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Hvorostovsky Dmitry: family and children, biography with photo. Dmitry Hvorostovsky: biography, personal life The first opera part of D. Hvorostovsky

Dmitry Alexandrovich Hvorostovsky - famous in every corner the globe Opera singer, whose soft baritone makes the hearts of women melt and admire his talent.

An unremarkable, but very talented and stubborn boy from Krasnoyarsk was able to make himself on his own, forcing him to applaud all of Europe and America.

Having learned about his fatal diagnosis, Dmitry Hvorostovsky managed to pull himself together and defeat him, continuing to perform and give joy to people, as well as supporting the young talents of Russia.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Fans from all over the world are in a hurry to find out everything about their favorite opera singer, including his parameters such as height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Hvorostovsky can be found out by specifying the date of his birth.

Dmitry Alexandrovich was born in 1962, so he recently turned fifty-four years old. According to the sign of the Zodiac, Hvorostovsky belongs to the modest, polite, reasonable, friendly, indecisive, but incredibly creative Libra.

Eastern horoscope gave him the sign of the Tiger, endowing him with such character traits as attentiveness, nobility, willpower, determination.

Hvorostovsky's height is very impressive, since it is a meter and ninety-three centimeters. Dmitry weighs only eighty-eight kilograms after an illness.

Biography and personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Biography and personal life Dmitri Hvorostovsky is very much in demand as a request on the Internet. It is worth clarifying that little Dima was born in Krasnoyarsk, he was a very talented boy. Already at the age of six he played the piano under the guidance of his father, and began to sing even earlier - at the age of 4.

At school, the boy did not study very well, and sometimes behaved simply disgustingly, so he received a terrible graduation report. Many teachers advised the talented guy to study at the local art school, but he impressed everyone by submitting documents to the teacher training school. Dmitry wanted to become music worker at school, but fell ill with rock music and began performing in a band.

Then the guy nevertheless transferred to the Krasnoyarsk School of Culture, and then graduated from the KSII. Here he met his teacher and second mother - Ekaterina Iofel, who saw in him the data of an opera singer.

From 1985 to 1990 Hvorostovsky shone on the stage of the Opera and Ballet Theater in Krasnoyarsk. The talent of the guy who performed in the operas Faust and Pagliacci was noticed, so he constantly won all-Russian competitions and toured all countries former USSR.

Already since 1989, Dmitry was noticed in Europe, in particular in Italy and England, so for a long time he performed at Covent Garden, the Vienna and Berlin Operas, the famous Milanese La Scala.

He supports the young opera singers and pianists, releases albums with his songs and tours around the world. By the way, he is the first singer in the world who was allowed to perform on Red Square.

The personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky was not successful the first time, since everyone considered his first love and wife lung woman behavior. Hvorostovsky did not pay attention to fans, but he was able to find happiness in his second marriage. He considers his second wife his savior and muse.

Family and children of Dmitry Hvorostovsky

The family and children of Dmitry Hvorostovsky are quite interesting to fans who are eager to find out who raised such a brilliant singer. Dmitry Hvorostovsky was born into an intelligent family, where they loved to sing and admired music.

Father - Alexander Hvorostovsky - was a talented chemist, but this did not stop him from loving music and completely surrendering to it. Almost constantly he sang in a pleasant baritone voice, skillfully played the piano and collected rare records. However, it was his father who taught the boy to play the piano and instilled a love of music.

The guy infinitely respected his mother, who raised him and helped him find himself in music. She turned a blind eye to her son's tricks and devastating characteristics from the school and believed in her son.

Hvorostovsky - father of many children who loves his kids. Many sources close to the first wife of the baritone claim that the royal twins appeared as a result of IVF, since Dmitry, in a fit of jealousy, beat Svetlana, and she became barren.

Children in the Hvorostovsky family speak Russian, French, English and Italian, so the offspring speak them thoroughly. Dmitry supports his children, does not divide into his own and others, and is always ready to see them in his house.

The son of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Danila Hvorostovsky

The son of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Danila Hvorostovsky - the second half from royal twins, which was born to the baritone by the first wife Svetlana Hvorostovskaya in 1996.

The guy at home was called in a foreign manner - Daniel, he adored his father and supported his mother. The boy studied at a London school, lived in a prestigious area, but missed his father very much.

Danila accepted the news that his father married a second time calmly. He adores his younger sister, and with his brother is on an equal footing. At the same time, the guy has long grown up and followed in the footsteps of his father, however, he did not become an opera singer, because he gave his heart to rock music and playing the guitar.

The son of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Maxim Hvorostovsky

The son of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Maxim Hvorostovsky - was born in the London maternity ward in 2003. His second wife became his mother famous father Florence Hvorostovsky.

The boy is the pride of his father, he is insanely similar to him both in appearance and in character. The boy is very calm and sociable, but he can explode if something goes wrong, as he intended.

Maxim is very photogenic, so he often participates in photo shoots, he studies at school and is fluent in three foreign languages. The boy loves cars, music and travel.

Daughter of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Alexandra Hvorostovskaya

The daughter of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Alexandra Hvorostovskaya - was born in 1996, she was one of the royal twins. The girl was born by the first wife of the baritone Svetlana Hvorostovskaya.

Little Sashenka adored her father, she drew beautifully and sang. The girl was very upset by the divorce of her parents, but often, together with her brother, she visited her father and stepmother.

Currently, Alexandra is seriously engaged in painting, her paintings constantly appear in art galleries peace. She permanently resides in London.

Daughter of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Nina Hvorostovskaya

Dmitri Hvorostovsky's daughter, Nina Hvorostovskaya, was born in 2007, and her father's second wife, Florence Hvorostovsky, became her mother. The girl grows up as a very smart child, she is fluent in three languages.

Little Nina sings great, she takes vocal lessons and makes music. At the same time, Dmitry never raises his voice to the baby and sincerely rejoices at her success. He often cries when he hears how beautifully his daughter sings and reads to her the future of the opera diva.

Nina is an excellent student at school and takes part in school amateur performances.

The ex-wife of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Svetlana Hvorostovskaya

Ex-wife Dmitri Hvorostovsky - Svetlana Hvorostovskaya - appeared in the life of an opera singer back in 1986, she was a corps de ballet actress in Krasnoyarsk. Stormy romance lasted five years and ended in marriage.

At the same time, many people from Dmitry's inner circle begged him not to marry. The man adopted the daughter of Sveta from his first marriage, Masha, and then became the father of twins.

beautiful couple many envied and considered perfect, so everyone was shocked that she broke up. Hvorostovsky in 2001, while intoxicated, beat his wife, who repeatedly cheated on him.

At the same time, he fought not only with his ex-wife, but also with her lover, so he was forced to leave her property in London, and also pay $ 195,000 annually.

In 2016, Svetlana Hvorostovskaya died suddenly from meningitis, which developed into an acute form of sepsis.

Dmitri Hvorostovsky's wife - Florence Hvorostovsky

The ex-wife of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - Florence Hvorostovsky - appeared in the life of a baritone back in 1999, when they performed an opera part together in Geneva. The man raised two kids and suffered from alcoholism, but his beloved Flosha began to support him in everything.

She is also a talented pianist and opera diva learned Russian and learned how to cook borscht. After the wedding, the woman left the stage for her beloved and became a caring mother.

The couple have been together for fifteen years, they support each other and do not part, leaving the whole family on tour around the world.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky latest health news: cancer progresses

Dmitry Hvorostovsky last news health issues are increasingly gaining public attention. The fact is that the man is seriously ill, he was diagnosed with oncology of the brain.

At the same time, fans were shocked when they learned in June 2015 that the great opera singer was seriously ill and dying of cancer. The course of chemotherapy and rehabilitation Hvorostovsky took place in a London clinic.

Already in the early autumn of 2015, Dmitry returned to touring in tandem with Anna Netrebko. In October of the same year, Hvorostovsky performed at the Kremlin Palace with a large-scale concert tour.

Today it is known that Dmitry Alexandrovich underwent several courses of chemotherapy, he repeatedly canceled concert tours. At the same time, the man was hospitalized with pneumonia in 2016.

Dmitri Hvorostovsky has died. Cause of death and funeral of the singer

Dmitri Hvorostovsky was already ready to perform constantly. He appeared at the City Day in St. Petersburg and performed in Krasnoyarsk, where he became an honorary citizen of the city. Recently, the opera singer had a shoulder injury.

Tragic news came from London, where opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky died suddenly on November 22. It happened in a British hospital at 3:36 a.m. British time.

Fifty-five-year-old Dmitry was conscious, so he managed to say goodbye to his parents, wife Florence and close people. According to Dmitry Malikov and Iosif Kobzon, the cause of the sudden death was brain cancer.

The news of the death of the opera singer was confirmed by the official representative of Hvorostovsky, Mark Hildrew. Condolences to family and friends were expressed by fans, politicians and colleagues, calling death greatest loss.

Now relatives decide where and when the funeral of Dmitry Hvorostovsky will take place.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Hvorostovsky

Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Hvorostovsky are available and official, while it is worth clarifying that all the information posted on their Internet spaces is reliable and up-to-date.

On the Wikipedia page, which is dedicated to Dmitry Hvorostovsky, there is all the data regarding his parents and children, personal and family life, career development and health issues, discography and awards.

The Instagram page indicates what Hvorostovsky's hobbies are, while it is filled to the brim with photos and videos from family archive. They are provided with comments by Dmitry Aleksandrovich himself.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky is a singer with a unique voice and destiny. They want to hear it on the best stages of the world. He is expected everywhere as the dearest guest. Now we will get acquainted with the biography of Hvorostovsky - the pride of Russia. And this is not an exaggeration, but only a small dose of admiration for a man with a capital letter and a great singer.


In cold Krasnoyarsk, in the intelligent family of Hvorostovsky, Andrei Stepanovich and Lyudmila Petrovna, in 1962, on October 16, under the sign of Libra and the Tiger, a son was born, who was named Dima. The boy grew up to the singing of his father, who had a beautiful baritone, who at the same time played the piano. Since my father loved music, he had big collection records with classical music, which is also often listened to.

Therefore, music entered the biography of Hvorostovsky from infancy. And at the age of four, the kid himself sang romances and folk songs. When he got older, he had favorite singers. And what! F. Chaliapin, M. Callas, T. Gobbi, E. Bastianini. All the friends of the parents joked that growing in the house great singer. After all, they looked into the water!


Initially, dad himself taught his son to play the piano, and then, as expected, at the age of seven, Dima went to school. It was trouble. In it, the boy was bored and uninteresting. He did not receive good marks in it even in discipline.

But at the music school, where a performer was trained from him, everything went well and smoothly. With sin in half, the comprehensive school was finally completed, and the future of the pianist did not attract him. In the biography of Hvorostovsky, a choice appeared: who to become.

Wonderful early years

Not very, apparently, thinking, he passed the documents to the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical School. While studying in it, he became interested in modern rock music. He imitated these musicians internally and externally. Simultaneously with his studies, he played keyboards and soloed in the local ensemble "Rainbow". Clubs and restaurants - these were his main places of work. The members of the ensemble understood freedom as permissiveness: they could both drink and fight. Dima often missed classes after a late concert and was already thinking about quitting the school altogether. But he still reached the diploma of a music teacher.

growing up

And then Dima suddenly matured. In 1982, he entered the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts to study vocals. He had the best possible teacher - Professor Ekaterina Yoffel, professional Opera singer and teacher with many years of experience. Standing in front of her difficult task- retrain a hot-tempered young man and teach him how to get along with discipline - a prerequisite for a professional. Only after the second year, Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Ekaterina Konstantinovna found a common language. He stopped missing classes and began to rapidly absorb knowledge. Not relying only on his natural abilities, the young man tried to learn all the secrets of vocals. Gradually, not only at the institute, his voice turned into an ideal instrument necessary to fill the entire space of the hall and saturate it emotionally. The young singer understood that, even performing exercises and vocalizations, it was necessary to create artistic image. He is still grateful to E. Yoffel for all the lessons received and the ability to work on himself without a teacher, constantly controlling himself. The red diploma became an award to the teacher and his student.

The beginning of a musical career

Even at the time when Hvorostovsky was studying, he had already begun to sing on symphony concerts, then - on the stage of the Krasnoyarsk Opera and Ballet Theater. He was accepted into the troupe in 1985. He did not immediately become a soloist. At first there were small parties, minor ones. However, the young singer worked tirelessly, and his amazing voice and talent soon made it possible to perform the main roles in operas by Tchaikovsky and Gounod, Leoncavallo and Verdi. Thus began to develop singing biography Hvorostovsky.

On next year O young talent the country spoke: he received the title of laureate at All-Russian competition vocalists, a few months later he subjugated all the judges of the All-Union Competition to his charm. Working in Krasnoyarsk until 1990, Dmitry Alexandrovich received the Grand Prix in Paris. After that, he made his debut at the Nice Opera House. Then, in 1988, a victory was won in Toulouse. The next country where they started talking about Hvorostovsky was Great Britain.

On international festival in Cardiff (Wales) its strong saturated velvet voice was so soft and agile that he was compared to the great Pavarotti. Hvorostovsky performed arias from operas by Tchaikovsky and Verdi. For the first time in 4 years, a representative of the USSR appeared here and immediately conquered everyone. This is how the opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky was born, to whom offers from the best theaters world from Moscow and London, from St. Petersburg and Milan, from Vienna and Berlin, New York, Chicago and distant Buenos Aires.

United States

« Queen of Spades was the debut performance in America. She became a sensation in 1990. Philips Classics hastened to conclude an agreement with the vocalist and recorded albums consisting of 20 records with opera arias And solo programs. Special success had an album "Dark Eyes" with Russian romances and folk songs. He scattered everywhere. The singer fascinated Europe and America with it. The next step in the biography of Hvorostovsky was logical. Russia began to disintegrate, chaos ensued, and the singer stayed in England, where he bought a house in 1994. Moreover, by this time he was married and had children.

Touring at home

The opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky never forgot to insert performances in the most different cities our country. He performed not only in the capitals. Arriving in Siberia Far East, the singer prepared with great responsibility for meetings with admirers of his talent. He personally checked how the sound would be in different parts of the hall, he brought his conductor.

Thus, he emphasized his respect for the audience. When he was called again and again after the end of the concert, he did not refuse, but sang for an encore. He was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen Krasnoyarsk Territory and this city, as well as the Kemerovo region. The singer got State Prize RSFSR and the Order of Alexander Nevsky.

First marriage

At the Krasnoyarsk Opera House, Dmitry met an attractive corps de ballet dancer Sveta Ivanova, who was already divorced and was raising her daughter. But for Dmitry, this did not become a hindrance. For him, an unearthly light emanated from the young woman. He was passionately, youthfully in love, and two years later in 1991 they got married.

Mashenka Hvorostovsky adopted. But this marriage, from which all his friends dissuaded him, was not prosperous. The wife of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Svetlana, behaved frivolously and not only flirted, her relationships with men went much deeper. This depressed the singer, but he forgave his wife's betrayals. In 1994, after moving to London, the wife refused to learn English, and having given birth to twins in 1996 - daughter Alexander and son Danila, she completely stopped paying attention to her husband. After another scandalous betrayal in 1999, the couple divorced in 2001. Svetlana's greed had no boundaries. She sued a huge alimony - one hundred and seventy thousand pounds. And ten years later, she again filed a lawsuit due to the fact that the income of the father of her children had grown significantly. Alimony has doubled. She died at the age of 56. The children have already grown up. The daughter became an artist, and the son became a rock musician.

Second marriage

Singer Florence Illy in 1999 sang with Hvorostovsky in Don Juan. She was immediately captivated by him as a person and a singer. In addition, she read all the Russian classics in French and tried to learn Russian, which she eventually succeeded in. IN hard time betrayal and divorce from his wife, when Hvorostovsky began to get depressed, she was always there. Spiritual intimacy grew into marriage. So Florence became the wife of Dmitry Hvorostovsky in 2001. First, they had Maksimushka, who was already 14 years old in 2017, then their daughter Ninochka, who is four years younger than her brother. This is a happy marriage in which the singer found love and peace. Pictured is the family of Dmitry Hvorostovsky in 2016.

His wife learns from him to do everything in Russian. Even mastered the preparation of dumplings. The couple tries to part as little as possible. Often a wife is with her husband on his tour. So now the personal life of Dmitry Hvorostovsky is going on.


Dmitry Hvorostovsky considers himself a "citizen of the world." Feeling like a Russian, a Siberian, he feels comfortable wherever he tours. Loving Krasnoyarsk and Moscow, he treats Paris, Milan, New York with warmth. In all these cities he feels at home, but nowhere does he stay for long. Two or three days, and he is already drawn to a new place. Mentally, he is constantly immersed in new projects. This does not interfere with current work. Thoughts about what should be done in two or three months are constantly present.


In the early summer of 2015, the singer began to experience dizziness and incoordination. He canceled the tour. The whole world was worried about what happened to Dmitri Hvorostovsky. The singer began examinations in London. Dmitri Hvorostovsky was diagnosed with a tumor of the hypothalamus, early stage. It was treatable.

His voice was not affected. So it was established what happened to Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Treatment began, which by the fall had already brought the singer to good condition. He performed in New York in the opera Il trovatore together with A. Netrebko, brilliantly performing the part of Count di Luna. The audience did not stint on the bouquets, and the whole stage was just littered with them.

What is known lately

By June 2017, the state of health of Dmitry Hvorostovsky can be assessed as good. The word "excellent" doctors do not apply to anyone at all. In May, he flew to his native Krasnoyarsk and began to prepare for the concert. Standing at the podium was Konstantin Orbelyan, who conducted the symphony academic ensemble Krasnoyarsk on the stage of the regional Philharmonic. American tenor Stephen Costello took part in the concert, which consisted of two parts.

In the first part, arias from operas by Rubinstein and Rachmaninoff were performed. In the second, music connoisseurs heard Khachaturian, Tchaikovsky, Bulakhov, Verdi. A triumph, as always, was the romance "Dark Eyes". His baritone was intoxicating and bewitching, the intonations of his parts caused shivers.

This meeting of the world star with his native listeners was dear to him. He showed this by often putting his hand to his heart and sending smiles to everyone. Now no one doubted the state of health of Dmitry Hvorostovsky: he defeated a terrible disease.

For our part, we are amazed at the courage and efficiency of the singer, his ability to enjoy every moment of life and give joy to people. And today the concert schedule of the artist is scheduled for several years ahead. We wish you a successful continuation of your creative and personal biography Hvorostovsky.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky died at the age of 55, Florence Hvorostovsky remained a widow - a 47-year-old beauty, half Italian, half French by birth. They met in 1999, he was still married, but on the verge of divorce, she was free. A significant meeting took place on the stage of the theater, Dmitry played the part of Don Juan, she played the role of one of his girlfriends. Florence Illy immediately laid eyes on the handsome, gray-haired Russian hero. Talented, temperamental, stately, well-built.

With his first wife, Dmitry Hvorostovsky had very difficult relationship, as a result of which he even became addicted to alcohol, slowly destroyed himself, did things that he remembered with shame much later. It is possible that the majority creative people prone to self-destruction, alcohol abuse. Some, like Dmitri Hvorostovsky, talk about it openly, and some hush up their problems with the green serpent. Here I look at this handsome man, who would live and live, but he died at the peak of his popularity, died in the prime of his life. Stress certainly contributes to illness, outwardly polished and successful, but inside broken and let misfortunes happen to him even before he met Florence Illy, before the birth of Max and Nina's children, but the self-destructive mechanism was launched a long time ago.

The first wife of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Svetlana, died in 2015, at that time she already knew about her illness. ex-husband, the spouses even managed to reconcile, although for long years managed to spoil a lot of blood to each other. Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Svetlana had twins in 1996 - daughter Alexander and son Daniel. In addition, Svetlana has a daughter from her first marriage - Maria, she was Dmitry, like her own daughter.

Dmitri Hvorostovsky was a staunch atheist. And I admire this man, if only for the fact that before his death he did not rush to be baptized, go to church, confess, take communion, get married, kiss the icons and relics of miracle workers, did not go to holy places. This courage is not to indulge yourself with thoughts that they are waiting for us in the other world, that there will be a second chance to fix something. Dmitri Hvorostovsky believed that there is nothing after death. He was honest not only with others, but also with himself. Prayers do not help with brain cancer, even if you pray with the whole world ...

Flosha, as Dmitry Hvorostovsky called his second wife, was a ray of light in his life. It was this woman who saved him from drunkenness, gave him a second chance to become happy, successful, in demand, became a muse, wife, lover, mother. For the sake of her beloved, she mastered English and Russian, learned how to cook borscht and make dumplings, left the stage, and devoted herself entirely to her family. She had no choice, the only way she could give her beloved a sense of a reliable rear, Florence herself could achieve a lot, she had all the data for this, but love turned out to be more important for her. At 47, she was left a widow, with two children in her arms: 14-year-old son Max and 10-year-old daughter Nina. For two years, Dmitry Hvorostovsky struggled with his illness, brain cancer, but the disease won.

With son Max.

In the photo with his wife Florence and children: daughter Nina and son Max.

And in this photo are the parents of Dmitry Hvorostovsky: father Alexander (chemical engineer) and mother Lyudmila (gynecologist).

On the right in the photo are the parents of Dmitry Hvorostovsky.

With Luciano Pavarotti.

As a child, Dmitry Hvorostovsky was like that.

With son Max.

Biography of Dmitry Hvorostovsky


October 16, 1962 in Krasnoyarsk was born the future famous singer, and his childhood years passed here. In his family, dad was very fond of music, he sang, played the piano and collected huge collection recordings of opera performers from all over the world. Although he was a chemical engineer by profession, music was his passion. Mom was completely far from music, she worked in a hospital as a gynecologist. The beautiful baritone was apparently passed on to Dmitry from his father, from childhood he lived surrounded by music, since his father often liked to sing and play the piano in the evenings. Already at the age of four, the boy imitated his father's singing, which turned out very well. At the beginning music education the boy was taken up by his father, he taught him to play the piano, then he was sent to study at music school.

Study in general education school was difficult for Dmitry, later he did not even want to remember school years The only thing he liked was music. And after graduating from school, the young man entered the Pedagogical School in Krasnoyarsk, where he also graduated from the Institute of Arts. His teachers were Iofel E.K., Rioli-Slovtsova M.N. other prominent figures in the world of music.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky was fond of music since childhood

The beginning of the creative path

The first years of study with Iofel were difficult for Dmitry. Having a quick-tempered and impatient character, he was forced to study again, mastering the profession opera soloist. But by the third year, everything fell into place, and studies went back to normal. Literally from a half-word, the student understood his teacher, this allowed him to finish his studies with honors.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky began his career as an opera singer in his hometown Krasnoyarsk. The first place of work was the city theater of opera and ballet, where he began performing in 1985. For 5 years of performances, the singer became famous person in the city. He was invited to perform in the most famous theater productions, especially Eugene Onegin, The Queen of Spades, Faust. Fame young singer began to spread far beyond the city of Krasnoyarsk. In 1987, having taken part in the All-Russian competition of young vocalists, he took first place. After that, Dmitry took part in the All-Union Competition for Young Vocalists, which was held in Baku.

These competitions became a kind of start in the career of a young singer. It was after the victories in the competitions that multiple tours began throughout the country. The fame of the singer grew, he became recognizable far beyond the borders of his hometown.

Around the same years, Hvorostovsky decided to conquer the listeners in European countries. This goal was achieved through participation in international competitions. In 1988, the singer performed in France in Nice, and the victory was won in Toulouse at the international competition of opera singers. A year later, Hvorostovsky went to international competition passing in Wales. Since that time, the whole of Europe began to talk about the young and talented singer. Increased interest in the singer also contributed interesting appearance, a handsome young man, athletic, with regular features, a mane of hair and an impeccable tuxedo. His hair turned gray early, it just so happened, but this is also a special distinguishing feature singer, not counting the chic voice that captivated millions of listeners around the world.

Glory all over the world

In 1990, Hvorostovsky performed on the stage of the New York theater, it was the opera The Queen of Spades. Here he was noticed by representatives of sound recording, offering to record a series of records for the singer. In total, about 20 records were released during the collaboration. These were the records solo concerts singer, as well as arias from performed operas. These were the years of glory for Hvorostovsky, he was known and loved not only in Russia, but also in America and Europe.
Having traveled with concerts around Europe, the artist decides to change his place of residence, he acquires luxury house, consisting of 5 floors in London. A few years later he receives the citizenship of England. Tours around the world continued.

Illness and death

In the spring of 2015, Dmitry Hvorostovsky learned about terrible disease- brain cancer. The symptoms of this terrible disease tormented the singer long before he found out about the disease, suddenly he began to feel dizzy, he lost coordination of movement, problems with hearing and vision began. Doctors confirmed the diagnosis, and a long and expensive treatment began in the best clinics in the world. Having refused the operation, he began to undergo chemotherapy courses. However, medicine turned out to be powerless - Dmitry Hvorostovsky died on November 22, 2017 at the 56th year of his life.

Personal life

The first wife of Hvorostovsky was Svetlana Ivanova, their acquaintance took place on the stage of the Krasnoyarsk theater. Svetlana danced in the same theater, and the young man was almost immediately captivated by the beauty and talent of the young girl. Svetlana has already managed to be married and raised one child. This did not frighten Dmitry and the romance that began rapidly ended in a wedding. After that, they moved to a communal apartment where Dmitry lived. At the same time, Hvorostovsky was dissuaded from this marriage, there were rumors that Svetlana often changed boyfriends. Will she be able to remain loyal to one? In addition, the girl was 3 years older than Dmitry.

In 1996, twins were born in marriage, a boy, Daniel, and a girl, Alexandra. The daughter later became an artist, and the son a musician. The rupture of relations occurred in 1999, and the divorce took place only in 2001. In one of the interviews, the singer admitted that he does not forgive betrayals.

The second wife Florence Illy is from Geneva, the girl has French and Italian roots. They also had two children in marriage, in 2003 a son Maxim, in 2007 a daughter Nina.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky - world celebrity, an outstanding opera singer who was applauded best scenes world, was born in Krasnoyarsk on 10/16/1962.


This amazing fact, But unique voice and the love of music was inherited by Hvorostovsky from his father, a chemist by training. He loved to sing all his life, had a pleasant velvety baritone voice and played the piano beautifully. He was also very fond of high-quality music and had an excellent collection of records with records by the best domestic and foreign performers.

Dmitry in childhood

From almost the first months of life, the baby listened very carefully to the classics, which often sounded in the house. And at about 4 years old, he first tried to sing an excerpt from some kind of aria. It was then that the father noticed that the boy had an excellent ear - he hit the notes almost unmistakably. Then he called the baby to the piano and began to teach music.

When the boy went to a music school, he began to make such progress in playing the piano that the teachers predicted a brilliant musical future for him, but not as a singer, but as a performer. However, the boy sang in the choir and even sometimes was its soloist. But he really played the instrument superbly.

But in a regular school, things went from bad to worse. Several times he was on the verge of expulsion, therefore, after receiving a very mediocre certificate in his hands, he breathed a sigh of relief.

From music to singing

He decided not to continue his studies music school, and in pedagogical institute. Most likely, the influence of the father and his first music lessons who instilled in the boy a love for the instrument for life. He would also like to teach other children. Therefore, there he already took his studies very seriously and received a diploma with very decent grades.

Within the walls of the institute, he continued active music lessons and began to try to play new directions. So, he was one of the first to perform hard rock compositions on the piano. With other institute guys, he put together a small team and even began to perform regularly in local clubs, gradually gaining more and more fans.

By this time, the future singer had already finally formed his voice and had a desire to learn opera singing. Ekaterina Iofel, a singer and teacher who had already trained several opera stars world level.

Dmitry made great efforts to still get into her class. And then he listened to every word of the teacher and still tries to follow all her advice.

Musical career

While still a third-year student at the school, Dmitry joined the troupe of the Krasnoyarsk Opera Theater and almost immediately began to play the main roles there and solo parts. He also regularly participated in competitions for young performers and often received the most prestigious awards there. Already in 1988 he won the Grand Prix the most prestigious competition vocalists named after Glinka in Baku.

This victory opened the doors of the best for Hvorostovsky. opera houses peace. Within a few months, he began to actively tour. And after he won several European competitions in two years, the singer gained truly world fame.

Handsome and stately, with a tall toned figure, at the same time he entered the rating of the most beautiful people planets. They came not only to listen, but also to watch.

Hvorostovsky was invited to sing at La Scala, the Metropolitan Opera and the Royal Theater of London. In Russia, his concerts are most often held at the Mariinsky. He is the first opera singer to perform under open sky on the Red Square. Arriving in Moscow, the singer prefers to perform in the Kremlin Palace.

Personal life

The first serious love of the artist and subsequently his wife was the ballerina Svetlana Ivanova, whom he met in his native Krasnoyarsk. She is 4 years older than Dmitry, and by that time she had already been married and raised her daughter. But this did not stop Hvorostovsky, as well as the fact that all his relatives and even teachers were against this union.

With Svetlana Ivanova

Hvorostovsky loved Svetlana so much that he went against everyone. A few years later they played a wedding, and Dmitry adopted the girl Svetlana. In 1996, a replenishment appeared in the family - twins were born. But three years later, the couple divorced. Dmitry was tired of Svetlana's constant betrayals, which by that time she had even ceased to carefully hide.

Divorce literally broke the heart and life of the artist. Moreover, the wife fought with lawyers for every penny and sued for very decent alimony. The singer's heart was healed by a new relationship with singer Florence Illi, who lives in Switzerland and is of Italian descent.

With Florence Illy and children

The girl surrounded him with such love and care that the soul of the singer thawed. They soon got married. And when she gave birth to two children for him, the singer's joy simply knew no bounds.

It would seem that life has improved again and returned to a normal track. But then a bolt from the blue broke out - Hvorostovsky was given a terrible diagnosis - cancer. The tumor was in the brain, and although, according to the surgeons, it was operable, Dmitry categorically refused to go under the knife.

After several courses of chemotherapy in the world's best clinics, he feels better again and even continues to perform.

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