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The property of perception when a person perceives the surrounding reality as the influence of its specific objects. “Patriarch Bartholomew does not quite adequately perceive the surrounding reality

The human body is an amazing combination of many organs, tissues, functions, chemical reactions, electrical impulses that allow a person to live, recognize and experience the world around him. Cognition occurs through influences on the human senses - light, sound, taste, smell, tactile and spatial perceptions. All this is the basis of human knowledge and existence in the world around him. And perceptual disorders, whatever they may be and for whatever reasons they occur, are a serious problem.

Perception: reality plus imagination

The fact that a person can perceive the world around him involves the senses and imagination. The knowledge that is obtained through vision, hearing, taste, tactile influence, smell and determining the position of the body in space is processed by special parts of the brain and, with the help of imagination and previously gained experience, become ideas about the world around us. Perception disorders in any area do not allow a person to obtain a holistic picture.

Far and near

And the perceptions of the data obtained are closely interrelated. Receptors that receive information about the surrounding reality transmit nerve impulses to the brain, where analysis and processing of the received information occurs and a response occurs in the form of an idea of ​​an object or phenomenon that affects the receptors. Moreover, some of the receptors should receive such an effect through direct contact with the object, and some through space. So, for example, taste sensations arise when food enters the mouth and tongue. But vision allows you to see objects at a distance. The perception of received information through various senses and receptors is the main mechanism for human cognition of the world. Perceptual disorders are a complex physiological and psychological problem.

Sense organs and receptors

In addition to the six senses known to everyone from school, the human body perceives many more stimuli. So, there are receptors responsible for the perception of heat - cold, pain, as well as sensations of your body. So science identifies not six, but 9 types of sensations:

  • vision;
  • hearing;
  • sense of smell;
  • touch;
  • equibryoception - sense of balance;
  • taste;
  • nociception - perception of pain;
  • thermoception - feeling of heat;
  • proprioception - spatial awareness of your body.

Receiving information about the world around us with the help of various receptors, the brain processes it into perceptions of the surrounding reality.

Perceptions and medical practice

If any disturbances occur in the human body, a big problem may arise - perception disorders. Psychiatry, as a scientific and practical field of medicine, studies these disorders and, as far as possible, helps correct them. Psychiatrists have been studying perception disorders for centuries, helping not only the patients themselves, but also the people around them, to live with such problems. Disturbances in the functioning of one or more sense organs are not always disorders comprehensive analysis the surrounding world. A person who has lost his sight knows what objects and colors look like in reality and, using the work of other senses, can imagine real picture the world around him. In psychiatry, disorders of the perception process are a whole complex of disorders caused not so much by problems in the functioning of receptors, but by changes in the processes of processing received information and obtaining the final result.

How do perceptual disorders manifest themselves?

The field of psychiatry is a special field of medicine that studies various mental disorders and their manifestations. This is a very specific area human knowledge, which operates with the concepts of “disease”, “health”, “norm” and “pathology” in relation to mental state. One of the areas of work of a psychiatrist is perceptual disorders. Psychiatry considers such problems to be mental pathologies. Disorders of sensation and perception are manifested by several conditions:

  • Anesthesia is manifested by an inability to perceive tactile sensations, taste and smell. Its manifestations are similar to medical anesthesia, which is caused to turn off the sensitivity of pain receptors in patients during medical interventions.
  • Hyperesthesia is a sensitivity disorder caused by a seeming increase in smell, light, and sound. Very often, hyperesthesia occurs in patients who have suffered a traumatic brain injury.
  • Hypoesthesia is the opposite of hyperesthesia, a change in sensitivity. Sensory perception reduces natural stimuli. Patients with depressive disorders suffer from hyposthesia, for whom the world seems dull and boring.
  • Paresthesia is expressed in sensations of itching, burning, tingling, and “goosebumps” caused by impaired blood supply and innervation. Often, paresthesia occurs in the Zakharyin-Ged zones: problems of internal organs manifest themselves in the form of unpleasant, painful sensations in certain areas of the surface of the human body.
  • Senestopathies are unpleasant sensations that arise inside the human body; they are difficult to describe in words; most often the patient uses bright comparative images to talk about these feelings.

“Wrong” sensations sometimes coincide with the clinical manifestations of any disease, and not only from psychiatric practice. Competent or condition is the basis of quality treatment.

Major Perceptual Disorders

Psychiatry as a field of clinical medicine operates in terms of methodology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. To make a diagnosis, it is necessary to clearly know the manifestations of the disease; clinical tests, medical history, laboratory and instrumental studies help with this. The categorical nature of judgments allows one to correctly interpret the data obtained in order to make an adequate diagnosis. In psychiatry, there are two main categories of perceptual disorder to refer to certain mental health problems:

  • illusions;
  • hallucinations.

Both concepts evoke quite a lot for most people. negative feelings, but the patient himself has no control over them, although in many cases such disorders occur due to conditions into which a person has driven himself, for example, drug or alcohol poisoning. Some types of perception disorders can occur in completely healthy people in terms of psychiatry.

Blue Caterpillar from Wonderland

“What you see, but which is not really there” - that’s it, a hallucination. Problems in perceiving reality as it really is are manifested by the emergence of pseudo-real images. Psychiatry, studying perception disorders, defines hallucinations as an image that appears in the mind and is defined as really existing, but without an external stimulus affecting human receptors. These images appear out of nowhere, so to speak, due to a disorder of perception. Psychiatrists divide hallucinations into several types:

  • - represent vivid images, for the patient having certain shapes, colors, smells, and producing specific sounds. True hallucinations are perceived by the patient as a manifestation of reality through his senses, he tries to manipulate them, as if the phenomena or objects he sees exist in reality. In addition, according to a patient experiencing true hallucinations, all people around him should perceive them exactly the same way as he does.
  • Pseudohallucinations are perceived by the patient as something unnatural, but really existing; it is devoid of brightness, often incorporeal, and can originate either from the body of the patient himself, or from areas not subject to his receptors. Often, false hallucinations are considered by the patient to be forcibly inserted into his body with the help of special devices, devices, machines, or due to mental influence exerted on him.

In addition to these two types, hallucinations are also divided according to the sense organs by which they can be caused:

  • visceral;
  • taste;
  • visual;
  • olfactory;
  • auditory;
  • tactile.

Each type of hallucination has its own scientific definition and can be divided into several subtypes, which is important for clinical psychiatry.

By the way, hallucinations can be suggested or caused. One of the methods of psychiatry uses the Aschaffenburg symptom, when the patient is allowed to listen to a previously switched off telephone, thus testing his readiness for auditory hallucinations. Or Reichardt's symptom is a symptom of a blank sheet: the patient is given a completely white sheet of paper and asked to talk about what is depicted on it. Hallucinations can also be functional, occurring against the background of stimulation of certain receptors and disappearing after the stimulus is removed. By the way, the image of the Blue Caterpillar smoking a hookah on a mushroom cap from Lewis Carroll’s fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland” is considered by many to be a classic hallucination.

Such a beautiful illusion

In psychiatry, there is another type of perception disorder - illusion. Everyone is familiar with this concept, even those who do not suffer from psychiatric perception disorders. People often use the expression “beautiful illusion, terrible illusion.” So what is it? The scientific definition of one of the types of perception disorder sounds like an incorrect, erroneous perception of objects that exist in reality. Deception of feelings - that is what illusion is. For example, an illusion can occur when the level of stimulus is insufficient - in the dark it is very easy to mistake the outline of a bush for a human figure. So the emergence of illusions is not always the area of ​​psychiatry. Characteristic signs of illusion are:

  • object or phenomenon subject to sensory distortion: figure, voice, tactile or spatial sensation;
  • distortion, incorrect perception and evaluation of a real object;
  • the illusion is based on sensory perception, that is, a person’s receptors are actually affected, but it is perceived somewhat differently than it actually is;
  • the feeling of the false as really existing.

Visual perception disorder is one of the most common illusions healthy people. Moreover, such an error may be of a physical or physiological nature. The physical nature of illusions has nothing to do with psychiatry; for the same mirage in the desert there is, albeit not very simple, but proven exact science physics logical justification. Clinical psychiatry considers psychopathological illusions:

  • affective, arising against a background of fear or nervous excitability about impending danger;
  • verbal, i.e. verbal, illusions - individual words or phrases that are heard by a person;
  • pareidolic illusions - visual illusions that arise against the background of a real image by conjecturing images, for example, a pattern on wallpaper can become an illusion of the frightening content of the picture; Most often such illusions are observed in creative personalities For example, scientists have found that Leonardo da Vinci suffered from pareidolia.

The basis of illusions is disorders of perceptions and ideas about the world around us. They are not always pathological in nature. They are often caused by a distortion of perception due to an incorrect assessment of the functioning of the receptors.

Thinking and memory in perceptual disorders

What distinguishes Homo sapiens from all other living beings? Ability to think. Thinking is the basic cognitive process that combines into a logical picture surrounding a person world. Thinking is inextricably linked with perception and memory. All the processes that characterize man as a rational being have changed, developed and transformed over thousands of years. And if to begin with you only had to apply physical strength In order to satisfy his natural needs (food, reproduction and self-preservation), then over time a person learned to build logical chains - to think in order to get the desired result with less physical effort and harm to his health and life. To consolidate the favorable result obtained, memory began to develop - short-term, long-term, as well as other mental functions characteristic of people - imagination, the ability to see the future, self-awareness. Symbiosis of perception and thinking disorders - psychosensory disorders. In psychiatry, these disorders are divided into two main types:

  • depersonalization can be manifested by both incorrect sensations of one’s body, the so-called mental depersonalization, and distorted concepts of one’s own “I” - mental depersonalization;
  • Derealization manifests itself in a distorted perception of the surrounding world - space, time, dimensions, forms of the surrounding reality are perceived by the patient as distorted, although he is absolutely sure of the correctness of his vision.

Thinking is a human characteristic. Reasonable thinking is challenged by perceptual disturbances. Psychiatry, as a field of clinical medicine, is trying to find ways to resolve the disagreements caused by perceptual disturbances in mental patients. With perceptual disorders, patients also exhibit a thinking disorder - delusions, obsessive thoughts, or which become the meaning of such a person’s life.

Psychiatry is a complex science about human mental illnesses, the area of ​​which includes disorders of perception, memory, and thinking, as well as other mental functions. Moreover, any mental health problems are most often associated with a whole range of mental functions - from the functioning of the senses to short-term or long-term memory.

Why is the perception of reality disrupted?

When faced with psychiatric problems, the question arises: what are the causes of perception disorders? There can be a whole range of them: from alcohol and drug poisoning to a pathological state of the human psyche. Mental illnesses are quite difficult to diagnose, often due to the fact that a person cannot accurately describe his feelings, the events that happened or are happening to him, and the initial stages of the disease are not always noticeable to others. Perception disorders can develop as a consequence of any diseases of internal organs or systems, as well as due to disruption of the processes of processing received information, analyzing it and obtaining a specific result. Psychiatric practice at the moment cannot absolutely accurately determine the causes of the development of perception disorders, except for intoxication, when the mechanism of pathology is precisely determined by the toxic substance. Disturbances in the perception of reality can and should cause caution among people around them, since often the patients themselves are in no hurry to turn to specialists, not considering these disturbances as something pathological. A timely identified problem with the perception of surrounding reality can help the patient avoid serious problems. Distorted reality - huge problem both for the patient and for the people around him, both mentally and physically.

Children's fantasies and perceptual disorders

Child psychiatry and psychology is a special type of medicine. Children are great dreamers and inventors, and the increased reactivity of the child’s psyche and insignificant life experience do not give the child the opportunity to independently correct unreal sensations in time. That is why perception disorders in children are a special area of ​​pedagogy, psychology and psychiatry. Visual and auditory illusions are one of the components of every person’s childhood. A scary fairy tale told at night becomes a real nightmare for the baby, hiding under the crib or in the closet. Most often, such disorders occur in evening time, the child’s fatigue and drowsiness affect. Scary tales and stories, especially those told to a baby at night, can become the basis for the development of a neurotic state. Hallucinations occur in children most often against the background of somatic and infectious diseases as a result of increased body temperature. The age at which such disorders most often manifest is 5-7 years. Hallucinations of this nature are elementary - sparks, contours or images of people, animals, and from the sounds children hear shouts, knocking, voices of birds or animals. All these visions are perceived by the child as a fairy tale.

Children of different ages can also suffer from manifestations of schizophrenia. In this case, all hallucinations acquire a complex, often ominous character. The plot of hallucinations is complex, often endangering the health or even the life of the baby. Children of older adolescence, which is 12-14 years old, are characterized by the development of taste and tactile hallucinations, the child begins to refuse previously loved foods, and his character and behavior change.

IN special group Pediatrics and child psychiatry distinguishes children with congenital disturbances of perception. In these cases, the child grows and learns to compensate for the lack of some sensations by enhancing the development of other sensory abilities. A classic example is that a child with congenital hearing loss has excellent vision, notes the smallest details, pays more attention to minor details of the surrounding reality.

Perception is the basis of knowledge of the surrounding world in all its manifestations. In order to feel, a person is given six sense organs and nine types of receptors. But in addition to sensations, the information received must be transmitted to the appropriate parts of the brain, where it undergoes a process of processing and analysis, compilation big picture reality based on a complex of sensations and life experiences. The result of perception is a picture of the surrounding reality. Violations in at least one link in the chain of obtaining a picture of the world lead to a distortion of reality. Psychiatry as a field of clinical medicine studies the causes of appearance, stages of development, signs and symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention of perception disorders of both individual phenomena and components common problems with human health.

A person's life is his activity. In the process of activity, a person must constantly navigate his surroundings. This orientation is largely based on the sensory reflection of the surrounding reality, carried out by our sense organs - analyzers.

In the sensory reflection of the situation, activity is of paramount importance visual analyzer; they observe the surroundings. At every given moment of life, our eyes receive from the surrounding reality a complex set of diverse influences, the result of which is a visual reflection of a more or less extensive area of ​​reality: part of a room in one case, a piece of the street stretching in front of us in another, part of a city square in a third. . Usually we are not satisfied with the perception of that part of reality that is currently in front of our eyes and affects them. Viewing only a small part of the environment often leads to negative consequences. By turning our eyes, head, and entire body, we get acquainted with the entire surrounding reality accessible to our gaze.

In addition to visual impressions, the sensory reflection of the situation involves readings from the organs of smell, touch, and also readings from the organ of hearing. It is rightly emphasized that the main function of the human hearing organ is the perception of speech. Added to this is the perception of music. The importance of hearing in other respects is often diminished and sometimes completely ignored. This view of the role of hearing has no serious basis.

We will dwell in more detail on the role of hearing in the perception of the surrounding reality, so that it is more clear how much people lose if their hearing is affected. Perceiving the environment through hearing, “listening”, provides a solid supplement to visually accomplished familiarization with the environment.

There is never absolute peace in nature. But if there is movement, sounds inevitably arise. Sound waves arise and propagate in the air when any body vibrates.

Depending on the characteristics of objects, the sounds they make are more or less different from one another, which makes it possible to recognize an object by sound.

We find out whether a book or a knife fell from the table in the next room. The sound also reflects individual properties of objects, for example, size: we recognize whether the fallen book was large or small, or whether a table or pocket knife was dropped. In addition to size, the material from which objects are made is recognized by sound, namely: cardboard, wood, metal, glass, etc. Significant signs appear in the sound internal structure, for example, the presence of cavities in an opaque object, wall thickness. The sound reveals defects in the object (for example, a crack in a glass). Thus, sound has a subject-cognitive meaning.

The sound produced by an object varies depending on the distance separating us from the source of the sound. This allows you not only to recognize the sounding object, but also to determine how far away it is. Thanks to the special design of the auditory analyzer, namely the spatial separation of both auditory receptors located on two opposite sides of the head, we are able to perceive the direction of the sound source. Consequently, by hearing it is possible to determine the location of an object, in other words, to localize it in space.

Not only objects are cognized by hearing, but also processes, phenomena and events: the operation of machines, the activities of people, the movement and movement of objects. It is wrong to think that we know only the peculiar sounds inherent in individual objects, processes, and phenomena. We perceive the characteristic complex, diverse sound of the overall environment, for example: forest, field, seashore, factory, big city etc.; we are able to analyze it and determine the presence of individual objects, their location, movement, and also recognize what kind of processes are occurring in the environment. It is possible to perceive many invisible objects by hearing. So, for example, not a single bird is visible in the forest during the day, but the spring hubbub not only testifies to their presence: it is a choir, where each voice sings its own special song, by which you can find out which of the birds it belongs to, and therefore what kind of the birds are here.

So, the reality around us is reflected thanks to the sounds emanating from it much more fully than when perceived through vision alone. Sounds signal the presence of invisible objects and processes in the currently visually perceived area of ​​the environment.

The presence of sounds weakens the significance of the inevitable “fragmentation” of viewing, which consists in the fact that each time the gaze catches only a part of the total environment available in the so-called field of vision. The review is always carried out in parts and sequentially. Sounds can be perceived simultaneously. The visible piece of reality is replenished with objects located in currently invisible parts of the environment, but perceived by hearing. Thus, hearing contributes to a more complete, broader and integral reflection of the surrounding reality.

The importance of hearing is revealed when it is necessary to quickly respond to a sudden change in the environment, which is first known about by sound. Without the perception of sound, changes in the surrounding world sometimes remain unperceived until the last second, as a result of which difficult and even dangerous situations are created.

Not only sounds that arise independently of us, but also sounds generated by our activities, emanating from objects with which we come into contact, are used by us to regulate our behavior.

Hearing consciously controls the operation of a machine, a car, an airplane, a combine, since the nature of the sounds emitted by the mechanisms and their changes signal the processes taking place inside them.

Hearing frees you from the need to frequently observe your surroundings to determine whether problems are occurring. significant changes in its invisible parts. When we are busy working in a quiet room, the auditory analyzer turns out to be a “watchdog” analyzer. It reflects changes occurring in a fairly wide environment that is not visually perceived at that time. These changes are recognized and taken into account, which makes it possible to react immediately only to strictly special changes, to others - later, during a work break, to others - much later, after all the work is completed.

In a deaf person, hearing loss is compensated to one degree or another by the activity of intact analyzers: visual, tactile-vibrational, kinesthetic, etc. But in order for compensation to occur, special development of the corresponding types of perceptions is necessary.

(Published from the book: Psychology of Deaf Children / Edited by I.M. Solovyov et al. - M., 1971. - P. 36-38.)

Yesterday, June 6, Synod of Constantinople Orthodox Church held an extraordinary meeting dedicated to the preparation of the “convened and already approaching” Pan-Orthodox Council, at which he called on all Local Orthodox Churches to participate in the Council, since “not a single institutional structure can revise the conciliar process that has already begun,” RIA Novosti reports.

“The Holy Synod, after the unexpected and surprising expression of the positions and views of the fraternal Orthodox Churches, and after their assessment, confirms that no institutional structure can revise the conciliar process that has already begun,” the statement said.

“Thus, it is expected that the primates of the holy Orthodox churches, in accordance with the Rules for the organization and activities of the Pan-Orthodox Council, will have to provide any “proposals for amendments, corrections or additions to unanimously adopted texts within the framework of the Pre-Conciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference and the meeting of primates on agenda items “(see Article 11), for their final formulation and decisions during the work of the Pan-Orthodox Council,” the statement says.

The Patriarchate of Constantinople, “as the primacy of the Church in maintaining the unity of Orthodoxy,” calls to rise to the occasion and take part, within a certain time frame, in the work of the Pan-Orthodox Council, as was decided by all Orthodox and signed by both the Primates and their authorized representatives, and in accordance With this decision there was a long procedure for preparing the Council.

Clergyman of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk diocese, church publicist, missionary, author of numerous books, Hieromonk Macarius (Markish), believes that the Orthodox Church of Constantinople is trying to impose the papacy on the Orthodox world, showing dictatorial habits in the organization of the Pan-Orthodox Council. He expressed this opinion in an interview with TASS.

“This question is very simple. This is the difference between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, which for one reason or another is formed around the first hierarch in Rome - this is what we call the papacy,” the cleric said. He emphasized that “the papacy is alien to Orthodoxy.” “The papacy is one of the principles that separates us from Roman Catholicism; this principle will not work in Orthodoxy,” noted Hieromonk Macarius.

“In no case do we want to quarrel with Catholics, but we also do not want to identify ourselves with them,” the cleric emphasized. “The Pan-Orthodox Council is a good thing, and no one is against this Council, but this is an external matter in relation to the Church,” he noted.

“This is some kind of statement that they want to make Orthodox people to the entire planet Earth about what Orthodoxy is, how Orthodoxy looks at external problems and misfortunes that befall planet Earth. But planet Earth is not the Church,” said the hieromonk.

He recalled that throughout the history of the Church, councils have met to solve pressing, urgent internal church problems.

Hieromonk Macarius believes that “Patriarch (of Constantinople) Bartholomew does not want a common Orthodox witness.” “We are, of course, saddened by this, but it is not a tragedy. The Russian Orthodox and other Churches, Orthodox figures around the world still have this opportunity - to declare to the entire world around us what Orthodoxy is, to preach the word of God,” he noted.

Executive Director of the Human Rights Center of the World Russian People's Council, religious scholar Roman Silantiev believes that the Patriarchate of Constantinople, being on the territory of Turkey, depends on the policy of its authorities, which complicates dialogue between Local Orthodox Churches; his decisions indicate a desire to hold a Pan-Orthodox Council at any cost and on his own terms.

“It seems that Constantinople wants to hold the Council on its own terms at any cost. Not everyone else is happy about it. Many issues remain unresolved before him. This was openly discussed by the Russian Orthodox Church and other Churches. In general, this Council is taking place in a very tense and nervous atmosphere, and if measures are not taken, it will not take place,” Roman Silantiev told RIA Novosti.

If the Council is cancelled, then, according to the religious scholar, it should be held by the Russian Church “on its territory,” since the Patriarchate of Constantinople depends on Turkish President Recep Erdogan. This circumstance alone, as he noted, “already greatly complicates a normal conversation.”

“It seems to me that the Russian Orthodox Church, which unites more Orthodox Christians than all the others combined, is the church of the country that conducts politics completely independently. And in the case of the Patriarchate of Constantinople there is no need to talk about this,” the expert explained, adding that the Orthodox Church of Constantinople “had priority” in the Orthodox world during the time of the Byzantine Emperors, however, “the presence there of an ally of ISIS (a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation - RIA Novosti ) Erdogan allows us to reconsider this kind of thing.”

In turn, the chairman of the Byzantine Club “Katekhon” at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a member of the Synodal Biblical and Theological Commission of the Russian Orthodox Church, political scientist Arkady Mahler believes that the Patriarchate of Constantinople has the opportunity to postpone the holding of the Pan-Orthodox Council in order to solve the problems associated with it, however, it is positioning itself, contrary to the canons, higher than the rest of the Local Churches.

“He (Patriarchate of Constantinople - RIA Novosti) refused without explanation. Their motivation is: “We don’t want to slow down this meeting because it will be inconvenient in front of the outside world.” But it is worth noting that the outside world is monitoring this in detail and there is nothing to hide. He simply ignored the demands of the Moscow Patriarchate and the demands of the Bulgarian Patriarchate. In this sense, calling a spade a spade is rudeness. This is not done anywhere, especially in the Church,” Mahler told RIA Novosti.

Patriarch Bartholomew, as the expert believes, “sees himself not just as first among equals, but as a kind of Eastern pope.” Although Constantinople, he assured, has the opportunity to postpone the Council and “discuss all issues with each Local Church” in various formats.

He sees the position of the Russian Church in this situation as “very constructive,” although the Russian Church is not against holding the Council. But without taking into account the opinion of at least one Local Church, this Pan-Orthodox Council in this sense will be incomplete and even unnecessary.”

“The fact that Patriarch Bartholomew openly drives horses and demands that everyone gather regardless of any questions or claims indicates that he does not quite adequately perceive the surrounding reality and does not understand that he is not the head of the entire Orthodox Church. He heads the hierarchy of one of the Local Orthodox Churches, which has been in a difficult, deplorable state for a very long time - both politically and historically,” the political scientist noted.

In addition, the Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, held last week in Sofia under the chairmanship of Patriarch Neophytos, stated the impossibility of holding the Council within the stated time frame (from June 16) due to the unresolved number of key issues and, if it was impossible to reschedule it, decided not to send I will meet the delegation of the Bulgarian Church.

The Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church proposed convening an “emergency Pan-Orthodox pre-conciliar meeting” in connection with the “state of emergency” that arose during the preparation of the Pan-Orthodox Council. It is proposed to convene the meeting no later than June 10, and it is also proposed to hold it in Crete.

The surrounding reality is perceived not by one or another sense organ, but by a person of a certain gender and age, with his own interests, views, personality orientation, life experience etc. The eye, ear, hand and other sense organs only provide the process of perception. Therefore, perception depends on the mental characteristics of the individual.

Selectivity of perception. Of the huge number of diverse influences, we highlight only a few with great clarity and awareness. What is in the center of a person’s attention during perception is called object (subject) of perception, and everything else - background. In other words, something is the main thing in perception for a person at the moment, and something is secondary. The subject and the background are dynamic, they can change places - what was the object of perception can become the background of perception for some time.

Pay attention to the image (Fig. 5a) of a young woman half turned away. Can you immediately notice an old woman with a big nose and chin hidden in her collar?

Tie faces 1, 2, 3 into a cube - you get six cubes, and take faces 3, 4, 5 - there are seven cubes (Fig. 5b). Schroeder's ladder is not even a dual, but a triple image. If you look starting from the lower left corner (Fig. 5 V), diagonally upward, a staircase is visible. Looking diagonally down from the upper right corner, you can see the overhanging cornice. If you run your eyes diagonally from left to right and back, you can find a gray strip of paper bent like an accordion.

Apperception – This is the dependence of perception on the general content of a person’s mental life, his experience and knowledge, interests, feelings and a certain attitude towards the subject of perception. It is known that the perception of a picture, melody, or book varies from person to person. Sometimes a person perceives not what is, but what he wants. All types of perception are carried out by a specific, living person. By perceiving objects, a person expresses a certain attitude towards them.

Thus, younger schoolchildren are better able to notice brightly colored objects and moving objects against the background of stationary ones. They perceive the drawing that the teacher makes on the board in front of them more fully and better than the drawing shown in finished form. Everything that is included in the labor training play activity the child himself and thereby causes his activity and increased interest, is perceived more fully. Varied practical lessons and exercises lead to deeper perception, and therefore to knowledge of objects and phenomena.

Illusions of perception. Sometimes our senses let us down, as if deceiving us. Such “deceptions” of the senses are called illusions. Therefore, a magician, whose secret of work lies not only in sleight of hand, but And in the ability to “deceive” the eyes of the audience, they are called an illusionist.

Vision is more susceptible to illusions than other senses. This was also reflected in colloquial speech and in proverbs: “don’t believe your eyes”, “optical illusion”.

In Fig. Figure 6 shows some visual illusions. Gray rectangles of the same lightness appear different on a black and white background: on a black background they appear lighter than on a white one.

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