrigues because of love.
A Cancer man with a mole, the location of which is not far from the nipple, makes his character more sensitive and romantic, sometimes restless. In the old days, it was a sign of a navigator, traveler, or just a person prone to wandering, spiritual quests and changing places.

a lion

The sign of Leo corresponds to the region of the body - the back. The closer the moles on Leo's back are to the shoulders, the more noble, generous and demanding of himself he is, and the farther and lower, the more his requests to the outside world and the people around him, and the more he is selfish.

But according to Slavic beliefs, a mole on the back is a sign of enemies and betrayal by other people, although it probably exists in the events of a past life. To a greater extent, this is a warning, and not a statement of fate. For men, moles on the back can also mean violent and fatal wounds from past lives, that is, places where knives, arrows and bullets fell in past lives. The more moles on the back of Leo, the stronger he is in spirit, the more difficulties and obstacles he is able to overcome; This is the mark of a warrior.

In general, if for representatives of most of the Zodiac Signs, moles on the back indicate life's difficulties, then for Leo they are a sign of strength, along the way warning against sharp, rash acts and actions that Leo is ready to take to satisfy his own ambitions. Only warts and birthmarks in the region of the spine, the size of which exceeds the size of the former 5-kopeck coin, have a negative value.


The Virgo zone is the upper abdomen (the area of ​​the body from the solar plexus to the navel). The place under the diaphragm or the area of ​​the solar plexus corresponds to the manipura chakra, the energy center of vitality and activity. No wonder this chakra plays an important role in martial arts and meditative practices. The closer to the center of this chakra are the moles on the body of the Virgin, the more energy she is endowed with from birth. Such a Virgo can control not only herself, but also manage other people and events, and also has the makings of paranormal abilities. A mole in the umbilical cavity is also a favorable sign.

The farther from the center of the abdomen is the mole, the more the function of Manipura is distorted. So, for example, a mole on the costal side or at the waist enhances not only the instinct of self-preservation, but also the fear of losing some benefits, often indicates greed, stinginess and greed. At the same time, the shift to the right side of the birthmark on the waist in men increases the level of aggression and conflict, reduces the level of compassion and responsiveness, and in women, the shift to the left indicates suspiciousness, susceptibility to various kinds of phobias and hysteria.


The lower back is the area ruled by the sign of Libra. The prints on the lower back encoded the codes of human interaction with people, colleagues and partners. In this case, the side of the body is taken into account: the left, receptive perceiving - for women, and the dominant right - for men. A good sign is the location of the mole on the favorable side. It guarantees the absence of unwanted confrontations with people and the outside world in general.

The further the mole on the lower back of Libra "deviates" from "its" side, the greater the likelihood of troubles associated with communication due to personal ambitions and snobbery, and the more obvious the difficulties in relations with the opposite sex. Such people are not recommended to impose their principles on others, interfere in someone else's fate and influence other people's actions. A large black mole or wart on the lower part of the spine is interpreted in the worst way, indicating a lack of vital energy, and, as a result, energy vampirism.

A mole at the back on the right, just below the waist, is also not the best sign for Libra ladies. It indicates a decrease in intelligence and, at the same time, increased requirements and claims, especially to a life partner. However, the region of the dimples of the lower back, which are usually found in women, has a separate interpretation. Traditionally, such dimples are considered aesthetic, and any beauty is the influence of Venus, the ruler of the Libra sign. Birthmarks in these places (both on the right and on the left side) are very favorable.

A mole on the lips - a sign of the goddess Venus, is a happy sign for Libra women. Regardless of location, moles and birthmarks are the color of Venus: pale pinkish.


The area of ​​Scorpio is the lower abdomen and genitals. The location of moles in the center of the lower abdomen is beneficial. The center of the abdomen is the navel, a symbol of the core of a person and his inner “I”, this is the projection point of the Manipura energy chakra, located in the solar plexus area. The closer the mole is to the navel and the umbilical cavity, the more favorable it is for Scorpio, although it indicates that a large vital energy can be transformed into sexual energy, enhancing voluptuousness. Indulging their base desires and passions, be it sex, food, the thirst for money, etc., Scorpio can become their slave. In everything he should observe harmony and a sense of proportion.

Next, intimate moles. Moles in the perineum enhance the erotic magnetism and sexual temperament of Scorpio. A mole on the male penis speaks of the loving nature of its owner, but it is not necessarily about lust and promiscuity. Perhaps a man is well versed in female psychology and female nature, so it is easier for him to make connections with representatives of the opposite sex. Moles on the external female genital organs indicate hypersensitivity. The mistress of such a native sign cannot live without male attention and affection; on the one hand, this is a sign of sexual emancipation, on the other hand, hidden erotic fantasies, which can be very unusual and perverted.

Moles in the anal area indicate the difficulties of self-control of Scorpio, reinforcing all the negative traits inherent in people of this sign, for example, vindictiveness and cruelty. It is necessary to be able to forgive, forget about insults and direct your mental energy in the right direction.


The 13th, the hidden sign of the solar zodiac, is projected onto places such as the palms, armpits, sacrum, coccyx, and popliteal region. However, for the people of this Sign, it is important to consider any marks, since Ophiuchus most of all activates the karmic program of a person, and if karma is overloaded with negative influences, then birthmarks that have a bad meaning, the so-called signatures or devilish marks, the popular term - “tagged” (“God marks the rogue”). Bluish, purple or red moles and birthmarks of Ophiuchus are considered especially detrimental. Their negative meaning is not suppressed even by the location on the "favorable" half of the body (right for men and left for women).

In addition to the above, colored moles and spots located in the following areas deserve special attention: crown, forehead, face (face), throat, solar plexus, navel, genitals and feet. As you can see, the main part of these parts of the bodies corresponds to important energy centers - chakras.
The owner of moles in these places sows changes and metamorphoses around him, spreads negative energy associated with chaos and destruction. In the case of unsatisfied ambitions and vanity, he can ruthlessly sacrifice anything and anyone. However, if Ophiuchus is able to curb his energy and learn to control it, for example, by doing spiritual practices, then these marks can be interpreted as the “seal of the Magician”.

And finally, the palms. Here, moles and spots have the following meaning (although they are rare): a mole under the thumb indicates an intense personal life, a mole under the index finger is a symbol of power and the opportunity to come to power, a mole under the middle finger is an unexpected twist of fate, fate, fate, under the middle finger - life success and luck, under the little finger - creative and intellectual talents. The closer the moles are to the center of the palm, the more chances there are to change your life by willpower, to direct your natural abilities towards self-improvement, to overcome difficulties and limitations. Such an Ophiuchus internally feels a certain chosenness or his dissimilarity to others, and those around him face his selfishness and coldness.


The sign of Sagittarius corresponds to the buttocks and upper thighs. The further the moles move from the outer side of the thigh to the inner side, the more vulnerable Sagittarius is, both in terms of health and psyche. The owner of a mole on the inside of the thigh is prone to stress, easily out of balance, any external stimuli can depress him. He should be extra careful, especially on the road and travel.
Sagittarius with moles on the back of the thighs has mystical intuition or the gift of foresight. Sometimes he can drop a phrase, which subsequently comes true with amazing accuracy.

For many Sagittarians, the topic of expanding boundaries is relevant, whether it be travel, craving for other countries and cultures, moving, etc. So, if the mole is on the outside of the thigh and on “its” side (for women - the left, for men - the right), then it portends success associated with travel, moving, activities in other cities and outside the Motherland. And on the "foreign" side - promises difficulties associated with the same actions, in addition, difficulties with survival in a foreign land are obvious.

The marks on the “fifth point” are interpreted as follows: the left buttock symbolizes the given, the past and limitations, and the right buttock symbolizes the future, additional opportunities, hopes and dreams. Moles on the upper part of the buttocks enhance the energy, passion and courage of Sagittarius, and on the lower part - laziness, superficiality, a tendency to avoid everything serious, the search for easy ways. Birthmarks hidden in the crease between the buttocks indicate any hidden talents that need to be developed.


Capricorn area - lower thighs and knees. Capricorns with moles on their knees lose some of their solid qualities that Saturn endows them with, become more restless and impatient. The more moles in this part of the body, the more caution and observation should be exercised so as not to make mistakes, so as not to “stumble” and not “fall on your knees” under the influence of any oppressive circumstances. Moles on the legs (on the lower part of the thighs) have a similar meaning: having failed to cope with obstacles and problems, Capricorn can “collapse” like a colossus on clay feet.

However, with age, the negative value of moles on the legs of Capricorn softens. This is only a symbol of overcoming the difficulties that are likely in his youth and youth. But moles in the center of both knees, combined with one or more moles under the knees, mean fatality of fate in the best sense of the word.


The sign of Aquarius corresponds to the legs, calves and ankles, and the more unusual the color and shape of Aquarius's moles, the more uncommon and artistic his nature.
Aquarius with a mole on his lower leg is easy to climb, his chances of conquering the peaks that he has outlined for himself increase. His personal efforts and initiative, as a rule, are not in vain.

For the successful career of Aquarius, it is especially significant if the mole is located in the front of the lower leg of the right leg.
Birthmarks on the calves have a similar positive meaning, only in the sphere of personal life, love and marriage.
However, the lower the above moles are located, the more their positive influence is weakened.


The anatomical zone of Pisces is the feet. The feet can be divided into three parts: the top of the foot, the sole and the heel. Birthmarks in the first part of the foot symbolize everything secret, hidden from others. Their owner may have a craving for everything unknown, good intuition, sometimes pronounced mystical abilities.

Moles in the area of ​​​​the instep of the foot, where the sole is least in contact with the ground when walking, symbolizes both patrons and secret enemies. But given that there are a large number of important human energy points on the soles of the feet, marks on the soles in general have a negative meaning. In addition, the feet are not the most harmless place for moles, among all others, in terms of health.

A mole or birthmark on the heel, especially the left one, is considered the most unfavorable sign. It symbolizes energy vulnerability and hidden diseases, as well as susceptibility to serious vices and weaknesses. In particular, it is very important for Pisces to realize what exactly they are vulnerable to, what their “Achilles heel” is ... Otherwise, under the influence of any external factors, blows of fate are likely, from which it will be very difficult to recover

Markings on the outside of the foot and toes, as well as between the toes, are not so dangerous. Favorable is the birthmark on the big toe, as well as on the second, fourth fingers and little finger.
It should be added that all birthmarks on the left foot are less favorable than on the right foot. If right means plus, positive, then left is associated with something negative. In the context of the left foot, this means the possibility of mistakes, the possibility of going astray, going the wrong way, (“walking to the left”). Accordingly, for lefties, this interpretation is no longer relevant.

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