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Why do you dream about seeing bananas? Why does a woman dream of yellow bananas according to the Modern Dream Book

Bananas in a dream can portend both favorable and negative events. It all depends on what the fruit was like: you need to remember them appearance and dream details. Most often, bananas in a dream mean that the dreamer will soon have to make an important choice that will have unforeseen consequences. Sometimes bananas symbolize colleagues or classmates with whom the dreamer has a bad relationship, and conflicts often arise. You need to be careful, because these fruits in a dream most often promise quarrels and troubles in reality.

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    What were bananas like?

    Seeing beautiful and ripe fruits in a dream means enjoying life. Interesting and bright events. The dream foreshadows good health and success with the opposite sex.

      If the bananas were small, such a dream sometimes means a waste of money.

      Unripe green fruits can have different meanings:

      • The dreamer will take on a new risky business, perhaps it will be his own business. Quitting your job while cutting off all contacts is not recommended. You need to weigh the pros and cons and then make a decision.
      • The dreamer needs new goals; he cannot understand himself, determine priorities, or decide what he really wants to do in life. Need to accept correct solution, set a goal and go towards it, overcoming obstacles. This is what will inspire new achievements. Otherwise, the development of depression cannot be avoided.
      • Such a dream means lack of self-confidence, especially in intimate relationships.

      Bananas also dream of negative events if they were rotten. The dreamer will be involved in a dubious event. Spoiled fruit means failure in all areas of life: personal, in relationships with colleagues, in professional field. The dreamer’s efforts will not be appreciated by management, and no promotion is expected. Rotten fruits portend great financial losses. No one will help in a difficult situation; a person will be forced to solve problems on his own.

      If the bananas were brown or stained, quarrels with your significant other are expected soon. A misunderstanding will arise that will lead to a showdown.

      Who had the dream?

      For a woman, a dream about bananas can be interpreted in different ways. If a girl saw yellow ripe bunches of these fruits in a dream, she will be popular with men. If a woman ate bananas with pleasure, her lover will be faithful to her, this is a sign pure love. Such a dream promises health, preservation of youth and longevity.

      Another interpretation: one banana - to a love affair, to a bright passionate romance, which will not last long.

      Green unripe bananas are a warning for a young girl. She should not enter into intimate relationships with unfamiliar men, otherwise they will wait for her serious problems, related not only to reputation, but also to health.

      If you had a dream during pregnancy, it means that a son will be born.

      If a man finds himself among banana palm trees, a big profit awaits him. Important has whether he plucked fruit from the trees or not. If the harvest was rich, success is just around the corner: expected career or a major business transaction.

      For a man, such a dream symbolizes his sexual potential: if the banana was large and ripe, the man is satisfied with his sex life and is confident in himself. If it was small, nondescript or green, the representative of the stronger sex has problems in relationships with girls. You need to understand yourself and become more confident.

      If a man ate fruit, he would expect conflicts with colleagues and the appearance of a rival on the personal front.

      Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

      The dreamer's actions

      The dreamer could perform various actions in a dream:

      • There are fruits - to receive a valuable gift, a bonus. Another meaning is a change in type of activity, new risky enterprises that may not be successful. If the dreamer tries very hard to prove himself at work, he will be satisfied with the results of his work.
      • Put fruit in the refrigerator - the dreamer will delay the decision important issues, put it off until later.
      • Collecting fruits from a palm tree means getting additional income.
      • Peeling - a new acquaintance is expected, a pleasant meeting that the dreamer has been waiting for a long time. But if the banana was rotten inside, this relationship will not bring positive emotions.
      • Prepare a delicious dessert, cut into slices - to a new acquaintance and a pleasant pastime.
      • Buying in a store or market is a waste of time, a waste of time.
      • Trading on your own is a hobby with no prospects that will bring neither joy nor satisfaction. This may also apply to a person who at first seems worthwhile to the dreamer, but in reality turns out to be empty and unpleasant.
      • Carry it in a bag - you shouldn’t share your ideas and plans with anyone so that everything you plan comes true.

      Interpretations in famous dream books

      According to Miller's dream book, bananas are considered a harbinger of quarrels and conflicts. Soon you will have to communicate with uninteresting and unpleasant people, who may be colleagues, business partners or just acquaintances. The dreamer will not be able to cope with all the tasks that he has undertaken to do: for him this is too heavy a burden. It is worth shifting some of the responsibilities to others.

      The famous psychoanalyst Freud considered the banana a symbol manhood. If the dreamer enjoys a delicious banana and eats it with pleasure, this means that he is satisfied with his sex life and his partner completely satisfies him. If a person dreams that he is picking a fruit from a palm tree, then he has a desire to dominate, perhaps it manifests itself not only in sex, but also in Everyday life. There is a desire to suppress the partner, to do everything in one’s own way.

      In the modern dream book, fruit is seen as a symbol of inconstancy and betrayal. This applies both to the professional sphere and to personal life. The dreamer's significant other can betray and hide this fact. Business partners can discuss a person behind his back and plot intrigues.

      According to Vanga’s dream book, eating bananas is expected big problems out of curiosity. Sometimes it's better not to interfere in someone else's business. If you dream of only one fruit, then it symbolizes true friend or a companion you can rely on in difficult times, this person will never turn his back on the dreamer. If there was a whole bunch, acquaintances can betray or set you up at any moment; the dream means the absence of true friends who are ready to stand up for a person under any circumstances.

      Vanga’s dream book also says that picking ripe fruits means unexpected income, a promotion is expected, a major profitable deal. If the fruit was rotten, the dreamer is wasting his time and the business will not bring profit. It is better to immediately abandon the enterprise and change the type of activity.

      In general, dreams of bananas often have a negative meaning. Such a dream foreshadows useless affairs, quarrels with colleagues, and troubles. However, there is also a positive meaning, for example, if a person picked ripe yellow fruits, then an improvement in their financial situation is definitely expected.

In order to accurately interpret a dream in which the sleeper saw bananas, it is necessary to remember in what form they were dreamed and what the person did with them in the dream.

As a rule, any dreams in which this exotic fruit is present do not carry anything positive, but it happens that it is a harbinger of favorable events.

Ripe bananas

Ripe bananas that dream of a man, talk about possible difficulties in communication with friends and work colleagues. These can be conflict situations associated with both minor disagreements and serious accusations against each other. Also, someone who sees this fruit in a dream will be forced to do unpleasant and completely uninteresting things, and communicate with a person unpleasant to him.

To a woman dreamed bananas do not foretell pleasant meetings and conversations with people from the past that do not bring any benefit or satisfaction.

Fragrant fruits speak of upcoming disappointments and futile efforts.


Bright yellow bananas talk about the approaching conflict situation, the provocateur of which will be an outsider, and the blame for the event will be unfairly assigned to the person seeing the dream.


Unripe green bananas They warn of imminent difficulties, as well as misfortunes, troubles and sadness. In addition, a bunch of green fruits indicates the riskiness and pointlessness of the business planned for the near future.

Rotten, spoiled

Spoiled, rotten fruits mean the beginning of unprofitable, unpleasant and uninteresting affairs, which will also result in serious financial losses.

With damaged skin

Bananas with dark spots on the peel can be a harbinger of a quarrel. with a loved man. Fruits with dark skin but fresh flesh indicate deep tender feelings a representative of the opposite sex who hides them behind ostentatious indifference.

Small and large

On lack of attention the opposite sex is indicated by small fruits in a dream, while large bananas speak of many admirers or admirers.

Fruits on the tree

Bananas growing on a palm tree indicate success in sexual relations and about the attention of the opposite sex.

If the number of fruits on a palm tree is unnaturally large, the dream predicts the imminent birth of a child in the family or immediate environment.


Buying bananas in a dream warns of wrong chosen tactics conducting any important business. If in a dream a person bargains for a bunch of bananas, the vision speaks of uncertainty in making a decision. Here, by the way, it is worth noting that if in a person’s life there are some doubts regarding the solutions to any problems, the dream signals that it is necessary to make only the decision that will bring the least loss of strength, emotions, and finances.

If in a dream bananas are purchased at the market, you should pay attention to your financial situation - it is rapidly deteriorating.

See it on the counter, but don't buy it

This dream plot speaks of boring life, depression, fatigue and the need to change the usual routine environment, bring something bright and new into your life.


A dream in which a person sells bananas speaks of wasted efforts and unjustified expectations.

There are bananas

If in a dream a person eats a banana and receives pleasure, soon a cheerful feast, pleasant meetings and good mood. If banana is consumed with reluctantly, and even more so with disgust - this is a sign of financial difficulties, performing emotionally draining work. It is worth deciding whether such activity is necessary for later life, because in the future this will drag on, and life will turn into a wheel, and a person into a squirrel, running in circles every day.

A large number of eating bananas in a dream can warn of the accumulation of problems that require prompt intervention and resolution.

Eating a ripe banana in a dream is an indication of the time to develop talents and abilities. An unripe banana indicates that there is no need to get down to business without a clearly drawn up step-by-step plan.

Important: Eating bananas in a dream may also indicate dysfunction nervous system and problems with the pancreas.

If you eat bananas in a dream someone outsider- this symbolizes the dreamer as an object of sexual passion.


A pregnant woman who sees a banana in a dream can safely buy toy cars and helicopters, because such a dream speaks of the birth of a son.

To the girl

A young girl who dreams of bananas, a banana palm, or walks through a banana grove can count on a speedy romantic acquaintance, which will most likely develop into strong love relationship. A girl who sees a bunch of bananas in a dream need not worry about her health and beauty.


If a woman collects bananas in a dream, we can talk about her satisfaction with her sex life. Fruits collected and immediately peeled indicate the dominance of a woman in relationships. Man picking bananas takes over responsibility for the family, takes a leading position.

If bananas are collected from a palm tree grown on your own (for example, growing in a country house), this indicates that it is time to seek the help of loved ones to implement previously planned plans.

Seeing a person or a group of people harvesting bananas in a dream means the inability to resist the forces of competitors.

If someone gives you bananas

Bananas that are treated to a person in a dream or given as a gift do not bode well. Such a dream warns of envy and attempts by strangers harm well-being and emotional balance. This sign will help you analyze the situation and avoid negative influence ill-wishers.


A banana palm tree with fruits grown within the walls of an apartment speaks of impending wealth and financial stability. Bananas growing in the garden prepare for the visit of an unpleasant and unexpected guest.

Slip on the peel

If in a dream a person slipped on a banana peel, this may indicate the presence hidden rival. In the event that a person slips and falls, he should prepare for unpleasant and painful love experiences.

If you see in a dream how someone else steps on a banana peel, you should pay attention to emotional condition loved one and help him solve his problems.

Smell but not see

If a person dreams of the aroma of a banana, but the fruit is not in his field of vision, this can be regarded as a warning. In the near future, there may be stagnation in any business, as well as taking on the burden of responsibility, without personal consent.

Interesting: Not all dream books attribute negative changes to this fruit. For example, Jewish dream book, interprets dreams about bananas as the imminent appearance of positive events in a person’s life. What is important here is not what form the object was dreamed of, but what time of year it was.

A dream in which this exotic fruit appears in some way in the spring will bring pleasant love experience. In addition, eating bananas in a “spring” dream means tide vitality, increasing self-esteem and mental activity.

Seeing bananas in a dream V summer period - to receive a small, but very desirable, pleasant gift and an interesting adventure.

Bananas that you dream about in the autumn months, portend the imminent receipt of what has long been desired, but without the expected moral satisfaction. Such dreams also indicate that possible alarming premonitions are in vain and have no basis.

In winter, bananas are considered a sign of impending windfall and healing from a serious illness.

In our country, there is no doubt that the banana is. Most often we eat these fruits fresh, but they are often used to prepare salads, desserts and even hot dishes. But what if we saw this fruit in a dream? We suggest that together we find the answer to the question “why do you dream of a banana?” To do this, we turn for help to several of the most complete and accurate collections of dream interpretations available today.

Gustav Miller's dream book: why do you dream of a banana?

This fruit is considered by the collection of interpretations as a harbinger of the need in the near future to communicate with people who are extremely uninteresting and unpleasant to you, who, however, may become your business partners. A dream in which you eat bananas with pleasure promises difficulties and risks in business. In addition, such a vision may reflect the exorbitant responsibilities that you have to at will shouldered. Maybe it’s not too late to give up an unbearable and completely unnecessary burden? Rotting or spoiled bananas portend participation in an unpleasant and tedious task. Selling these fruits at the market is a sign of a passion for useless things and trifles on which you will waste a lot of your time.

If you dreamed of a banana: Freud's Dream Book

This dream book interprets banana exclusively as a symbol of masculinity. So, a dream in which you eat this fruit indicates that your sex life is harmonious, and there is no reason for concern in this area. If you dream of a banana that you pick from a palm tree, then in a relationship, including sexually, you tend to want to dominate and dominate your partner. Also similar dream for representatives of the fair half of humanity it can reflect a craving for feminism, equality with men in all aspects of life.

Modern dream book: banana

This image is considered by this source as a warning about the inconstancy of one of your friends or business partners, as well as the betrayal of a loved one or a serious trouble that you will be ashamed to talk about. Seeing rotten bananas in a dream means you are forced to participate in something unpleasant for you. Such a vision can also serve as a reflection of the fact that your soul is not at all in the work that you do every day. Perhaps it's time to stop torturing yourself and change your field of activity? Eating these fruits in a dream means a quarrel, as well as a possible risk of loss of authority and good name. If you dreamed that you were selling these fruits at a market or in a store, then in the near future you will pay too much attention to useless activities.

Islamic dream book: banana

This source interprets these fruits exclusively as a good sign, predicting well-being and good health.

I dreamed about a banana: Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Spoiled fruits in a dream foreshadow a situation in which you will be burdened with a very unpleasant assignment. A bunch of fresh bananas promises sadness that you cannot tell anyone about. If you dreamed that you were carrying these fruits in your hand or bag, then soon you will have to communicate with an uninteresting and worthless person. Eating a ripe banana in a dream means a quarrel, the culprit of which will be you yourself. If the fruit was unripe, then you have to take on a very dangerous and risky business with a dubious result. Buying these fruits or selling them means it is impossible to make a choice in a given situation. To avoid mistakes, listen to the advice of loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of the East: bananas in a dream

Eating these fruits means stagnation in business. Trading them means a very unprofitable, and possibly even unprofitable, transaction.

If you dreamed about bananas: Esoteric dream book

Did you imagine that you were eating this fruit? It is possible that you will soon begin to feel strong feelings for someone. If you dreamed that someone else was eating a banana, then you yourself will become an object of passion. Rotten fruit promises to appear in intimate life problems. Banana bunches promise an acquaintance with a very attractive person. Perhaps the relationship with him will develop very rapidly and develop into something serious.

Hebrew about bananas

This dream book interprets banana depending on the time of year. So, if it’s spring outside, and you dreamed that you bought or picked these fruits somewhere and are taking them home, then love experiences await you. In the summer, such a dream promises a small but very pleasant gift, in the fall - getting what you want, which, however, will not give you a feeling of satisfaction, and in the winter - unexpected luck. If in the spring you dreamed that you ate bananas, then you will soon feel a surge of strength, and you will also experience self-confidence and a thirst for activity. In the summer, such a dream promises a funny and exciting adventure. Eating bananas in the fall - your premonitions are not destined to come true, and in the winter - you can get rid of a serious illness.

Dream book of the 21st century: if you dreamed of a banana

This collection of interpretations examines a vision in which you eat this fruit, fresh or cooked, as a warning that in the near future you will have to do a new and interesting, but very risky business. In addition, such a dream can be a harbinger of a serious quarrel, the initiator of which, regardless of the real situation, everyone will consider you. Selling fruit in a store or market is a sign of empty troubles or idle pastime.

A collection of clues received in a dream: banana

The authors of this source consider this fruit as a quality, and therefore their interpretations have much in common with So, if a representative of the fair half of humanity has a vision of a ripe, fragrant and beautiful fruit, then subconsciously she is tuned in to a new erotic adventure and has no problems with women's health. Why do you dream of a rotten banana or an unripe fruit? Such a vision is a sign of sexual dissatisfaction, which can ultimately lead not only to a state of stress, but also to severe depression. If a woman dreams of banana groves, with fruits hanging in clusters from the trees, then she will enjoy great success with members of the opposite sex. For men, the vision in which they eat this fruit promises rivalry and conflict. If in a dream you slipped on something, then in the foreseeable future you are destined to experience painful experiences based on love. Perhaps the reason for this will be a feeling of jealousy, which is not without reason. Why do you dream of a banana or bananas that you are trying to sell to someone? Such a vision hints at possible infidelity on the part of your lover. However, your partner will never admit to cheating, even if you have indisputable evidence of this fact.

Bananas in a dream: Dream book for the whole family

Despite the fact that these fruits are very tasty and aromatic, according to the compilers of this collection, they do not bode well. So, if you saw a banana in a dream, then you will have an unpleasant and tiring pastime, a passion for something dishonest and inappropriate. worth attention person, wasted effort and bitter disappointment.

To understand why you dream of bananas, you need to remember what you did with them in your dream, how many of them you dreamed about and what quality they were.

Most often, this fruit is considered a good sign. But sometimes it foreshadows quarrels and troubles.

See them

If fragrant, ripe bananas dreamed of a woman, this speaks of her beauty and good health. And walking through a banana grove in a dream means being very successful with members of the opposite sex.

If the beauty of palm trees gives you an indescribable feeling, then a strong, mutual love. And getting lost in a grove means facing a serious, fateful choice.

  • Dreaming of rotten bananas means starting a useless business.
  • Green - to independent decision problems.
  • They lie on the table - to a short love affair.
  • Seeing them in the refrigerator means putting off important things for later.
  • Banana slices in chocolate - for a pleasant acquaintance.

Seeing a bunch in a store means trying to avoid trouble. And one banana in the window is a sign that you should take care of your own well-being, without counting on others.

According to the dream book, a banana with brown spots is a sign of disagreement with your loved one. And if its peel is brown, but the fruit itself is not spoiled, then behind the indifference of one of the men you know is hiding a serious feeling for you.

Small fruits appear in a dream when you are deprived of the attention of men. Large ones, on the contrary, mean that you have a lot of nice fans.

eat them

Eating a delicious banana in a dream means trying to develop your abilities. And if it is not ripe, then you do not need to get down to business if you have not prepared a clear plan for its implementation.

Eating overripe fruit means being deceived by a loved one. And pricking thin rings with a skewer means getting into a romantic adventure.

A valuable gift or a well-deserved bonus is what you dream of about a banana that you were treated to. And eating it on the street means being an independent and confident person.

Peeling a fruit means leading in family relationships. And to bite it and put it on the table means to abandon the work you started halfway.

  • Feeding a child with it means pleasure.
  • Eating a lot of fruit means a gradual accumulation of problems.
  • Cutting fruits with skin means making a hasty decision.

When you dream that you eat bananas, but do not feel their taste, it means that you are indifferent to the experiences of close relatives. And enjoying their aroma, prolonging the pleasure, means taking an active part in the lives of friends.

According to the dream book, a banana baked in the oven warns of the insidious plans of colleagues. And if you fry it in a frying pan, then you can easily get out of a difficult situation.

Did you dream about something else?

Buying bananas in a store means waiting for advice or support from loved ones. And purchasing them at the market means experiencing financial difficulties.

Carrying fruits in a bag means keeping plans for the future to yourself. And if you carry them in your hands, you will soon cooperate with a person unpleasant to you.

Collecting bananas in the jungle means taking on major responsibilities in the family and taking a leadership position. And if you dream that you are picking fruits at your dacha, then to implement your plan you will need the moral support of your loved ones.

Financial stability and wealth are what dreams of a banana grown at home mean. And collecting them in your neighbor’s garden means waiting for a pleasant person to visit.

Now, having seen these sweet, tasty fruits in a dream, you can easily predict your future.
Author: Vera Drobnaya

Why do you dream about bananas? The dream book interprets bananas completely differently depending on the situation in the dream. Perhaps you ate them, then you need to remember what the taste and smell were like. These fruits, if they are beautiful and tasty, represent for a woman true love and romantic trips.

Dreams with bananas

For accurate interpretation sleeping with these fruits, it’s worth remembering what exactly were bananas like? and where did you see them?

Condition of the fruits

State of fruits in a dream very important for accurate dream interpretation.

Actions that happen with bananas in a dream

It is important to remember what actions with fruits you spent in a dream to find out more exact value dreams.

  1. You enjoy the aroma of fruits in your sleep. This means that soon your acquaintances and friends will need your help and support. And you will take part in their lives.
  2. Buying fruit in the store according to the dream book, it means that in your business, you will have friends who will help you and will take an active part in solving problems.
  3. I dream about buying fruit at the market, bad sign, symbolizing that you will have problems in financially If you decide to buy something large, you should cancel the deal.
  4. If you are carrying bananas in a bag, the dream book tells you that there are enemies around you, and you should not communicate your plans and actions.
  5. Carry fruits in your hands. This means that soon you will cooperate with a person who is unpleasant to you, but this cooperation will be important for solving problems.
  6. Baking fruits in your sleep. The dream book warns that this dream warns you that you have ill-wishers at work who are plotting against you.
  7. Fry fruit in a frying pan in a dream. According to the dream book, this is good sign, which says that all problems will go away, and you will completely cope on your own.
  8. Picking fruit from your neighbors means that you will soon meet pleasant people from whom you will receive support and attention.
  9. Selling fruits in a dream. It means falling in love, which will become rejected or the relationship will go wrong and you will be disappointed. In work, you will be given a job that will not suit you at all.

The interpretation of a dream is possible if you remember what fruits you ate, and which experienced emotions.

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