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Surviving monuments of architecture of Ancient Rus' of the XI-beginning of the XIII centuries. Monuments of architecture of ancient and medieval Rus' The main architectural monument of ancient Rus'

Despite the progress in our time and the constantly ongoing discoveries, very few facts have come down to us about the architecture of the ancient Slavs. All this is because in those days, basically, all buildings were built of wood, and since this material is short-lived, the main historical monuments have not been preserved.

The ancient Slavs had good building skills. And with the approval of Christianity in Rus', many stone structures began to be built, such as temples and churches. The construction of cross-domed cathedrals was then very developed. All this is due to the fact that Christianity came to us from Byzantium, and, accordingly, the construction of temples was carried out on the basis of the schemes of Byzantine structures.

Story architecture of ancient Rus' began with the creation of the Kievan state and ended this stage only with the advent of the Russian Empire. The first temples are Novgorod, Kyiv and Vladimir. The heyday of architectural architecture is considered the period of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise (XII century). In the XIII century, the development of church architecture in Rus' slowed down, this is due to the emergence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. And in the XV century, already during the reign of Ivan III, the rapid development of architectural architecture again begins.

Hagia Sophia in Novgorod

The history of this cathedral is very interesting. It was built in honor of the Novgorodians, who once helped Yaroslav the Wise to sit on the throne of the Grand Duke. It was built for seven years and the temple was consecrated already in 1052. The son of the Grand Duke Yaroslav, Vladimir, who died on October 4, 1052, is buried in the Kyiv Church of St. Sophia.

It is worth noting that the cathedral was built of mixed material - stone and brick. Its design is strictly symmetrical, and it also has no galleries. Initially, the walls of this cathedral were not whitewashed. This is due to the fact that Slavic architects primarily focused on Byzantine structures, in which mosaic and marble cladding was preferred. A little later, the mosaics were replaced with frescoes, and marble with limestone.

The frame of the composition looks like a cross-domed temple with five naves. This type of construction is inherent only in temples built in the 11th century.

The first cathedral painting was made in 1109, but most of the frescoes have not been preserved to our time, with the exception of Konstantin and Elena. Many frescoes were lost during the Great Patriotic War.

In the Hagia Sophia, several iconostases were constructed, or rather, there were three of them. The main icons in the cathedral are: the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign", Euthymius the Great, Anthony the Great, Savva the Sanctified, the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God. It was possible to save the remains of the holy books, of which the most surviving are six books: Princess Irina, Prince Vladimir, Princes Mstislav and Fedor, Archbishops Nikita and John.

The figure in the form of a dove is decorated with a cross of the central dome, which is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

Hagia Sophia in Kyiv

The history of this cathedral begins in 1037, when it was founded by Kyiv Prince Yaroslav the Wise. Sophia of Kiev has been very well preserved to this day, even picturesque decorations, such as frescoes and mosaics, have survived. These are two types of painting, combined not only in the Hagia Sophia, but in almost all architectural monuments of Ancient Rus'. Now the church has 260 square meters of mosaics and almost three thousand square meters of frescoes.

The temple has a huge number of mosaics with images of the main saints. Such works are made on a golden background, which helps to emphasize the richness of these masterpieces. Mosaics include more than 177 shades. But the names of the creative masters who created such beauty remain unknown to this day.

The main cathedral mosaics: the Mother of God "Indestructible Wall", the Annunciation, John Chrysostom, St. Basil the Great.
In addition to fresco and mosaic paintings, a large number of graphic images (graffiti) have been preserved. There are more than seven thousand graffiti on the walls of the cathedral.

Five princes are buried in the Sophia Church: Yaroslav the Wise, Vsevolod, Rostislav Vsevolodovich, Vladimir Monomakh, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich.

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

One of the outstanding architectural monuments of Ancient Rus'. The church is entirely made of stone and is considered the pinnacle of white stone architecture. It was built in 1165, by order of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, in honor of his dead son, who was killed by the Bulgars. The temple was erected in the Vladimir region, on the interfluve of the Nerl and Klyazma rivers.

This is the first monument in the history of architecture of Ancient Rus', which is dedicated to the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.
The structure of the church is quite simple. It consists of four pillars, a cruciform dome and three apses. This is a one-domed church with exquisite proportions, due to which from afar it seems as if the temple is floating in the air.
The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir

The date of foundation of the cathedral is considered to be 1197. This temple is famous among other architectural monuments of Ancient Rus' for its technique of execution - white stone carving.

The temple was erected personally for Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest and his family. Later, the church was consecrated in honor of the heavenly patron - Dmitry Thessalonica.

The composition is based on typical structures of Byzantine temples (four pillars and three apses). The dome of the church is gilded and crowned with a neat cross, the weather vane of which is depicted in the form of a dove. The construction of the temple was carried out exclusively by Russian architects, but the decoration was carried out by Greek craftsmen, which is why in the cathedral you can find features characteristic of Western basilicas. Elements of Romanesque architecture are clearly expressed in the masonry technique, as well as in the decoration.

The walls of the cathedral are decorated with various mythical images, horsemen, psalmists and saints. In the temple there is a sculpture of David the Musician. His miniature symbolizes the idea of ​​a god of a protected state. Also in the church there is an image of Vsevolod the Big Nest and his sons.

Although Dmitrievsky Cathedral does not have external beauty, inside its interior is quite rich. Unfortunately, of the frescoes, only the Last Judgment has survived to this day.

Golden gates of the city of Vladimir

The composition was erected in Vladimir, the basis for the construction of which was the order of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1164. In total, 5 gates were built, of which only the Golden ones have survived to this day. They served as the entrance to the princely city part, which was considered the richest. The construction of the gate was carried out by Vladimir craftsmen.

There are rumors that at the end of the construction work, they fell on the twelve people involved in the construction. The townspeople thought that the masters had died, and then Bogolyubsky decided to pray to the icon of the Mother of God. When the collapse was cleared, the people littered with the remains of the gate were pulled out safe and sound. After this incident, a white-stone chapel was built over the gate.

The height of the triumphal arch of the Golden Gate reaches fourteen meters. The main task of the building was to protect the city of Vladimir from raids. The design was based on a combat platform from which enemies were fired. The remains of the site are still in the gate. It was possible to enter and leave the site with the help of a stone staircase adjoining it.

The Golden Gate is a symbolic image of princely power and greatness.

During the Mongol-Tatar invasion, many monuments from the Golden Gate were hidden by the townspeople. Most of them are included in the UNESCO list and recognized as destroyed monuments. In 1970, a group of Japanese archaeologists came to the Soviet Union to clear the bottom of the Klyazma River. At the end of the expedition, many items that archaeologists considered lost were found. Among them were precious doors taken out of the Golden Gates of Vladimir. Although this version is still more perceived as a legend. Since historical facts show that the inhabitants of Vladimir did not have enough time to hide the relics, and even more so to take them out of the city. If the sashes were found, then the location of the gold plates is unknown to this day.

tithe church

This is the first Russian church that was built of stone; it was consecrated in 996. The church is lit with the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Its name is due to the fact that Grand Duke Vladimir allocated a tithe of the state budget, that is, a tenth, for the construction of the church.

The history of the church is directly connected with the baptism of Rus'. The fact is that it was erected on the site where a skirmish between pagans and Christians took place. The building itself is a kind of symbol of religious discord.

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

Another unique architectural monument of Ancient Rus' is the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. This monastery is included in the list of the first ancient Russian monasteries. Its construction was carried out in 1051, during the reign of Yaroslav the Wise. Its founder is considered to be the monk Anthony, whose roots came from Lyubech.

The location of the monastery is the city of Kyiv (Ukraine). Located on the coast of the Dnieper, on two hills. At first, there was an ordinary cave on the site of the monastery, to which the clergyman Hilarion came, but when he was appointed Metropolitan of Kyiv, the cave was abandoned. Around the same time, the monk Anthony arrived in Kyiv, he found the cave of Hilarion and stayed in it. A little later, a church was erected over the cave, and already in 1073 it was finished with stone. In 1089 it was consecrated.

The frescoes and mosaics decorating the church were made by Byzantine masters.

St. Cyril's Church

It is considered the oldest monument in the history of architecture of Ancient Rus'. The date of its foundation is considered to be 1139. The name of the church is associated with the names of Saints Athanasius and Cyril. The church is one of the main components of the composition of the St. Cyril Monastery, which is located near Chernigov, in the village of Dorohozhychi. St. Cyril's Church was built under Prince Vsevolod Olgovich and later became the tomb of the Olgovich family. Vsevolod's wife, Maria, who was the daughter of Mstislav the Great, was buried there. Also in this church, Prince Svyatoslav was buried in 1194.

In 1786, the lands were confiscated from the church in favor of the state, and this was the end of the history of the St. Cyril Monastery. The church was converted into a hospital temple.

Church of the Savior on the River Nereditsa

The cathedral was built in the city of Novgorod and the date of its construction is 1198. The building style stands out for its unusually simple construction and strict motifs; it is worth noting that all Novgorod buildings are made in this style. The church is in perfect harmony with the landscape due to the simplicity of the composition. The Cathedral of the Savior on the Nereditsa River, like most buildings of that time, is made of white stone. The interior of the church is fully consistent with the external style.

The execution of the paintings is of a strictly strict nature, the predominance of clear forms. In the images of saints, open views can be traced, it seems that the images are not simply depicted on the walls of the temple, but, as it were, boarded up in them. In general, the cathedral is a symbol of power and strength.

Novgorod Kremlin

The basis of each ancient Russian city was considered a strong Kremlin, which could protect the townspeople and survive during the defense against enemies. The Novgorod Kremlin is one of the oldest. For the tenth century now, he has been decorating and protecting his city. It is worth noting that, despite the fact that the Kremlin of the city of Novgorod is an old building, it still retains its original appearance. The Kremlin is made of red brick. On the territory of the Kremlin is the Novgorod Sophia Cathedral, which is also included in the list of architectural masterpieces of Ancient Rus'. Its appearance and interior is made in a sophisticated style. The floor is decorated with mosaics, on which the best masters of that time worked.

The Novgorod Kremlin is an ensemble of the best architectural monuments that city dwellers can be proud of even today.

On the site "Borodino-2012" I read an article about the ancient Russian necropolis in Mozhaisk. I was amazed at the sight of tombstones, which reminded me of ancient Roman tombstones, one of which is, for example, in the Hermitage. Ancient Russian tombstones, as we see, are too reminiscent of the Etruscan times: the same huge high slabs on legs. And so the picture is drawn: an ancient descendant knelt near the grave of his glorious ancestor. Previously, the Etruscans did not place the slabs vertically, as they do now in cemeteries, but laid a heavy slab (like a chest the size of a grave) flat.

Old Russian tombstones preserved in Mozhaisk are unique! And it shocked me that I didn't know anything about it; and those who know cannot save these Russian treasures. And all because the current government behaves like OCCUPANTS on Russian Earth.

Vladimir Soloukhin said it well:

“Only the occupiers, having seized the country, immediately begin to rename everything. ... All these were dead, mortified temples, peeled, blackened, with iron on the roof pulled up, with crosses fallen down, crap on all sides and inside with human excrement. And yet the beauty combined with the terrain amazed us.

No, - Kirill fumed, - no matter what they say, cultured, educated people (whether with Kazan or with another university) could not produce such devastation and ruin throughout the country. They are not cultured people at all, but barbarians, half-educated, half-witted, ignorant, moreover, full of the most petty and vindictive malice. Criminals who seized power. Well, tell me, isn't banditry the destruction of beauty. The beauty of the earth, its general appearance. But it wasn’t them who delivered it…”

ill. 06. Old Russian tombstone on the territory of the Mozhaisk Luzhetsky Monastery. From these huge ancient slabs, the foundation for some kind of building was laid out! It reminded me of the ancient Egyptian pyramids, which were taken apart by some pharaoh from a new dynasty to build a barrier wall.

ill. 08. Are these Russian runes? My God, what an oldie!

ill. 01. Ancient Russian tombstones of the Mozhaisk Luzhetsky Monastery.

I cite this article by the Mozhaisk local historian V.A. Kukovenko. Lord, save your people and your land!

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Help save the Mozhaisk necropolis!

Posted on 04/03/2012 by admin

We publish a letter from the Mozhaisk local historian V.I. Kukovenko about the salvation of the necropolis of the Mozhaisk Luzhetsky Monastery.

Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation

Avdeev Alexander Alekseevich

Director of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Makarov Nikolai Andreevich

The Mozhaisk Luzhetsky Monastery, which was founded in 1408 by St. Ferapont, a disciple of Sergius of Radonezh, became the burial place of the most noble and most titled persons, first of the Mozhaisk principality, then simply of the county. It was an honor to rest next to the Mozhaisk saint, but the territory of the monastery was too small, and therefore only the elect were buried here.

Some information has been preserved in the Moscow Necropolis*. It was from there that I wrote out about two dozen names of the Mozhaisk nobles buried on the territory of the Luzhetsky monastery. Basically, these were representatives of the Savelov family, whose family crypt was located in the lower part of the monastery bell tower, in the so-called “bell tent”.

* "Moscow Necropolis" - a reference publication (vols. 1-3, St. Petersburg, 1907-08) about people who lived in the XIV-XIX centuries. and buried in Moscow cemeteries. Compiled by bibliographer and literary historian V.I. Saitov and archivist B.L. Modzalevsky. For the Moscow Necropolis, a census was carried out in 1904–06 of about 30,000 tombstones in 25 Moscow monasteries, 13 city cemeteries, some graveyards in the suburbs of Moscow, and in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Surnames (in the general alphabet), first names, patronymics, dates of life and death, ranks, titles, the name of the cemetery where the person is buried are given.

In the 90s of the last century, thanks to the efforts of several abbots of the Luzhetsky monastery, the surviving tombstones were placed around the territory of the monastery, giving the cemetery, albeit not the original, but still a fitting look.

After the restoration of the monastery necropolis, a very important problem for the history of the city emerged - this is the decoding of epitaphs in order to compile a list of people buried here. Judging by the appearance and decoration of the tombstones shown in the photograph, it can be assumed that all of them were made no earlier than the 18th century. But information about the nobles of this century would be useful for the development of local history.

I will briefly say that the lists of the nobles of the Mozhaisk district are known most fully only from the middle of the 19th century. All previous centuries in this respect are blank spots in our history. Therefore, the inscriptions from tombstones could significantly supplement our information about the noble families living in the county. This would be an invaluable gift not only to local history, but to the entire national history.

Temples and chapels of the monastery:

1. Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

2. Church of the Entrance into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos

3. Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior (over the gate)

4. Bell tower

5. Church of St. Ferapont (foundation)

6. Holy Spring

Other buildings of the monastery:

7. Cell building (XVII-XIX centuries)

8. Monastery building

9. Monastery building

10. Rector's building (XIX century)

11. Necropolis

12. Entrance (eastern) gate (XVIII century)

13. Walls and towers of the fence (XVIII-XIX centuries)

14. Gate of the household yard (XVIII-XXI century)

Some time after the restoration of the necropolis, another unexpected discovery was made.

In 1997, when the foundations of the Ferapontov Church were being cleared (in old documents it is called the Church of John of the Ladder), a place of a “spud” was discovered, i.e. burial place of St. Ferapont. On May 26, 1999, with the blessing of Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna, the relics of the monk were opened and transferred to the restored church of the gate church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Then they were transferred to the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, where they are kept in a shrine.

The cleared foundation of the ruined church immediately attracted the closest attention, since it was made of nothing but tombstones! Moreover, such plates, the antiquity of which was not even obvious to a specialist. Some of them were so archaic that the inscriptions on them were not carved, but scratched into the stone.

The foundations are composed of several rows of slabs: approximately 6-8.

Judging by the ornament, this plate belongs to the 16th century.

This is a massive 18th century slab. Who was under it?

One of the most interesting slabs, lying in the top row. Is it the 15th century?

And what could lurk even lower?

And although the foundations of the Ferapont church are not deep (no more than 1.2-1.5 m), but, given the entire perimeter, we can expect that several hundred slabs lie here. Moreover, the plates are not only of the XVIII century, but also more ancient. It is possible that the beginning of the XV century, i.e. the first decades of the existence of the monastery. The deciphering of so many gravestone inscriptions could enrich our entire history and, perhaps, make sensational discoveries.

An unusual combination of circumstances - first the construction of this church on a foundation of tombstones, and then the destruction of this church - provided the national historical science with an unusual opportunity to study unique artifacts in large numbers.

In order to have an idea of ​​how important it is to study such finds, I will give a brief background on Russian medieval tombstones.

The study of white-stone medieval tombstones of Moscow Rus'.

The study of white stone tombstones in Moscow and North-Eastern Rus' XIII-XVII centuries. has its own history.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, their study was reduced to the collection and publication of inscriptions. The first work in which an attempt was made to consider the medieval tombstone of Muscovite Rus' as an independent type of artifact with its inherent typological features was the set of tombstones of the Historical Museum, published in the "Reports" of the museum for 1906 and 1911.

In the post-revolutionary period, the study of tombstones remained for a long time the lot of archaeologists and epigraphers. A new stage of research was the work of well-known scientists in the field of epigraphy T.V. Nikolaeva and V.B. Hirshberg, which appeared in the late 1950s - 60s.

The need and implementation of a directed search for tombstones, primarily early ones dating back to the 13th-15th centuries, and partly to the beginning of the 16th century, contributed to the active “accumulation” from the late 1960s to the early 1990s. a significant number of tombstones and the gradual realization of the significance of their study for the history of Russian culture of the late Middle Ages.

In the last two decades, interest in tombstones has increased dramatically due to the extremely wide spread of archaeological excavations and the restoration of architectural monuments, primarily in Moscow and the Moscow region. At present, whole complexes of tombstones of the 13th-17th centuries have been identified, studied and cataloged. from the necropolises of such famous Moscow monasteries as the Danilov Monastery, the Epiphany Monastery, Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery and others.

Unfortunately, medieval tombstones are not a mass source, despite the size of the territory of the Muscovite state. To date, the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences has a collection of just over 1000 tombstones.

Most of the tombstones belong to the 16th-17th centuries. (at least 90%), for the XV century, about 10 - 15 copies are reliably known, and from the XIII - XIV centuries. - a little more (about 25 copies). In particular, L.A. Belyaev, the leading specialist in the study of medieval tombstones, indicates that a rather significant and almost unpublished collection of tombstones of the 16th-17th centuries. kept in provincial museums. These "reserves", according to Belyaev L.A., total 200 - 300 copies.

As for the beginning of the existence of white-stone tombstones in Russian Christian necropolises, then, as Belyaev L.A. notes, they appeared in the form of gravestones in Rus', most likely in the 13th century. Until now, there is no reliable evidence of the existence of plates in the pre-Mongolian period.

In the XIII - XV centuries. white-stone tombstones are gradually spreading in Moscow and the lands around it, as well as in the north and north-west of Rus' (in Rostov, Tver, Staritsa, Beloozero and other areas). Later, at the end of the 15th and especially from the middle of the 16th century, local forms began to be replaced by tombstones with typical Moscow ornamentation. Widespread in the second half of the XVI - XVII centuries. throughout Moscow Rus', in the last third of the 17th century, Moscow slabs were actively influenced by baroque forms and ornamentation of Western European tombstones. Since the 17th century and later the tombstone will be pushed to the periphery by the spread of architecturally or sculpturally designed tombstones and will retain only a secondary, service role, having lost elements of medieval ornamentation.

Needless to say, how unique was the unexpectedly opened Mozhaisk necropolis? This is just a storehouse of historical knowledge about medieval Mozhaisk! Centuries of our history lie here, and each stone from these graves is priceless for us both culturally and historically.

But now the Mozhaisk necropolis is in danger, because the limestone slabs of the tombstones began to quickly collapse. Prior to that, they had lain in the ground for several decades, where, albeit badly, they were still protected from sunlight and temperature extremes by a layer of rubble and humus. When the foundations were cleared, and other tombstones were placed around the cemetery, they began to become covered with lichens that destroy them, became accessible to both moisture and frost. To date, the state of these fragile limestone slabs is very deplorable. Therefore, urgent measures are needed to preserve them.

If conservation is impossible for technical and material reasons, then it is necessary to conduct a study and description of these plates in order to save at least epitaphs for future researchers. To do this, it is necessary to dismantle the foundation slabs, clean them of lichens, copy the inscriptions and photograph them. In this way, we will preserve a significant part of our history for future generations. All you need is a specialist in this field, who would be willingly assisted by enthusiastic local historians from Mozhaisk.

In addition to the Ministry of Culture and the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, I also appeal to all caring people who value our history. Let's unite our efforts and save priceless inscriptions from the Mozhaisk necropolis for posterity.

Vladimir Kukovenko


The role of architectural monuments, which the planet Earth is rich in, is incredibly huge. Thanks to the ancient buildings, it is possible to penetrate, to feel the spirit of an era that has long since passed. After all, there is nothing more weighty than to walk along the ancient streets, laid out of stone, which was worn out from the touch of the feet of generations that stepped here a long time ago.

The Russian land is also rich in architectural monuments. This is evidence of the prosperity of cities and ordinary settlements millennia ago. Here lived the ancestors of today's generations, who fought for freedom, for the prosperity of their homes. Often they argue about the patriotism of a Russian, that is, a Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar, Belarusian, representatives of other nationalities who lived and now live on this earth.

Those who argue cannot understand what makes a Russian sacrifice himself for the sake of freedom and the lives of others. Where does patriotism begin? And it begins with ancient church churches, with half-grown grass of fortresses, with buildings and structures in which Pushkin and Dostoevsky, Mussorgsky and Tchaikovsky created their works, where Rublev and his students painted icons, where they gave birth to the first decrees strengthening Russia, Ivan the Terrible and Peter I.

It turns out that patriotism begins where a Russian was born, where he lived, grew bread, built castles and temples, erected fortress walls, where he shed his blood for freedom and independence. Therefore, we have to state with regret the facts of the ugly attitude towards the architectural monuments of Rus', which were erected at the dawn of their statehood. This attitude to architectural monuments kills patriotism.

There are many monuments in Rus'. They are world famous in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kyiv. They are often written about, the attention of the state, the church, and public organizations is drawn to them. But there are architectural monuments that were erected in other cities and even small villages in the distant years. The general public knows almost nothing about them. But their role in fostering love for their homeland among Russians is immeasurably high.

By the decree of Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1165, between the rivers Klyazma and Nerl in the Vladimir region, a church was erected in memory of the son of the prince who died at the hands of the Bulgars. The church is single-domed, but it was built of white stone, which was a novelty at that time. In those days, the main building material was wood. But wooden buildings were often destroyed by fires, were unstable before the attacks of enemies.

Although they built a temple in memory of the son of Andrei Bogolyubsky, it was dedicated to the church holiday of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. This is the first such monument and very important, since Orthodoxy in Rus' was just being affirmed.

The design of the temple seems very simple. Its main components are four pillars, three apses, and a cruciform dome. The church has one head. But it was created in such proportions that from a distance it appears to be hovering above the earth. This church is rightfully on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

tithe church

The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kyiv, called the Tithes, is connected with the baptism of Rus'. It was the first stone building. The church was built for five years, from 991 to 996, on the site of the battle between Christians and pagans. Although in the Tale of Bygone Years, the year 989 is named as the beginning of the construction of the temple.

Here the earthly path of the first martyrs Theodore, as well as his son John, was completed. Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich, by his decree, allocated a tithe from the state treasury, at the present time, from the budget for the construction of the church. That is why the church got its name.

At one time it was the largest temple. In 1240, the troops of the Tatar-Mongol Khanate destroyed the temple. According to other sources, the church collapsed under the weight of the people gathered there in the hope of hiding from the invaders. From this archaeological monument, only the foundation has been preserved.

Golden Gate

The Golden Gate is considered a symbol of the power and greatness of Ancient Rus'. In 1158, Andrei Bogolyubsky instructed to surround the city of Vladimir with a rampart. After 6 years, he ordered the construction of five entrance gates. So far, only the Golden Gate, which is an architectural monument, has survived.

These gates were made of oak. Subsequently, they were bound with sheets of copper, covered with gilding. But not only for this the gate got its name. The gilded sashes were a real work of art. The inhabitants of the city removed them before the invasion of the Mongol-Tatar army. These sashes are included in the UNESCO register as masterpieces lost by mankind.

True, in 1970 there was a message that the wings were found by Japanese archaeologists who took part in the cleaning of the Klyazma River. It was then that many artifacts were discovered, including sashes. But here is the most valuable thing in them - gold plates have not been found so far.

According to legend, the arches of the gate fell during the completion of construction, crushing 12 builders. Eyewitnesses thought they were all dead. Andrei Bogolyubsky ordered to bring the icon of the Mother of God and began to pray for people in trouble. When the gates were freed from blockages and raised, the workers there were alive. They didn't even get any damage.

It took seven years to build this cathedral. It was erected in honor of the inhabitants of Novgorod, with the help of which Yaroslav the Wise became the Grand Duke. The construction of the cathedral was completed in 1052. For Yaroslav the Wise, this year has become a landmark. He buried his son Vladimir in Kyiv.

The cathedral was built from different materials. The main ones were brick and stone. The walls of the cathedral were faced with marble, mosaic patterns and paintings were built into them. This is a trend of Byzantine masters who sought to adopt Slavic architects. Later, marble was replaced with limestone, and frescoes were inserted instead of mosaics.

The first painting is dated 1109. But the frescoes were also destroyed over time. Especially much was lost during the Great Patriotic War. Only the fresco "Konstantin and Elena" has survived to the 21st century.

There are no galleries in the cathedral; outwardly, it appears as a cross-domed temple with five naves. At that time, this style was inherent in most temples. There are three iconostasis created in the distant past. Among the main icons in the cathedral are the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God, Euthymius the Great, Savva the Illuminated, Anthony the Great, the icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”.

There are also old books. There are many partially scattered works, although there are survivors. These are the books of Prince Vladimir, Princess Irina, Archbishops John and Nikita, Princes Fedor and Mstislav. The figurine of a dove, symbolizing the Holy Spirit, adorns the cross of the dome, located in the center.

This temple is unique not only because it is made in the style of romanticism. The cathedral impresses with elements reminiscent of Western basilicas. The most important thing is the white stone carving. Everything turned out due to the fact that the construction of the cathedral lay solely on the shoulders of Russian architects. Finishing work was carried out by Greek craftsmen. Everyone tried to do their work in such a way as not to shame their state.

The best masters were gathered here, since the cathedral was built for Prince Vsevolod a large nest. The cathedral subsequently housed his family. The history of the cathedral dates back to 1197. Later, the cathedral was consecrated in memory of Demetrius of Thessalonica, who was considered the heavenly patron.

The compositional construction of the cathedral is based on the design features of Byzantine churches. As a rule, these are 4 pillars and 3 apses. The gilded church dome crowns the cross. The figure of a dove serves as a weather vane. The walls of the temple attract images of a mythical nature, saints, psalmists. The miniature of David the musician is a symbol of the state protected by God.

There could not have been an image of Vsevolod the Big Nest here. He was sculpted together with his sons. The interior of the temple is amazing. Despite the fact that many frescoes have been lost, it is still beautiful and solemn here.

The Church of the Savior was built on Mount Nereditsa in just one season in 1198. The temple was erected by decree of Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich, who ruled at that time in Veliky Novgorod. The temple grew on the elevated bank of the Maly Volkhovets riverbed, not far from Rurik's Settlement.

The church was built in memory of the two sons of Yaroslav Vladimirovich who fell in battle. Externally, the church is not distinguished by majestic superstructures. However, it is an architectural monument. The church was built according to the traditional design for that time. One cubic dome, then, as in other projects, a four-pillar and three-apse version.

The interior of the church is amazing. The walls are fully painted and represent a gallery of Russian art, one of the most ancient and unique. These paintings were actively studied by scientists in the first third of the last century. Detailed descriptions of the paintings have been preserved, shedding light on the history of the time when the church was being built, on the way of life of the Novgorodians. The artist N.Martynov in 1862 made watercolor copies of Nereditsa frescoes. They were demonstrated with great success in Paris, at the World Exhibition. The sketches were awarded a bronze medal.

These frescoes are a very valuable example of Novgorod monumental painting. Created in the XII century, they are still of great artistic, especially historical value.

Many consider the Novgorod Kremlin to be the most unique architectural monument. It belongs to one of the oldest monuments. Each city in Rus' erected its own Kremlin. It was a fortress that helped to protect the inhabitants from enemy raids.

Few Kremlin walls survived. The Novgorod Kremlin has been faithfully serving its inhabitants for the tenth century. This building is the oldest. But she retained her original appearance.

That is why this architectural monument is valuable. The Kremlin was laid out of red brick, at that time in Rus' the building material was outlandish and expensive. But it was not in vain that the Novgorod builders used it. The walls of the city did not flinch before the onslaught of many enemy troops.

St. Sophia Cathedral rises on the territory of the Novgorod Kremlin. This is another of the great architectural monuments of Ancient Rus'. The floor of the cathedral is paved with mosaics. The entire interior is an example of the refined craftsmanship of architects. Every detail, the smallest touch, has been worked out.

Residents of the Novgorod land are proud of their Kremlin, believing that it contains an ensemble of architectural monuments that should inspire every Russian.

The Trinity-Sergius Lavra is the largest male monastery in Russia, which is located in the city of Sergiev Posad in the Moscow region. The founder of the monastery was Sergei Radonezhsky. From the day it was founded, the monastery became the center of the spiritual life of the Moscow lands. Here the army of Prince Dmitry Donskoy received a blessing for the battle with Mamai.

Moreover, Sergius of Radonezh sent the monks Oslyabya and Peresvet to the army, distinguished by zeal in prayer and heroic strength, who showed themselves heroically during the battle on September 8, 1830. The monastery has been the center of religious education for Russians for centuries, as well as the heart of cultural enlightenment.

Many icons were painted in the monastery. This was done by Andrey Rublev and Daniil Cherny - outstanding icon painters. It was here that the well-known icon "Trinity" was painted. It became an integral part of the iconostasis of the monastery. Historians call the siege of the monastery by the Polish-Lithuanian invaders a test. It was a troubled time. The siege lasted 16 months. The besieged held out and won.

Not all architectural monuments of Ancient Rus' survived and survived. Many left no trace. But descriptions have been preserved in ancient books. Scientists decipher them, locate them. Patriots find the strength and means and begin to restore the ancient buildings. The more actively this work is carried out, the more the greatness of Russia will increase.


Sofia Kyiv

With the adoption in 988 of Christianity, which came to Ancient Rus' from Byzantium, the Slavic peoples also joined a new way of artistic thinking, which was most clearly expressed in icon painting and architecture.

The Byzantine civilization was familiar to the Kyiv principality since the 10th century, and in the following centuries, the newly created forms of architectural creativity only strengthened. The princes and embassies were present at divine services in Constantinople churches, where they were fascinated by both the beauty of the rite and the grandeur of the temples: according to the witnesses of this miracle, “we did not know whether we were on earth or in heaven.”

Another thing is also important: Byzantium in the 10th century was the only great custodian of the ancient heritage, the foundation of all European culture. Kievan Rus came into contact with this tradition, and therefore European traditions and ancient Russian culture merged in its monuments of architecture, sculpture and painting.

In those days, intensive construction of cities was going on in Rus', of which there were soon about 300. Defense structures, residential buildings, princely chambers, monasteries, and cathedrals were erected. Chronicles and epics convey that the richest wooden dwellings were decorated with paintings and included a variety of compositions from numerous towers, passages and porches.

There is also monumental construction. The oldest stone buildings of religious purpose that have survived to our time date back to the middle of the 11th century, that is, to the time of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, when Kievan Rus was approaching the peak of its heyday. In those years, the most majestic churches were built, including the Spaso-Preobrazhensky in Chernigov and the Hagia Sophia in Novgorod.

Prince Yaroslav also built churches in Kyiv, revered as the "mother of Russian cities." One is Georgievsky, since the Christian name of Yaroslav sounded like George; the other was called Irininsky - that was the name of Yaroslav's wife, the Swedish princess Ingigerda, who in Rus' was christened Irina.

And the Grand Duke dedicated the main church of the Russian land to wisdom - Sophia. The ancient Greeks honored wisdom in the image of the goddess Athena, in Byzantium they worshiped her in the image of the Mother of God, but in Rus' a different tradition prevailed, dating back to ancient Christian ideas that baptism is the arrival of the “wisdom of the goddess”, that is, Sophia.

The cathedral was founded in 1037 on the site of the victorious battle between the people of Kiev and the Pechenegs. It was the highest hill near the Dnieper, and therefore to the traveler, through whatever gate he entered the city, the temple immediately opened in all its beauty and majesty. This made it possible not to raise the temple high, but to freely build it on the ground, harmoniously arranging it both in breadth, and in length, and up. By the way, initially Sofia was not whitewashed, as it is now. The brick, from which it was all laid out, alternated with pink dugout (that is, finely ground bricks), which gave the walls a special elegance and picturesqueness.

From the annals it is known that the appearance of the Kyiv architectural masterpiece is not an accidental phenomenon: in ancient times there were five-domed temples, and even a wooden thirteen-domed Sophia in Novgorod. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv was originally also crowned with thirteen domes. The construction, unprecedented in scale, was carried out in several stages. First, the main core of the cathedral was erected, surrounded on three sides by an open single-tier gallery. Then, two towers were built near the western facade for the entrance to the choir stalls. And finally, arch-butanes and external open galleries were built, and a second floor was built over the internal galleries. The construction of such a grandiose structure, which required huge expenses, was, nevertheless, very rational and economical.

As mentioned above, the design of the St. Sophia Cathedral is based on the traditions of Constantinople architecture, but it surpasses contemporary Byzantine designs in both size and structural complexity. The number of naves of the cross-domed cathedral has been increased to five. Twelve powerful cruciform pillars serve as supports. Everything is dominated by the central dome with its twelve-windowed drum, light floods the vast princely choirs, above which there are twelve more domes of light.

Thus, in terms of plan, St. Sophia Cathedral is a five-aisled (i.e., with the main space divided by five rows of columns into parts) cross-domed church, surrounded from the north, west and south by a double row of galleries. It was these galleries, plus the multi-domed structure, that distinguished the Kievan Sophia from the Constantinople Cathedral.

The dimensions of the structure made a particularly strong impression on contemporaries. Its width is 55 m, length 37 m, height - about the size of a 13-storey building. The temple accommodated up to 3 thousand people - almost the entire adult population of Kyiv at that time. Not surprisingly, the townspeople considered their sanctuary one of the wonders of the world.

Above all, the main dome rises above the crosshairs of the central nave, and four more domes are erected above those placed between the arms of the spatial cross, the next eight domes are located around them and below.

At the entrance to the cathedral, the viewer opens the arched gaps of the outer, and then the semi-dark inner galleries, a space immersed in a solemn and mysterious twilight with a string of internal pillars. The central semi-dome space filled with bright light, decorated with multi-colored mosaics and frescoes, amazes.

Almost the entire second tier of the temple was occupied by the choirs - huge boards for the prince and his retinue. In the center, the space developed freely, thoughtfully obeying the architectural solution. In this space, the choirs opened with triple arches, which brings to mind a parallel with the triumphal buildings of the Roman emperors.

The most important state ceremonies were performed under the main dome. The highest clergy were located in the altar itself, the prince and his entourage stood in the choirs above, and the people gathered below, gazing with reverence at the sparkling gold mosaics and on the surface of the main dome depicting Christ the Almighty. On the central apse - a semicircular ledge of the wall - a giant figure of Our Lady Sophia reigned. She leaned over the people on a concave vault, as if embracing the worshipers with outstretched arms. In this image, Sophia personified not only wisdom, but also the Heavenly Intercessor, the guardian and support of the world. It is not for nothing that during the years of trials, the people called it the “indestructible wall”.

In the interior of the cathedral, as already mentioned, the main role was played by mosaics. Initially, they occupied a huge area, about 650 square meters. m, of which only a third has survived, however, which has come down to us in its original form. In the most honorable place (on the plane of the arch outlining the apse) in three round medallions is placed the composition "Prayer". The plane of this arch is located in depth and is less illuminated, so the attention of the masters was more drawn to the silhouettes of the bust images in medallions and to the color of the clothes. The purple tunic and blue cloak of Christ, the clothes of the Mother of God and John the Baptist are in harmony with the golden mosaic background. Golden amethysts, dark red and blue stones, the gold frame of the Gospel in the hands of Christ, and the four-color edging of the medallions (white, red, emerald green, and brown-red) emphasize the richness and color of the Prayer figures.

The whole architecture of the temple, its picturesque decoration inspired the worshipers that the state should rest on the authority of the supreme power, as unshakable as the power of the Almighty himself, reigning high in the dome surrounded by archangels, whom one Greek theologian called "heavenly officials who watch over the countries, lands and languages". Thus heavenly and earthly intertwined in the highest glory and dominion forever established.

The construction of Sophia was not only a great national phenomenon that strengthened the Christian faith in Rus'. The temple played a huge role in the secular and cultural life of Ancient Rus', and also served as the residence of the rulers of the "Metropolis of Russia". At the cathedral, a chronicle writing center was created and the first library in Rus' was founded. Solemn ceremonies took place here, such as: the accession of the prince to the throne of the grand duke, receptions of ambassadors, etc.

From a historical point of view, it is also important that for many years the St. Sophia Cathedral was the burial place of the great princes and metropolitans. In 1054, the founder of the temple, Prince Yaroslav the Wise, was buried there; in 1093 - his son Vsevolod and grandson Rostislav Vsevolodovich; in 1125 - Vladimir Monomakh, and in 1154 - his son Vyacheslav Vladimirovich.

In architectural terms, of particular interest is the marble tomb of Yaroslav the Wise, located in the apse of the left side nave. This is a white marble sarcophagus, reminiscent of an ancient building, covered with a gable roof. All planes of the sarcophagus are covered with a relief ornament made with extraordinary skill.

Speaking in general about buildings similar to St. Sophia of Kyiv, it is worth noting that builders in the 11th century. accumulated considerable experience in wooden architecture and, perhaps, at that time were the best in their craft. But as for the construction of stone buildings, here domestic masters learned a lot from foreign specialists, while showing natural ingenuity, assertiveness and healthy ambition.

As for the appearance of the St. Sophia Cathedral, it should be noted that later additions and superstructures greatly changed its appearance. At the end of the 17th century, when six new domes were built over the cathedral, five ancient domes were also changed, which were given a pear-shaped shape, characteristic of Ukrainian architecture of the 17th-18th centuries, and the windows were decorated with architraves close to the Moscow architecture of the 17th century.

In the future, the cathedral has not undergone any significant changes. In 1744-1748, under Metropolitan Raphael Zabarovsky, the pediments and drums of the cathedral were decorated with stucco ornaments, and a century later, in 1848-1853, the lost stucco decorations were renewed, the central dome and domes of the remaining domes were gilded.

However, the restructuring of Sofia in no way deprived her of the feeling of the main thing: the architects of Kievan Rus were able to express in an original artistic form the understanding of the triumphal entry of the state into the circle of peoples and civilizations, so clearly expressed in numerous monuments of that time, which became legendary.

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When visiting European countries, we are surprised - castles and churches can be over 1000 years old, they are well preserved and simply amaze from the outside. But where is our legacy of antiquity - the monuments of Kievan Rus?

Dozens, if not hundreds, of wars, time and indifference destroyed most of them. Many of the majestic cities of Kievan Rus have now become provincial towns, but often boast unique sights, others have become megacities and hide priceless treasures behind a palisade of skyscrapers. But even these few monuments are priceless for the Ukrainian people. So where can you find them?

Monument to the legendary founders of Kyiv - Kyi, Schek, Khoriv and their sister Lybid. Photo source:


Saint Sophie Cathedral

The capital city has preserved the greatest heritage of those ancient times. Of course, the most famous attraction is, which was built during the time of Yaroslav the Wise. The main temple of the then Eastern Europe now has the status of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Historians have proven that the temple was founded by Vladimir the Great in 1011, and completed by his son Yaroslav in 1037.

After the Mongol invasion, the temple partially remained in ruins. The Kyiv metropolitans tried to maintain the temple in an adequate condition, but a large restoration took place already during the time of Ivan Mazepa. At that time, the temple acquired the appearance that we see now. At the same time, the bell tower was built, which is one of the symbols of the capital.

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Mikhailovsky Golden-Domed Cathedral

The architectural landmark of Kievan Rus became a victim of Soviet power. together with the majestic cathedral existed from 1108 to 1936, when the communists blew it up. It was built by the grandson of Yaroslav the Wise Svyatopolk Izyaslavich. In the 17th century, it acquired the forms of the Ukrainian Baroque. It was rebuilt only in 2000. Now it is a functioning monastery and temple of the UOC-KP.

This is how the cathedral looked in an 1875 photograph. Photo source:

Mikhailovsky Golden-domed in our days. Photo source:

Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

One of the main shrines of Orthodox Christians, the spiritual center of the Ukrainian people, was also not spared the sad fate of the war - the main temple of the Lavra was destroyed in 1942. Historians are still looking for the culprits, whether the Soviet troops, or the Wehrmacht - is unknown. But the temple was restored only in 2000.

The Assumption Cathedral was built in 1078 during the time of the son of Yaroslav the Wise, Svyatoslav Yaroslavich. The monastery on this place existed all the time, until today. Now it is one of the main shrines of Orthodox Christians, it belongs to the UOC-MP.

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From that time until today, 2 more monuments of Kievan Rus have come, which are located on the territory of the Lavra - the Church of the Savior on Berestovo and the Trinity Gate Church. All of them were significantly rebuilt and acquired their modern look in the 18th century.

Church of the Savior on Berestovo. Photo source: author - Konstantin Burkut.

Vydubitsky Monastery

Another decoration of Kyiv is. Its history begins in the 1070s, when St. Michael's Church was built, which is the oldest on the territory of the monastery. It was also repeatedly rebuilt and resurrected from the ruins, and acquired its present appearance after 1760.

St. Cyril's Church

One of the most interesting monuments of ancient Kyiv. Built in the middle of the 12th century. Around the temple there was the St. Cyril Monastery, which was destroyed in the 30s of the 20th century, and the church was turned into a museum. In the 17th century it was restored and acquired the features of Ukrainian baroque. In the same form, it has reached the present day. The highlight is the wonderful murals of the 12th century, which were restored by Mikhail Vrubel. Among the ancient frescoes there are works by masters of the Kyiv school of the 19th century - Nikolai Pimonenko, Khariton Platonov, Samuil Gaiduk, Mikhail Klimanov and others.

Golden Gate

This is the only monument of stone defensive architecture from the time of Rus', which has survived to this day, although partially. They were built during the time of Yaroslav the Wise, that is, they are about a thousand years old. Ruins have come down to us from an authentic building, around which they themselves recreated already in the second half of the 20th century. Today, one can only imagine the grandeur of old Kyiv by seeing their reconstruction.

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Most of the monuments of Kievan Rus have been preserved in Kyiv. Irreparable damage was done by the Bolsheviks with their mania for the destruction of churches. St. Michael's Golden-domed Church, the Church of the Virgin-Pirogoshcha on Podil, the Vasilyevskaya and St. George churches, the temple on the site of the ancient Church of the Tithes and some others - all of them were destroyed in the 30s of the 20th century, having stood for more than one century.

Church of the Virgin-Pirogoshcha in Kyiv. Today, a temple has been rebuilt in its place, similar in form to the original. Photo source:


Chernihiv was one of the richest cities in Kievan Rus. To some extent, he competed with the capital. Even now, there are many monuments of Kievan Rus left in it.

Transfiguration Cathedral

One of the main shrines of ancient Rus' and the main temple of the Chernigov land. He is the same age as St. Sophia of Kyiv and is one of the oldest churches in Ukraine. Its construction began in 1035. The building was laid by the brother of Yaroslav the Wise Mstislav the Brave. partly rebuilt throughout its history, but today it is one of the well-preserved temples of Rus' on the territory of Ukraine. The interiors are partially preserved ancient paintings of the 11th century.

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Boriso-Gleb Cathedral

Not far from the Transfiguration Cathedral is another attraction of ancient Chernigov -. It was built between 1115 and 1123. It was rebuilt in the 17th and 18th centuries in the Ukrainian baroque style, but during World War II it was hit by an air bomb that destroyed the vault of the temple. After the war in 1952-1958, the restoration of the cathedral was carried out, during which the temple acquired its original appearance. Today it houses a museum. Of its most valuable exhibits are the silver royal gates, made at the expense of Ivan Mazepa.

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Elias Church

A small ancient church with almost a thousand years of history. Located on the slopes - a picturesque tract in Chernihiv. The temple appeared as a church at the entrance to - the same age as the caves of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. According to legend, they were also founded by Anthony Pechersky. It was repeatedly rebuilt and acquired its appearance in the 17th century in the Ukrainian baroque style. Today it is a museum of the ancient Chernihiv reserve.

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Assumption Cathedral of the Yelets Monastery

Chernigov. It was built in the middle of the 12th century. During the Tatar-Mongol invasion, it was partially destroyed, but then restored. Like many other temples, it was rebuilt in the Ukrainian baroque style, in which it has survived to this day. In the interior of the cathedral, small remains of murals from the time of Kievan Rus have been preserved.

Photo source:, author - KosKat.


A small provincial town on the banks of the Desna, it would seem, cannot attract tourists in any way. However, the ruins of the Yuryevskaya Bozhnitsa, the altar part of the ancient Mikhailovsky Church, which was finally dismantled at the end of the 18th century, have been preserved in it. The church itself was built by order of Vladimir Monomakh at the turn of the 11th and 12th centuries. Unique murals of the 12th century have been preserved on its walls, but now the monument requires considerable attention, there is a threat of losing valuable murals due to inadequate conservation of the temple.


In this city, quite unexpectedly, you can find an ancient temple of 1144 -. It was built by Prince Vsevolod Olgovich, the temple is very close in architectural terms to St. Cyril's Church in Kyiv. It was damaged by the Tatars and Turks in 1678, but was restored 100 years later in modern forms. The Cossack chieftain Ivan Podkov was buried there, who became a legend during his lifetime. The remains of Taras Shevchenko were in the Assumption Cathedral for two days during his reburial according to the poet's will. Today it is a functioning temple of the UOC-MP.

Photo source:, author - hranom.


The small town of Ovruch in the north of the Zhytomyr region may pleasantly surprise you - it has been preserved here, which was built around 1190 with the assistance of Prince Rurik Rostislavich. The temple was destroyed several times, but constantly rebuilt, until a large-scale restoration and restoration of the building in its ancient Russian images was carried out in 1907-1912. The ruins of the old church became part of the restored walls of the temple. Remains of the original painting have been preserved in the interior.

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Once a majestic city of Kievan Rus and the capital of the Volyn land, today a small town. He will tell you about the past greatness and glory, which is also called the temple of Mstislav by the name of its founder, Prince Mstislav Izyaslavich. The construction of the cathedral dates back to 1160. During its existence, it has undergone more than one destruction, but in 1896-1900 it was recreated in its original forms. Together with the episcopal chambers, it forms a castle - a fortified part of the old city.

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On the way to look at the provincial Volyn town of Lyuboml. It contains, which was laid in the early 1280s by order of the Volyn prince Vladimir Vasilkovich. Like many other temples of ancient Rus', it was repeatedly destroyed, but then rebuilt. At the end of the 18th century, the church acquired a modern look.

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One of the oldest cities of Kievan Rus, it was first mentioned in Hungarian chronicles as early as 898. He reached his greatest prosperity during the time of Yaroslav Osmomysl, who was sung in the "Word of Igor's Campaign". Although it is customary to call King Daniel of Galicia, it was he who moved his capital from Galich to Kholm. In the city and its environs, 2 churches, monuments of ancient Rus' in Ukraine, have been preserved. The brightest is in Krylos, a village near Galich. It is unique in that it combines the Byzantine style familiar to Rus' with Romanesque. It was built around 1194 by Roman Mstislavich, Daniel's father. In 1998, the temple was restored for the last time, then it acquired a modern look. Interestingly, the ancient medieval inscriptions on the walls have been preserved in the church. Some of them have been preserved since princely times.

Photo source:, author - Igor Bodnar.

Another ancient church of Galich is considered to be built in the second half of the 13th century. Information about the history of the church is very scarce. It was restored in the 18th century, and acquired its modern look after the last restructuring in 1906.

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As you know, Lviv was founded by Daniil Galitsky and named after his son Leo. However, since that time only 2 structures have come down to us - and. These are the oldest buildings in Lviv. Although the churches were not at all characteristic of ancient Ukrainian architecture, they were built in Lviv at the request of the wife of Prince Leo Constance, who professed the Latin rite. The approximate date of construction is 1260. By the way, the church is located not far from the center of princely Lviv. Now in the church there is a museum of the most ancient monuments of Lviv.

Regarding the Nicholas Church, historians disagree. It was erected between 1264 and 1340, approximately during the reign of Prince Leo, who donated land to this church. Whether it was a princely temple-tomb, or it was built at the expense of local merchants is unknown. Despite numerous reconstructions, the temple has come down to us in good condition.

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A unique monument of the Middle Ages is located in Uzhgorod, more precisely in the suburb of Gortsy -. Scientists to this day argue who built it and when, since there are no reliable historical sources. However, there are good reasons to believe that it was built in the second half of the 13th century, when Transcarpathia was part of the Galicia-Volyn principality. Similar buildings were also in Galich, Kholm, Kyiv and Vladimir, but most of them have not survived. Interesting in the Mountain Rotunda is the interior - the frescoes are made in the style of the Italian school of painting, possibly by Giotto's students.

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Unfortunately, much of our past has been turned into archeology. You can name the princely cities for a long time, but very little has come down to us from the then monuments of Kievan Rus. Therefore, we should appreciate and be proud of what we inherited from our ancestors!

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