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And with Turgenev the artistic world of the writer. Lessons of an owl filinovna

    \"These trees...sheltered us from the rest of the world...\" When Vanya Turgenev was three years old, his father Sergei Nikolaevich left military service with the rank of colonel and settled with his family in Spasskoye-Lutovinovo. This is huge...

    Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was born on October 28 (November 9), 1818 in Orel into a noble family. He spent his childhood in the rich maternal estate of Spasskoe-Lutovinovo, Mtsensk district, Oryol province. By his mother, Varvara Petrovna, Turgenev belonged to ...

  1. New!

    The work of the Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev belongs to the best pages of world literature. He wrote many novels, short stories, short stories, but his poetry cycle "Poems in Prose" became especially outstanding. This is a collection of small lyrical...

  2. I. S. Turgenev belongs to those writers who made a particularly significant contribution to the development of Russian classical literature in the second half of the 19th century. Steady adherence to the "truth of life" helped him create wonderful works of art that played ...

  3. New!

    What features of Turgenev-man do you remember? How did you imagine the writer when you first read his story "Mumu" or other works? What has changed in this view now? When we read "Mumu", "Bezhin meadow", "Russian language", ...

  4. Collisions and dramas are not social, but ontological, and among them a dramatic relationship with Nature. The fact is that as a representative of the new history ...

extraordinary sensitivity to the actual problems of Russian reality and the emergence of new socio-psychological types; the "monographic" nature of the novels, suggesting that the fate of one person is in the center of the image, revealing his inner world primarily through ideological clashes and disputes; the ideological and ideological nature of conflicts associated with this feature; "concentrated" image of reality, localization of action in a short period of time (from several weeks to several months), the presence of digressions and epilogues that shed light on the past or future of the protagonist; external simplicity of the composition; the absence of any external effects; realistic motivation of characters' actions; a love affair through which the characters are tested for moral maturity and spiritual conformity to the preached ideas; a special type of heroine - the so-called "Turgenev girl", endowed with inner integrity, uncompromisingness, high moral demands, as well as the right to moral judgment over the hero and his ability to put into practice his own convictions;
"secret psychologism", i.e., the transmission of changes in mental life not with the help of a detailed psychological analysis, but through its external manifestations - facial expressions, gestures, portrait, landscape; landscape, not only forming a lyrical background, but also emphasizing the state of mind of the characters; "psychological parallelism" between what happens in nature and what happens in the minds of actors.

a chronicle of the change of different mental currents in the cultural stratum of Russian society: an idealist-dreamer, an "extra man" of the 1930s and 1940s in the novel Rudin; nobleman Lavretsky striving to merge with the people in the "Noble Nest"; "new man", revolutionary raznochinets - first Dmitry Insarov in "On the Eve", and then 44

Evgeny Bazarov in "Fathers and Sons"; the era of ideological off-road in "Smoke"; a new wave of public upsurge in the 70s in Novi. “The physiognomy of the Russian people of the cultural layer” in the era of Turgenev changed very quickly - and this introduced a special shade of drama into the writer’s novels, which are distinguished by a swift plot and unexpected denouement, “tragic, as a rule, finals”4. Turgenev's novels are strictly confined to a narrow period of historical time, and precise chronology plays an essential role in them. The life of Turgenev's hero is extremely limited in comparison with the heroes of novels by Pushkin, Lermontov, Goncharov. The characters of Onegin, Pechorin, Oblomov "reflected a century", in Rudin, Lavretsky or Bazarov - the mental currents of several years. The life of Turgenev's heroes is like a brightly flashing, but quickly fading spark. History, in its inexorable movement, measures out to them a tense, but too short fate. All Turgenev's novels are subject to the cruel rhythm of the annual natural cycle. The action in them starts, as a rule, in early spring, culminates in the hot days of summer, and ends under the “whistle of the autumn wind” or “in the cloudless silence of January frosts”. Turgenev shows his heroes in the happy moments of the maximum rise and flowering of their vitality. But these moments turn out to be tragic: Rudin dies on the Parisian barricades, on a heroic rise, the life of Insarov suddenly ends, and then Bazarov, Nezhdanov. With Turgenev, not only in literature, but also in life, the poetic image of the companion of the Russian hero, Turgenev's girl - Natalia Lasunskaya, Liza Kalitina, Elena Stakhova, Marianna entered. The writer depicts in his novels and short stories the most flourishing period in a woman's destiny, when the woman's soul blossoms in anticipation of the chosen one, and all its potential possibilities awaken to a temporary triumph. Together with the image of the Turgenev girl, the image of "Turgenev's love" is included in the writer's work. This feeling is akin to a revolution: “... the monotonous-correct structure of the current life is broken and destroyed in an instant, youth stands on the barricade, its bright banner flies high, and no matter what awaits it ahead - death or a new life. - to everything she sends her enthusiastic greetings ”(XI, 87). All Turgenev's heroes are tested by love - a kind of test of viability not only in intimate, but also in public convictions. A loving hero is beautiful, spiritually inspired, but the higher he flies on the wings of love, the closer the tragic denouement and the fall. Love, according to Turgenev, is tragic because both weak and strong people are defenseless before its elemental power. Wayward, fatal, uncontrollable, love whimsically disposes of human destiny. This feeling is also tragic because the ideal dream to which the soul in love surrenders cannot be fully realized within the limits of the earthly natural circle.

And yet, the dramatic notes in Turgenev's work are not the result of fatigue or disappointment in the sense of life and history. Rather the opposite. They are generated by passionate love for life, reaching the thirst for immortality, to the desire that the human individuality does not fade away, that the beauty of the phenomenon turns into an eternally abiding on earth, imperishable beauty. Momentary events, living characters and conflicts are revealed in Turgenev's novels and stories in the face of eternity. The philosophical background enlarges the characters and brings the problems of the works beyond the limits of narrow temporal interests. A tense dialogical relationship is established between the philosophical reasoning of the writer and the direct depiction of the heroes of the time in. climaxes of their lives. Turgenev loves to close moments for eternity and to give timeless interest and meaning to transient phenomena. Stop! How I see you now - stay forever in my memory like that! - the writer exclaims in a prose poem “Stop!”. - Here it is - an open secret, the secret of poetry, life, love! Here it is, here it is, immortality! There is no other immortality - and there is no need. At this moment you are immortal. It will pass - and you are again a pinch of ashes, a woman, a child ... But what do you care! At this moment - you have become higher, you have become outside of everything transient, temporary. This moment of yours will never end” (XIII, 195, 196). By his nature, Turgenev was a Hamlet doubting himself and everything, and by political convictions he was a gradualist liberal, a supporter of slow economic and political reforms. But throughout his entire career, he harbored "an attraction - a kind of ailment" to revolutionary democrats. Democratic sympathies were very strong in Turgenev's liberalism, which were strengthened in his youth thanks to friendly communication with V. G. Belinsky. Turgenev's "consciously heroic nature" evoked invariable admiration. Among them, he included the "new people", the revolutionary democrats of the circle of N. G. Chernyshevsky and N. A. Dobrolyubov, and then the revolutionary populists. Turgenev was attracted to them by the integrity of their characters, the absence of contradictions between word and deed, their strong-willed temperament inspired by the idea of ​​revolutionary fighters. He admired their heroic impulses, but at the same time believed that they were too hasty in Russian history. That is why he considered their activity tragically doomed: they are loyal and valiant knights of the revolutionary idea, but history, by its inexorable course, turns them into knights for an hour. Turgenev's moderate socio-political convictions are organically linked to his aesthetic views. In the conditions of a disharmonious age of social upheavals and revolutionary cataclysms, he tried to keep in his work the aesthetic ideal of Pushkin's, harmonious worldview. Art 46

Turgenev makes his way to the harmonious fullness of the image of life, but it is not directly revealed in his novels, the reader only approaches its comprehension. Here, unknown to Pushkin, but inevitable in the post-Pushkin era, the drama in the development of art itself is revealed. Harmony in the conditions of disharmonic time it wins back from life with great difficulty, with a certain kind of tension. But Turgenev's constant and stubborn pursuit of the completeness and harmony of the world slipping out of his hands is an essential feature of his artistic individuality, gives his art a unique look, distinguishes Turgenev among his literary associates.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher education

"Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after I.I. G.I. Nosov»

Multidisciplinary College

Methodical development

open lesson

in the discipline Russian language and literature

"The Artistic World of I.S. Turgenev"

Magnitogorsk, 2016

The methodological development of an open lesson is based on the calendar plan and the work program of the academic discipline

Methodological development approved:

methodologist of the FGBOU VO "MSTU" of the Multidisciplinary College,

Ph.D. E.Yu. Kotukova ____________________

Yu.A. Rive ___________________________

Compiled by: I.A. Yakunina, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Lecturer at the Moscow State Technical University of the Multidisciplinary College.


1. Introduction............................................... ................................................. .4

2. Open lesson on the topic:The artistic world of I.S. Turgenev.......8

3. List of references ............................................... .....................................16

4. Application ............................................................... ...............................................17


Today, vocational education is undergoing global changes associated with the transition to high-tech production. The tasks facing the education system are quite clearly formulated in the State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education for 2013-2020". The state presented fundamentally different requirements for the quality and content of the professional training of specialists. In connection with these circumstances, structural and content changes began to be actively implemented in institutions of secondary vocational education. Innovative educational institutions have appeared, such as: multidisciplinary, multilevel colleges that meet the needs of territorial and sectoral purposes. In addition, the Federal State Educational Standards are implemented, based on a competency-based approach to learning and its results. As a result, the role of teachers of institutions of secondary vocational education is changing. In addition to a high level of professional competence in his subject area, he should be ready to work in new pedagogical conditions.

The teacher should be focused on mastering the technologies for developing the competencies of students, be able to master the methods of the pedagogical technology used for this, and master its basic concepts. Competence for a student is an image of his future, a guideline for active development. The skills acquired by students in the classroom should be necessary in later life, motivate them to independently acquire new knowledge. The ability to interact in real life conditions, and not the sum of factual knowledge - this is the result of the learning process today.

Literature and Russian language lessons are an important link in modern education, in the formation of students' competencies. The main objectives of teaching in the lessons of the Russian language and literature:

    formation of the idea of ​​the Russian language as a spiritual, moral and cultural value of the people; awareness of the national identity of the Russian language and Russian literature;

    development and improvement of the ability to verbal interaction in accordance with the norms of speech behavior in various areas of communication, social and professional adaptation; readiness for work, conscious choice of profession; skills of self-organization and self-development; information skills;

    development of intellectual, creative abilities and critical thinking; the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to explain the phenomena of the surrounding world, the perception of information of literary and general cultural content, obtained from the media, Internet resources, fiction, special and popular science literature.

Therefore, in the lessons of literature and the Russian language, it is advisable to use the technology "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing" (RKMCHP).RCHKMP (critical thinkin) was developed at the end of the 20th century in the USA (C. Temple, D. Steele, C. Meredith). It synthesizes the ideas and methods of Russian domestic technologies of collective and group ways of learning, cooperation, developmental learning.It is aimed at mastering the basic skills of an open information space, developing the qualities of a citizen of an open society, included in intercultural interaction.

This technology allows you to develop lessons based on the manifestation of student activity, aimed at developing creativity, individual qualities, arousing interest in the problem under study.During the lesson, the teacher can immediately solve several educational problems and teach:

Highlight cause-and-effect relationships;

Consider new ideas and knowledge in the context of existing ones;

Reject unnecessary or incorrect information;

Understand how different pieces of information are related;

Highlight errors in reasoning;

Make a conclusion about whose specific value orientations, interests, ideological attitudes reflect the text or the speaking person;

Avoid categorical statements;

Be honest in your reasoning;

Identify false stereotypes leading to incorrect conclusions;

Detect prejudiced attitudes, opinions and judgments;

To be able to distinguish a fact that can always be verified from an assumption and personal opinion;

Question the logical inconsistency of spoken or written language;

Separate the main from the essential in the text or in speech and be able to focus on the first.

A reading culture is also being formed, which includes the ability to navigate information sources, use different reading strategies, adequately understand what is read, sort information in terms of its importance, “screen out” secondary information, critically evaluate new knowledge, draw conclusions and generalizations. There is a stimulation of independent search creative activity, mechanisms of self-education and self-organization are launched.

Preparation for such a lesson involves not only thinking through the outline of the lesson by the teacher, but also preparing a model of an "advanced lecture". At the beginning of the lesson, students are offered a "lecture model" - a special form with tasks for students and the material necessary to work on the hypothesis put forward (excerpts from literary texts, extracts from reference literature, statements by critics, scientists and artists). During the lesson, the "lecture model" is filled in and is the "product", an indicator of the student's awareness of the problem.

"Advanced lecture" allows the teacher to use non-traditional techniques, such as: "cluster", "cinquain", "two-part diary", "hourglass", "diamond", "zigzag", etc.This helps to activate the attention of students, introduces them to a variety of ways to integrate new information.

The lesson, built in accordance with the technology of the RKCHP, should include three main stages:

"Challenge", during which the students' previous knowledge is activated, interest in the topic awakens, the goals of studying the upcoming educational material are determined.

"comprehension" - meaningful, during which the student's directed, meaningful work with the text takes place. The reading process is always accompanied by student activities (marking, tabulation, journaling) that allow you to track your own understanding. At the same time, the concept of "text" is interpreted very broadly: it is a written text, a teacher's speech, and video material.

"reflection" - reflection. At this stage, the student forms a personal attitude to the text and fixes it either with the help of his own text or his position in the discussion. It is here that an active rethinking of one's own ideas takes place, taking into account the newly acquired knowledge.

It should be noted that the text is given a priority role: it is read, retelled, analyzed, transformed, interpreted, discussed, and finally composed. The student should master his text, develop his own opinion, express himself clearly, conclusively, confidently. It is extremely important to be able to listen and hear another point of view, to understand that it also has the right to exist.

The lively exchange of ideas between students in the process of group work provides an opportunity to expand their vocabulary, as well as get acquainted with various representations. The teacher gives students the opportunity to see and consider different opinions on the same issue.

Thus, in the context of the implementation of the competency-based approach, the technology of "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing"is open to solving a wide range of problems in the educational sphere. It is a set of special techniques and strategies, the use of which allows building the educational process in such a way as to ensure independent and conscious activity of students, helps the teacher to replace passive listening and retelling with the active participation of students in the educational process, and thereby most effectively form general competencies.

Open lesson on the topic: The artistic world of I.S. Turgenev.

Lesson type : advanced lecture (discovery of new knowledge).

Learning goal : the formation of knowledge about the features of the creative path of I.S. Turgenev and the specifics of his artistic manner.

Development goal : develop logical mental operations (analysis, generalization), associative thinking, improve the ability to highlight the main thing.

Educational goal: cultivate an active life position.

Methodical goal : demonstrate the use of the methods of modern educational technology "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing" to study new material and form and evaluate universal educational activities (competency-based approach).

Lesson equipment : lecture model, computer, projector, screen.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Call stage

On the screen is a photograph of I. Turgenev and the romance "On the Road" sounds

Introductory speech of the teacher, work with the epigraph, posing a problematic issue, determining the purpose of the lesson.

If you ask your parents, acquaintances, just adults, who Turgenev is, they will certainly tell you that this is a great Russian writer, novelist, whose books were sold out with lightning speed, they will list his novels: “Fathers and Sons”, “Noble Nest”, stories "Asya", "First Love", story "Mumu". And only a few will tell you that the author of the lines of the sounding romance is Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

Dmitry Merezhkovsky - poet, writer, literary critic - said this about Turgenev:

(D. Merezhkovsky)

I propose to take the words of Merezhkovsky as an epigraph to the topic of our today's lesson: "The Artistic World of I.S. Turgenev" (before you is a lecture model with which we will work throughout the lesson. The topic and epigraph have already been recorded).

You probably noticed that Merezhkovsky brings together and even equalizes the names of Pushkin and Turgenev. What do you think, what traits of Turgenev's personality and creativity allowed him to draw this parallel, and also to call him the only “genius of measure”, “genius of culture” after Pushkin?

Reception "Brainstorming" (students offer their own answers to the question posed)

Our assumptions undoubtedly have the right to exist, but these are only assumptions. I propose to answer the question at the end of the lesson, when we get to know the personality I.S. Turgenev - a brilliant prose writer and poet, publicist and translator who opened Russian literature to Europe (this is the goal of our lesson).

However, we will conduct a non-traditional digression into the life and work of the writer in the form of a teacher's lecture or work with a textbook article. We will study the monographYakushin Nikolay Ivanovich - a well-known researcher of the history of Russian literature -"IS Turgenev in life and work". (Nikolai Ivanovich Yakushin - Head of the Department of the History of Journalism and Literature of the A.S. Griboyedov Institute of International Law and Economics, Professor of the Department of Literature at the Moscow State Open Pedagogical University named after M.A. Sholokhov.)

3. Stage of comprehension

3.1. Search for new knowledge

Study of the monograph Yakushin Nikolai Ivanovich "I.S. Turgenev in life and work." Presentation of the results of the execution of experiencing tasks: reports and presentations of students on monographs by N.I. Yakushina "Childhood and years of study", "University years. First literary experiments", "The beginning of literary activity", "Contemporary". Arrest and exile. Spiritual crisis", "New creative upsurge. Break with Sovremennik, Ideological Creative Crisis. Recent Years. Filling in the table "I.S. Turgenev in life and work" (reception cluster).

The guys in your group received an advanced task: they studied individual chapters of Yakushin's monograph and prepared reports. The task of all those sitting in their seats is to listen carefully to the speakers and fill in the table "Turgenev in life and work." The table indicates the individual chapters of the monograph, in accordance with them, you need to fill in the empty columns: historical and social phenomena, Turgenev's biography and worldview, creativity (cluster reception).

I.S. Turgenev in life and work



N.I. Yakushin

Biography and

worldview of I.S. Turgenev



Years of study


Mother Varvara Petrovna is rich and cruel, father is an officer Sergei Nikolaevich, handsome, smart. Since 1821, the family has been living in genus names. Spasskoye-Lutovinovo. Ivan read a lot, studied easily. Since 1827 the family moved to Moscow - admission to educational institutions. At the age of 15, Ivan became a student at Moscow University

University years.

The first literary


July Revolution 1830

in France, Uprising in Poland (1830-31),

cholera riots (1830-31) (anti-serf uprisings during the epidemic)

Moscow University is the center of advanced Russian thought (Herzen, Ogarev, Belinsky, Lermontov, Goncharov). He studied at Turgenev University for 1 year, transferred to St. Petersburg after his brother Nikolai (philosophical faculty of St. Petersburg University). The death of his father.. 1837 graduated from the university with a Ph.D. 1838 - Berlin - continue education (center of German. Philosophy). Acquaintance with Stankevich, who believed in the great, transformative power of art. 1841 in Russia dreamed of becoming a professor of philosophy. 1842-45 an official in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Lyric poems


poem "Steno" 1834 -

traditions of romanticism

Controversy between Westernizers and Slavophiles

Acquaintance with Belinsky, who saw observation and talent in the young author. B. convinced T. that literary creativity in the conditions of autocracy is the only kind of activity that allows solving topical problems. Turgenev is a Westerner. An active figure in the natural school.

Acquaintance with Pauline Viardot.

1843 - the poem "Parash". The story "Andrey Kolosov", "Three portraits" (1844-45), participation in the collection "Physiology of St. Petersburg"


spiritual crisis.

1840-50 rise in the liberation movement.

"Gloomy Seven Years"(the last years of the reign of Nicholas 1 (1848-1855) - the era of censorship terror).

Crimean War (1853-1856, against France and empire). 1855 March 2 - Nicholas 1 died

1847-50 Turgenev lived abroad without a break. 1850 - returned to Russia in the summer. His mother died, he immediately fulfilled the oath given in childhood - he released the courtyards into the wild. On February 21, 1852, Gogol died - Turgenev responded with an obituary. Nicholas 1 arrested Turgenev, from the summer of 1852 - exile in Spasskoe-Lutovinovo. Turgenev works hard, looking for new genres. Attention to the life of the noblewoman of the intelligentsia.

1853 return from exile. The question arises about the future path of Russia's development. Turgenev tries to answer this question in stories and novels about "superfluous people". 1856 - Turgenev went abroad. Turgenev is sick, he doubts his vocation as a writer.

1847 - Poems, reviews, "Khor and Kalinich" (beginning of "Notes of a hunter" 1840-50). 1845-50 dramaturgy (A month in the countryside 1850)

Mumu (1852), Diary of a Superfluous Man (50), Asya (58), Faust (56).

Roman "Rudin" 1855

New creative upsurge.

The break with "Modern

no one."

The crisis of the autocratic-serf system.

Reign of Alexander II.

February 19, 1861 - the abolition of serfdom. The land is still in the hands of the landowners - a revolutionary situation

In June 1856 Turgenev returned to Russia, first he lived in St. Petersburg, then Spasskoye-Lutovinovo. Supporter of gradual reforms. After the release of "The Noble Nest", the name of Turgenev becomes one of the most revered. Dobrolyubov's article about Turgenev's open call for revolution in the novel "On the Eve" was the reason for the break with Sovremennik.

Since 1860 Turgenev has lived permanently in Europe.

The novel "The Nest of Nobles" (56-58), 1859 - "On the Eve"

1861- "Fathers and Sons"

Ideological creative crisis.

Last years.

The offensive of the reaction (Alexander 2 openly opposes the democratic forces).

Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71 - the defeat of France and the formation of the German Empire).

Paris Commune of 1871 (establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat). Movement of revolutionary populists.

In the spring of 1862 in London, a meeting with Herzen, Ogarev, Bakunin. Turgenev has serious complications with the government. In 1865 Turgenev testified in St. Petersburg about his meeting in London. Turgenev was accused of denouncing friends. He is going through a difficult situation, writes little.

Turgenev comes to Russia every year, everywhere he is a welcome guest. Since the 1860s, his name has been widely known in the West, he is familiar with Merimee, J. Sand, Flaubert, Zola, Guy de Maupassant. He was an active propagandist of Russian literature and culture in the West.

In 1882 Turgenev became seriously ill. He died in France on September 3, 1883.

1865-67 - "Smoke", the story "Spring Waters" (68),

Stories from the "Notes of a Hunter" - "Knocking", The End of Chertophanov", "Living Powers".

"New" 1877

"Poems in prose (1880s)

After each report, the teacher offers to discuss filling in the table in pairs, to note the key points together with the entire audience

3.2 Enrichment of ideas about the qualitative characteristics of a concept, problem

Acquaintance with a new genre - "Poems in prose". Reading by heart Turgenev's poems: "Russian language", "When I'm gone ...", "I'm sorry ...". Definition of the main features of "Poems in Prose". Filling the table (reception cluster).

The last speaker interrupts his speech at the stage "Poems in Prose".

"Poems" and "prose" - at first glance, completely incompatible concepts. But it turned out thatI.S. Turgenev created a completely new literary genre.

You undoubtedly know one of his poems (reading by heart by the teacher):

"Russian language" is a lyrical anthem in which the author put his faith in the great destiny of his country.

Let's listen to a few more poems and think about what is their peculiarity, why are these miniatures called poems?

Reading by heart poems in prose by students:

1) When I am gone, when everything that was me crumbles into dust - oh you, my only friend, oh you, whom I loved so deeply and so tenderly, you who will probably outlive me - do not go to my grave ... You have nothing to do there.

Don't forget me... but don't remember me amid your daily worries, pleasures and needs... I don't want to interfere with your life, I don't want to impede its calm flow.

But in the hours of solitude, when that shy and unreasonable sadness, so familiar to kind hearts, finds on you, take one of our favorite books and look for those pages, those lines, those words from which it used to be - remember? We both shed sweet and silent tears at the same time.

Read it, close your eyes and stretch out your hand to me... Stretch out your hand to your absent friend.

I will not be able to shake it with my hand - it will lie motionless under the ground ... but I Now It is gratifying to think that perhaps you your You will feel a light touch on your hand.

And my image will appear to you - and from under the closed eyelids of your eyes tears will flow, like those tears that we, touched by Beauty, once shed together with you, oh you, my only friend, oh you, whom I loved so deeply and so gently!

The writer dedicated this poem to Pauline Viardot, whom he loved all his life - 40 years old. Undoubtedly, this feeling could not but be reflected in his other works. Moreover, these are not necessarily works about love - “Asya”, “First Love”, “Spring Waters”. Love for Turgenev is the primary element of being. The hero of every novel, every story by Turgenev is necessarily tested by love. Turgenev's world, and if the hero cannot stand it, then he has no right to exist.

2) I feel sorry for myself, others, all people, animals, birds ... everything living.

I feel sorry for the children and the old, the unfortunate and the happy... the more happy than the unfortunate.

I pity the victorious, triumphant leaders, great artists, thinkers, poets...

I pity the murderer and his victim, the ugliness and beauty, the oppressed and the oppressors.

How can I get rid of this pity? She does not let me live ... She - yes, that's still boredom.

O boredom, boredom, all dissolved with pity! You can't go down below.

It would be better if I envied ... right!

Yes, I envy the stones.

What are the characteristics of a prose poem? Think and fill in the table (reception cluster):

Poems in prose

Increased expressiveness

The nature of confession.

acute observation

In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections on the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! Without you - how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!


rhythmic organization

Philosophical reflections on basic questions being


Discussion of the resulting cluster

Poems in prose "became the swan song of an aging writer. Before us is, as it were, the result of his many years of reflection. It is no coincidence that the writer called this cycle"senilia"- senile.

Completion of the report "Ideological creative crisis. Recent years" - filling in the table on Turgenev's work

4. Reflection

Working with the table "I.S. Turgenev in life and work." Filling in the "Two-part diary" based on the findings.

Look at the completed table "I.S. Turgenev in life and work." What historical events did Turgenev witness? Look at the column "creativity" - what is the genre-species diversity of his work?

Based on the conclusions made, fill out the "Two-part diary" (two-part diary reception):

Two part diary

Reflection of social phenomena and events

Talented multifaceted writer, patriot.

The criterion for evaluating a hero is the ability to love

Included in it:

Russia with red flag

A Westerner, by his convictions, is not indifferent to the fate of Russia

(A. Grigoriev).

The writer is a realist, an adherent of the natural school and at the same time - love for a person, homeland, nature, beauty, art.

Diary discussion

Turgenev was one of the best progressive representatives of his turbulent and difficult "transitional" time. In his writings, there is always an open, sincere thought and a genuine, intelligent love for a person, homeland, nature, beauty, and art.

The name of Ivan Turgenev is undoubtedly one of the first among the classics of Russian and world literature. Let's still answer the question posed at the beginning of our lecture: "Why does D. Merezhkovsky call Turgenev the only "genius of measure", "genius of culture" after Pushkin?"

Written understanding of the problem. Essay in the form of an answer to the question posed at the beginning of the lecture (see epigraph).

5. Homework


1. Petrova G.B. Modern technologies in teaching literature: a teaching aid for a special course - Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2006. - 201 p.

2. Selevko G.K. Pedagogical technologies based on activation, intensification and effective management of UVP. - M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005. - 288 p.


Surname ___________ The artistic world of I.S. Turgenev

In Russia, in the country of every revolutionary

and religious maximalism, the country of self-immolation,

country of the most violent excesses, Turgenev barely

is not the only one after Pushkin, a genius of measure and, consequently,

consequently, the genius of culture. For what is culture?

as not the measurement, accumulation and preservation of values.

(D. Merezhkovsky)

1. I.S. Turgenev in life and work



N.I. Yakushin

Historical and social phenomena

Biography and

worldview of I.S. Turgenev



Years of study

University years.

The first literary


The beginning of literary activity.


spiritual crisis.

New creative upsurge.

Break with Sovremennik.

Ideological creative crisis.

Last years.

2. Poems in prose

In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections on the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! Without you - how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!

3. Two-part diary


Own comment

The main thing in it is its truthfulness (L. Tolstoy)

In terms of the strength of his poetic talent, Turgenev is not inferior to any of the living writers of Europe. The nation that gave birth to such a writer - and not just him - can truly justify any hopes (Yu. Schmidt).

All Turgenev's heroes are tested by love - a kind of test for viability not only in intimate, but also in public convictions (Yu. Lebedev).

Included in it:

Russia with red flag

And France with Pauline Viardot (V. Cherepkov).

First of all, Turgenev clearly shows the attitude of his rich poetic personality towards nature. This poetry does not catch bright nuances in nature, major phenomena: on the contrary, it seems to deliberately avoid them. This is the poetry of the country of black earth, the labor of a farmer(A. Grigoriev).

4. Why D. Merezhkovsky calls Turgenev the only “genius of measure”, “genius of culture” after Pushkin? (see epigraph)

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Novel, conflict, nihilism, aristocracy, commoners, controversy.

Topic study plan:

1. "Fathers and sons." The temporary and all-human meaning of the title and the main conflict of the novel.

2. Features of the composition of the novel. Bazarov in the system of images. Nihilism of Bazarov and a parody of nihilism in the novel (Sitnikov and Kukshina).

3. Moral problems of the novel and its universal significance.

4. The theme of love in the novel. Image of Bazarov. Peculiarities of Turgenev's poetics. The role of the landscape in revealing the ideological and artistic concept of the writer.

6. Controversy around the novel: D. Pisarev, N. Strakhov, M. Antonovich.

Topic 1.5. The artistic world of F.I. Tyutchev and A.A. Feta

Basic concepts and terms on the topic: poetry, philosophy, lyrics, harmony and melodiousness of lyrics.

Topic study plan:

1. Information from the biography of F.I. Tyutchev. Poems: “Silentium”, “Not what you think, nature ...”, “Russia cannot be understood with the mind ...”, “Oh, how deadly we love”, “Last love”, “I knew the eyes - oh, these eyes ”, “We are not given to predict ...”, “K. B." (“I met you - and all the past ...”), “Day and night”, “These poor villages ...”, “She was sitting on the floor ...”, etc.

2. Philosophy is the basis of the poet's lyrics. The symbolism of the images of F.I. Tyutchev.

3. Socio-political lyrics. F. I. Tyutchev, his vision of Russia and its future. Lyrics of love. The disclosure of the poet's dramatic experiences in it.

4. Information from the biography of A.A. Fet. Poems: “Autumn”, “Whisper, timid breathing ...”, “The night shone. The garden was full of moon...”, “Another May night...”, “Don't wake her up at dawn...”, “This morning, this joy...”, “Another forgetful word”, “Evening”, "Butterfly", etc.

5. Poetry as an expression of the ideal and beauty. The fusion of the outer and inner worlds in his poetry. Harmony and melody of A.A. Feta. Lyrical hero in the poetry of A.A. Feta.

Topic 1.6. The artistic world of N.A. Nekrasov

Basic concepts and terms on the topic: civil pathos, lyrical hero, folk poetry, poetic language, intimate lyrics.

Topic study plan:

1. Information from the biography of N.A. Nekrasov. Poems: "Motherland", "Yesterday, at six o'clock ...", "On the road", "You and I are stupid people", "Troika", "Poet and citizen", "Crying children", "Oh Muse, I the door of the coffin…”, “I don’t like your irony…”, “Blessed is the gentle poet…”, “Listen to the horrors of war…”. Poem "To whom it is good to live in Rus'".

2. Civic pathos of the lyrics. The originality of the lyrical hero of the 40s-50s and 60s-70s.

Presentation "The Artistic World of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

MBOU "Khmelevitskaya secondary school" of the urban district of Shakhunya, Nizhny Novgorod region

"Find your way..."
“In terms of the strength of his poetic talent, Turgenev is not inferior to any of the living writers of Europe, and the deeper you read into his writings, the more you are amazed at his talent and skill.” Yu.Shmidt
The purpose of the work: to tell about the features of the artistic world of I.S. Turgenev

Poetic test of the pen
As a student of the Faculty of Philosophy, Turgenev saw himself in the field of poetry. In 1834 he wrote the dramatic poem "The Wall", several lyric poems. The young author showed these pen tests to his teacher, professor of Russian literature P. A. Pletnev, who called the poem a weak imitation of Byron, but noted that there was “something” in the author. By 1837, Turgenev had already written about a hundred small poems, including Foggy Morning, which became a romance.

The fundamental diversity of human types, first isolated from the idealized mass of the people, testified to the infinite value of any unique and free human personality; the serf order appeared as an ominous and dead force, alien to natural harmony, hostile to man, but incapable of destroying the soul, love, creative gift.
"Hunter's Notes"
Having discovered Russia and the Russian people, laying the foundation for the “peasant theme” in Russian literature, the “Notes of a Hunter” became the semantic foundation of all Turgenev’s further work.

"And the distance of a free novel..."
Turgenev's novels illustrate the change of various mental currents in Russian society, starting from the 30s and 40s and ending with the 70s of the nineteenth century.

“Everything gave rise to disputes between them ...”: the novel “Fathers and Sons”
The protagonist of the novel "Fathers and Sons" Yevgeny Bazarov denies art, poetry and any "romantic nonsense", his philosophy is to deny the attitudes of the fathers. I. S. Turgenev leads Bazarov, like all his heroes, through the test of love, and the theory of the protagonist of "Fathers and Sons" fails. It turns out that the romanticism, which the hero denied, lives in him and leads him to a spiritual drama. Bazarov turns out to be a living person, not a soulless machine. Bazarov's theory comes into conflict with his human essence, and, unable to give up either his philosophy or love, Bazarov dies.

Turgenev did a great job by painting amazing portraits of women. Maybe there were no such as he wrote, but when he wrote them, they appeared. A.P. Chekhov
A new type of heroine - "Turgenev's girl"
Heroine traits

"Poems in Prose": a return to poetry
“Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev created an entirely new literary genre, naturally combining the uninhibited movement of prose with the lyrical discipline of verse. They excited my heart with a penetrating thought about a person’s life, about his possibilities, which are sometimes in a dormant state, like ores in the depths of the bowels of the earth, until the person himself extracts them from there by the effort of his miraculous will. L. Ozerov

Features of the Turgenev style

“To the author’s intuition for the living strings of society, to this ability to immediately respond to every noble thought and honest feeling that is just beginning to penetrate the consciousness of the best people, we attribute a significant share of the success that Mr. Turgenev constantly enjoyed in the Russian public. Not stormy, impetuous strength, but, on the contrary, softness and some kind of poetic moderation serve as the characteristic features of his talent. N. Dobrolyubov
Thank you for your attention!
The work was done by a student of the 8th grade of the MBOU Khmelevitskaya secondary school Ekaterina Spiridonova Teacher: Svetlana Pavlovna Spiridonova

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