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Back to school after summer school holidays. Adaptation of the child to school after the summer holidays

Now, a week and a half before the start, it's time to gradually return to the "school" daily routine. A sharp transition from a state of rest to a working mode is stressful for both children and adults. You can already gradually begin to wake up in the morning and go to bed a little earlier in the evening.

Rollback in knowledge

Our brain needs training. During the summer months there is a "rollback" in knowledge, on average, to the second quarter of the previous year of study. And that is why the first few months of the school year, teachers engage in repetition with children.

Holiday homework is often given to keep the child "in the process" of learning. It's great if in the summer a child systematically studied (for example, foreign languages) on a free vacation regime.

In the remaining time, you can at a calm pace, without pressure and coercion, flip through notebooks and, possibly, reference books for the previous year. Or download a curriculum on the subject from the Internet and at least just look at the titles of the topics.

Additional lessons

If during the school year it is planned that the child will go to circles and sections, it is better to start studying in August.


The first months of school (especially in new school, in a new class) is stressful. The education system is changing, but so far many children are afraid to go to school. And the life of teenagers (so it happened physiologically) is a constant tension.

When a person is under chronic stress, their brain is deficient. Zinc affects the hippocampus, which helps us and our children process and remember large amounts of information. Now is the time to use what you believe in - eat foods containing zinc, if you believe in vitamins, or take supplements.

How to help your child get used to school: starting early


For introverted, shy children, who also spent the summer months in solitude, returning to the group is an additional burden and a possible source of tension.

You can suggest that on some of the remaining days of the holidays the whole class meet and go to the movies or to a picnic. This will help reduce anxiety and perhaps help children show the facets that they find it difficult to show in school.


It is important to come to school in a few days, walk along the corridors, look at the new (or remember the old) office.

If a child brings some of his own thing to class - a book to the library, a flowerpot, a poster, a photograph - he seems to put an imprint: "I am here." This makes it easier to adapt and get used to the class. It's great if a common newspaper is made in the class with photographs of all students.

Good memories

For those who tend to focus on the negative, who “have nothing good and will never have”, who do not notice resourceful events and joys, you can make a collage of photos (even taken with a mobile phone camera) of the most joyful moments of summer. Write down all the most significant in the "journal of memories", gratitude, success.

Completion of experience

Sometimes, when a child arrives from the camp, we get the feeling that it is as if he “did not return.” Sometimes it is important for us, adults, to consciously put an end to different processes. So it is easier to make the transition to other actions and psychologically acclimatize.

You can, for example, celebrate the return from the camp, from vacation, mark the end of the holidays. It will be great to meet even an adult child after any absence with a surprise - a balloon, a gift, a handmade poster, a cake.

Acceptance of change

The child returned from the camp and changed. It is important for us to give ourselves the opportunity to get used to it, which has changed over the summer. The child's life is constantly enriched with new relationships, new roles, knowledge, words and "systems".

The focus of his attention will shift to other adults and children. Our role next to the child, on the one hand, is unchanged, on the other hand, it is also being transformed. It is important to try to calm your anxiety and not seek to regain your power and authority by force.

These easy-to-follow, but so important for emotional calmness and self-confidence actions will help you and your child quickly join the work rhythm and enter the new school year with confidence.

The holidays are inevitably coming to an end. It is difficult to change from rest to daily study, so it is advisable to prepare a little in advance. First of all, some time before the first of September it is time to return to a strict daily routine. Put the children to bed early, plan all interesting things in the morning so that there is motivation to get up on an alarm clock. About how else to prepare schoolchildren for the upcoming school year, tells I am a Parent.

A pre-compiled weekly schedule will re-accustom the child to a clear routine. It is good to include not only entertainment events, but also homework in the schedule.

Now there are many textbooks for reviewing the material covered for each year of study. Spend only half an hour a day in class, maintaining student confidence in knowledge. Special attention point out the items your child has had difficulty with, help figure it out while there is time. Then he is calm and contented.

How to prepare a first grader for school?

Suddenly grown up kids are proudly trying on briefcases and school uniforms. After the acquisition, it is important to take time to develop the skills necessary for school in children.

Develop self-care skills

First of all, first-graders need self-service skills. By the first grade, a child needs to be able to change clothes quickly, eat carefully at the table, wash their hands on time, serve themselves in the toilet on their own, carefully and quickly collect a briefcase. All these skills need to be trained in a playful way.

Play "the plane leaves in 15 minutes". During this time, the baby should, for example, get dressed and collect a briefcase. Come up with a reward system. A week or two before September 1, hang a weekly schedule on the wall and mark with stars the days when the child himself woke up on an alarm clock, washed himself and got ready.

Practice communication with a future teacher

The kids who go to kindergarten, it is not difficult to switch from educator to teacher. It is more difficult for "non-Sadovsk" children, especially if they did not attend pre-school classes.

How to teach a child to build relationships with a teacher?

Play at home with the child in "teacher and student", change roles, offer him different situations in class and recess.

From the very first days at school, newly minted students will prepare their hand for writing. Help your child - develop him fine motor skills.

There are many games for this: constructor, assembling beads and beads, rolling small objects on the table at speed, mosaic, modeling from plasticine, hatching and coloring drawings. Not every child is ready to do this alone. Participate in his classes, lead by example.

Motivate your child to read

Take your child to the library. They now often hold interactive quizzes, holidays, acquaintances with new authors and heroes of books.

Make time to relax with your child

One of the main tasks of schoolchildren during the holidays is to relax and sleep. Keep a close eye on bedtime and gradually get your kids to get up early in the morning. Catch sunny days, take long walks on foot and bikes, swim in still warm waters.

How to prepare a high school student for school?

For children aged 15-16, preparation for the university begins gradually. In addition, children may still be going through adolescence and need extra attention adults.

Plan a Career Plan Together

Think over a career guidance plan, sign up for courses at the institute, carefully look at psychological state teenager. It may make sense to consult a psychologist before starting your studies. This is necessary both in the case of emotional problems and to determine.

Discuss events with a high school student from a position of equality

Discuss events in the world with a high school student, listen to his point of view on politics, economics, literature, music. Watch historical or non-fiction films together and then discuss. At the dacha in the evenings, study the starry sky with grown-up children, talk about constellations, fantasize. Perhaps your child already knows something better than you, he will be pleased to surprise you with his erudition.

Encourage your child to start journaling

Encourage your teen to keep a diary. Comprehension of personal achievements and defeats, daily recording of events will help develop the skill of formulating your thoughts into texts, and texts into goals and objectives.

Teach your teenager how to budget

Prepare a shopping list with your child, such as supplies for school. Help him calculate the budget for purchases, plan shopping trips. You certainly know how, but a high school student needs to learn home economics. This is an additional training in both mathematics and planning.

is your child ready for school?

Svetlana Balashova

When the child returns to school after summer holidays, he may face the problem of adaptation, as with admission to grade 1. It suddenly turns out that part of the last year knowledge is forgotten, the student quickly gets tired of school loads, academic performance is lame, because it is difficult for him to concentrate on the lessons. Usually, such problems arise if they did not pay attention to training in the summer, did not follow the regime, allowing the student to rest for all three months.

How to adapt to the child at school after a long vacation? Educational courses for children

Despite the fact that summer is meant to be a break from school, you need to work with children even during the holidays. Another thing is that teaching methods should be different from traditional ones. Today preschool development children are engaged in modern development centers. They set themselves different tasks: from teaching mathematics and writing to comprehensive preparation for school. Which child Center development is better to choose?

School mental arithmetic Soroban® proposes to discard stereotypes about what education should be like. The principles of teaching here reflect a modern view of the intellectual education of schoolchildren. According to the creator of the largest child development center in Ukraine, the goals of teachers are:

  • to interest students, to awaken in them a cognitive interest, a desire to learn;
  • make them believe in themselves, in fact proving to the student that his mental potential has no limits;
  • explain in such a way that each student understands and can complete the task of the teacher;
  • to teach schoolchildren to cope with difficulties on their own, to solve complex problems;
  • show that study can be interesting, fun, if you treat it correctly;
  • become a wise teacher and a good friend for your students.

It is much easier for a child to get used to school if he feels comfortable there. So, the mental counting center Soroban® takes care of the moral comfort of its pupils. Such an experience is very useful for preschool children, because it forms a positive attitude towards school and study in children.

What factors help the child quickly adapt to school after the holidays?

The easiest way for autumn adaptation is for those students who were preparing for the new school year long before September 1. For successful study, each student during the summer needs:

  • train and develop your abilities;
  • communicate as much as possible with peers and adults;
  • expand your horizons;
  • to cultivate internal discipline, self-organization skills;
  • learn something new, master a science or an activity that is not taught in school.

The Center for Mental Arithmetic allows children to implement this plan without limiting their ability to devote time to their interests, to develop in different areas of knowledge.

Mental arithmetic lessons help students in learning mathematics. At Soroban® School, children learn to count faster than a calculator using the Japanese Speed ​​Counting Method. This method is more effective than studying with a tutor. Training on the soroban develops memory, observation, analytical and logical thinking, imagination, and other abilities, which subsequently help the student to understand exact science. Not to mention the ability to quickly mentally count - not a single tutor will teach you this.

A unique feature of the mental counting technique is that it harmoniously develops all aspects of the intellect, stimulates the work of the right and left hemispheres, and reveals humanitarian, mathematical, and creative inclinations. Therefore, regardless of which direction is closer to the child, what profile of education he chooses in the future, the mental mathematics technique is universal for everyone.

You can learn more about the specifics of studying at the School on the official website.

The advantage of out-of-school education at the Soroban® School of Mental Accounting:

  • minimum time for classes in the classroom and at home;
  • maximum attention of the teacher at all stages of training;
  • adaptation to existing and preparation for future learning loads, assistance in solving problems of any complexity in any field of knowledge;
  • organic conditions for development (socially active environment, motivation, encouragement of teachers).

Signing up for mental arithmetic courses, including mental arithmetic lessons in your vacation schedule is worth it in order to motivate the child, reveal his abilities, and teach him how to learn. Soroban® is a useful intellectual, psychological and social experience that will help the student to easily adapt to school after the summer holidays. This is an important developmental stage for children before entering elementary school.

Back to school… We help the child to adapt after the holidays

Schoolchildren of any age must go through a period of adaptation to school. Moreover, this period lasts quite a long time: for first-graders - 1.5 months, for fifth-graders - a month, students of other classes get used to school for 2-3 weeks. The big mistake of teachers and parents is that they believe that this period does not exist. In their opinion, the child should study for two or three days and get used to it. In fact, everything is much more complicated.

With the beginning of studies, the way of life of the child changes radically. For three summer months he rested, slept as much as he wanted and walked when he wanted, and now he needs to study, obey the strict requirements of the teacher and do his homework. At the same time, his time should be scheduled by the minute, and this is insanely difficult to do. Even if it takes an adult a week to get back to work after a vacation, what can we say about a child... As a result, various difficulties may arise. In children over 10-12 years old, they wear psychological character, but younger students may experience health problems.

Help the child get involved educational process after a long summer vacation, it is better to do it well in advance.

1.Mode Try at least in the last 3-4 days of vacation to bring the daily routine closer to the school one. holidays start every daywake up and send the child to bed 15-20 minutes earlier.Perhaps, for this you will have to insist that the child will not watch the film, which ends at 23.30. Promise that he will be able to watch it tomorrow, on the daily repeat. Endure all these “Well, mom, please! ' and 'I'm offended by you'. You know that it really will be better this way.

Suggest an interesting replacement for the movie: for example, before going to bed, play a quiet game board game, take a walk in the park, discuss a book you read together, or make up a story yourself.

Suggest an interesting replacement for the movie: for example, before going to bed, play such a game.

"I like that you..."

This game is almost magical. It can help you reach a new level of understanding between you. During the game, both the child and parents experience very warm feelings.

We must take any soft toy and pass it to each other with the words: “I like that you ...” At a time, you can finish the phrase with only one thought, for example: “I like that you draw well.”

Mom can hear from the child that he likes that mom is “kind, gives sweets, buys toys, etc.” And you can tell the child that you like it, that he is “a good helper, never offends the younger ones, loves to read, etc.” The more statements like this, the better. Clearly, there are two winners in this game.

The next day you can play "I want you to...". Yesterday you set the stage by giving each other great compliments, and now you can wish for what you both want. I think that your child will not regret the missed film at all and will remember how you played for a long time.

For most children, how they wake up is also important.. Invite your child to choose their favorite tune on mobile phone to serve as an alarm clock. Waking up in this case will be a little easier and more pleasant.

2. Sleep. By the age of 6, most children no longer sleep during the day, and night sleep they still have 11 hours. A ten-year-old child sleeps an average of 10 hours, and adolescents aged 15-19 sleep 7.5-8.5 hours...

A healthy, full and sufficiently long sleep is especially important. It has been proven that students who get enough sleep study much better and do not conflict with others. In no case should you save time at the expense of sleep. Do not stay up until midnight doing homework, and even more so, load the child’s nervous system for sleep with the upcoming TV or computer games. Help with the observance of the regime of the day unobtrusively.

3. Before the start of the new school year, be sure to check with children vision .

4. When you return home from vacation, organize your day in such a way thatso that the student has his own small, but everyday duties: take out the trash, sweep the floor, walk the dog, etc. At the same time, it is important not to forget about praise. Make it clear to the child that his help in the family is appreciated.

5. Buying school supplies, school clothes- an occupation, as a rule, pleasant and at the same time adjusting to the educational mood.Don't leave shopping for school clothes and supplies until the last minute.Noise and hustle in the shops will only increase the school anxiety and fatigue of the child. Yes, and it will be much more difficult to choose the necessary things. Shops at this time are trying to sell all stale goods under the hype. Go shopping only with your child. This will help you not to make a mistake with the size, avoid possible conflicts due to differences in tastes, and help your son or daughter slowly get used to the idea that school time will begin soon.

Make preparing for the school year fun. By purchasing notebooks, a diary and other stationery, let the student take a direct part in the choice of these goods.

How to avoid conflicts and whims in stores if a child wants to choose his own things for school, and you know that you can’t pull it all financially?!Give your child freedom of choice, but limited freedom. For example, you and your child in the store choose a new school bag. Find several models that are suitable for the price and invite the child to choose a portfolio for himself. The child, thinking that he chose the purchase himself, will calmly find a suitable option, and you will save your nerves and money.

6. It will not be superfluous to discussschool day scheduletogether with the child, take into account his wishes. Add a little creativity and play. And finally organize routine so that the child enjoys every day he lives, even though the summer holidays are behind him.

7. The child must walk in the fresh air. Junior schoolchildren are supposed to spend 3.5 hours daily in the air, students high school- 2 hours, and for high school students - 1.5 hours. Without air, it is generally impossible to talk about the normal development of the child.

8. Proper nutrition.Choline and Lecithin - Defenders and Builders nervous system. Foods rich in these substances (eggs, liver, fish, and milk) are considered “brain food”. Not every child agrees to eat liver or fish, but most like eggs and milk. If the child is milk-resistant and eats little meat and does not like fish, parents may need to buy lecithin and choline supplements from the pharmacy and come up with dishes to add them to. It is also important that an element such as magnesium be present in the child's diet along with full-fledged normal protein foods. It is found in nuts, seeds, cocoa, buckwheat, rye, oats and wheat germ, legumes, including peanuts, baked potatoes, bananas, spinach and other greens are also rich in it.

9. Whims and protests on the topic:“I don’t want to go to school”, “I won’t do my homework”stop gently but firmly. If the explanations do not work, let the student get into an awkward position - being late for classes or going to school with unfinished homework. A remark from the teacher and the general attention of the class sometimes works better than parental exhortations.

8. Create a situation of success.In the first weeks after the holidays, do not demand from him too strictly good grades. When meeting a son or daughter after school, first of all, one should be interested not in what grades they received, but in what interesting things they learned, what they liked the most. It is important that children perceive learning not as a way to get positive grades, but as an endless process of learning. And if a child, after a long summer vacation, successfully adapts to learning, if in a week and a month he goes to school with the same pleasure, then we, adults, can give ourselves five points. Create a situation for the child to succeed. Stress will be lingering if it is caused by fruitless efforts and constant failures.

4. Surround your child with care and understanding. Try to discuss with your son or daughter their condition, find out the reasons and find a suitable solution to reduce anxiety and anxiety. Less painfully tolerated stressful situations if the child is surrounded by understanding, is in a normal family environment.

5. Do not scare the child with the punishment of the teacherif he did not have time to read the necessary books, did not complete the task for the summer. After all, all exercises are given by teachers only as recommendations.

In the second half of August, devote 30 minutes a day to reviewing the most difficult subjects for the child. Classes should be held in a friendly manner, without shouting. Remember, everyone has the right to make mistakes.Praise your child for every little thing. This will give him confidence in his abilities and help increase his efficiency.

Over the summer, a child's hand forgets how to write., and the speed of writing at the beginning of the year differs significantly from the spring indicators. Write dictations with your child, it is better if the whole family from dad to grandmother is involved in this process. Different voices teach to adjust, and therefore, to concentrate. To "revive" the fine motor skills of the fingers before classes, joint family arts - modeling, playing music, drawing will be useful. And even better, if the whole family, including dad and grandmother, you will train in writing dictations, comparing mistakes in a comic way and identifying the winners.

6. Even in the most cohesive teamsin the first weeks after the holidays, schoolchildren rebuild interpersonal relationships Therefore, it is very important that the child goes to school confident, not infringed. Think, will there be something interesting to tell your child or something “to show off kindly”?

7. The child will try to build new relationships in the family.Over the summer, as a result of natural mental processes, children may forget some rules of behavior and communication. In addition, the child will simply check adults:“What if now I can behave the way I want?”Calmly and firmly stand your ground.

Try to remember with the child the rules of behavior and communication.Give him any game situations and invite the student to find a way out of the situation, to help the hero:“What would you do?”Then the rules will not look like boring admonitions of adults. The child will again assume that he has developed these rules for himself, and behavior problems will be reduced to a minimum.

You can invite children to make their own stand or poster with the rules at home.. Let the child make them himself, discuss with you, write and decorate it, add a schedule of lessons and extracurricular activities there, make a daily routine for himself, hang his awards and creative work. This will gradually relieve adults of constant reminders and allow the child to feel more independent and collected. After all, he can always refer to his notes. Parents can do the same if the child begins to be stubborn or naughty:“I think that you should do your homework first, and then go visit Kirill, because you yourself have adopted these rules for yourself, and I want to trust you as an adult.”I must say right away that scandals, screams, punishments will be less effective here.

8. With the start of the school year, for the first timeyou should not load the child with additional classes in sections and circles.The time of the child must be scheduled so that he does not run from one lesson to another, barely taking a breath. The child should come from school, have lunch, rest for an hour and a half and then go to additional classes. At the same time, he should have time to do homework, and be sure to do it during the day. Approximately2 weeks after the start of the school yearyou can add extracurricular activities in circles or sections to the child's daily routine.

9. Try to spend more time with your childIn the evening. Talk more, ask questions about the past day. Go beyond the formal parent questionnaire:“How are the behavior and grades at school? What did you eat for lunch?”The child should feel your interest in his life. If you do not want to lose everything by adolescence a good relationship with a child, gradually accustom him with your actions to the fact that you are not only a parent, but also a friend. After all, teenagers rely more on the opinions of friends than their parents. Such is their psychology. Let the child show you his achievements and failures: notebooks, diary, his drawings and crafts. Discuss news, grades and crafts, find a place for them in the room. Let your kid tell you about the names of his friends, new teachers, with whom and what he played today. Ask about the rules of the game or the plan for completing the craft. Find out what he read in class and at home. Have the child briefly describe what they have read. Be sure to check the completion of all homework: written and oral, even if the child attends broadband.

Last evening of vacation

How you spend the last evening of the holidays will determine how easy it will be for your child to get used to school in the next term.

Make this evening calm.Less reproaches and swearing: “I rested all the holidays, but I forgot about the assignments!”, “You can’t even collect a portfolio yourself!”

Help the child to collect the portfolio.This does not mean that you have to do it for him. Insist that he opens his diary and folds notebooks and textbooks, looking at what subjects will be tomorrow. Relying on a “good” memory, your child may miss a couple of textbooks at school. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with checking if everything you need is in place.

Help prepare the clothes to wear tomorrow.Think over everything to the smallest detail, hang it in a closet or on a chair so that on the first morning of the new quarter you don’t have to nervously look for tights, skirts and jackets all over the apartment.

Try to make him want to go to school tomorrow.Maybe you were on an exciting excursion or an interesting performance? How great it will be if the child will tell his friends about it tomorrow! Did your daughter receive a beautiful blouse that she dreamed of as a gift? If there is no uniform at school, let them wear it tomorrow new outfit! In general, set up the child so that he thinks: "It's nice that tomorrow is school!"

How you spend your last evening of vacation will determine how easy it will be for your child to get used to school.

First weeks of school life

Don't plan other changes in your life. Perhaps you have found new studio to take the child in free time and he is eager to go there. But let him begin to visit her after the first 2-3 weeks of the quarter. No matter how positive the changes are, they require the expenditure of psychic energy to get used to them, and your student is already having a hard time.

Keep being outdoors.If possible, keep your walks in weekdays after school or in the evening when you come home from work.

Pay attention to your child's complaints headache, abdominal pain, fatigue.These are not whims. If you can, give your child an "unscheduled" day off in the middle of the week. But not for him to sit at the TV and computer! Make this day a “health day”: take a walk in the forest together, go rollerblading. Such an unexpected day off perfectly helps to relieve fatigue. To prevent your child from abusing your kindness, say that such days of health will be every month, but not more often. If complaints of malaise remain, show the child to the doctor.

Create a calm and welcoming atmosphere at home.It is likely that the grades at the beginning of the quarter will not please you. But laziness and unwillingness to learn have nothing to do with it. It's just that the whole body has not yet tuned in to the learning mood. Instead of lecturing, express confidence that the results will soon improve, because your child has such great potential!

parents should support him morally, it is better to say “Baby, I know you can do it!”, And not “How? You still haven't done your homework!..."

Parents must respect the child- Don't force it. Any coercion is violence. It is better to agree with her - to explain that in childhood you were also shy, that fear must be overcome.

Don't forget about kindness.they say: if a child is not stroked on the head every day, then his brain “dries up”. Not only kids need affection, but also middle school students, and even teenagers. It has been proven that children whose parents often stroke their heads, hug, kiss, are more optimistic, quick-witted, open in communication.

Caress your child, sit next to him for a few minutes before going to bed, read a book, say a couple kind words, wish Good night and a difficult school day tomorrow will be much easier!

What advice would you give to children who are unnecessarily worried in class, nervous when they have to answer a lesson, go to the blackboard?

To deal with stressful condition You need to learn how to breathe properly! When, for example, the teacher called to the blackboard, the children instinctively switch to "hare" breathing. Hares in the forest, when they see a predator, disguise themselves, try to hide and switch to shallow, shallow breathing - so that the tail does not tremble. What is happening with the body at this time? The oxygen content in the blood decreases sharply, which means that brain activity decreases. In such a state, it is difficult to remember even what you knew! And how to breathe correctly? It is necessary to do 2-3 breaths and exhalations with a full chest to the stomach. And the shoulders should relax. Teach the child - let him do this while he goes to the blackboard. And he will immediately feel better, he will feel calmer, more confident. The same technique will also help adults - it's no secret that stressful situations are also common at work.

So much depends on how we respond to the failures of our children.. If a child has difficulties, this does not mean that he is bad. In this situation, parents should support the child and find an opportunity to help. Parents are mistaken when they ask “What did you get?” from the threshold. The child receives a signal that the parent does not care what mood he is in, whether he is hungry, or sick. Over time, the following happens: the child begins to hide grades. It turns out that adults punish the student for their disappointment. This is the wrong position. This is the failure of the child, not the parents. The kid develops a stereotype "deuce - I'm bad, and studying is not all of me."

Talk to your child about what he expects from the new school year. After all, the transition from the junior to the middle level or entering the first grade is inevitably associated with separation: from the usual and native class or kindergarten group, teacher, parents.

A family final picnic will help your child feel happier before the start of the school year. “The last day of summer” can be “furnished” with comic rituals of farewell to bright, saturated summer days and a meeting of productive school time.

school stress after holidays. Symptoms that can serve as signs that the child has some problems at school, study; What should parents be concerned about?First of all, it is a restless dream. Many parents simply do not pay attention to it. And it happens that they aggravate the situation and say: “When you teach lessons or go to school, your stomach hurts, but tomorrow is Sunday, and your stomach won’t hurt.” But they must understand that the stomach really hurts because of strong tension, because of anxiety, or simply the child is uncomfortable, something is difficult to come by. Another sign is the fear of different nature. The third sign is close tears, when a child starts crying for no apparent reason, especially if he has never been whiny before. And in general, any sudden mood swings are also abnormal. Parents should also pay attention to the emerging conservatism, for example, in food. We mean a situation where a child suddenly, for no apparent reason, says that he will only eat what he is used to - a sausage or a cutlet, does not want anything new.

What to do in such situations?The first commandment for parents is to be able to observe the child. The second is to be able to speak, hear and listen. A walk before going to bed is the best time for a heart-to-heart talk, when the child is not afraid that you will scold him for something. It is important to approach the situation very subtly, to find out what kind of relationship with the guys, how the teacher behaves in the classroom, how the teacher reacts in cases where children behave well or, conversely, badly. The child will tell everything, rest assured. You need to be able to correctly draw conclusions from the conversation. It is necessary to observe the child not for half an hour, but for a week or two

Even an adult takes about two weeks to get back on track after a vacation. What can we say about children who, after three long summer months, have to sit down at their desks again?

The beginning of a new school year is always a serious test for schoolchildren: a change in the daily routine, lack of sleep, excessive mental stress, and often not proper nutrition and constant stress. All this negatively affects both the physical and mental state of children. It is during schooling that many of them acquire most their future chronic diseases. 30-35% of first-graders already have deviations in their state of health, and in senior class this figure rises to 70%. Meanwhile, experts assure that in order to avoid such problems and help the child get used to the new regimen faster, it is enough to follow simple recommendations.

Reasonable rates

Most of the problems that arise in children with the onset of the new school year are psychological in nature. Irritability, insomnia, sudden mood swings, deterioration of memory and attention, decreased performance, fatigue and attacks of aggression signal that the child cannot cope with school workloads. And if additional sections and circles, electives or courses are added to daily classes and endless homework foreign languages, the risk that your child will become nervous and irritable increases significantly.

Overwork negatively affects the fragile nervous system of children, so the load should still be dosed. The student himself can choose an activity to his liking - whether it be sports or piano lessons. And it is enough for parents to support their child in all endeavors and make sure that he has enough time for business and for walks with friends.

If a student pores over books and notebooks from morning to evening and does not rest at all, it is possible that teachers “go too far” with homework.

The load depends on the age of the child and curriculum schools. In the first grade, it is 20 hours a week, in the second or third it increases. The maximum - in the tenth-eleventh grades - 36 hours a week. That is, if with a six-day training it is six lessons a day, but no more, - says the chairman of the education committee of the administration of Ulan-Ude Ulyana Afanasyeva.

The curriculum, according to her, consists of two parts - a basic and a school component. What disciplines does the last, each educational institution defines itself. In the schools of Ulan-Ude, this is mainly the history, geography and literature of Buryatia.

That is, the regional-national component, - Afanasyeva specified.

Somewhere they additionally study Russian and mathematics, somewhere - chess. In any case, it would be useful for parents to familiarize themselves with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements (SanPiN, which establish the maximum educational load for students of different ages.

First classes- no more than 4 lessons per day. Once a week, five lessons are allowed (at the expense of a lesson physical education). The duration of the school week is five days. Classes are held only in the first shift.

2-4th grades- no more than five lessons per day. Once a week, six lessons are allowed (at the expense of physical education). The duration of the school week is six days.

5th-6th grades- no more than six lessons

7th-11th grades- no more than seven lessons

The duration of classes for students of all ages should not exceed 45 minutes. The exception is first-graders: for them, SanPiN sets the “bar” of 40 minutes.

For additional classes, the schedule is compiled separately. Usually electives are held on the days with the least number of compulsory lessons. In this case, the time interval between them should be at least 45 minutes.

Diet under control

Many parents are wondering how to properly feed their child in order to provide him with the energy he needs at the beginning of the new school year and at the same time not provoke the appearance of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. After all, it is the habit of constantly snacking on the go and irregular meals that often lead to the development of gastritis, gastroduodenitis, stomach ulcers and other characteristic ailments.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary, first of all, to carefully monitor what and when your child eats. The menu should be varied and consist of foods rich in vitamins and various trace elements. First of all, these are carbohydrates contained in cereals, pasta and grain bread: they provide the body with additional energy. Yogurts, kefir, curdled milk, salads, fruits and vegetables are very useful for the health of schoolchildren. But various chocolate bars and chips will do more harm than good: they include a large number of salts, fat and glucose harmful to the body. Schoolchildren (especially junior high school students), experts are advised to limit the consumption of spicy and fried foods, sausages, fast food and carbonated drinks.

Deficiency of vitamin B1, which is responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system and allows you to protect the body from various infections, can be replenished by eating veal, pork and bread. Vitamins A and C can help protect the health of the eyes and skin and strengthen the immune system: they are found in dairy products, liver, chicken eggs, greens, tomatoes, parsley, spinach, sorrel, carrots, apricots, fresh fruits and vegetables, sea buckthorn, black currant and red pepper.

Nutritionists recommend including fish and seafood in the daily diet: this is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, including iodine and phosphorus, which stimulate the brain. By the way, walnuts have the same property. Add to list necessary products also includes meat, milk, bread and bakery products, vegetables, cereals and pasta, sour cream, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese and fruit juices.

According to dietitians, the share of vegetable fats in the student's menu should be at least 30% (of the total amount of fats). They are found in plant and butter: the first can be used as a seasoning for salads, vinaigrettes, etc., and the second - for making sandwiches and dressing dishes. Several times a week can be included in the menu oily fish: It contains omega-3 acids, necessary for good performance in school.

The optimal diet for a student is at least four times a day. Try to avoid situations where the child does not eat anything all day, and then receives the daily amount of calories in one evening. Dinner is recommended no later than six to seven in the evening and 2-2.5 hours before bedtime. At night, you can drink a glass of kefir or eat any fruit (for example, an apple). It is better to refuse sweets for the coming sleep, especially if the family has a tendency to obesity.

Breakfast must include a hot dish - milk porridge with jam or fruit, scrambled eggs (with cheese or vegetables) or cottage cheese casserole. From drinks it is better to give preference to cocoa, tea with milk or fruit juices.

As a “snack”, any non-perishable food is suitable - fruits and vegetables in a container, juices, nectars, milk, milkshakes, fortified confectionery, crackers or baked goods. You can give your child sandwiches or pies with boiled meat, fish or cheese to school, the main thing is to make sure that the products are not spoiled.

Don't overlook the problem

After a long summer holidays in children, the load on the eyes increases dramatically. It is not surprising that already in primary school many students cannot boast of one hundred percent vision. Ophthalmologists even have a special term - "school myopia". To avoid unpleasant consequences, doctors advise to observe simple rules prevention:

  1. Even a child with good eyesight should take a break from classes every 40 minutes, and schoolchildren with mild myopia are advised to rest their eyes every half hour;
  2. The optimal distance from the eyes to a book, notebook or computer monitor is 40 centimeters;
  3. Include in the student's diet foods that are good for vision - cottage cheese, kefir, boiled fish, beef or beef tongue, turkey meat, carrots, cabbage, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries and greens (parsley, dill);
  4. Follow proper organization workplace: the room in which the child is engaged should be well lit

heavy burden

Many schoolchildren have problems with the spine - due to an incorrectly selected or too heavy satchel or an uncomfortable body position when working at the table. How to choose the right school bag, you can find out.

If you notice any posture problems in your child, you should consult a doctor. Complications can be prevented with the help of simple prevention - playing sports, monitoring posture when writing, reading and while working at a computer. The ideal height of the table is 2-3 centimeters above the elbow of the lowered arm of the child (when he is sitting), and the height of the chair should not exceed the height of the lower leg. For sleep, you should choose a flat hard mattress and a small low pillow. Children who already have a curvature of the spine are recommended to sleep on an orthopedic mattress.

So, how to keep a student healthy?

  1. As you know, all diseases are from the nerves. Therefore, first of all, you should find out if the child is experiencing constant psychological stress at school and, if possible, try to protect him from stress and overwork.
  2. Pay attention to the menu: a growing children's body should receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals. In addition, proper nutrition will strengthen the immunity of the child and, therefore, protect him from various diseases.
  3. Monitor your child's health. If any abnormalities and warning signs appear, you should consult a doctor.
  4. Organize the daily routine: the student should get up and go to bed at the same time. Sleep duration for students lower grades should be about 10 hours, and for high school students - at least nine.
  5. To improve the health of the child, it is useful to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air and exercise regularly.

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