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Why drive fast in a dream? Travel with a man

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Riding in dream books famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about driving in a dream?

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Riding in a dream?

Have you ever dreamed that driving a car for a long time makes you sleepy? You tend to take full responsibility and do everything yourself. Horseback riding shows that you are used to controlling everything that happens around you. For a young woman, a dream in which a fast car ride takes her breath away means: she strives to do too much, sometimes forgetting about the true purpose of the fairer sex

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about driving according to the dream book?

You rode a bicycle in a dream - in reality you are moving very slowly towards your goal. Perhaps you will lose a large amount money.

If you dreamed of riding a horse or in a carriage, it means that you will soon achieve great success. Such a dream promises a young woman an acquaintance with a wealthy young man with whom she can marry. A dream in which you are driving fast in a car portends that in reality you will be able to benefit from even the most hopeless business.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Riding - riding in a dream on any transport - to long journey.

Rights - Getting a license to drive a car in a dream means being confident that you are right.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Ride to the bustle.

Driving a car without a license will lead to trouble with the traffic police.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

Driving by car - If you dream about how you are driving your car, this means going on a visit.

Driving without a license will lead to charges.

Lunar dream book

Why do you dream about Riding, what does it mean:

To see from the dream book Driving (to quickly go somewhere and experience pleasure from it in a dream) - your business is moving forward with incredible speed. If driving fast does not cause satisfaction in a dream, but only irritates, then this means deception, losses and troubles. Go by train - secret love, loneliness.

Riding a horse - your partners will accept your proposal, you are warmly respected by them. If a horse throws you, then this bad sign, warning of a break in relationships and business failures. Seeing someone driving is a dream of hopes for another person, which may or may not come true depending on the general situation of the dream.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasiliev

Seeing Riding in a dream:

If you dream of driving fast, then your business is moving at incredible speed. If driving fast in a dream does not cause satisfaction, but only irritates, then this means deception, losses and troubles.

Riding on a train in a dream - secret love and loneliness await you.

Riding a horse in a dream - your partners will accept your proposal, you are warmly respected by them. If you dreamed that a horse threw you off, then this is a very bad sign, warning of a break in relationships and business failures. To dream of someone driving is a dream of hopes for another person, which may or may not come true depending on the general situation of the dream.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Driving in a dream, what is it for:

If you dream of riding a horse or another animal, this suggests that if you show more initiative in your relationship with the person you are attracted to, very soon the situation will change in the direction you desire. Don't be afraid to experiment and try something original. Your strength, activity and sexuality will help you conquer your partner and reach heights of sensuality that you never knew existed.

Big dream book

Why does the dreamer dream of Riding, interpretation:

If you dreamed that you were riding a bicycle, then you are moving very slowly towards your goal. You may lose a large amount of money.

If you dream of riding a horse or in a carriage, this means that you will soon achieve great success. If a young woman dreams of riding, this promises her an acquaintance with a wealthy young man with whom she can marry.

If you dream of driving a car fast, this portends that you will be able to benefit from even the most hopeless business.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Driving in 17 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Riding” symbol from 17 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Riding is an image of sexual intercourse and always has strong sexual associations. In such dreams, an unconscious object of erotic fantasies can be discovered. Conscious channeling of primitive energy and unconscious forces, symbolized by the animal, motorcycle, etc., and thus bringing this energy into useful channels.

Riding a bicycle, motorcycle- also associated with mechanical masturbation, on an animal - with a specific, but hidden sexual partner. "Being run over." To be depressed, oppressed by the destructive aspect of the mother.

In a man's dream, he will fail to control a horse or be thrown from it.- corresponds to the fear of women arising from the inability to master them.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Riding?

Riding a bicycle in a dream- means that you are moving very slowly towards your goal. Possible loss large amount money.

If you dream that you are riding a horse or in a carriage- this means that you will soon achieve great success.

A young woman has such a dream- promises an acquaintance with a wealthy young man. This acquaintance can lead to marriage.

If you are driving fast- You are a real Russian person who can benefit from any bad deed.

If you dreamed that you were riding a donkey- you will become an object of undeserved ridicule.

To a man who rode an elephant in a dream- a very pleasant and funny adventure awaits, which he will remember for a long time with a smile.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Driving in a dream means vanity.

Riding on horseback means a successful road.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Ride on a ship- success in business; in the carriage- honor; riding - trouble; see people riding in a carriage or shuttle- a date with an absent person, a new friend.

Solomon's Dream Book

Riding on horseback means victory, good luck and success in travel.

Riding a horse- glory, honor; to fall is a loss, misfortune.

Freud's Dream Book

Riding any type of ground transport- is a rhythmic action and symbolizes sexual intercourse. However long trip on transport speaks of some fears and concerns for the dreamer; he may develop some kind of phobia.

Horseback riding, like any rhythmic process- is a symbolic image of sexual intercourse.

If you are riding as a couple- you love your partner and tend to remain faithful to him.

If you are traveling large group - you are attracted by the benefits of group sex.

Participation in horse racing- symbolizes your craving for hard sex.

If you fell off a horse- you are about to change your partner soon.

If you fell along with the horse- troubles await you in the field of sexual health.

Schiller's Dream Book

Riding is a journey.

Gypsy dream book

If you dream that you are riding a horse- this means that you strive for pleasure without caring about your good name.

Erotic dream book

Dream of riding a horse or other animal- suggests that if you show more initiative in your relationship with the person you are attracted to, very soon the situation will change in the direction you desire. Don't be afraid to experiment and try something original. Your strength, activity and sexuality will help you conquer your partner and reach heights of sensuality that you never knew existed.

Video: Why do you dream about Riding?

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Did you dream about Riding, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what it means to dream about Driving in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Hello! in a dream I rode on the neck of a long-dead man (he died a violent death). I sat on his shoulders, patted his cheeks as if chasing him, I was surprised at how beautifully, brightly dressed he was, his healthy, flourishing appearance and the fact that he was looking to make me comfortable, although during my life I hated him and had generally forgotten about him for a long time . Moreover, the surprise at his concern was very weak compared to the thought that this was how it should be. I beg you, tell me - is it really death?!!! I couldn’t find any other meanings. I don’t want to believe it, but my dreams tend to come true...

    I dreamed that I was getting on a huge bike (motorcycle), which looked more like a boat (it felt), and a man was sitting on it from behind me, hugging me and steering the bike with my hands. And I had such confidence that everything would be fine and we would never fall at whatever speed we were driving, which I had never experienced in my life!

    • I’m on a train that has started moving and is picking up speed, and I’m helping my son who is running after the train, he jumps onto the train’s footboard, holds on to the handrails and tries to open the door that pinched his hand to get inside, I force open the tight train door from the inside and I’m helping my son get on the train, ugh!!…. exhale, everything is fine. In a dream, my son is 12 years old, and in currently He is 24 years old

    In the dream, I was riding some kind of homemade device like a scooter, but while sitting and at some place on the road I even overtook a car.
    I have a real estate deal today, but I still don’t know if it’s worth buying this apartment?

    We were driving very fast in the car. One of the friends and two guys (one driver) sometimes the driver got out of the car and the car drove itself. He wanted all kinds of extreme sports. then my friend became scared and she left for the city with someone. Here.

    Hello Tatiana! Today I saw in a dream how I was driving alone in my former car, driving backwards, in reverse. I tried to stop and park, but I kept driving and driving. and the dream ended

    I dreamed that gold jewelry was stolen from me: a ring, a chain, a bracelet. I also dreamed that I went abroad and went to the sauna there and I didn’t have enough towels, but I didn’t see myself naked, just undressing. I also took a bus and couldn’t figure out where I needed to get off, I basically got lost.

    I'm driving around the city with my daughter from a friend, but I don't know the way. And the weather is so rainy heavy rain I walked and didn’t get home, stopped to call a friend to find out the way and woke up

    I dream that at first I am riding in a minibus as a passenger, sitting. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m not worried about it. Moreover, during the trip several times I fall asleep, then wake up and talk with passengers. Then at some point I fall asleep again and wake up on the bus. I'm going somewhere again. The bus is almost empty at the beginning. Then gradually more people arrive, but I just sat there and still sit. Again, I drive and fall asleep and wake up, fall asleep and wake up. At some point I get off the bus and transfer either to the metro or to a reserved seat train. I get into the carriage and the dream ends there. By the way, I am accompanied all the way by a certain young girl (not beautiful but not scary either), in an orange (maybe red) dress, whom I don’t know and have never seen.

    I dreamed that I was riding our moped through the forest. Although in real life I am afraid to drive it. The moped did not drive well on the road. It even stalled once. I couldn’t start it for a long time, but then some guy helped me. The road I was driving on was very bad. It was land, it was uneven, and grass grew on it. The whole way was dark. It was raining and there even seemed to be a thunderstorm. It seemed like evening. Then the dream ended and I woke up.

    I had a dream that I was driving a car myself. It felt like I was an experienced driver. I had acquaintances with me, I sort of drove them? But I myself was going, I don’t remember where, on some business. In the dream, I seemed to be very busy... I don’t know why this is, but this is not the first time I’ve dreamed about something like this

    I was traveling in a VAZ 2114 taxi as a passenger in the back seat, the driver was not adequate and began to twist dimes at speed in a populated area several times in a row, the car was throwing, it was very scary, I asked to stop the car and let me out, this was possible, but not right away.

    Hello. On the night from Monday to Tuesday I had a dream - I was driving my car with a friend - to his village 800 km away (I had never been to his place before or gone there). I constantly fell asleep along the way... and struggled with sleep all the way. As a result, we come to the village where my ex-girlfriend and her friend are. And I start courting my friend ex-girlfriend. Help me interpret the dream) Interested more interpretation- driving and fighting sleep

    I dreamed that I needed to leave quickly because there was danger, the car was not mine, but it was a very large expensive car clearly certain brand Mercedes. The owner is some girl with two other children and she drives up to me, tells me to immediately go with my child and puts me behind the wheel of her car, the controls are automatic, and I used to only drive a manual. I start to drive a little hesitantly, and then I still don’t drive fast, but it’s correct, and then we stop on the road to have a snack in a cafe and we know that we are being followed. I grab the keys and confidently get behind the wheel. The dream ends.

    Every night I dream that I am driving a car and that I am sitting behind the wheel, I suffer all the time, and I try to unravel my dream, I read books, especially dream interpretation, but it doesn’t help, and I want to contact you personally? Help?

    Hello. I dreamed that I was driving my car. for the 2nd time already! In reality it was stolen ((((But before it was stolen, I dreamed several times that all sorts of troubles were happening to the car and that I laughed very hard.

    good afternoon. I dream about something every night... it’s as if I’m experiencing these dreams in reality. In the morning I feel broken...
    I have already dreamed several times that I am in Spain with my children. And we are looking for a place to live. But all the hotels turn out to be occupied. However, I usually dream about the same hotel. in this dream there was a woman who promised to place us in an apartment with her friend, but she warned us that the apartment was miserable, and that’s when we were almost at the address. this woman said that the hostess died in a car accident and we couldn’t check in. I also rode a scooter in this dream. I got into a fight with guests in one hotel who were ahead of us. Help me decipher this. Thanks in advance

    I was chasing a woman who kidnapped my children (2 girls, one about 5 years old, the second about six months. And in fact, I have one daughter and she is 14 years old). I was driving a car the way they drive in foreign films, at very high speed. and you fly into oncoming traffic, and you drive through courtyards and back streets, just so as not to lose sight of that woman. As a result, I find my children in some apartment, the youngest was sleeping on her stomach with her knees tucked under her (like a frog), all pissed and crap. I took her and took her to the bathtub to wash her (the bathtub looked like a mini swimming pool), and there clear water A naked man was lying upside down. Perhaps sensing me, he turned around, and when he saw me, he tried to attack me and take the child. and I showed him my grin like an angry lioness, saying that just try to hurt me or take the child and that he will regret it later. then some girl came (apparently she was babysitting) I started shouting at her and slapped her on the head, she seemed to start bawling. While I was going to the bathroom to either wash my hands or dry my rompers, they kidnapped my children again. Coming out of the bath and not finding anyone, I ran out of the apartment and ran into some man (maybe their neighbor) and he roughly said where they took the children. I wrote down the address on my palm and got into the car to go to the address. but it didn't work out. Strange people appeared in the car from somewhere and tried to hold me back. I broke free and ran away from them. I tried to run quickly, but as often happens in dreams, this is not possible (at least for me). and to speed up, I start jumping high and this makes my running faster. then from such a jump I fly up, but not very high, and fly like superman. and in one of the alleys one of those who was in the car overtakes me and tries to hit me with a turntable, I dodge and we start a fight... and in the end my phone rang and I woke up.

    I was driving a car with my father, he was driving (my father died 2 years ago), the road was slippery. When we drove around another car standing across, our car skidded and lost control for several seconds. My father managed to stop her, he got out of the car, I was left alone in the back seat and suddenly she drove off, very quickly, I thought I would crash, but suddenly she stopped literally a few centimeters from the obstacle.

    I dreamed that three other people were driving in a car that looked more like a sports car. she was light in color. I was driving. I was driving very fast, almost hitting passing cars, then there was a loop of road and we weren’t quite able to make it, but the car didn’t fall or crash. then she just found herself on the street. It was summer. and I left it. And also in the same dream, I dreamed that I was climbing a fragile wooden staircase and halfway up the path, naked, I touched a colored mug and it fell and broke. The mug is not mine but of the girls who are in a dream and I feel awkward. I offer money, although I myself am wet because I went into the basement where all this happened from the street and there was heavy rain. they offered to keep me warm. It’s a strange dream and I’ve never had one like it before. a lot of things are mixed and most I don't remember. What could it mean? I haven’t broken a mug before in my dreams

    My husband and I were driving a car, I’m a passenger (in real life we ​​don’t have a car, but we drove the one we would like in the future), the car is new, beautiful, we are proud of it, BUT we were driving in a very heavy downpour, we were driving very fast, overtaking all the cars, apparently there was almost none. We arrived at our destination safe and sound.

    Today I had a dream that I was at my parents’ house (this is a different city) with my husband, with whom in real life I have now separated and we had tense communication next to each other in the dream. Summer, sun, what yellow bunnies are in the air) How quiet, good, calm, warm. My husband and I are just walking in the yard. I seem to be on a bicycle, but then it turns into a scooter, which I easily control, I spin on it, it’s so funny) And the scooter creaks a little in the metal, but it creaks beautifully, like music, like violin instrument in oriental music.

    First I found a package, and there was a wallet in it. And I found it in the hospital, opened it there and saw coins, later a woman came up to me and said that there was nothing there. I opened the next pocket of the wallet and saw there a huge stack of money in the form of five thousandth, thousandth and five hundred bills. I immediately left the hospital and was about to go to the store to buy some pants and a phone for my girlfriend. Then the dream ends and it’s as if I met an old acquaintance, my girlfriend who was offended by me and her brother. And they were going to leave with my friend in his car, and I was in my father’s car and I don’t even know where I went afterwards.

    someone else's apartment a lot strangers but I know them from somewhere, they give them to me infant and I start feeding him. Then my husband’s sister and I go by car with her relative at night. We drive for a long time, then my sister leaves and I’m left alone with him and he admits that he likes me.

Our subconscious always knows what awaits us in the future, and communication through dreams is the easiest way to warn a person about upcoming changes in his life. Driving in a car is a very symbolic dream, and it should be interpreted from the point of view that the car is a person, and the road is his life. If you dreamed that you were driving a car, it means that you manage your life well, and no one will stop you from achieving your own goals. Logically, driving someone else’s car in a dream means that your life guidelines have been knocked down, most likely you are living someone else’s life and have chosen the wrong path for yourself.

Very often, while driving in a dream, a person gets into some kind of trouble. To correctly interpret such dreams, you need to remember how he got out of the situation, how he solved the problem. One should expect difficulties in life, and if in a dream he coped with them, then in reality there will be no problems. It’s amazing how often girls dream about driving in a dream, but in reality they don’t even know how to drive. How the subconscious promptly prompts you that you cannot leave the intended path. If a girl feels fear when she is driving a car and does not know how to drive, then in reality she should more carefully analyze the type of her activity. This subconscious gives a signal that you should stop minding your own business.

What does it mean to dream I'm driving a car?

It happens that falling asleep while driving a car is accompanied by difficulties when turning on the ignition. The car does not start in a dream, this is not just like that, but a very important sign. This means that the one who had this dream is used to living a quiet life, and has long come to terms with the lack of adventure in his life.

Most often, a person who had a dream about a car says this: I’m driving a car and everything works out great, as if in a movie, all the obstacles work themselves out, I’m a dexterous and confident driver. This is a very common dream, so everyone who has had it will immediately recognize the inherent features of such a dream. It’s a good and good sign if you dreamed about something like this. You are on the right path, all your thoughts and actions are in harmony, you are not harming anyone.

However, there are also unpleasant dreams associated with hitting someone in a dream while driving a car. This is a bad sign that may portend some negative changes in life, but risks can be minimized if you are careful in reality, do not drive too fast, and do not get distracted.

Vanga's dream book - driving a car

Vanga interpreted dreams in which the dreamer was driving, depending on the color of the vehicle. If you dreamed that you were driving a white car, then this is good. This means there are positive and good people. It's great if your car was beige or yellow, it means that in life, career and family life stability awaits you. Stress in the future foreshadows a dream in which you drive a red car. The same can be said if in a dream you saw yourself driving a big car. This promises trouble, and quite big ones. If the big car you were driving in a dream was red or orange color, then you can avoid stress and troubles. When a man drives a green car, it means that he needs peace and rest; most likely, he is too “burned out” at work. On the contrary, dreaming of a blue or dark blue car that you are driving means that you will not be at peace.

Modern dream book: why dream of driving a car?

When you dreamed that you were driving on a flat road in a dream, it means that in life everything is smooth and smooth. Driving on bumpy surfaces is a bad omen. If you are driving and feel every bump, then this is a sign of future negative events.

Pay attention to other symbols in your dreams. If you dreamed that you were driving very fast, then the omen will happen right there, the next day after the dream. Driving slowly in a dream - don’t waste time on interpretations, don’t get upset in vain, you can change the course of events in life.

Driving and feeling the headwind - in reality you will be able to get rid of annoying problems, and they will leave you unnoticed, without any effort on your part.

I dreamed that I was driving a car, and there were passengers sitting in it. This means in reality, expect difficulties that will be solved only with the help of relatives and friends.

If you are driving up a mountain, expect an increase in career growth and success in business. If the car you are driving is a beautiful, expensive, racing model, then success in love awaits you, and perhaps you will soon meet your soul mate.

Are you driving a car in a dream, see someone voting on the road, stop and take a hitchhiker? Such a dream can be interpreted as a sign of new acquaintances. However, if a fellow traveler threatens or says unflattering words, then in reality someone is preventing you from expressing yourself, you should think about independence and deprive the person of power over you.

Are you racing in oncoming traffic while driving a car and are not at all afraid? You are taking a risk, but in this dream risk is a noble cause. Huge financial profits or a promotion at work await you. But if you suddenly lose control, let go of the steering wheel - get ready for very big difficulties.

Driving in a dream: video dream book

Dream theme: ,

Why do you dream about driving?

Freud's Dream Book

Riding any type of land transport is a rhythmic action and symbolizes sexual intercourse. However, a long trip by transport indicates some kind of fears and concerns in the dreamer; he may develop some kind of phobia.

Horseback riding, like any rhythmic process, is a symbolic image of sexual intercourse.

If you ride as a couple, you love your partner and tend to remain faithful to him.

If you are traveling in a large group, you will be tempted by the benefits of group sex.

Participation in horse racing symbolizes your craving for hard sex.

If you fell from a horse, you will soon change your partner.

If you fell along with the horse, troubles await you in the field of sexual health.

Why do you dream about driving?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Riding - the patient will be able to recover; For a healthy person, such a dream indicates an unexpected journey, a romantic adventure.

To drive - such a dream means unsettledness, anxiety, you are in search of an option that satisfies you.

Why do you dream about driving?

Spring dream book

Driving in a dream means vanity.

Riding on horseback means a successful road.

Why do you dream about driving?

Summer dream book

Riding in any kind of transport in a dream means going on a long journey.

Why do you dream about driving?

Azar's Dream Book

driving in a dream - traveling

Why do you dream about driving?

Modern dream book

Riding a bicycle in a dream means that you are moving very slowly towards your goal. You may lose a large amount of money.

If you dream that you are riding a horse or in a carriage, this means that you will soon achieve great success.

Such a dream promises a young woman an acquaintance with a wealthy young man. This acquaintance can lead to marriage.

If you drive a car quickly, you are a real Russian person who can benefit from any bad deed.

If you dreamed that you were riding a donkey, you will become an object of undeserved ridicule.

A person riding an elephant in a dream will have a very pleasant and funny adventure, which he will remember for a long time with a smile.

Riding a camel promises you a long and tiring journey, possibly to another country.

Riding a cow or a bull - says that you are languishing from idleness and don’t know what to do with yourself, what do you need? this moment I want to.

Why do you dream about driving?

Eastern dream book

You dream that driving a car for a long time makes you sleepy - you are inclined to take all responsibility upon yourself and do everything yourself.

Horseback riding shows that you are used to controlling everything that happens around you.

For a young woman, a dream in which a fast car ride takes her breath away means: she strives to do too much, sometimes forgetting about the true purpose of the fairer sex.

Why do you dream about driving?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

Riding is a journey.

Why do you dream about driving?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Driving - It’s as if you are driving in a car - the dream suggests that you have an excellent quality - flexibility; you get out of any situation with fewer losses; and even from failures you know how to benefit; you are the embodiment of the popular wisdom “everything that is done is for the better.”

Riding - You are riding a bicycle - in reality you are moving in in the right direction, but very slowly; you too strictly follow instructions written by stupid but high-ranking people, reinsurers.

Riding - It feels like you're riding a horse -good dream; you only have a short time to wait to achieve your goal; you are an initiative and active person; when they say that big ship- great swimming, that's what they say about you.

Riding - The girl dreams that she is taking a ride on horseback - this girl will meet a young man whom she will call her chosen one; the matter will end in a happy marriage.

Why do you dream about driving?

Everyday dream book

If you dreamed of riding a bicycle, it means that you are moving very slowly towards your goal. Driving fast in a car in a dream means that you are very emotional about the current situation in your life, and you need to calm down and, perhaps, let go of the situation somewhat.

Riding - To dream of riding a horse means great success awaits you. If you ride an elephant, then you will not have any losses soon; at the moment you are very firmly on your feet.

Traveling on any form of public ground transportation means that you are very easy to influence and therefore very easy to control. Take a close look at your surroundings and try to break off all contacts with those who are trying to put pressure on you.

Riding - Riding in a dream in the subway underground can promise failures that will be caused by your uncertainty, your fears.

Dreaming of riding in a dream in a big and fun company may mean that joyful things await you soon bright event, which will change your relationships with many people. Maybe, we're talking about about a wedding or the birth of a child.

Why do you dream about driving?

Modern dream book

If you dream about Riding:

Riding – Traveling

Why do you dream about driving?

Astrological dream book

Driving - driving somewhere quickly and experiencing pleasure from it in a dream - your business is moving forward with incredible speed.

Driving - If driving fast does not cause satisfaction in a dream, but only irritates, then this means deception, losses and troubles. Going on a train - secret love, loneliness. Riding a horse - your partners will accept your proposal, and you are warmly respected by them.

Riding - If a horse throws you, then this is a bad sign, a break in relationships and business failures. Seeing someone driving is a dream of hopes for another person, which may or may not come true depending on the general situation of the dream.

Why do you dream about driving?

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Dreaming of riding a horse or other animal suggests that if you show more initiative in your relationship with the person you are attracted to, very soon the situation will change in the direction you desire. Don't be afraid to experiment and try something original. Your strength, activity and sexuality will help you conquer your partner and reach heights of sensuality that you never knew existed.

Why do you dream about driving?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Driving – The desire to approach or move away from a situation. Riding an animal is a sexual need. THIRST The desire to live or continue the process that precedes or follows it in a dream is how the dream you dream is ambiguously deciphered.

Why do you dream about driving?

Dream book of the future

Riding - very often to travel in reality; if you are driving in a car in a dream, this means activity and luck in business.

Why do you dream about driving?

American dream book

If you ride a horse, this means a harmonious relationship with nature.

If you are traveling as a passenger in a car, it means that it seems to you that your life is in someone else’s hands. Someone is controlling you.

Why do you dream about driving?

Solomon's Dream Book

Riding on horseback means victory, good luck and success in travel.

Riding a horse means glory, honor; to fall is a loss, misfortune.

Why do you dream about driving?

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Riding a ship means success in business; in the carriage - honor; riding - trouble; to see people riding in a carriage or in a shuttle - a date with an absent person, a new friend.

Why do you dream about driving?

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

If the dreamer sees in a dream that he is sitting on an animal, this dream predicts the achievement of honor and the fulfillment of desires. And if the dreamer fails to mount the animal and ride, then this indicates that the person will have fun and lead an incorrect lifestyle. And if someone sees that he rides an animal well, then this is a sign that he will lead a normal life and all his wishes will come true.

To dream that you are sitting on another person's neck predicts death, and the person you are sitting on will carry you to the grave. And they also say that sitting on another person’s neck means a difficult situation.

If the person on whom the dreamer sits throws him off and he falls, such a dream foreshadows that he will a difficult situation will not be resolved.

Why do you dream about driving?

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Driving is the desire to approach or move away from a situation.

Riding an animal is a sexual need.

Riding is an erotic attachment to someone or something, represented as a hidden symbol behind a moving object.

Riding is an image of sexual intercourse and always has strong sexual associations. In such dreams, an unconscious object of erotic fantasies can be discovered. Conscious channeling of primitive energy and unconscious forces, symbolized by the animal, motorcycle, etc., and thus bringing this energy into useful channels.

Riding a bicycle or motorcycle is also associated with mechanical masturbation, while riding an animal is associated with a specific but hidden sexual partner. "Being run over." To be depressed, oppressed by the destructive aspect of the mother.

In a man's dream, failing to control a horse or being thrown off it corresponds to the fear of women arising from the inability to master them.

Why do you dream about driving?

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

If you ride a horse, it means a harmonious relationship with nature. Mastery. Victory.

If you are a passenger in a car, then it seems to you that your life is in someone else's hands. Someone is controlling you.

You've had a good ride; you have been deceived.

For many, affordable and necessary transport is now a car. The car fulfills our need to be on time everywhere and at the same time feel comfortable and confident. For some, it is a tool for making money, and for others, it helps to realize the most daring desires, emphasizing the status and authority of the owner. You often dream about driving in a car at night, why such a dream, dream books will tell you.

Most often it symbolizes one’s own internal state and physical body. By paying attention to the condition of the car, what color it is, how and where it moves, who is sitting in it, you can tell a lot about the dreamer. It can talk about your inexhaustible energy, moving forward towards a certain goal or, conversely, away from an undesirable situation. This vehicle It can also become a symbol of missed opportunities that you were too lazy to take advantage of. In any case, to get a detailed answer, you need to consider the specific situation of the dream.

For a woman, a car is not a luxury, but a means of promotion

IN female interpretation a dream where you are driving in a car shows your internal states spirit, mood, general energy and efficiency.

Traveling alone indicates that you are busy with routine work, perhaps with children or housework. You are full of desire to be completely alone and forget about everything for a while. During this period, you should not rush to radically change everything in your life or spontaneously destroy relationships. It is recommended to take a vacation so that you can then responsibly decide what to do next.

For a married lady to travel from home represents the desire to take a break from everyday family affairs. You are striving to change something in your life.

Going home unmarried is a zeal for family happiness, which is currently problematic for you due to being overly busy at work. Being behind the wheel at this moment shows your desire to control your business. You do not intend to delegate some of the tasks to someone else, and your personal happiness suffers as a result.

A car ride into emptiness speaks of fear of change in real life that cannot be prevented.

For a young lady, a trip in pleasant company - to acquaintance, falling in love, a romantic date or travel. If you drive a car, the acquaintance will take place on your initiative.

If you drive quickly and with the breeze, changes will come very soon and in personal life and in your career. Career growth can be so rapid that your self-confidence begins to go through the roof. Be afraid of rash actions.

Driving independently without a license is a sign of possible danger in reality. You should be extremely careful about long trips and casual acquaintances. There is a risk of fraud, deception or an unpleasant situation on the road, from which you will get out, having lost a fairly large sum.

Riding next to the driver means your desire to shift the real responsibility for your actions to someone else. Perhaps you are faced with making a decision, but feel afraid. Don't rush, put this matter aside for a while.

Being in a car with a handsome young man is a great reason to cook Wedding Dress. They will make you an offer soon. The marriage promises to be long and strong.

The machine loves the mind and skillful male hands

The car is symbolically associated with the masculine principle and embodies his physical condition and energy.

A dream where you are destined to be a passenger on a trip indicates your dependence on people and life circumstances. It is preferable for you to have your destiny guided.

If you see yourself as a driver, it means you prefer to be guided by your principles and trust only your thoughts; your actions are absolutely independent of others.

Rush at speed and confidently move towards your goal. At the same time, you feel that the car is your property - you are the clear master of your reality and you have everything under control. Such a dream warns of excess self-confidence.

Rushing towards nowhere in a dream, but at the same time feeling calm and confident - an excellent opportunity to get rid of old fears and complexes. Are you going to open own business- now is the best moment. Any of your endeavors will be successful and justified.

If you were scared while driving and the speed was high, this is a warning about the risks and dangers lurking.

The car can be any color as long as that color is black

An important detail is the color of the car, which will reveal the character of the owner, his intentions and actions.

The car in the dream is white and sparkling - good sign. Fortune and glory await you. There were no potholes along the way - to the absence of obstacles on the path to success.

The red convertible is a symbol of relaxedness, sexuality and eccentricity. If you are under parental care, it's time to spread your wings and fly free. The time has come for personal exploits.

For a mature man, red means too much sexual activity. For a woman - a new love affair.

The blue color of your gasoline horse means excessive trust in your partner and his ability to control and suppress you in everything. Be more independent.

I dreamed about black - a warning sign about the fatal outcome of events. Be careful and attentive in all areas.

Once you master the car, you will travel the path easier. Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

Any machine mechanism is a symbol male power And manhood. An expensive and new vehicle is a sign of strength, influence and excessive ambition. For a man, this is a sign of an alpha male; his sexual needs are so high that he is used to having relationships with several women at once.


Seeing yourself in a car stopped on a mountain peak is a prophecy of an exciting journey that will bring acquaintance with useful people. These connections will bring you career and increasing your income.

To be one of the passengers in a car - fun party with old friends. If you are the only passenger, you will encounter misunderstandings from loved ones in real life.

Seeing yourself in a car whose driver has lost control is a sign of a serious conflict in which your work colleagues or close friends will drag you into.

Evgeniy Tsvetkov

The general interpretation comes down to reflecting the dreamer’s personal life, relationship with a partner or spouse. Seeing yourself behind the wheel means poverty and ruin. Being a passenger means passivity, immaturity in personal and family life.

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