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Cow step by step drawing. How to draw a cow forum is closed

This is an average lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing a cow for this lesson for young children, but if you have a great desire, then you can try. I also want to note the lesson "" - be sure to try to repeat it if you have time and desire to draw today.

What you need

In order to draw a cow, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grained special paper: it will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this particular paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each must be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. She will rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

a cow and similar domestic animals are best drawn from life. This will help to understand all the anatomical nuances of the animal, its demeanor and how to correctly make a stroke here or there. If there is no opportunity to be near the animal, then be sure to look for photos on the Internet - this will really help.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Please note that every object, every living being, every phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric objects: circles, squares and triangles. It is they who create the form, it is them that the artist needs to see in the surrounding objects. There is no house, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. This makes building complex objects much easier.

Tip: sketch with as light strokes as possible. The thicker the strokes of the sketch, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather zero, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will give you an idea of ​​where exactly the drawing will be. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of a sheet layout in the center:

The purpose of this lesson will be drawing a cow. Children always enjoy drawing animals, especially since almost all children have seen a live cow. Before we start, I'll open little secret so that we can get beautiful cow, the drawing should be as simple as possible and not intricate. How to draw a cow? And so, following the step-by-step instructions:

Let's start drawing with, draw an oval and another half of the oval.

Now draw the cow's horns, ears and eyes. On the muzzle a smile and nostrils. A cute muzzle turned out.

Now it's the turn of the body. All cows are usually calm, slow and unhurried. Therefore, their torso is corresponding - large and rounded. Draw a semicircular torso, smoothly passing into the back leg.

Now draw the remaining legs.

Most cows are usually spotted and our cow is no exception, draw arbitrary black spots on her. And don't forget the tail. Without it, the cow is nowhere. That's all the drawing of the cow is ready.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed the lesson on how to draw a cow. If you make an effort, I believe that you will achieve everything you wanted to. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share the lesson in social networks and show your results to your friends.

How easy it is to draw a cow with a pencil in stages - for children and adults. We learn to draw a beautiful cow in stages with a pencil with a child. Learn how to quickly and easily learn how to draw a beautiful cow.

Every person in his life wants to learn how to draw beautifully, children especially love to draw and want to learn how to draw beautifully, they are interested in learning to draw not only people, houses, flowers, trees, nature, but also wild and domestic animals.

Today we will see how you can easily and quickly learn how to draw a cow. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where the cow is drawn. Look at the location of the cow, how and where her different parts of the body are located.

First, start drawing a cow from the body, draw a large oval in the center of the sheet, it should be larger on the right side, and smaller on the left side, draw a small circle on the right - this will be the cow's head.

Now let's draw the muzzle of the cow, below the head draw another circle, slightly elongated to the sides and connect the head of the cow and this circle with two lines - this will be the muzzle of the cow. Draw the cow's ears on the left and right sides, draw the cow's eyes in the center of the head.

On the left side, draw the cow's tail, it should be of medium length, curved, the tip of the tail is pointed.

The upper part of the cow's outline is ready; now we need to draw its lower part - these are the legs and udder.

Draw four legs for the cow, draw the hooves below, draw the udder near the hind legs.

Now we need to finish the muzzle of the cow. Draw pupils in the center of the cow's eyes, draw eyebrows in the form of small triangles on top. Draw two horns on top of the head, they should be drawn on the head on the left and right, the horns are slightly curved, the tips of the horns are pointed.

Draw fluffy, wooly bangs on the cow to make your cow look beautiful. Below on the muzzle of the cow draw the nostrils. Draw a bell on the cow's neck.

Erase extra lines that are no longer needed, circle the outline of the cow brighter. Draw the ears of the cow inside. Paint over the pupils, nostrils, eyebrows of the cow with black.

Draw the back hip bone of the cow, it sticks out a little towards the top. At the tip of the tail, draw a small, fluffy tassel. Draw hooves on the legs.

Circle the outline of the cow again brighter. Look what a beautiful cow you have turned out. The cow can be painted any color you like.

Let's try to draw another cow, in a different way

Take a sheet of paper and a pencil, look carefully at the picture where the cow is drawn. Look at the location of the cow, how and where her different parts of the body are located.

In the center of the picture, the torso of a cow is drawn, on the right is the head of a cow, on the left is the back of the cow and its tail, and the legs of the cow are drawn below.

Now in the same way, mentally, divide your sheet of paper for different parts cow body.

First, start drawing the cow from the head, on the right side of the sheet draw the head of the cow and her muzzle. The muzzle of the cow should be slightly extended forward.

From the top of the head, draw a large, curved line, from right to left - this will be the cow's back and back. Draw a horn on the cow's head, it should be small, curved, the upper part of the horn should be pointed. The part you need to draw is shown in red in the figure.

Now draw the outline of the legs in front and behind - these will be two curved lines, these lines go down from the body of the cow. The part you need to draw is shown in red in the figure.

Draw the front and back legs of the cow, draw the hooves at the bottom. Draw the belly and udder of the cow. The part you need to draw is shown in red in the figure.

In the center of the head, draw the cow's eye, the eye should be drawn in the form of a small oval with pointed tips, to the left of the eye, draw the cow's ear, it should be drawn horizontally, in the form of a small oval, the tip of the ear is slightly pointed. Draw the second horn on the right side of the cow. Now draw the cow two more legs front and back, draw hooves at the bottom. The part you need to draw is shown in red in the figure.

Draw a muzzle for the cow and draw large spots on the body of the cow. The part you need to draw is shown in red in the figure.

Erase the extra lines in your drawing. Outline the outline of the cow brighter. Look what a beautiful cow you have turned out. The cow can be painted any color you like.

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Learn to draw yourself, teach your children how to draw a cow step by step, it took you a little time, but now you know how to draw this magnificent animal. We wish you good luck in your future work.

More than 9 thousand years ago, people domesticated a cow, and the animal became a breadwinner for humans, giving tasty and healthy drink- milk. In gratitude for this, the people composed poems, songs, epics about the cow and called it affectionately - cows. To this day, dairy products - sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt are loved by children and adults, and a kind cow is a character in many stories, fairy tales, cartoons. If your child, after watching the movie, wants to draw a cow, help him using our tips.

How to draw a cartoon cow

It is not difficult to depict a cartoon cow, prepare - a pencil, an eraser, paper, felt-tip pens and start:

  • in the center of the sheet, describe a horizontal oval - the future head of the animal. Step back a little and outline an ellipse - the base of the torso. Connect both figures with straight rays, inscribing a small oval in the upper one;
  • unite the transition of the two circles with smooth lines. Erase the unnecessary basting and get a sketch resembling a porcini mushroom;

  • attach two legs similar to a neck from below to the body plastic bottle with screw cap. From the left side of the body, draw up two curved lines, connecting them at the ends with a bracket, from the right - lower them down and also combine - the upper limbs are obtained. In the center of the abdomen, mark a circle - there will be an udder;

  • on the head draw protrusions-horns and ears, poured birch leaves. Make eyes out of three circles that fit into each other. Extend horizontally an oval - the place of the nose, point the nostrils on it in the form of two vertical ellipses. Next - outline four hooks on the tummy and get an udder;

This is interesting (tell the child): it has been proven that the lines on the nose of a cow are as individual as human fingerprints.

  • draw a smile line with a bracket, darken the pupils, bend the cilia, write a bang on the head between the horns. Mark the hooves with segments, and make the cow spotted, scattering the marks throughout the animal;

  • on the neck, draw a smooth line parallel to the oval of the head, in the middle of which draw a bell, similar to an overturned tulip bud. Color the figure with felt-tip pens, picking up the colors of your choice.

We will draw this cow using ovals and circles. Take paper, pencils - plain, brown, pink, gel pen, erase.

  • sketch on landscape sheet oval-torso, from it to the left, extend a small vertical ellipse with a transverse line. Lower down from the oval two pairs of hare legs - the legs of a cow.

  • On the head of the animal, extend the ears with two semi-ovals, put triangular figures - horns between them. Mark the eyes and nostrils with circles, scatter oval spots over the body of the cow and place a semicircle near the right ear.

  • Draw an udder from the bottom of the body - a figure similar to an inverted sail, lower two cows down behind parallel lines, ending in a flower - a tail. Outline the drawing with black ink and color pink make the udder and middle of the ears, the horns and the tip of the tail brown, and the spots black.

How to draw a funny cow

Take a pencil, paper, paints and follow our instructions.

  • In the middle of the sheet, draw a small ledge-mound, move a bean-like figure to it from below. Pull out a ray-smile, put two commas - nostrils, above - black circles-eyes.

  • Draw with a carved leaf bangs, protruding sausage ears, crescent horns, outline a body that looks like a circle with a cut off top.

  • Write four inverted letters P - legs, lift up a thin tail with a chamomile brush at the tip.

  • Point the spot and paint your work with paints.

Did you enjoy drawing? Then fantasize a little - make a cow chewing grass, hang a bell around her neck, draw a funny udder, midges curling behind her tail and - a funny picture is ready.

There is a shock in the middle of the yard, in front - a pitchfork, behind - a broom. Remember this riddle? Well, about a pitchfork and a broom - it seems understandable, but I, as a city resident, actually, would not have guessed what kind of mop it was. I would rather say about the shape of a cow: a barrel. Although I have seen cows close up many times, I am still not used to it and I am afraid: they are so very big and horned. Have you heard how cows moo? It doesn’t even remotely look like a cute “mu-mu”, they emit such a trumpet roar that it’s just right to frighten a predator.

Well, we refreshed our memories of cows and - more to the point: we take up a pencil and paper.

How can we draw a cow?

How-how - on the side! Directly in front - in the forehead, you know, it is difficult for children to depict the body from an angle, but from the tail end we will simply refrain. I draw based on a picture found on the Internet:

We draw a cow in stages - lesson 1

We take a rectangular sheet of paper, arrange it horizontally and make a marking of the figure of a cow with a pencil: the back is even, almost horizontal, the sacrum is slightly higher than the shoulders.

So I forgot to mention: no matter what the meat and dairy cow was, but the pelvic bones of those that I saw protruded with moss, with general fatness. The belly is denoted by an arc.

We put our legs, as is often the case - the front ones stand side by side straight, the rear ones are slightly apart. Cows are artiodactyls, that is, the leg ends with two fingers, the nails of which are turned into hooves. I myself, although I know this theoretically very well, but I believe with difficulty and admire the variety of evolutionary ways of movement that have arisen. We will not analyze in detail the structure of the legs, but I beg you, observe the folds.

Although the front legs look, so to speak, simpler, but there are joints in them, and we need to take into account that they turn out to be on the same level. I note that the hind legs look more complicated and children usually draw them more responsibly, they try to convey the features of the structure, it is important not to lose sight of the fact that the legs are the same in length, thickness and shape.

There are legs, we will provide the cow with a tail so that there is something to drive away the flies and, once again marveling at the protruding pelvic bones, we move forward. The neck is powerful, from below it has a skin fold. The head is very large, the eyes are large, widely spaced (and covered with beautiful eyelashes), the nostrils are large, but by no means everted, the mouth does not open wide (not compared with predators), the ears are mobile and resemble a pipe or bag with a wide bell. We draw them under the horns (you need to make sure that the children do not move their ears to the neck or forehead). Horns happen different shapes, I mainly saw the horns with a grip and was always glad that cows rarely use them: this weapon looks serious.

Here is the finished drawing of the cow.

We found out how to draw a cow from the right side, but - we are not lazy, comrades, there is also a left side.

Lesson phased drawing of a cow - 2

Forward and to the sounds of mu draw a cow head to the left. Fixing the material will go easier: the cow looks quite familiar. The pencil drawing turned out to be barely noticeable, I will justify myself by the fact that the construction lines are auxiliary and are subsequently erased.

And let's go over the details:

Oh, what am I, I almost forgot the udder! Oh-oh-oh, why did we get a cow? They wanted milk!

And, by the way, I'm not alone. When I ask students what is the difference between a cow and a bull, children rarely remember the presence of an udder. Basically it is speculated that there are differences in... guess...

Color and food!

It’s kind of funny for me to listen to these conjectures of city kids, but now, I myself also forgot the udder, it’s no wonder: somehow I never had a chance to see how cows are milked. So, better late than never: we draw a large udder, milky and with four nipples.

What are these drawings for? Well, I immediately remembered the fairy tale "Havroshechka" and ... somehow I don’t remember it anymore. Even strange.

And here's another "Cow" drawing based on our lesson:

Question to readers: who else knows good stories about cows? Write to me, please, I will add to my piggy bank of fairy tales.

And Marina Novikova told you how to draw a cow.

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A cow is the kindest domestic animal that gives people milk, dairy products, meat. In the old days, not a single family in the village could do without this useful helper. Today we cannot see them very often, but we can draw. How to draw a cow in different ways with a pencil will be explained in this article!

How to draw a cartoon cow?

It is not very difficult to draw an ordinary cow, the main thing at the same time is to be attentive and unhurried. One extra move can ruin your entire drawing, and then you have to work with an eraser. How to draw a cow step by step To get started, take a blank sheet of paper and a simple pencil.

  • Start drawing with a cow's ear. Move the pencil lightly across the paper. After drawing the ear, draw the horn in the form of a triangle. Now draw a line from the top of the cow's head to the next ear and horn. Try not to take the pencil off the paper
  • Now start drawing the lower part of the animal's head. Draw a simple oval. Complete the cow's ears with cute cartoon ears.
  • Proceed to the body of the cow. First, just sketch out a rectangle, carefully turning it into an oval. Connect the head and body.
  • Now draw the cow's four legs. In principle, you can draw them immediately with the torso, do as you please.

Additional details of the cartoon cow

Drawing a cow with a pencil is very easy! Now that the head and torso are done, you can start painting the small details.

  • Complete the lower part of the legs with hooves. If you don't know how to draw at all, then paint over the lower part of your cow's legs with a pencil. It is very similar to hooves.
  • Draw a tail for your cow. Decorate its end with a cute tassel.
  • Do not forget to depict the eyes (you can simply use dashes or circles), the nose (two dashes). Breathe into a painted cow good mood, showing a smile.
  • Complete the pattern with spots on the skin of the animal. Now you know how to draw a cow quickly.

How to draw a realistic cow?

The ideal option would be to go to the village and draw this cute animal from nature. If you do not have such an opportunity, then do not despair. Take paper, pencil, eraser and get started.

Completing the drawing

You learned how to draw a cow! However, the important part of the work lies ahead - the completion of the drawing and making it realistic. Draw spots on the face and body of the animal and shade them. On the body, the hatching leans to the left, and on the muzzle - to the right. Draw black eyes for the animal, leaving a very small white area in the center. He will show the sparkle of his eyes. Draw a tail, shade the brush on it darker. Now that you have learned how to draw a cow, you can safely go to the village and draw the animal from life.

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