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Top classical prose - top books. Russian and foreign world classics: books (list of the best)

Closer to mid-February, it seems that even love vibes are in the air. And if you have not felt this mood yet, the gray sky and the cold wind spoil all the romance - will help you the best classic about love!

Antoine Francois Prevost, The Story of the Chevalier de Grieux and Manon Lescaut (1731)

This story takes place in the scenery of Regency France after death. Louis XIV. The story is told on behalf of a seventeen-year-old boy, a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy in northern France. Having successfully passed his exams, he is about to return to his father's house, but accidentally meets an attractive and mysterious girl. This is Manon Lesko, who was brought to the city by her parents to give to the monastery. Cupid's arrow pierces the heart of the young gentleman, and he, forgetting everything, persuades Manon to run away with him. Thus begins the eternal beautiful story love of the Cavalier de Grieux and Manon Lescaut, which will inspire entire generations of readers, writers, artists, musicians, directors.

Author love story- Abbé Prevost, whose life tossed between monastic seclusion and secular society. His fate is complex, interesting, his love for a girl of a different faith - forbidden and passionate - formed the basis of a fascinating and scandalous (for its era) book.

"Manon Lescaut" is the first novel where, against the background of a reliable image of material and everyday realities, a subtle and penetrating psychological picture heroes. The fresh, winged prose of Abbé Prevost is unlike all previous French literature.

This story, which tells about several years from the life of de Grieux, during which the young man, impulsive, sensitive, thirsty for love and freedom, manages to turn into a man with great experience and difficult fate. The beautiful Manon also grows up: her spontaneity and frivolity is replaced by a depth of feelings and a wise outlook on life.

“Despite the cruelest fate, I found my happiness in her eyes and in firm confidence in her feelings. Truly I have lost everything that other people honor and cherish; but I owned the heart of Manon, the only good that I honored.

A novel about clean and eternal love, which arises from the air, but the strength and purity of this feeling is enough to change the heroes and their destinies. But will this power be enough to change the life around?

Emily Bronte "Wuthering Heights" (1847)

Debuting in the same year, each of the Bronte sisters presented their novel to the world: Charlotte - "Jane Eyre", Emily - "Wuthering Heights", Ann - "Agnes Grey". Charlotte's novel made a sensation (it, like any book of the most famous Bronte, could be in this top), but after the death of the sisters, it was recognized that Wuthering Heights is one of the best works of that time.

The most mystical and reserved of the sisters, Emily Bronte, has created a poignant novel about madness and hatred, about strength and love. Contemporaries considered him too rude, but they could not help but fall under his magical influence.

The story of generations of two families unfolds against the picturesque backdrop of the Yorkshire fields, where the mad wind and inhuman passions rule. Central characters- freedom-loving Catherine and impulsive Heathcliff, obsessed with each other. Their complex characters social status, exceptional destinies - all together form a canon love story. But this book is more than just an early Victorian love story. According to modernist Virginia Woolf, “the thought that is at the basis of manifestations human nature there are forces that elevate her and raise her to the foot of greatness, and puts Emily Brontë's novel in a special, prominent place among similar novels.

Thanks to " Wuthering Pass"The beautiful fields of Yorkshire became a nature reserve, and we inherited, for example, such masterpieces as the film of the same name with Juliette Binoche, the popular ballad "It's All Coming Back to Me Now" performed by Celine Dion, as well as touching quotes:

What doesn't remind you of her? I can’t even look under my feet, so that her face does not appear here on the floor slabs! It is in every cloud, in every tree - it fills the air at night, during the day it appears in the outlines of objects - her image is everywhere around me! The most ordinary faces, male and female, my own features, all tease me with semblance. The whole world is a terrible freak show, where everything reminds me that she existed and that I lost her.

Leo Tolstoy "Anna Karenina" (1877)

Exists famous legend about how it was discussed in the circle of writers that there are no good love stories in literature. Tolstoy started up at these words and accepted the challenge, saying that he would write good romance about love in three months. And he did write. True, for four years.

But that, as they say, is history. And Anna Karenina is a novel that is included in the school curriculum. Such school reading. And so, every decent graduate at the exit learns that "all happy families similar to each other…”, and in the Oblonsky house "everything is mixed..."

Meanwhile, "Anna Karenina" is real great book about great love. Today it is generally accepted (thanks, including to the cinema) that this is a novel about pure and passionate love Karenina and Vronsky, which became Anna's salvation from her boring tyrant husband and her own death.

But for the author himself, this is, first of all, family romance, a novel about love, which, having connected the two halves, develops into something more: a family, children. This, according to Tolstoy, is the main purpose of a woman. Because there is nothing more important, and most importantly, more difficult than raising a child, maintaining a real strong family. This idea in the novel is personified by the union of Levin and Kitty. This family, which Tolstoy wrote off in many ways from his union with Sofya Andreevna, becomes a reflection of the ideal union of a man and a woman.

The Karenins, on the other hand, are an “unhappy family,” and Tolstoy devoted his book to an analysis of the causes of this misfortune. However, the author does not indulge in moralizing, accusing the sinful Anna of destroying a decent family. Leo Tolstoy, "an expert on human souls", creates a complex work, where there are no right and wrong. There is a society that influences the heroes, there are heroes who choose their own path, and there are feelings that the heroes do not always understand, but which they give in full.

On this I round off my literary analysis because much has already been written about this and better. I will just express my thought: be sure to re-read the texts from school curriculum. And not only from school.

Reshad Nuri Gyuntekin "King - songbird" (1922)

The question of which works from Turkish literature have become world classics can be confusing. The novel "The Songbird" deserves such recognition. Reshad Nuri Guntekin wrote this book at the age of 33, it became one of his first novels. These circumstances make us even more surprised at the skill with which the writer portrayed the psychology of a young woman, social problems provincial Turkey.

Fragrant and original book captures from the first lines. it diary entries beautiful Feride, who remembers her life and her love. When this book first came to me (and it was during my puberty), the tattered cover showed off "Chalikushu - a singing bird." Even now this translation of the name seems to me more colorful and sonorous. Chalykushu is the nickname of the restless Feride. As the heroine writes in her diary: “... my real name, Feride, became official and was used very rarely, like a festive outfit. I liked the name Chalykush, it even helped me out. As soon as someone complained about my tricks, I just shrugged my shoulders, as if saying: “I have nothing to do with it ... What do you want from Chalykushu? ..”.

Chalykushu lost her parents early. She is sent to be raised by relatives, where she falls in love with her aunt's son, Kamran. Their relationship is not easy, but young people are drawn to each other. Suddenly, Feride learns that her chosen one is already in love with another. In feelings, the impulsive Chalykushu fluttered out of family nest towards real life, which met her with a hurricane of events ...

I remember how, after reading a book, I wrote quotes in my diary, realizing every word. It is interesting that you change over time, but the book remains the same poignant, touching and naive. But it seems that in our 21st century independent women, gadgets and social networks A little naivete doesn't hurt:

“A person lives and is tied by invisible threads to the people who surround him. Separation sets in, the threads stretch and break like the strings of a violin, making dull sounds. And every time the threads break at the heart, a person experiences the most acute pain.

David Herbert Lawrence Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928)

Provocative, scandalous, frank. Banned for over thirty years after first publication. The hardened English bourgeoisie did not tolerate the description of sex scenes and "immoral" behavior main character. In 1960, a high-profile trial took place, during which the novel "Lady Chatterley's Lover" was rehabilitated and allowed for publication when the author was no longer alive.

Today the novel and its story line hardly seem so provocative to us. Young Constance marries the Baronet Chatterley. After their marriage, Clifford Chatterley is sent to Flanders, where he receives multiple wounds during the battle. He is permanently paralyzed from the waist down. Connie's married life (as her husband affectionately calls her) has changed, but she continues to love her husband, caring for him. However, Clifford understands that it is hard for a young girl to spend all her nights alone. He allows her to have a lover, the main thing is that the candidate is worthy.

“If a man has no brains, he is a fool; if there is no heart, he is a villain; if there is no bile, he is a rag. If a man is not able to explode, like a tightly stretched spring, there is no masculine nature in him. This is not a man, but a good boy.

During one of the walks in the forest, Connie meets a new gamekeeper. It is he who will teach the girl not only the art of love, but also awaken real deep feelings in her.

David Herbert Lawrence - classic English Literature, author at least famous books"Sons and Lovers", "Women in Love", "Rainbow", he also wrote essays, poems, plays, travel prose. He created three versions of Lady Chatterley's Lover. The last version, which satisfied the author, was published. This novel brought him fame, but Lawrence's liberalism and the proclamation of freedom moral choice the person sung in the novel could be appreciated only many years later.

Margaret Mitchell Gone with the Wind (1936)

Aphorism "When a woman can't cry, it's scary", and the image itself strong woman belong to the pen American writer Margaret Mitchell, who became famous thanks to a single novel. There is hardly a person who has not heard about the bestseller Gone with the Wind.

"Gone with the Wind" - a story civil war between the northern and southern states of America in the 60s, during which cities and destinies collapsed, but something new and beautiful could not but be born. This is the story of the growing up of young Scarlett O'Hara, who is forced to take responsibility for the family, learn to manage her feelings and achieve simple female happiness.

This is that successful love story when, in addition to the main and rather superficial theme, it gives something else. The book grows with the reader: open in different time, it will be perceived each time in a new way. One thing remains unchanged in it: the anthem of love, life and humanity. And unexpected and open final inspired several writers to create sequels to the love story, the most famous being Alexander Ripley's Scarlett or Donald McCaig's Rhett Butler's People.

Boris Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago" (1957)

A complex symbolist novel by Pasternak, written in no less complex and rich language. A number of researchers point to the autobiographical nature of the work, but the events or characters described bear little resemblance to real life author. Nevertheless, this is a kind of "spiritual autobiography", which Pasternak characterized as follows: "I am writing now big romance in prose about a person who constitutes a certain resultant between Blok and me (and Mayakovsky and Yesenin, perhaps). He will die in 1929. From him there will be a book of poems, which is one of the chapters of the second part. The time embraced by the novel is 1903-1945.

The main theme of the novel is reflections on the future of the country and the fate of the generation to which the author belonged. Historical events play important role for the heroes of the novel, it is precisely the whirlpool of complex political situation defines their lives.

The main characters of the book are the doctor and poet Yuri Zhivago and Lara Antipova, the hero's beloved. Throughout the novel, their paths accidentally crossed and separated, seemingly forever. What really captivates in this novel is the inexplicable and immense love that the characters carried through their whole lives.

This love story culminates in several winter days in the snow-covered estate of Varykino. It is here that the main explanations of the characters take place, here Zhivago writes his best poems dedicated to Lara. But even in this abandoned house, they can not hide from the noise of war. Larisa is forced to leave in order to save the life of herself and her children. And Zhivago, going mad with loss, writes in his notebook:

From the threshold a man looks

Not recognizing at home.

Her departure was like an escape

There are signs of destruction everywhere.

Chaos is everywhere in the rooms.

He measures ruin

Doesn't notice because of tears

And a migraine attack.

There is some noise in my ears in the morning.

Is he in memory or dreaming?

And why does he mind

All the thought of the sea climbs? ..

"Doctor Zhivago" is a novel marked by Nobel Prize, a novel whose fate, like the fate of the author, turned out to be tragic, a novel that is still alive today, like the memory of Boris Pasternak, is a must-read.

John Fowles "The French Lieutenant's Mistress" (1969)

One of Fowles' masterpieces, which is a shaky interweaving of postmodernism, realism, the Victorian novel, psychology, allusions to Dickens, Hardy and other contemporaries. A novel that is central work English literature of the 20th century, is considered one of the main books about love.

The canvas of the story, like any plot of a love story, looks simple and predictable. But Fowles is a postmodernist, influenced by existentialism and passionate about historical sciences, created a mystical and deep love story from this story.

An aristocrat, a wealthy young man named Charles Smithson, along with his chosen one, meet Sarah Woodruff on the seashore - once "the mistress of the French lieutenant", and now - a maid who avoids people. Sarah appears reclusive, but Charles manages to connect with her. During one of the walks, Sara opens up to the hero, talking about her life.

“Even your own past does not seem to you to be something real - you dress it up, try to whitewash or denigrate it, you edit it, patch it up somehow ... In a word, turn it into fiction and put away on the shelf - this is your book, your novelized autobiography. We are all running from reality. This is the main distinguishing feature of homo sapiens.”

A difficult but special relationship is established between the characters, which will develop into a strong and fatal feeling.

The variability of the endings of the novel is not only one of the main devices of postmodern literature, but also reflects the idea that in love, as in life, everything is possible.

And for fans of Meryl Streep's acting: in 1981, the film of the same name directed by Karel Reisz was released, where the main characters were played by Jeremy Irons and Meryl Streep. The film, which received several film awards, has become a classic. But watch it like any movie based on literary work better after reading the book itself.

Colin McCullough "The Thorn Birds" (1977)

Colleen McCullough wrote more than ten novels in her life, the historical cycle "Lords of Rome", a series of detective stories. But she was able to occupy a prominent place in Australian literature and thanks to just one novel - "The Thorn Birds".

Seven parts of a fascinating story big family. Several generations of the Cleary clan who move to Australia to settle here and from simple poor farmers to become prominent and successful family. The central characters of this saga are Maggie Cleary and Ralph de Bricassar. Their story, which unites all the chapters of the novel, tells about the eternal struggle of duty and feelings, reason and passion. What will the heroes choose? Or will they have to stand up different sides and defend your choice?

Each of the parts of the novel is dedicated to one of the members of the Cleary family and subsequent generations. In the fifty years during which the action of the novel takes place, not only surrounding reality, but also life ideals. So Maggie's daughter - Fia, whose story opens in the last part of the book, no longer seeks to create a family, to continue her kind. So the fate of the Cleary family is in jeopardy.

The Thorn Birds is a finely crafted, filigree work about life itself. Colin McCullough managed to reflect the complex play of the human soul, the thirst for love that lives in every woman, passionate nature and inner strength men. Perfect long reading winter evenings under a blanket or hot days on a summer veranda.

“There is a legend about a bird that sings only once in its entire life, but it is the most beautiful in the world. One day she leaves her nest and flies to look for a thorn bush and will not rest until she finds it. Among the thorny branches she sings a song and throws herself at the longest, sharpest thorn. And, rising above the inexpressible torment, it sings so, dying, that both the lark and the nightingale would envy this jubilant song. The only, incomparable song, and it comes at the cost of life. But the whole world freezes, listening, and God himself smiles in heaven. For all the best is bought only at the cost of great suffering ... At least, so the legend says.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez Love in the Time of Plague (1985)

I wonder when it appeared famous expression that love is a disease? However, it is this truth that becomes the impetus for understanding the work of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, which proclaims that "... the symptoms of love and the plague are the same". And the most important thought of this novel is contained in another quote: "If you meet your true love, then she will not get away from you - not in a week, not in a month, not in a year.

This happened to the heroes of the novel "Love in the Time of Plague", the plot of which revolves around a girl named Fermina Daza. In her youth, Florentino Arisa was in love with her, but, considering his love only a temporary hobby, she marries Juvenal Urbino. Urbino's profession is a doctor, and his life's work is the fight against cholera. However, Fermina and Florentino are destined to be together. When Urbino dies, the feelings of longtime lovers flare up with renewed vigor, painted in more mature and deeper tones.

All the romantic pathos that shrouded the Middle Ages is presented in Ivanhoe. Valiant knights, beautiful ladies, castle sieges and the political subtleties of vassal relations - all this found a place in the novel by Walter Scott.

In many ways, it was his creation that contributed to the romanticization of the Middle Ages. The author described historical events that cover the period in English history after the Third Crusade. Of course, there were some serious artistic improvisations and fiction, but this made the story only more exciting and beautiful.

It was impossible not to include in this selection the most famous creation of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. For many schoolchildren, the study of "Dead Souls" is the most bright event in literature classes.

Nikolai Gogol is one of the few classics who knew how to write about the problems of petty-bourgeois life and Russia as a whole in such a sarcastically direct tone. There is neither the epic heaviness of Tolstoy, nor the unhealthy psychologism of Dostoevsky. Reading is easy and enjoyable. However, hardly anyone will deny him the depth and subtlety of the observed phenomena.

The adventure novel "The Headless Horseman" is multi-layered: detective and love motives are intertwined in it. Plot intricacies create intrigue and keep in suspense until the very last pages books. Who is this headless horseman? A ghost, a figment of the heroes' imagination, or someone's insidious trick? You are unlikely to fall asleep until you get an answer to this question.

Charles Dickens was extremely popular during his lifetime. People were waiting for his next novels in much the same way that we are now waiting for the release of some Transformers. The educated English public loved his books for their inimitable style and plot dynamism.

"Death notes Pickwick Club» - the most funny work Dickens. The adventures of English snobs who proclaimed themselves explorers human souls are full of ridiculous and comical situations. Social issues, of course, is present here, but it is presented in such a simple form that one cannot fall in love with English classic after reading it is simply impossible.

"Madame Bovary" is rightfully considered one of the greatest novels world classics. This title does not detract from the fascination of Flaubert's creation - a defiant story love adventures Emma Bovary is bold and bold. After the publication of the novel, the writer was even brought to trial for insulting morality.

The psychological naturalism that permeates the novel allowed Flaubert to clearly reveal the problem that is relevant in any era - the convertibility of love and money.

Most famous work Oscar Wilde is touched by the deeply developed image of the protagonist. Dorian Gray, an aesthete and a snob, has an extreme beauty that contrasts with the internal ugliness that develops over the course of the story. Revel in watching moral decline Gray, allegorically reflected in the visual change of his portrait, you can spend hours on end.

"American tragedy" - the wrong side american dream. The desire for wealth, respect, position in society, money is characteristic of all people, however, for the majority, the path to the top is closed by default for various reasons.

Clyde Griffiths - a native of the lower classes, who is trying with all his might to break into high society. He is ready to do anything for his dreams. But society, with its ideals of success as an absolute life purpose is itself a catalyst for the violation of morality. As a result, Clyde breaks the law in order to achieve his goals.

To Kill a Mockingbird is an autobiographical novel. Harper Lee described her childhood memories. The result is a story with an anti-racist message, written in a simple and in plain language. Reading the book is useful and interesting, it can be called a textbook of morality.

Not so long ago, a continuation of the novel was published under the title " Go set a watchman". It's got so much inside out characters. classical work writers that cognitive dissonance when reading cannot be avoided.

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Historically, everything in Russia is not the same as in other countries. Here is a special way of development of literature, the Russian soul is incomprehensible and mysterious to anyone. Russia is balancing between Asia and Europe. Therefore, the genres of Russian classics are special. Classical literature amazes readers with spirituality and truthfulness. One of the main characters in classical Russian literature is the soul. The heroes of dramas, novels and poems do not strive for wealth, fame or position, the main thing for them is the search for a place of life, ideals and truth. hallmark Russian literature has become an eternal search for spiritual and moral ideals.

At the beginning of the 19th century, poets turned to the life of the soul and all its diversity. Mikhail Lermontov and Alexander Pushkin reached the heights of poetry. Love for the motherland, joy and pain for it, admiration for nature, desire for freedom, bitterness of loss, joy of friendship, love sound in verses. In poetry, images of people who are looking for application on their own, suffering from their imperfection and the imperfection of the world around them, appear. These heroes were called superfluous people. These two poets took a step towards realism.

Three novelists were very popular in the second half of the 19th century - these are Leo Tolstoy, Ivan Turgenev and Fyodor Dostoyevsky. They were different people, have had different views, complex characters and talents that were completely different. They created great novels - Russian classics, which can be read online on many sites today. These works had a strong impact on the life of the Russian people.

Another feature of Russian classics is ridiculing the shortcomings of man and society, critical eye to reality. Satire and humor - character traits works of Saltykov-Shchedrin and Gogol. Critics said that the writers were engaged in slander. Readers understood that suffering was hidden behind humor. The characters were both tragic and comic at the same time. Their main task is to excite souls.

Many writers were also talented playwrights. Read books of Russian classics online, it is convenient and relevant in our time. Pay attention to such works: "Boris Godunov" by Pushkin, "The Government Inspector" and "Woe from Wit" by Gogol. At one time, these works were a real event. Alexander Ostrovsky made a real revolution in the theater.

In the late 19th century, novels and short stories became popular. The masters of these genres were Anton Chekhov and Ivan Bunin. Chekhov created a gallery of sad and comical images, showed the problems of an intellectual who is at odds with himself. Bunin became famous for his love stories. In these works, all the stages and shades of feelings were very subtly described.

All the romantic pathos that shrouded the Middle Ages is presented in Ivanhoe. Valiant knights, beautiful ladies, castle sieges and the political subtleties of vassal relations - all this found a place in the novel by Walter Scott.

In many ways, it was his creation that contributed to the romanticization of the Middle Ages. The author described the historical events that affect the period in the history of England after the Third Crusade. Of course, there were some serious artistic improvisations and fiction, but this made the story only more exciting and beautiful.

It was impossible not to include in this selection the most famous creation of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. For many schoolchildren, the study of "Dead Souls" is the highlight of the literature lessons.

Nikolai Gogol is one of the few classics who knew how to write about the problems of petty-bourgeois life and Russia as a whole in such a sarcastically direct tone. There is neither the epic heaviness of Tolstoy, nor the unhealthy psychologism of Dostoevsky. Reading is easy and enjoyable. However, hardly anyone will deny him the depth and subtlety of the observed phenomena.

The adventure novel "The Headless Horseman" is multi-layered: detective and love motives are intertwined in it. The plot intricacies create intrigue and keep you in suspense until the very last pages of the book. Who is this headless horseman? A ghost, a figment of the heroes' imagination, or someone's insidious trick? You are unlikely to fall asleep until you get an answer to this question.

Charles Dickens was extremely popular during his lifetime. People were waiting for his next novels in much the same way that we are now waiting for the release of some Transformers. The educated English public loved his books for their inimitable style and plot dynamism.

The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club is Dickens' funniest work. The adventures of English snobs, who proclaimed themselves to be researchers of human souls, are full of ridiculous and comical situations. Social issues, of course, are present here, but it is presented in such a simple form that it is simply impossible not to fall in love with the English classic after reading it.

Madame Bovary is rightfully considered one of the greatest novels of the world classics. This title does not detract from the fascination of Flaubert's creation - the defiant story of Emma Bovary's love adventures is bold and daring. After the publication of the novel, the writer was even brought to trial for insulting morality.

The psychological naturalism that permeates the novel allowed Flaubert to clearly reveal the problem that is relevant in any era - the convertibility of love and money.

The most famous work of Oscar Wilde touches the nerve with a deeply developed image of the protagonist. Dorian Gray, an aesthete and a snob, has an extreme beauty that contrasts with the internal ugliness that develops over the course of the story. You can revel in watching Gray's moral decline, allegorically reflected in the visual change in his portrait, for hours on end.

"An American Tragedy" is the underside of the American dream. The desire for wealth, respect, position in society, money is characteristic of all people, however, for the majority, the path to the top is closed by default for various reasons.

Clyde Griffiths - a native of the lower classes, who is trying with all his might to break into high society. He is ready to do anything for his dreams. But society, with its ideals of success as an absolute life goal, is itself a catalyst for the violation of morality. As a result, Clyde breaks the law in order to achieve his goals.

To Kill a Mockingbird is an autobiographical novel. Harper Lee described her childhood memories. The result is a story with an anti-racist message, written in simple and accessible language. Reading the book is useful and interesting, it can be called a textbook of morality.

Not so long ago, a continuation of the novel was published under the title " Go set a watchman". It turns inside out the images of the characters of the writer's classic work so much that cognitive dissonance cannot be avoided when reading.

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(ratings: 31 , average: 4,26 out of 5)

In Russia, literature has its own direction, different from any other. The Russian soul is mysterious and incomprehensible. The genre reflects both Europe and Asia, therefore the best classical Russian works are unusual, amaze with sincerity and vitality.

The main thing actor- soul. For a person, the position in society, the amount of money is not important, it is important for him to find himself and his place in this life, to find truth and peace of mind.

The books of Russian literature are united by the traits of a writer who possesses the gift of the great Word, who has completely devoted himself to this art of literature. Best Classics saw life not flatly, but multifaceted. They wrote about the life of not random destinies, but expressing being in its most unique manifestations.

Russian classics are so different, with different destinies, but they are united by the fact that literature is recognized as a school of life, a way of studying and developing Russia.

Russian classical literature was created best writers from different parts of Russia. It is very important where the author was born, because this determines his formation as a person, his development, and it also affects writing skills. Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky were born in Moscow, Chernyshevsky in Saratov, Shchedrin in Tver. Poltava region in Ukraine is the birthplace of Gogol, Podolsk province - Nekrasov, Taganrog - Chekhov.

Three great classics, Tolstoy, Turgenev and Dostoevsky, were absolutely different people, had different fates, complex characters and great gifts. They did huge contribution in the development of literature, writing his the best works which still excite the hearts and souls of readers. Everyone should read these books.

Another important difference between the books of Russian classics is the ridicule of the shortcomings of a person and his way of life. Satire and humor are the main features of the works. However, many critics said that this was all slander. And only true connoisseurs saw how the characters are both comical and tragic at the same time. Books like this always touch my soul.

Here you can find the best works classical literature. You can download Russian classic books for free or read online, which is very convenient.

We present to your attention 100 best books Russian classics. AT full list The books include the best and most memorable works of Russian writers. This literature known to everyone and recognized by critics from all over the world.

Of course, our list of top 100 books is just a small part that has collected best work great classics. It can be continued for a very long time.

One hundred books that everyone should read in order to understand not only how they used to live, what were the values, traditions, priorities in life, what they aspired to, but to find out in general how our world works, how bright and pure a soul can be and how valuable it is for a person, for the formation of his personality.

The top 100 list includes the best and most notable works Russian classics. The plot of many of them is known from the school bench. However, some books are difficult to understand at a young age, and this requires wisdom that is acquired over the years.

Of course, the list is far from complete and can be continued indefinitely. Reading such literature is a pleasure. She not only teaches something, she radically changes lives, helps to realize simple things that we sometimes do not even notice.

We hope you enjoyed our list of classic Russian literature books. Perhaps you have already read something from it, but something not. Great opportunity to make your own personal list books, your top, which you would like to read.

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