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How to make life brighter: personal experience. How to make your life more interesting and brighter

We found an interesting article in which you will find many ways to make your life more interesting and brighter.

1. Every day is a new start. Don't get attached to what happened yesterday, the day before yesterday, or later. Today is a new life, and even if something was wrong before, you will definitely try again and again.

2. Be yourself. Stop trying to please other people and be someone else. It is much more interesting to live a unique version of yourself, and not try to become someone else's duplicate.

3. Stop complaining. Stop being like a whining dog that does nothing but makes a lot of sound. Stop complaining about your problems and start solving them.

4. Be proactive. Don't wait for someone else to do something, instead start doing it yourself.

5. Instead of thinking "what if", think "next time".

Stop thinking about the things you can't change or the things that make you unhappy. Instead, focus on action on the important things in your life. This is the most constructive action that you can do at the moment.

6. Focus on the WHAT, not the HOW. Focus on WHAT you want before deciding HOW you will get it. If you are open to new possibilities and ready to take action, anything is possible.

7. Create opportunities. You can wait for opportunities to come into your life, or you can try to create them yourself.

How to improve your life

8. Live more consciously. Stop being a zombie that follows the same route and eats the same food. Enjoy!! Try to feel the breeze, hear a bird sing, enjoy a new dish.

9. Be responsible for your growth. You and only you decide how to live your life - dozens of hours on social networks are less productive than the same time spent studying. In the end, the one who is the most inquisitive and tries to try himself in many areas will shoot.

10. Know your true self. Try to be honest with yourself about what you want. Distract yourself from public opinion, which imposes on you the desire to own a Mercedes, although you may actually want to live all summer in a tent on the Black Sea coast.

11. Define your calling. Your values ​​are the guide when choosing a calling in life. Understand what is important to you, and, based on this, determine the main vector of movement forward.

12. Live according to your calling.

13. Define your life principles and act on them.

14. Learn your values. Values ​​are what makes you the real YOU. For some, friends can be values; for others, family and financial growth.

15. Focus on the highest bar. My father always says - "do everything well - it will turn out badly." Try to act in accordance with the highest quality and best approach in relation to any issue.

16. Design your ideal life. What is your ideal life?

17. Stop putting life on pause. To truly live is to be happy in every way. Why build a career and sacrifice her personal life? We so often give up something for something different and don't imagine moving forward. Take a break from the important and desirable and steal some time from the right one.

18. Get a notebook. In it, write down your values, principles and plans, reflect on its pages. In the future, it will become the starting point for reflection on the most important events.

How to make life more interesting

19. Make a list of goals. Create goals for 1, 3, 5 and 10 years. The more precise the goals, the better. My goals in the short, medium and long term complement and contribute to each other.

20. Take action towards achieving your goals and dreams. Create an action list with your strategy and immediate steps.

21. Create your wish list.

22. Don't do something just because it needs to be done. Any task should carry a meaning. Don't be afraid to give up something if it's outside of your life plan.

23. Do what you like. Why put off going to the theatre, fishing or traveling until retirement?! Pamper yourself. Spend your time and energy on what will fill you up.

24. Define your passion in life. If you had unlimited resources and no obligations, what would you do? Passion is to follow your path, no matter what the problems. It is amazing how few people know or try to define their calling in this short life.

25. Build a career around your calling. Quit the job you hate. If you do something you don't like, you're just selling your soul, but at a very big discount.

26. Turn your calling into money. You may ask, ok - let's say my passion is gardening, how can I make a career or money from this?! Nowadays, there are a lot of options for monetizing your vocation - blogging, videos, paid courses, and so on. The only thing that often stops people is that the profit will be in the long run, but trust my experience, this profit (with the right approach) will exceed all your expectations.

27. Learn from criticism. Criticism is something that can teach you to be the best. Don't be discouraged if you receive comments - take it as a sign that you need to change something and become the best version of yourself.

28. Be positive. The glass is indeed half full.

29. Don't talk bad about others. If you don't like something in another person, say it to his or her face. Otherwise, don't say anything.

30. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Try to see life from the perspective of another person. Perhaps the janitor was rude to you this morning, but why did he do it ?! Probably, no one just pays attention to him, perhaps he is considered a service and unnecessary staff and does not appreciate his work at all. Think about how to make sure that next time he greets you with a smile.

31. Be compassionate. Really empathize with someone else's problem.

32. Develop unconditional faith in yourself. Faith in yourself is when you keep moving forward, even when everyone tells you not to. Analyze your small victories, remember how you went against the current, remember the pleasure that you were right and everyone else was wrong. If you have something in mind - be sure that everything will work out.

33. Let go of the unhappy past.

34. Forgive those who ask for forgiveness. Don't hold a grudge against people, but know their weaknesses and accept them for who they are.

35. Remove the unimportant. Understand the short duration of things like status, fame, recognition. All this will follow if you focus on self-realization and not on social recognition.

36. End relationships that aren't helping you. Remove people from your environment who add unnecessary pessimism to your life.

37. Spend more time with people who inspire and support you.

38. Build sincere relationships with people around you (strangers, family, loved ones). Spend time strengthening and improving your relationship.

39. Reunite with your old friend. No matter what they say - the number of friends is unlimited. Meet people from your past.

40. Make a day of generosity. Think about what you can do today that will make the world a little better. Doing good to others is the best way to improve your mood.

41. Help people when they need it. Think of this step as a long-term investment. Someday you will receive help without expecting it.

42. Go on a date.

43. Fall in love.

44. Do an inventory of your life. Once a week, a month, 3-6 months - analyze your progress and progress towards your plan. Adjust your actions based on the results.

45. Don't over tighten. Get rid of the habit of delaying decision making. 9 out of 10 opportunities are missed due to delay in taking action.

46. ​​Help complete strangers. An American acquaintance came from the USA to help a complete stranger to overcome the disease. This determined his fate in the future.

47. Meditate.

48. Make new friends. I never cease to repeat that new opportunities appear thanks to new acquaintances. Do not be afraid to forcibly place yourself in the circle of people you are interested in and make friends with them.

49. Build strong relationships.

50. Become your advisor from the future. Imagine yourself 10 years from now and mentally ask yourself for better advice on difficult decisions. What would you do if you were 10 years wiser?

51. Write a letter to your future self.

52. Clean up the excess. Remove excess from your desk, from your apartment, hobbies, life. Make room for more important things.

How to find meaning in life

53. Keep learning. I have said more than once on my blog that I am surprised that people stop learning when they graduate from an educational institution. Learning doesn't mean reading books - you can learn to drive, learn to dance, learn rhetoric, and so on. The main goal is to keep the brain in constant tension.

54. Develop yourself. Try to identify your weaknesses and develop them. If you are too shy - train to be more sociable, go towards fear.

55. Keep upgrading yourself. Deepen the knowledge and experience already gained, become an expert in many areas.

56. Constantly try something new. You just can’t imagine how much more new and interesting things you can experience and experience (for example, try and find out what watsu massage is).

57. Travel. Pull yourself out of your travel routine - work-home, home-work.

58. Don't settle in one place. Always live dynamically and try to tie yourself down with loans, repairs and so on as much as possible later.

59. Be the best at what you do. If you have found your calling - become the best there.

60. Break your boundaries. Set the most impossible goal - achieve your plan and come up with something even more impossible. All your clamps are from the fact that someone once told you what is possible and what is not.

61. Absorb and try unusual ideas.

62. Create your own space for inspiration. It can be a corner where all your inspirational things are located (books, photos, videos), it can also be a park, a cafe, and so on. Create your own paradise.

63. Behave the way you imagine your ideal self.

How to live life brightly

64. Create roles in life. Try to somehow act as if you were Bill Gates, Michael Jordan or some famous and successful person.

65. Find a mentor or guru. Study the life of your guru and try not to make his mistakes. Seek advice from a more experienced mentor.

66. Find your previously invisible strengths.

67. Increase your awareness.

68. Ask for constructive criticism and advice. From the outside, you can always see better.

69. Try to create a passive income stream. It can be% in the bank, income from renting an apartment or something else. Passive income will give you the opportunity to be freer in your experiments in life and build on what you want, not what you need.

70. Help others live their best lives. If you see that you can help a person improve his life, be sure to help him find the right path.

71. Get married and have children.

72. Improve the world. There is still a lot of things that can be improved in the world - to help the poor, the unhealthy, those deprived of the opportunity to live a normal life.

How to improve the quality of life

73. Participate in a humanitarian aid program.

74. Give more value than you receive. When you constantly give more, you start to get much more in return over time.

75. Try to see the big picture. Focus on the 20% that generate 80% of the result.

76. Keep your end goal clear. What is your end goal? Is what you're doing really pushing you to achieve what you set out to do?

As long as you keep thinking about the things that move you towards your ultimate goal, you are on the right track.

77. Always try to find the 20/80 path. Minimum effort, but maximum results.

78. Prioritize. Sometimes it’s more convenient to move by inertia and it’s hard to switch to a more important task, but it is this property that will make your life much more efficient.

79. Enjoy the moment. Stop. Look. Thank fate for the pleasant that you have at the moment.

80. Enjoy the little things. A cup of coffee in the morning, 15 minutes of sleep in the afternoon, a pleasant conversation with a loved one - all this can be by the way, but you try to give due attention to all the small but pleasant moments.

81. Take a break. It could be 15 minutes or 15 days. Life is not a marathon, but a pleasure walk.

82. Try to avoid mutually exclusive goals.

How to change life

83. Focus on creating. I am interested in the process of creation - the creation of a game, a new business, and so on, when you get candy out of nothing.

84. Do not judge others. Respect others for who they are.

85. The only person you have to change is you.

Focus on your development and growth, not on changing those around you.

86. Be grateful for every day you live.

87. Express your gratitude to people dear to you.

88. Have fun. I have such friends who laugh non-stop - with them I forget about everything. Allow yourself such an experiment and you!

89. Be in nature more often.

90. There is always a choice. In any situation, there are always several ways out.



Everyone wants to live more interesting, make new friends, travel and have fun, but not everyone succeeds. How to change life, making it bright and rich?

Making your life richer and brighter means making efforts to make your life as full of meaning, joy and satisfaction as possible. Although there is no magic bullet that will instantly change your life, you can do it gradually, step by step, enriching your life with new experiences and knowledge and learning to appreciate what you already have. If you learn to be grateful for all the good things in your life, you can move forward and make your life even more amazing.

1. Get a new life experience

1.1 Take risks. If you want to make your life brighter and richer, you have to get out of your comfort zone. You need to take risks, set new goals and start a new game, instead of doing the same thing day after day. It can be anything. You can, for example, ask the most beautiful girl in the class on a date. Or send your resume to the job of your dreams, even if you are not at all sure that you can handle such a job. Even if you are just trying to do something new that goes beyond the sense of stability, it will help make your life brighter and more interesting.

Don't be afraid of defeat. If you never take risks because you don't want to experience the disappointment of losing, then you are unlikely to be able to make your life richer and more fulfilling. Of course, it's much more comfortable to stay in your pretty good job instead of sending your resume to the job of your dreams. However, in this case, your life will remain just pretty good.

Conquer your fear. If you're afraid of water, heights, or new people, try to see. that there is nothing frightening in these things. Conquering your fear will make you more confident and empower you to achieve more.

1.2 Make new friends. It is impossible to predict in advance where and when you will meet people who will have a positive impact on your life and help you become bolder and more self-confident. If you never try to meet new people, you have no opportunity to learn something new from them, and this significantly hinders your personal growth. Get out of your comfort zone and take a step towards new people. It could be a newcomer to your school or a new employee in the workplace. You can even try to approach and meet a stranger in a cafe if you notice that he is reading your favorite book. It is impossible to predict how this new acquaintance will affect you and your life.

Of course, it is not at all necessary that you will find a soul mate in every new acquaintance, and sometimes a conversation with a new person can turn out to be quite ridiculous. However, the faster you learn to make new friends, the higher your chance of meeting interesting and amazing people.

If you try to meet new people, it will make you a versatile person, a person who always knows that there is a lot of new and unknown in life. It's much better than keeping in touch with only a close circle of the same people you've known all your life and staying in your comfort zone.

1.3 Be respectful of other cultures. Another way to make your life richer is to learn more about another culture and treat it with respect. There are many ways to do this. You can start learning Japanese or go to Guatemala in the summer. You can just chat with a person who grew up in a completely different environment and learn about his unique life experience. Studying another culture will help you look at the world with different eyes and understand that your view of the world around you is only your personal opinion, and not the only correct understanding of life.

If you have the financial means to travel, try to be more than just a tourist. When you arrive in another country, visit the same places where the locals go and try to communicate more with people who live in this country. It's much more interesting than visiting the standard tourist attractions listed in every guidebook.

If you don't have money to travel, watch movies from other countries, read books by foreign authors, and try to learn a foreign language or learn more about the history of another country. This will help you see the world more broadly.

It doesn't really matter what you study, it's more important that you move forward and continue to learn new things about how other people live and understand the essence of things better.

1.4 Find a new hobby. Another way to make life richer and more fulfilling is to take up a new hobby that will bring new meaning to your life. It is not necessary to give all your strength to a new hobby, and it is not so important how good you are in your chosen business. It is much more important that you will have an occupation to which you will be indifferent and will be carried away for a long time. Even if you find time to indulge in your hobby at least once a week, it will give your life a new purpose. If you need to get out of your comfort zone in order to take up a new hobby, this will open up great opportunities for personal growth.

If you find a hobby that you are interested in doing, it will develop your sense of responsibility and color your life with bright colors.

It is worth taking into account that doing a new hobby, you can meet new interesting people. Connecting with these people will help you gain support and see the world in a new light.

1.5 Set yourself challenging goals. It is impossible to make life richer and more fulfilling if you only do the things that you are good at. You must try to do something that you never dared to dream of, if only in order to believe in yourself and feel that it is you who is in control of your life. Do something that requires you to do it physically, mentally, or even emotionally. The reward for your efforts will be a new, unique experience and the feeling that you have moved to a qualitatively new level of development. Below you can find some useful ideas to help you:

Read a book you still thought was “too complicated”

Take up a new sport, even if you've never considered yourself an athletic person
Train to run a marathon, or at least half a regular marathon
Write a novel or short story
Take on new responsibilities at work
Take on something you have failed in the past
Learn to cook some complex dish

1.6 Read more. Reading is one of the easiest and most economical ways to enrich your life. By reading books, you expand your horizons and learn to look at the world from a different point of view, and for this you do not have to travel further than to the nearest bookstore. Of course, it's nice to read a simple story to escape from reality, but reading serious books and magazines will enrich you and help you see the familiar world in a new perspective. We list below books of various genres that are recommended for reading:

Biographies and memoirs of famous people for inspiration
Non-fiction history books to learn more about the world
Serious fiction to take a fresh look at life and relationships between people
Books about art, photography or music to broaden your horizons
Newspapers to know about the problems of the modern world

1.7 Look for new knowledge. Reading is one of the main ways to make your life brighter, but if you really want to rise to a qualitatively new level of development, look for new knowledge everywhere and always, in any situation. You can talk to people whose life experiences have given them the opportunity to learn something interesting. Go to museums, talk to older people, or go on a journey that will allow you to get out of your comfort zone and give you the opportunity to experience for yourself how this world works.

A person who lives a vibrant and fulfilling life is confident and calmly admits that there are things that he does not yet know, and is always eager to learn more.

When such a person meets an interesting person, he will always find a way to ask about a unique life experience, and at the same time not come across as pushy and arrogant.

1.8 Don't spend too much time watching other people's lives on social media. If you want to live a rich life, you should spend more time doing things yourself. Don't waste time spending hours on social media following all the interesting and wonderful events that happen to other people. Of course, there's nothing wrong with looking at your sister Maria's wedding photos or reading your former classmate talking about politics. After all, you care about how the people you know are doing. However, it is much more beneficial to stop wasting time and worrying about what other people think and how they live. It is much better to spend this time on yourself and make your own life rich and vibrant.

If you are addicted to social networks, you may not even realize how much their negative impact on your life. Try to spend no more than 10-15 minutes a day on social media. You will be surprised how much happier you will feel and how much time you will have for your own goals and interests.

2. Develop habits that make life brighter and richer

2.1 Farewell. If you want to make your life richer and richer, learn to forgive other people easily. Of course, there are things that cannot be forgiven, but if you constantly cherish your grievances, mourn defeats for hours and blame everyone and everyone for your failures, your life is unlikely to become bright and eventful. Learn to move forward and accept that everyone has the right to make mistakes. If you think that a person has committed a real betrayal towards you, break off relations with him. If you remember for years all the bad things you have done to you, your own life will become hard and dull.

If someone's behavior really hurt you and you need time to accept their apology and forgive them, be honest with the person. No need to pretend that everything is in order, and then complain about the person to all your friends and relatives. Nothing good will come of it.

You can forgive the person, and even after that, maintain a certain distance before you begin to communicate with the person again. If every time you are close to a person, you feel anger or resentment, you should not force yourself to communicate with him.

2.2 End unhealthy relationships. Do you spend a lot of time with people who make you feel worthless and do things you would never do yourself? Are any of your friends angry and hate the whole world? It's time to end such relationships or reduce communication to a minimum. Are you friends with people around whom you feel like nothing? After such communication, are you always depressed and in a bad mood? Does their influence only worsen your life? Everyone can have difficult moments in life, but if such a friendship brings only negative energy into your life, it's time to think about whether you need such a relationship.

It happens that it is impossible to completely end an unhealthy relationship, especially if you have to deal with this person on a regular basis. Try your best to keep the person out of the way, and don't let them hurt you if talking is unavoidable.

Think of the people who inspire you and make you believe in yourself and love the world around you. Try to spend more time with these friends.

2.3 Take care of yourself. Eat healthy, balanced meals three times a day, leave plenty of time for rest, and exercise regularly. Compliance with these simple conditions will make you feel happier and more energetic. If you feel like being overly busy doesn't leave you time to take care of yourself, then there's a good chance you'll be too tired and less motivated to make any major changes in your life. If you want to lead a healthier lifestyle, try the following:

Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day. You can run, swim, ride a bike, walk long distances or play team games with your friends. Yoga classes will also help you feel new strength in yourself, both physically and spiritually.

Be active. Walk up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Instead of driving a car, walk. Feel free to go to a colleague at the other end of the office instead of sending him an e-mail. When you're on the phone, do some stretching or walk around the room instead of sitting in one place.

Night sleep should last at least 7-8 hours. Try to stick to a certain routine, go to bed and wake up at the same time. So you can fall asleep faster and wake up easier in the morning.

Your diet should have a sensible mix of vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates, and protein-rich foods. Avoid eating too fatty foods that create a feeling of lack of energy. Make your smoothies more often with a variety of ingredients - discover a new way to enjoy your usual vegetables and fruits.

2.4 Don't rush. Give yourself time to live through the next stage of your life and plan new steps. This will help you live a brighter, more meaningful life. If you feel like your life is like a continuous steeplechase, try to slow down, otherwise you will never be able to appreciate the good things in this life. Make an effort to have time to rest as you move from one activity to the next. Give yourself some time to unwind before bed, or the opportunity to take a quiet walk and think about your plans when you need to make an important decision. The less you will rush and fuss. the richer and richer your life will be.

Meditate. Just find a quiet corner, sit comfortably and try to relax the muscles in your body and focus on your breathing. Just 10 minutes of meditation every day - and you will feel rested and easier to focus on doing daily activities.

Don't try to do several things at the same time. It may seem to you that in this way you will complete everything planned faster, but in fact, in such conditions, it is much more difficult for you to focus on one specific task.

Keep a diary. This is an effective way to give you the opportunity to slow down, stop and reflect on the day. Give your brain the opportunity to systematize and process the experience. Sometimes it's enough to give yourself time to write down what happened before moving on to a new task. You will be surprised how many new ideas and thoughts come to mind.

2.5 Find time “for yourself.” If you want your life to become brighter and richer, learn to be a little selfish. If all your time is devoted to helping others or fulfilling work responsibilities, you will not have a minute for personal growth and development. Try to have at least half an hour every day and a few hours a week that you can spend only on yourself. And no matter what you do: you will learn French, improve your ability to bake pies, or just lie on the couch with an interesting book.

It is not necessary to spend time “for yourself” on something useful. Sometimes you just need to unwind and take a break from business. And you have every right to do so.

Make time "for yourself" inviolable. Don't let unexpected plans or momentary interests interfere with your schedule and change it.

Try waking up in the morning half an hour before getting up. This way you will have time for yourself before your normal day starts. This will help you get rid of the feeling of endless rush and fuss in a series of endless everyday worries.

2.6 Get involved in volunteer activities. Volunteering is a good way to get out of your usual comfort zone and contribute to society. Such activities will not only be useful for others, but will also make your life happier and more harmonious - you will learn to look at life in perspective and appreciate the good that is in your life more. In addition, you will have a new opportunity to interact with different people, and this interaction will be useful both for them and for you.

You can help at charity events for children and adults, work at a homeless shelter or a soup kitchen, or find something else that you love.

Making it a habit to volunteer a few times a month will help you learn to empathize with people and become less self-centered.

2.7 Minimize the amount of household waste. Another way to make life richer and brighter is to minimize the amount of household waste. Use paper bags instead of plastic bags. Try to dispose of household waste whenever possible. Instead of paper napkins and handkerchiefs, use reusable cloth ones. Do not use too many paper napkins, do not use plastic utensils and other disposable products if you can use reusable items. Walk or ride a bike instead of using a car. Trying to keep your household waste to a minimum will help you become more environmentally conscious and responsible.

If you try to litter less, it gives you the opportunity for spiritual growth. By making efforts to harm the environment as little as possible, you begin to appreciate and respect the world around you more.

2.8 Show your friends and family how important they are to you. It has been proven that if you maintain healthy relationships with friends and family, your life becomes richer and more fulfilling. Having loving friends and family can help fill your life with meaning, relieve you of feelings of loneliness, and help you feel supported when making important life decisions. It doesn't matter how busy you are. Find opportunities to spend time regularly with loved ones and let them know how much they mean in your life.

Send thank you cards to friends and family to let them know how much they mean to you.

Phone your parents and grandparents regularly. If you don't live together, try to train yourself to call your loved ones just to talk, even if you don't need anything specific. This will help maintain close family ties and make your life richer and richer.

When you spend time with friends and family, try to be genuinely interested in their affairs and ask about their lives. Don't just talk about yourself all the time.

3. Discover new horizons

3.1 Be patient. There is one reason why you do not allow yourself to consider your life bright and rich. You may feel like you're not working hard enough because you haven't reached your goal. Perhaps you feel that the expected reward for your work will not come soon and it is impossible to be completely happy until you have found a better job, met your soul mate, or built your dream home. Believe me, you can achieve what you want and achieve your goals if you continue to work hard to achieve them.

Pay more attention to your achievements, even if they are not very big. It depends only on you when you feel happy and successful. You should not consider yourself lazy and a loser if you have not yet reached all the desired peaks.

Make a list of all your accomplishments that you are proud of. This will show you how hard you have worked to carry out your plans and give you every reason to feel happy and proud of yourself.

3.2 Be grateful. If you try to be grateful for all the things that you have, then your life will become richer and brighter. Appreciate all the good things in your life. We so often take things for granted that we forget to be grateful for what they are. Appreciate your friends and relatives, appreciate your good health, and in the end, be grateful to fate if you live in a fertile climate. It will sound trite, but it is worth thinking more often about how many people around you are not as lucky in life as you are. Be thankful for it instead of regretting what you don't have. Be grateful and you will feel that your life has become much happier, richer and brighter.

Make a weekly list of the things you are grateful for. Make this list everything, even the smallest and most insignificant things, and then pin this list above your desktop or fold it and hide it in your wallet. In moments of discouragement, reread this list and remind yourself of all the good things in your life.

Take the time to thank everyone, from the cafe waitress to your mother, for all the good things they have done for you. Find the right way to express your appreciation and show people how much you appreciate everything they do for you.

3.3 Stop comparing yourself to other people. Your life will never become bright and rich if you spend all your time comparing yourself to others and trying to be no worse than others. Don't try to compare your relationships, your appearance, your home, or anything else with what others have. You cannot win this endless competition. There will always be people who have achieved much more than you - and people who have achieved much less than you. You will never be able to live by your own rules if you worry about how successful you are compared to the people around you.

Don't forget that what's good for your neighbor or your best friend may not necessarily be good for you. Focus on what will make your life better and learn to ignore the opinions of detractors.

If you spend a lot of time on Facebook, you may feel that your life, relationship, vacation, or family is far from ideal and does not live up to the level of other people. If social networks make you doubt the success of your own life, limit your time on these sites.

If you are in a serious relationship, you need to try to keep it moving at the pace that feels right for you. You should not move in together, announce an engagement, or marry based on the standards that other couples set.

3.4 Stop worrying about what others think of you. Of course, this advice is much easier to give than to follow it and completely stop worrying about the opinions of others. However, you can start by doing what's right for you and not worry about whether people think you're successful, great, smart, and interesting. After all, the best thing you can do is make your life happy, and then you can always silence the spiteful critics.

The best way to make your life rich and vibrant is to develop and consider your choice as the only right one. When you do this, it doesn't matter what other people think of your success.

Learn to listen to your heart. If you want to become an actor and not a lawyer, as your parents insist, you should learn to accept the fact that only following your dreams will make your life rich and colorful.

3.5 Try to reduce your perfectionism. Another way to live a rich life is to stop thinking that everything has to be done flawlessly. You must learn to calmly accept that each person can make mistakes and learn from their own failures, and does not have to achieve absolute success on the first try. Of course, your life will be much calmer if you always choose the easiest path, where it is impossible to stumble. However, your life will become much more successful and brighter if you give yourself the right to sometimes make mistakes and make the wrong choice, knowing that you can always make one more try and find the path that leads to success.

If you're too fixated on always being perfect, it's time to stop and start enjoying life in all its manifestations and with all its imperfections. When you learn to accept the fact that you cannot do the right thing in all cases, you will be surprised at how much more interesting things and actions you can do.

If you want to maintain close and fulfilling relationships with people, give them the opportunity to see your true face, to get to know you with all your strengths and weaknesses. If you want people to consider you a flawless person without any weaknesses, it is unlikely that others will treat you with all openness and trust you.

3.6 Live in the present. If you spend your whole life making incredible efforts to achieve your goal, you will not be able to appreciate all those happy moments and joyful moments that will be along the way. And even if you achieve your goal, such as becoming a full partner in your law firm or getting married, you will still feel disappointed. If you want to live a vibrant, rich life and enjoy every moment of it, stop your run to success and often remember to be proud and respect yourself for every, even the smallest step that you take along the way.

You don't want to look back one day and wonder what all those years were spent on. Try to live in the present instead of thinking about the future, and then you can live a richer and more joyful life.

Try to do something “just for fun” more often. Don't expect every step you take and every person you meet to help you become more successful. On the contrary, if you never do anything for nothing, you will never know how many wonderful new opportunities in life you may be missing out on.

3.7 Find a purpose in life. This may not be easy, but if you want to live a rich and vibrant life, you cannot just live passively and go with the flow. You must find some goal that will give meaning to your existence, for which it is worth living / You should not choose such prosaic things as building a successful career as a goal. A real purpose in life could be helping other people achieve their goals, raising children in a loving environment, or even writing a novel. Even if achieving your goal does not bring you wealth, just do it with your heart.

If you feel like you're just going with the flow and don't even know what the true purpose of your life is, it's time to stop the meaningless race. Stop and try to look into the depths of your heart. Try to find something new, real, helping to find a purpose in life. Remember, it's never too late to do it.

Do not despair if you have not managed to find a global goal for yourself that will immediately fill your life with deep meaning. Even if you just try to change priorities and devote more time to what is important to you, it will not be bad.


Learning new things always enriches our lives. When we get rid of stereotypes and look at the situation with an open mind, we see how multifaceted and complex the world around us is, and this makes us better.
In the depths of the soul, every person is a poet and a thinker. Sometimes it is worth giving freedom to the poetic impulses of your soul or reflecting on the essence of being. You will be surprised how positively this will affect all areas of your life.
Find your path in life, learn to trust yourself and listen to your heart - this will help you make life brighter and richer.
All people are different, and what can enrich the life of one person, for another will be banal and boring, and maybe even harmful. Don't let other people force you to follow their ways of improving yourself and improving your life if you don't feel like it's for you.

It happens that every little thing annoys you so much that even the sun outside the window seems intrusive, and the kind smile of the seller in the store makes you meticulously examine yourself in the mirror - well, what is wrong with me this time? Of course, the situations are different, but most likely, you are just spoiling your nerves in vain, because, by nature, a person cannot be chronically happy, and a period of decline necessarily follows a period of rise.

But what if this unpleasant period drags on? Fortunately, there are many ways to brighten up your day, taking the step towards an even more interesting and fulfilling life.

Some of these methods will require your determination and a lot of imagination, but most you can do right now, sitting in the office, standing in traffic or preparing dinner. You do not need special equipment, a yoga mat or herbal teas.


You probably already guessed that people who have most of these days know the true secret. And now you know this secret - make your every day bright - and there will be no barriers for you! You will become the master of your life.

It's in our hands! An interesting and eventful life is based on the following principles:

1. The presence of a goal and its achievement.

Having a goal forces us to take many steps to achieve it. We dream, we realize our desires, we are looking for new ways and ways to achieve our goal. And while we are striving for the goal, our life is full of events and impressions. Set a goal for yourself, but not one that will happen sooner or later (promotion at work, getting a diploma), but one that you need to strive for and make efforts: create your own business, open your own exhibition, make a website, establish a club, win the title of "Miss Russia". The grander the goal, the better, the more interesting it will be to achieve it.

2. The presence of hobbies, hobbies.

An enthusiastic person is never bored, a hobby takes up free time and gives a lot of positive emotions. Hobbies can be both active and quite calm, but in any case, they add variety to our lives and give pleasure. Choose a hobby to your taste and get carried away: sports, music, needlework, extreme sports, dancing, yoga, traveling, reading, collecting, creativity, drawing, photography ...

3. Vital activity.

An active and active person is always interested in life. He wants and does a lot of things, and new projects and unfulfilled dreams are always visible on the horizon. Do not sit idle, do not waste time watching TV, but do useful and interesting things.

4. Change and variety.

Uniformity and monotony can inspire boredom in any person. Change your environment and lifestyle. Always look for something new and different. Apply creativity to everything. Do something different than usual. And then you will always be provided with vivid emotions and sensations. Just do not forget that monotony is not an external state, but an internal one. Don't try to permanently change your life by changing your hair or furniture. Transform on the inside!

5. Development and self-improvement.

Constant learning and work on oneself captures and does not allow to stop on the spot. Education, the acquisition of new skills and abilities makes life more dynamic and interesting. Sign up for courses, study new programs and textbooks at home. Focus on what will be useful to you in the future.

6. Entertainment.

Never forget about rest and entertainment. Spend your free time actively and cheerfully, then even a short rest will give new strength and energy. Allow yourself to unwind after a busy day. And remember: the best rest is a change of activity.

7. Relationships.

Without our loved ones, relatives and friends, our lives would be lonely and dreary. Never forget to communicate! Build new relationships, remember old friends, meet, chat on the phone.

8. Feelings and emotions.

Any lesson will be interesting and memorable if you do it “with a soul”, with bright positive emotions. Do things with full dedication and try to maintain a good mood.

May your every day be different from the previous one! Let every minute please and bring something new and bright into our lives!

Date: 2015-04-17

Hello site readers.

I am sure that in the life of every person there comes a moment when he realizes that his life is boring and monotonous. Days copy each other, time goes by, but nothing changes. I remember when I was doing theater, one person said: “That only years fly by, but nothing changes in life”. For most people, it is. Every day is the same. And only a few people begin to wonder how to make their life more interesting and rich. Most prefer to leave things as they are. But you are not like them. That is why I am writing this article just for you.

There is nothing abnormal in the fact that life becomes boring and monotonous. Each of us is faced with routine and gray everyday life. People really do not have enough new emotions and impressions. Therefore, their faces are gloomy, and their behavior is irritated.

Sometimes you watch films and think, they are having fun (the heroes of the film). Adventure, chase, fun, battles - great. Many of us would definitely wish to plunge into this unreal world. And all because of the desire to get out of the vicious circle of vanity and worries.

If you look closely at the world in which we live, it will immediately become noticeable that our world is not boring. There are so many things in our 21st century that our ancestors from the 15th century would have lived with gaping mouths for at least one year to get used to what we have already become fed up with.

I want you to understand that a person gets used to everything that he has. What inspired and delighted yesterday no longer evokes any emotions today. Therefore, if you want to make your life interesting and eventful, get ready for the fact that you will constantly have to look for and try something new, even if it is uncomfortable for you. Personally, I have always done this and will continue to do so, because I understand perfectly well that there is an addiction to everything.

So, how to make your life interesting and eventful? Personally, I believe that without the availability of funds this cannot be done. If you want to have an interesting life, then start investing in it. After all, wherever we go, whatever we want, everywhere and for everything you have to pay.

At the age of 19, my brother and I started acting. As you already understood, it was necessary to pay money for these courses. Otherwise, the visit is not possible. We did not regret at all that we made such a decision. That time was really golden for my brother and me. Playing on stage with a great band is amazing.

Later we decided to start learning English. We enrolled in the center for the study of foreign languages. I have never regretted that I started learning foreign languages. We have a group that is always fun and interesting. After class, I always leave happy and filled. Life seems interesting.

Then we started attending dances. And there you have to pay. Again, we did not regret at all that we started dancing. This new activity excited the brains. In general, everything new excites and makes life interesting and eventful. My brother quit dancing after the first season, I went one season longer. I want to note that then I got tired of dancing. The very addiction came, and there were no longer those emotions that were before.

Then I thought about what I should do, where to go, because dancing is no longer interesting, the theater does not invite me yet. And then I thought, why not try to do vocals. Lucky for me, I have found two of the best educators who patiently teach me. The thing is, I'm a terrible vocalist, so after a while I started playing the piano. And again, new activities, new acquaintances, new emotions, new life.

Recently, my brother and I went to Moscow three times to take a walk. There were a lot of impressions. After all, Moscow is a new city for us, new opportunities. Everything is new and scary and happy. I confess that I was afraid to travel to this big city, since I don’t know my way around it. But these fears were illusory. Everything is as always simple and easy. The trip was expensive, but it was worth it. Now we are planning to go to St. Petersburg.

It would seem that only money and ideas are needed. Yes it is. And I am sure that every reader will ask me, how can he diversify his life if there is no money? Actually there is an answer. You will have to make your life more interesting not by entertainment, circles and trips, but by changing activities.

Most people hate what they do. It's time to fix it. New activities lead to new acquaintances, events and changes. It is clear that if you sit on the same chair, then nothing will change. But I'm not asking you to leave this chair. Start doing something new at the same time, which will later bring you income. For example, I created this site, I created a newsletter that you can subscribe to. This business has become the meaning of life for me. Constant thoughts about how to make your site better and better never let me get bored. I have always been interested in life.

And you must have a goal. There is no goal - life is boring, there is a goal - life is interesting. And all because a person constantly thinks how to achieve it. For example, you decide to lose weight and get an athletic physique. This goal has captured you. You start visiting the gym, making new acquaintances there, reading literature on how to become an athlete, and so on. In this scenario, you will not even think of how to make your life interesting and eventful. Your brain will be so busy, and it is not up to stupid thoughts.

And again I hear the question: "What should I do if I don't have time?". Find him. Whineers never lived rich and interesting lives, because they were busy whining. In any case, you will have to spend both money and time. Without any investment, you will never make your life brighter.

Yesterday me, my brother and his girlfriend went to play a quest (claustrophobia). For me it was new, and, of course, I enjoyed it and a lot of new positive impressions. The game cost 1600 rubles. Yes, I spent money financially, but I got new memories and emotions in return. This is how life works: in order to get something, you need to give something. You must understand this.

And now I ask you to find a goal, an idea that will make your life more interesting and richer. This something must necessarily be new, something you have not tried before, where you have not meddle before, and have not even thought about it. Everything new leads to new. Forward. And I went to play the piano.

how to make your life interesting how to make your life rich


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